Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ Sweet capture of mine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…

Chapter nine
Sorry for made you all wait so long for this, but if you have read my Genkai Shishi oneshot you know why. I hope this one here makes it up a little.
I will check over it with my other grammar program after I have my computer back from the reparatory.

sweet capture of mine

Hiei had dismissed the other demons right after he had arrived on the borderline of the barrier with Keiko sleeping in his arms.
He didn’t need them to go where he wanted to bring the young woman. After an hour he arrived at top speed at their destination place.
Mukuro had given Hiei this castle like place right after he had agreed to be her heir, the building lay secluded between two high mountains on the border of the northern part of Makai and was, in Hiei´s opinion, perfect to live for him.
The short demon could even see the outlaws of the floating koorime isle high in the air from here. That made his task to keep Yukina save when she was there much easier as before for him.

His gaze went down again to the human who captured his soul with to be only her for so long now. Did Yusuke even know what he was about to loose? Hiei doubt it greatly, he was sure the young heir of Raizen wasn’t aware how much she meant to him, to Hiei. Somehow this simple human female had managed what no yokai ever was capable of, to catch the flying shadow.
How? With only a smile and an unusual temperament that matches his.
To put it in a shorter sentence, her.

Not for the first time in the last years the demon asked him idly how he could have fallen so deep into her wrath. Keiko never knew how much restrain it has cost Hiei to not simply jump at her and take her away from Yusuke and for himself all the years. After the night, where his patience had snapped and he had lost it for some hours, she was ever evident in his inner mind. His needs to have this female hadn’t subsided with the years, more grown.
Grown into something he had now the changes to work out fully.

`And I will work that out this time! This time I don’t give you back to him again, Yusuke has lost every right on you with his behaviour. Not even the fox demon could talk me out of this now! You will belong to me from now on, Keiko! `

Silently the yokai slipped past the frond doors with small effort, Hiei was walking naturally in quietness, his footsteps even made no sound on the stony floors Hiei walked on. The demon was used to walk as quit as he could, here in the demon realm sometimes his live depended on it to be as quit as possible. Especially when you had a profession like Hiei had it before, as a thief and assassin.

His warts and guards went hastily out of the fire apparitions way right when the spotted him come their way.
Nobody wanted to be near the silent deadly heir of Mukuro when Hiei was as quite as like this. Normally it meant death to the poor soul who went in his way. Hiei was not known to be gentle, more to be cruel the most of the time. The demon guarded his personal space very strictly and his people here had learned to leave the yokai alone very fast.
Only the Kitzune who came to visit him from time to time could invade Hiei's personal rooms without permission, without being to be punished. Even the fox demon did it never without a good purpose! They had been warned from the guards that their master had brought with him a female human. The curiosity of Hiei's warts was great. But nothing nears to great enough for them to step in Hiei’s way.

Some of them had also heard about Mukuros wish to see her; to say some of them pitied the human female somehow was a lie.
Hiei's past time bed mates often came out of his private bedroom not on their feet again! The most female demons the fire demon used to bed had died a painful way, burned in his heat from his fire powers down to ash.
To have sex with each other was never risk less for their species, after the entire yokai race was made to destroy everything in their path!
Most of Hiei's past bed mates had annoyed the fool tempered demon greatly and so it was no wonder that he killed them in his warts opinions, but they wondered silently how the young human would stay alive and for how long!

After all she seemed to be only a normal human and they weren’t known to be very strong.
Some of his guards went hastily out of Hiei's path when the demon took direction of his private rooms.
One of them was caught from him by his collar and after Hiei had whispered given some commands to the guard he let him loose and entered his rooms without a further sound.

Nobody of the demons inside Hiei's castle would dare to come near to his doors for the sake of their lives today.

Hiei had given orders to stay away from him for the next days; he planned to focus his entire awareness on Keiko only.
The silent demon knew she would be more as only angry after she awoke from her forced sleep again and that she wouldn’t be all too happy with the new situation she would find herself in.

The yokai had worked hard on his status in the Makai the last years, even harder on his training of his warts and guards. Mukuro even gave Hiei the credit that they where better trained as hers and that were something he could be proud of. Hiei knew they would not interrupt his private matters if they had not to do so and besides that his guards had the order to protect the girl inside of his rooms with their lives.
They would do exactly that, nothing other would Hiei tolerate!
A sigh escaped him, to convince the female ningen to do what Hiei wanted her would be harder as he thought, Hiei knew it. She was too strong willed to give in to easily, he would need to dominate her entirely without to break Keikos spirit.
The human girl was no longer the young girl from the first tournament before, Keiko was now a fully grown young woman with an even stronger mind as ever and Hiei would have a hard time to get her to give it up to resist him.

But that Hiei decided, could wait for later, for now he had to win her trust back first. After all Keiko had now point to trust a yokai or better, any male being in the three worlds again. Not after the last years and all the troubles she went through with the boy, Hiei mused meanwhile his red eyed gaze never strait from her sleeping face.
To whiteness Yusukes lately acts through others had been hard enough for her but somehow the demon was glad she did it that and not any other way, it made it easier for him to come near to the beauty again. Instead to the young ex detective of Koenma, Hiei had thought allot about the entire situation when he was in the place between the realms. The demon had made up his mind in that time and sort out inside of the deepness of his soul what he wanted and what not.
Keiko, Hiei wanted to have permanently at his side and that been implying that she was bound only to him. Since the tournament the demon had known his yokai side was attract to the kind female, but it needed to be fully alone without any distraction to get it finally into Hiei's thick head to accept that he wanted her for himself only!

A pout flow shortly over his stoic features and softened them slowly, the red eyes became a warmer hue inside of their irises while the demon watched her sleep.
Keikos even breathing calmed him as always and her near presence to his own gave Hiei for the first time for years this strange feeling of calm and peace back, he had longed for so badly to feel again. His breath escaped with a soft *phiuw* when the demon finally loosened his jagon hold on Keikos senses slowly, mentally the demon braced himself of the surely coming anger of Keiko.
He sat down on his soft bed with ease and placed the slowly wakening woman securely in his lap after he did it.
`Well, this will be interesting! `
The demon thought with low amusement and a half grin, meanwhile he watched her slowly wake.

The last thing Keiko remembered was that Hiei appeared suddenly in front of her and his glowing jagon.
The young woman knew that the demon must have used it to put her to an unnatural sleep to calm her down, but where the hell was she?!?
Under her she could feel a very warm and soft body that seem to hold her softly in its grasp and said body smelled allot like an certain apparition she know all too well!

`Hiei! `

Still sorting out why she was in his lap and why the demon hold her like this, the female missed the barely to notice move the demon made. Suddenly all of her thoughts scattered to the winds and she froze practically into Hiei’s grasp right at the same moment the yokai buried his nose with a contend sighting in the hole of her neck and began to nuzzle the skin there with it softly. Ever so slowly Hiei begun to move there over her sensitive skin, inhaling her scent from time to time and sometimes let his tongue wander over a spot.

It was like one of her dreams in the last years, frantic the young woman tried to get her wits back, if the demon kept his behaves up Keiko was sure she would give in and do something she really did not want for the moment. Or was it want too much? She wasn’t sure at the moment, all of her repressed memories of that day and the following night back there came back with these motions of the silent demon.
Suddenly Hiei withdraw from his acts and simply buried his nose deeper in her skin. The yokai stopped his seductive movements completely for the moment, Keiko was thankful for that.

Instead his arms around her body closed a little tighter and the soft puffs of hot air hit her skin from time to time.
She decided that this was equally worse to before! What was the demon up to? From one moment to the next Keiko found herself back in the air and with a rush of air around her she felt him transporting her to somewhere else fast.
But before she could ask Hiei what he was up too she found her senses back engulfed from a hot stream of water! Startled Keiko looked around to jell at the speedy demon to voice her anger out on him, only to find out that Hiei left her there alone.
His deep chuckling was the entire female where left with, the demon himself had retreated out of the room she was in now.
After some minutes of silent cursing at the yokai who wasn’t there, Keiko decided she could also take a bath meanwhile she was here. This room was a surprise she thought, who could have known that Hiei had a private hot spring for his personal use here? After she made sure that the doors where locked and no one there except her, she undressed and sunk deep into the hot water with a contend moan.

Keiko did know that Hiei was up to something, but what?
Back there, he had spared her but she doubt he would do the same again. Not since he seem to know what has happened between Yusuke and her. The woman was very sure the demon must know it all; she had seen it in his eyes at the moment Hiei had looked at her in her kitchen. She was surely in the Makai, the red sky outside the big windows where prove enough of her suspicious for that, Yusuke and Kazuma had often told her the skies here where red.

And to judge from what she saw here she must be into a very big place that seems to belong to the fire apparition. Suddenly a soft knock was to hear and before the brunette could react, a female yokai opened the doors behind her and laid something down on a rock behind her and closed and locked the doors behind her again wordlessly and silent. Stunning, keiko needed some seconds to recover from the sudden interruption of her private space for some seconds, after she recovered from it again, she found out that her clothes where gone and some new lay there. Where the others had laid where now some brown and crème coloured clothes to see Keiko never saw before in her live. Since hers where wet from the water, she wasn’t mind and only turned back again to wash herself.

Two strong muscled arms that closed themselves around her body from behind stopped every movement from her in an instant. With a loud *eep* the female jumps surprised up in the strange hold only to behold tighter to the person behind her as before after she fell back into the water.
Her checks grow hot from the deep blush that spread over her checks after she felt that the person behind her was naked as herself! A male body frame that was slightly smaller as hers was pressed into her back.
Keiko found out that she was that flustered that she even could not speak!
Hiei's soft chuckle from behind let her temper skyrocketing to new heights.

“Hiei!!! What do you think you are doing here?!!”

The soft chuckle turned into a low sensual laugh after her sudden outburst and her tries to hit the bold demon behind her where stopped with a soft but firm grip on her flying arm with an instant.

“Only something I wanted to do since I saw you sit into your bath tub for the first time! Do you know how soft your skin feels? I am sure you don’t, it fells nicer as anything I know. And before you ask, no I will not let go of you. You feel too good to let you sit in here alone!”

With that told to her in his deep rich voice right in her left ear, the yokai nuzzled his nose back in the hollow of her neck from behind and pressed her soft curved body more near to his own harder physique with small effort. Even with her small attempts of struggling out of his grasp, Hiei hold her there with ease. She felt too good, the demon thought with a silent groan in his mind. It had been too long since he had felt her soft skin this near to his own. Never before in Hiei's long live could he remember to have wanted something like this as much as he did it now.

He could practically grasp her anger. That much sick hang the emotion in the air around her, along with Keiko’s embarrassment.
Under the thick layer of these emotions the yokai smells something different to that was coming towards him from Keiko, a tingle of arousal. That alone was all the demon needed to feel himself stiffen under the water in her back and to let a soft groan escape his thin lips right into the hollow of her neck.

To quench his needs for Keiko`s body and presence in the past years, Hiei had take several bed mates but not a single one of them could compare of what he had felt in that particular night of long ago with her in his arms or what was running through his body now. Hiei was determined to get her in the same lustful state he was in as fast he could muster it; he needed to have her too badly to waste any more time as necessary.

Her spiking scent told the demon all too clearly that she was aroused by his presence too and that was all he needed to know for now. Maybe if he did this right she wouldn’t deny him much longer what he so badly wanted and Hiei could take her in real. But for now the yokai thought with a slight smirk,

`Lets see how fast can I made Keiko forget everything else except me! Just wait a little, my beautiful little human girl; I have just barely begun to seduce you. When I am finish with it Keiko you will not even be able to think of something or someone other as me again. Hmm, lets see how fast I can you get on the edge of real ecstasy, Keiko! `

With another sly smirk of him, Hiei pressed her ass right into his beginning arousal and let his hands begin to wander over the wet hot skin of her squirming body in his mercy. Relishing every soft whimper and moan or soft voiced cry he could get out of Keiko with it.

`This time I will not hold myself back, this time I will have you! `

Until the next chapter, hope you liked it; please don’t forget to tell me what you think. I would like to know Suryallee.