Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We'll Never Know... ❯ Grand Finale ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We'll Never Know… Chapter Ten: Grand Finale

"Your Spirit Energy is locked up!" Shinboku said horrified at what the Wind Master had just done. "You couldn't have broken out of there, but you did!" Jin kept flying around after that, not doing anything else, not saying anything. "Then fine, I'll kill the runt anyway." Shinboku went back to the unconscious Hiei, and closed his eyes and began to chant something. Yusuke could not do anything but watch, but he noticed that Kurama wasn't crying or screaming or anything! Yusuke was stumped; he couldn't figure what was happening. Jin began to fly very fast around the five that were still covered with Shinboku's energy, and he didn't notice because he was to busy chanting his killing curse. Kurama was ready for the plan Jin had thought up. The light went out around all five of them in a blink of an eye. Kurama immediately made his Rose Whip before Shinboku could do anything to lock them back up. Within another split second, Shinboku was lying on floor, cut up and obviously dead. No one moved, except Hiei who fell to the floor and Kurama who jumped to catch him so he didn't get hurt.

"What just happened?" Yusuke said, breaking the silence. Even Mekoni, who had been trapped, was now free along with the rest of them, but was lying on the floor unconscious like Hiei. Kurama chuckled to himself, and Jin laughed out loud.

"Well Yusuke, I was the only one who could hit him fast enough," Kurama began, "So as soon as Jin released us with his power, I made my move. Shinboku is dead."

"And I could still use my energy because of the certain kind it was, you see!" Jin said, "He had similar powers to the Shinobi, but his were not exactly the same. He used a bit of pretty much all the different powers, so it made it easy for one to over power them." Yusuke nodded.

"Well good going, Jin and Kurama! I thought I'd never be out!" Yusuke cheered for his two friends. Keiko then appeared in Yusuke's arms.

"Yusuke!" She cried, wrapping her arms around him. "I was so scared…" Yusuke smiled softly, and put her down, and allowed her to cry on him.

"It's all right Keiko, you're safe now…" He said in a soothing voice. "I didn't realize it before, but when I thought you were gone, well… I realized that I love you." Keiko's soft brown eyes met with his experienced fighting eyes.

"I love you too, Yusuke." And with that, he kissed her. Botan burst into tears.

"Koenma-sama, that's so beautiful!" She cried, bawling her eyes out. Koenma laughed at her, and Yukina smiled. "This calls for a celebration!"

"YEAH! A PARTY!" Jin cheered, "I LOVE 'EM! Touya, a party! Touya, a party, a party!" Jin sang. Touya laughed slightly, being cradled in Jin's arms as he sang his party song. "So, uh what exactly are we gonna do?" Jin asked. They all started laughing at his comment. He didn't get it, but he laughed along with them all.

"Well," Botan giggled, "We will just go back to the beach for the rest of the summer! Keonma, you'll be coming with us, right?" She gave him hopeful eyes. Koenma nodded.

"You bet!" He laughed, "I wanted to come on this vacation from the beginning!"

"Then why didn't you?" Piped up Kurama. He was sitting, stroking Hiei's hair. Hiei was still unconscious. Koenma looked down at the two.

"Because I didn't have time… AND IT'S ALL MY STUPID FATHER'S FAULT! But I think it's time I got a vacation, ne Kurama?" Kurama nodded. Koenma grinned. "Once Hiei wakes up, we can leave..."

"I sure hope he wakes up soon…" Keiko said quietly. "I want to get out of here." Botan nodded.

"Me too. It's cold and dark in here, and I don't exactly enjoy the fact that I am in the same room as a dead man." Koenma walked to Botan and put an arm around her.

"I didn't know a girl like you could be shivering." He chuckled. She tapped his shoulder affectionately.

"Koenma…-sama…" She laughed. Just then they heard a little moan, and they turned to look at Hiei who was starting to wake up.

"Hiei?" Kurama said happily. Hiei looked into the eyes of his precious Youko. He knew everyone was staring right at him, but hell! Yusuke had kissed Keiko, and he knew it because his Jagan told him, and so he should have every right to kiss someone who was much prettier than Keiko. So he did. Kurama wrapped his arms around his small youkai. "Ai shiteru…" He whispered in his ear. Hiei nodded slightly, but did not respond. But Kurama knew that Hiei wanted to tell him that he loved him too.

"Oh, now this would be a happy ending." Jin said, Touya still in his arms. "If it was the ending." Jin laughed to himself. "Let's get goin' Hiei." Hiei reluctantly stood out of Kurama arms, and used his energy to get back to the very same beach.

"Wait, Hiei-san!" Yukina cried, but they were already back at the beach.

"Hn?" Hiei looked at Yukina, feeling like he had been hit with another attack from Shinboku the way her eyes were filled with sadness.

"We forgot about Mekoni!" Yukina explained.

"I'm so sorry, Yukina… I can't go back, because I…" He then fell down, yet again getting caught in Kurama's arms.

"It appears he lost his energy." Kurama told Yukina. "But I can assure you, she will be fine." Yukina nodded slightly.

"I hope you're right…" Yukina felt sorry for Mekoni, even though it seemed no one else really cared. Though, little did they know that she was waking up from her state right there. She sat up, and looked around. Shinboku was dead. She cried out in surprise. She crept over to him, and immediately ran away. She ran up, down, and across. She was trapped. She started crying.

I'm gonna be stuck here until I die! She thought to herself, and just then she noticed a little gleam of light coming from a few feet away. She crawled over to it, and as she picked it up she realized what it was - The tear that Yukina had cried for her. No one had ever cried for her. Never… Not even her own parents. She held it close to her, and was still crying, but this time it was different - she was crying tears of joy. "Thank you…" She whispered… "I wish I could become just a spirit, to watch over you always. Please… Anyone that is what I wish for…" And, somehow someway, her wish came true. She is now a spirit who watches over Yukina, like a guardian. She keeps Yukina's tear gem as a necklace, and will wear it always.

** **MONTHS LATER. The vacation had gone well, and everyone had a lot of fun. During that time, Koenma and Botan even had a mini wedding thing! Keiko and Yusuke are still together, and Hiei and Kurama… Well what can I say? A match made in heaven - They will always be together.

"Ya know what Touya?" Jin said one afternoon while watching the sunset with Touya.

"Hmm?" Touya somewhat replied.

"How can someone not be able to fight it they are obsessed with it? Like I be thinking that if the more ya fight, the stronger ya get. The more you get into it the more you like it. Isn't that true? Well I mean, I don' get it. Why, Touya?" Touya leaned his head against Jin's warm shoulder.

"We'll never know." Is what he told him, placing a kiss on the Wind Masters lips. "We'll never know…"


Hello! How is everyone? I hope good ^.^ Wow! I have to say that I really liked this one! Thank you for everyone's support! I really appreciate it ^.^ Well, I really don't have much to say. Just, thank you and I hope you enjoyed! There is NO sequel, sorry so even if requested there is none. Sorry! I guess this is good-bye. *sighs* Bye-Chu! -Story finished at 9:30 PM on Thursday, October 30, 2003.
