Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got to Do With It? ❯ Arrival ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Kurama wears red,

Hiei wears black,

Owning YuYuHakusho,

Is sadly what I lack.

What's Love Got to Do With It? Chapter One

Kagome stood in front of the large shrine. It was dusty from the months of not being cleaned, there were leaves, spiderwebs, dust, and much dirt on the ground, roof and halls. She'd have some major cleaning to do later.

Kagome sighed and smiled. Well, she'd always wondered what it would be like to live at the shrine all alone like her mother had.

She opened the heavy front door with astonishing ease and walked into the large hallway that led to the main house.

Kagome pulled open shoji door after shoji door until she came to her mother's room.

She gasped. It was beautiful.

The bed was large and had a beautiful crimson red set of velvet and silk beddings. The carpet was black and very squishy, her feet sank to her ankles in the deep carpet. The walls were painted silver with many drawings of constellations and different elements expertly drawn onto them. She saw a drawing of the different gods from a book she had read. 'The Universe of the Four Gods.'

There was Suzaku, Byakko, Sieryuu, and Genbu. Each god had a different animal. Suzaku had a pheonix, Byakko a white tiger, Sieryuu had a silver dragon, and Genbu….well, she couldn't really tell what the heck that thing was. It looked like some type of giant rock with a tail, arms, legs, and a head. Ugly thing, really.

Kagome put her backpack down and flopped onto the bed. She'd get started on the cleaning tomorrow.

She pulled out her pajamas, a sleeping kimono she had received from Sango. She pulled it on and slipped under the covers of the bed. Soon she was fast asleep, unaware of the confrontation that she would have the next morning.

! Next Morning ! Yusuke's House !

Kurama gently knocked on Yusuke's bedroom door.

"Go away, Kurama. And Kuwabara. And Hiei. Ya'll leave or I'll blast ya'll out of my house."

"Yusuke, it's been almost a year since Genkai's death. We were just gonna go to visit the shrine. And you are coming with us. I'm feeling a weird energy there." Kurama said through the door.

Yusuke got out of bed slowly and got dressed. Genkai's death had hurt him the deepest. He acted like he'd hated the old hag, but…she was like his Grandmother, no matter how far she pushed him.

Yusuke pulled a jacket on over his black t-shirt and jeans and joined the others in the hall outside his bedroom.

Kurama called up Boton and she opened a portal for them to Genkai's place.

They all stepped through.

! Monument Shrine !

Kagome sat on the roof of the shrine, cleaning cobwebs and leaves off onto the ground to be swept up. She'd been up since dawn this morning. Everything here was perfect. There was no busy road nearby, no school (yet :evil grin:), and no annoying hanyou to tell her to go back to the Sengoku Jidai. Kagome sighed as she remembered the last few hours she spent with him.


Kagome and Inu-Yasha stood in the middle of the field where the Bone-Eater's Well was. The two had been in silence since the village.

"Um, Kagome?"

"Yes, Inu-Yasha?"

"You're coming back, right?"

Kagome was silent for a few seconds. "Maybe."

"Maybe? Why maybe?"

"Because you love Kikyou."

"No I don't. I love you, Kagome. Can't you see that?"

"Yes, I can see that, Inu-Yasha. It's just, well…I'm afraid that I can't love you back."

"Wh-what? Why?"

"I used to love you with all of my heart, Inu-Yasha. Then, Kikyou said something to me that made me rethink all of my thoughts. She said, 'Are you absolutely certain that you could keep pace with his life? When you die, he will still be living. No matter what, you two will never be together.' So, you see Inu-Yasha, the one time I actually listen to Kikyou, it ends up making me break the heart of my very best friend. And big brother."

"So, if I can't be your lover, I can at least be your big brother?"

"Yes, Inu-Yasha, and you can come and visit me anytime you want."

"Really?" his ears perked up from the droopy position they'd been in all morning.

"Yep. Really, Inu-chan (Little dog)."

He winced. "One thing, never call me Inu-chan again."

Kagome giggled, then walked over to the well, swinging her legs into it. "Okay. Ko-inu-chan (Little puppy)." She dropped in.


Kagome laughed as she dropped through the lights, and came home.

:: End Flashback ::

Kagome sighed. That had been three months ago, and he still hadn't come to visit. That baka! Kagome turned up the volume on her CD player to the point of ear-drum busting and just continued working.

With Yusuke and co.

Yusuke and the others stepped off the bus that had stopped in front of Genkai's temple, Monument Shrine.

Yusuke felt his heart clench when he saw the old stairs. He had hated those stairs, but now he would climb them a million times if it would bring Genkai back.

Suddenly, sounds of a song reached his ears as he and the others came to the halfway point of the steps.

The four Tantei shared a look and nodded. They ran up the steps quick as they could, and for Kuwabara, that wasn't very fast. (Poor Kuwabara. Sniff, sniff. Okay, I'm done.)

The four reached the top fairly quickly and stood in battle positions.

Hiei searched with his Jagan eye and soon found the cause of the noise. "The roof." He said to the others above the sound of the music that was threatening to break his eardrums.

Kurama had his hands over his ears, as did Kuwabara, but Yusuke seemed immune to this level of music.

"Hey, you up there!" he yelled.

The music stopped. The two detectives who had been holding their ears dropped their hands and sighed. It was finally gone.

A figure appeared on the roof. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" it asked.

'That's weird, that voice sounds familiar.' Yusuke thought. "What am I doing here, what are you doing here? You trespasser!"

The figure laughed, much to the surprise of the Rekai Tantei. "Trespasser? I don't think you can be a trespasser when you are merely cleaning your home."

"Your home? Idiot, this home belongs to Genkai!"

"Well, I am the closest thing to Genkai." The figure jumped down and landed near them.

The shadow that had once covered this person disappeared to reveal a girl of eighteen, (Everyone is eighteen in this fic, and Hiei is the same hieght as everyone else. Okay? Got it? Good.) with raven black hair and brilliant grey-blue eyes. "Would you like a formal introduction?" she asked in a perfect imitation of Kagura's purr. "Good afternoon, my name is Kagome. I am Genkai's daughter."

"Wha? Genkai's daughter?" Yusuke asked, surprised.

"Yeah. She never told me either. I just found out yesterday. And, you don't need to tell me who you are. You are Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama aka Shuichi Minimoto, and Hiei Jaganshi." She pointed to each of them in turn.

"How?" Kuwabara asked, then realized how pretty Kagome actually was, seeing her in a vision of sakura blossoms and sparkles.

He grabbed her hands and said, "Yes, I am the great Kuwabara Kazuma, will you be my girlfriend?"

Yusuke and the others sighed.

Kagome's eyebrow twitched. "Let. Me. Go. You. BABOON!" she yelled the last part (Screamed, is more I like it.). Suddenly, Kuwabara was thrown across the shrine grounds and into a tree, collapsing to the ground.

Kagome sighed. "God, I hate guys like that. Why can't a lot of guys just be quiet, protective, and demonic?" she sighed dejectedly. "Sadly, I haven't found someone like that since Sesshoumaru. Though, he was more of the killing type than the protective type."

She then seemed to remember them. "Oh, yes, sorry about your friend. Hope I didn't hurt him too much."

"Kagome, I hope you send him to the hospital." Yusuke laughed.

Kurama chuckled at the sight of the unconscious Kuwabara.

A/N: Well, I'll stop it there. Later!