Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ We Wolves Never Get A Break ❯ The Gang ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The Gang
“Hi Yusuke!” Keiko said, “This is Heria Yokomora, she's new here!”
“I can see that, she's not in a uniform. Oh well! Nice ta meetcha Heria! Name's Yusuke Urameshi.” The one with slicked black hair said.
“Hiya.” Heria said a bit uncertain.
“WOW YOUR PURRTY! Will you go out with me?” the one with orange hair said grabbing Heria's free hand; she had her skateboard under her left arm.
“Not if you were the LAST MAN ON EARTH!!” Heria yelled and hit him on the head with her skateboard.
“That's Kazuma Kuwabara, or Kuwabara. But we call m' KuwaBAKA!” Yusuke said laughing.
“Urameshi! I'll get you for that!” Kuwabara yelled. The red head was biting his thumb to keep from laughing, failing miserably, and the short one just smirked slightly.
“Serves you right!” Heria yelled.
“Sorry. My name's Shuichi Minamino. Nice to meet you Heria.” The red head said shaking Heria's hand.
“Nice ta meetcha too!” Heria said and looked at the shorter one, who was in fact taller than Heria. “What's your name, kid?” she asked.
“Hn.” was all he said.
“Okay… Hi Hn!” Heria said. Kuwabara and Yusuke burst out laughing, Shuichi bit his thumb, and the short one looked pissed off.
“Name's Hiei, baka onna!” he snapped angrily.
“Yup! That's Hiei!” Yusuke said patting Hiei's back.
“Watch it detective or you'll find your head on my katana!” Hiei yelled.
“Hey shorty! No violence around the new girl!” Kuwabara said.
“Do you WANT a death wish!?” Hiei yelled loudly. Heria was laughing so hard her face was turning blue.
She took a deep breath and said, “So, Hiei, you like sword fighting?
“Hn.” Hiei replied.
“I'm takin tha' as a yes!” Heria said.
“So Heria, did you register yet?” Shuichi asked.
“ARGG! DAMMIT I ALMOST FRIKIN FORGOT!” Heira yelled and took off running, with no knowledge of where she was going.
Damn, damn, damn, damn, DAMN! Heria thought angrily.
You're going the wrong way baka onna.” A familiar voice said in Heria's head.
“Huh?” she exclaimed as she stopped and looked around franticly. “Who the hel is there?! Show yourself!” Heria yelled.
Hn.” The voice replied.
Wait a minnit…that voice sounds like...HIEI! Heria thought.
So you figured it out, eh? Took you long enough baka!” the voice yelled in Heria's head.
So, Hiei, you're a telepath?” Heria asked telepathically.
Yes, now do you want to find the god damned office or not?!” Hiei yelled.
Don't hafta yell, baka!” Heria replied angrily.
Look to your left.” was all Hiei said. Heria turned to her left and a door with a sign that said, `OFFICE' was there.
Going the wrong way, eh? Stupid fire demon.” Heria told Hiei.
H-h-how did you know that?!” Hiei yelled in shock.
Hn. Tell ya later.” Heria replied and entered the office.
Hiei stood there, looking shocked at something.
“Hiei…you alright?” Shuichi asked a bit concerned.
“Hn. It's nothing, fox!” Hiei replied and walked towards his first subject, Language Arts Pre-Ap.
How does that mortal know?! She has no energy to speak of, I doubt that she's met us before! ARGG!! I'm confusing myself! Damn onna! he thought angrily.
“Umm… Hiei? You just walked by our class.” Shuichi said. Hiei turned around and entered the room.
Heria got registered and stared at her schedule. “ `Pre-Ap La' with Mr. Takenaka, `Girls Volleyball' with Ms. Kymo, `Orchestra' with Mrs. Neko, `Lunch' then `Pre-Ap Science' with Mr. Akashi, `Pre-Ap Social Studies' with Mr. Sagami, `Pre-Ap Spanish', god I hate Spanish, with Mr. Takahasho, and `Pre-Ap Math' with Mr. Toriyamo!” Heria muttered to herself then sighed. She knew that it would take forever for her to memorize all of this.
Maybe the guys are in one of my classes. she thought and entered the classroom 5 minutes late.
“Late again, Urameshi?” the teacher said. He was sitting at his desk and didn't even bother looking up.
“Um…sorry. My name's Heria Yokomora. I'm new here, sorry I'm late.” Heria said in an annoyed tone. The teacher looked up and apologized.
“I'm very sorry Miss Yokomora. Well, class we've got a new student, her name is Heria Yokomora. Please make her feel welcome!” he announced. Heria had mouthed every word he said perfectly. “My name is Mr. Takenaka. Do you happen to know anyone here already, Heria?” Heria scanned the room carefully and spotted Shuichi, who waved, Kuwabara, and a shocked/pissed-off Hiei.
“Yup! Shuichi, Kuwabara, Hiei, and Yusuke. But you called him Urameshi, don't cha?” Heria replied.
“Ummm…okay. Strange people to already know.” Mr. Takenaka muttered then told Heria to sit next to Hiei uncertainly. Heria nodded happily and speed-walked over to the seat by Hiei.
“Hn. Where's your board, baka?” Hiei asked.
“Hm? Oh, I had to leave it in the office.” Heria answered and then noticed Kuwabara sleeping behind her, Shuichi reading in front, and Hiei glancing at her on her left. She took the empty, unoccupied seat on the right as Yusuke's.
Fifteen minutes later, Yusuke entered the room, yawning. “You're twenty minutes late Urameshi!” Mr. Takenaka yelled.
“So what?” Yusuke said stubbornly.
“Just take your seat.” Takenaka said sourly.
“Whatever.” Yusuke muttered and walked lazily to his seat, strangely not noticing the familiar, hazel-eyed girl next to him. But she wouldn't have noticed, considering the telepathic fight her and Hiei were having.
When Takenaka left the room to copy some papers, Kuwabara woke up, blinked, and turned to Yusuke. “How'd the mission go, Urameshi?” he asked groggily, not noticing Heria either.
“Pretty damn good. Wasn't much; destroy a C-class demon, and come back still all together. Piece o' cake!” Yusuke replied with his index finger and thumb touching.
“WOW! You fight demons?!” Heria asked when she overheard the two talking.
“WHEN AND WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM!!?” Yusuke and Kuwabara yelled in shock and surprise.
“Came in five minnits late, Takenaka thought I was Yusuke, he introduced me to the class, and here I am!” Heria said simply.
“Bakas, didn't notice she was here. And because of your foolish mistake, we have to take her to Koenma's.” Hiei told them in an angry tone.