Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We Wolves Never Get A Break ❯ The Past of a Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: The Past of a Girl
“MOMMY!! MOMMY!! Where are you?!” a little girl cried while running down the stairs of her house. She was no older than eight, had shoulder length black hair and big hazel eyes.
“MOMMA! MOMM-!” she had yelled again but stopped at the gruesome sight she saw in the living room. A man with animal cat ears and a tail cut her mother's head off and stuck the sword he used into the head. It was a sea of blood on a white carpet with a headless body in the middle of it. The little girl screamed at the top of her lungs in pure fear. “MOMMY!!! MOMMA!!!” she had screamed over and over. The cat-eared man walked over to the little girl and picked her up by the shirt collar. She had gotten a better look at the man; he had black wolf, not cat, ears, piercing yellow eyes, long white-silvery hair, and a black wolf tail.
“LEMME GO!!” she yelled again.
“I'm afraid, little one, that you too, must die.” the man said. His voice was cold and sent shivers down the little girl's spine.
“I said…LET ME GO, YOU BIG BULLY!!!” she yelled again and bit the man's hand hard and drew a blood.
“ARG!!” he yelled and dropped the little girl, who got straight back up and ran out the open front door.
“No mere mortal escapes me, ESPECIALY NOT A CHILD!!” the man yelled after her. He was a wolf demon named Neghedo. The little girl heard what he said and ran faster, never forgetting the demon's face. Little did the girl know, she was now known as the only one who escaped his grasp. Heria Yokomora, the Mortal Who Came Out Alive.