Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What If... ❯ When dreams and reality cross their paths ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What if…
Charter 8

I will not update my stories for some days, read the Authors note before this chapter if you want to know why.
Sorry for that.
Hope this one here is making up until I can update again, sorry folks no lemon this time. But we come near to that slowly.
Again sorry, but she needs me at the moment.

When dreams and reality cross their paths

The young woman sat down on her bed.
It was late in the afternoon and she had just gotten home.
Sighting, Keiko took her head in one of her hands and closed her big brown eyes.

Last night she hadn’t slept well.
It was every night the same again since the tournament had ended.
She went to bed, only to be greeted with arousing dreams and interrupted nights.
Yusuke was now for how long away to the Makai?
One and a half year? She wasn’t sure but with him Hiei was also gone.

Maybe it was two?
But never three! Keiko got up again and went into her kitchen. She was hungry, tired and had a headache. This day hasn’t gone well for the petite brunette.

He classmates where too loud on the bus, and she felt nauseated all the time.
After their last fight, Yusuke had finally asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend.
Keiko had accepted and Hiei had vanished.
He never came back to her.

This disturbed her very much so, but then again she was thankful that the fire demon holds a distance from her and let them both alone without a fight.

She loved Yusuke now for so long, since them both were three!
The girl ever had wanted to marry Yusuke and to have with him a normal live.
A family, children, a home.
This where Keikos goals for her entire live, teaches to her from her parents.

But since a few years she wasn’t so sure about this all any longer.
Means, since this crazy night, she woke from in her own hotel bed the next day.
She had seen Hiei's face when she was crying about Yusuke, out of the corners of her eyes.

Somehow there was a silent defeat into them.

She never saw the silent demon again. Not even when she was at Genkais.
He went out of her way she suspected. But was that a wonder? Keiko was feeling like she cheated on Yusuke when she awoke nearly every night from her disturbingly dreams. Somehow the yokai had imprinted himself into her essence more as she liked it.

Now, with her experience of more years, Keiko knows that he must have been interested in her. But she could not help herself. She loved Yusuke and not him.

But why then, Keiko thought, do I feel so terribly lonely, every time when I think of Hiei?
Hastily shaking her head to get rid of her trail of thoughts, she went back to make herself something to eat.

He had so promised to Keiko that he would write her a letter each week!
But after only a few weeks, Yusuke stopped to write entirely and so did Keiko after nearly a year because there came never something back.
She began instead to live more and more her own live.
When her aunt died away she, leaved Keiko her little house near a river and the young woman moved there.
Then she worked harder on her grades, but somehow even with all going well for her, Keiko missed something in her live.

And then Hiei's strange present she found just the night after the two went to Makai.
It lay on her pillow without any note.
But Keiko knows fairly well from whom she got this necklace, a silver chain with a red gem that was fasting on it. It hung down to her collarbone. That deep coloured that you could believe it was black. It wasn’t, only a deep red.

She knew enough to understand what that was, a tear gem.
Hiei's to be exact.
She had cried the entire night and the next days, because she knew what it meant.
Keiko wearied it since then every time, only one day she forgot it to put it back on after a shower.

When the young woman went home that night, she found herself suddenly back chased from some demon strangers. To her luck Kazuma went the same way that night and scared them away!
But after she got home, she thought about something, one of them has said to his friends, something strange.
That he could fairly smell at her some strong youki normally when he saw her, but that it wasn’t with her this day!

Keiko put the necklace back on and never took it down again.
Somehow she knows that the demon must have meant it with that strange comment.
What wondered the youth was that Yusukes ring seems not to have this effect?
You would believe he wouldn’t leave her here alone without to make sure that she wasn’t harmed from that stray yokai!

Somehow, over the following time Keiko distanced herself more and more from Yusuke and her childhood wishes.
Why it was so, was a miracle, even to Keiko.
But then came the day the demon that she knew since childhood because he came to her father’s shop to eat, began to look at her with more and more shame and pity in his inhumanly brown eyes.

First she dismissed it and ignored his sudden strange behave, but today something happened that changed her opinion about this entirely.

Before the class went back home, they all had been given free time for three hours.
Keiko went to the town to buy her mother a present she forgot earlier.
On her way she came to stop in a pizza shop and eat there.
She was on her way back to her place from the toilette, when Keiko suddenly heard the voices of George, Koenmas ogre, and Botan!

She wanted first to turn around and say hello to them both (they where some steps behind her and she had her jacked on which covered her head, because she wanted to leave after this and it was raining outside.)
When the brunette suddenly heard about what the two were talking!
George told the ferry girl a story about something funny Yusuke lately did with a female demon called Koto who seems to be the wife of a friend of him.
But what was startling Keiko more then anything else, was what George told Botan after this.

That Koenma and he asked themselves, how Yusuke could stand all the attention he became from this female yokai, all the time!
And that George found that Yusuke had too much hormones at the moment because his playmates changed every night! What came with his change into a yokai because they were much more active in this as normal ningen.
And finally Botan and he hoped that Keiko never would find that out!

Now she understood the looks much better.

Even now that all hurt her beyond words, but she tried to stop herself from crying again and throw instead her kitchen interior around for some minutes.
Kurama and even Genkai had tried once to explain her something like this, but she had thought that Yusuke would not do that.
Now she knows it better.
Keiko had leaved the shop without to let them know that she was there.
She was ashamed beyond words and sad as more as anything else.

The entire time she had not gone out with someone other, not even looked at another and now this!
Genkai had told her that something like this could happen to the dimwit, but Keiko had believed he loved her more as he now seems to do.

Suddenly her arm was caught midway in the air from a hand.
She turned around to look who it could be, only to find Hiei standing behind her and watching her with a calm look.

It took him only seconds to prove his suspicious about her angry behalf.
He had heard and seen enough in the last half year to know what that would do to Keiko if she ever found that out!
The yokai even tried to talk sense into Yusuke once, only to get the answer from him that she would never find out and besides that, that Yusuke loved her as a sister and nothing more any longer.
He had slyly asked the young man then what Yusuke would do if someone other would take her instead. His question made the human turned demon angry, and the demon only told Yusuke after he calmed down again that he was acting like a child!
And not like someone who wanted her truly as his mate!

Hiei had left him in his own thoughts, inwardly shaking his head about the immature behave of the youth.
He had distanced himself from her after he heard her yes to Yusukes question. Well knowing that it was for now for the best to do just that.
For her and for himself, because she was too young and he trusted himself not enough to do something more as only what he had done before!
Kurama had talked sense into Hiei after he found the two asleep in Hiei's room the next day.
He told him to wait and to give her the changes to grow up more before he tried something again.
Hiei knew that the fox was all to right in this but it cost the demon much more as the Kitsune knew to do that.

It took only a few weeks for Yusuke to begin to act again like he ever had before.
He skipped planned dates with her, went on missions without to tell her and acts more childishly as before.
But before Hiei knew what happened to them all, the Sensui arc and Yusukes change into a yokai happened.

And after that the entire rest.
Kurama went to Yomi to work for him, Yusuke was summoned from Raizen, and Hiei went to Mukuro only to find his senses back, trapped between the ningenkai and Makai. With many dangerous yokai´s inside of it, Hiei cursed the most time because of that. They where on a hunt after Hiei to kill him, for a full year!
After that all he became Mukuros Heir and went under a strictly training under her lead. Hiei improved fast in his powers. Her spies told him a lot about Yusuke and his behave. It took the yokai not so much time to puzzle the information’s all together and he finally spoke with his boss Mukuro about his wants for the young ningen woman.

Both had made sure from the beginning on that Hiei was not interested in Mukuro that way and she seems more then glad with this, she asked the demon holes about Keiko in the stomach and tested his words more as one time with females who tried to seduce him or to get near to her heir otherwise.
To her utter surprise Hiei never reacts the slightest to them; he even lighted some stubborn ones of them on fire!
After this Mukuro told Hiei, she would like to know this ningen who seems to have caught the silent demon that much!

She even gave him some of her warriors with him to get her there and back to his new place safely.

He had instructed the yokai to wait on the boarders of the barrier maybe a few days. Hiei was not sure how long he would need to caught Keiko and bring her there. He knew from Yusuke that she seems to have moved to a new place Hiei had to find first.
After that he was on his way with his new speed very fast.

When the yokai finally arrived, Hiei found out that Keiko was on vacation with her class and would come back the next day.
He found the place she was in with no time and followed her the next day to look after her.
It had surprised the demon how much this young girl had grown.
She had now longer hair and was build out more in the right places.
Grinning, the demon decided that it was worth to wait these two years, to see her now like this! That she was now higher as he did not disturb him, the most people were.

Hiei watched her graceful movements in the human crowd and with jealously he also saw the looks from the males the beauty earned all the time!
Hiei wanted nothing other as to grasp her and bring her away from all this human male’s eyes before he got himself back in check. He could not do that, not here and not now.
When she was back home and alone, then he could act on his plans, but not here.

The demon saw also the entire happening in the shop.
All the way back to her vacation place he smelled her tears.
Silently cursing he followed her back and tried not to jump down and hold and comfort her. Hiei knew to well that Keiko needed the time to deal with the news in her own way.

He had hoped she would be angry about Yusukes behave, but not this angry!
Keiko didn’t even realise that she has cut her hand. So he searched himself a way in and stopped her before she could hurt her more.

Hiei let her not find her wits back.
His jagon put her to sleep in seconds and after that done, he tended the cut and took her away with him.

Sorry it is so short I promise the next will be longer.
Until the next time,
Please don’t forget to tell me what you think.