Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got to Do With It? ❯ Dark Tournament...Welcome? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! Yes, I know yet another update by me!

Chapter Seven: Welcome to the Dark Tournament!

Hiei jumped to Kuwabara’s bedroom window. Kurama had to be here. He’d already checked the fox’s house, and Yusuke’s. This was the only other place besides Kagome’s place that they ever really hung out in.

"Hey, Kurama! I really need to talk!" Hiei said as he jumped into Kuwabara’s room.

The other three were all sitting with their heads down. Hiei smelled salt. One of them had been crying.

"What’s wrong? Did someone die?"

Yusuke growled and jumped at Hiei, punching him in the jaw, sending the koorime flying into Kuwabara’s wall.

"Damn it, Hiei! How could you!? You know I like Kagome!” Yusuke screamed/yelled.

Hiei moaned. Man, Yusuke could hit hard when he was angry. "What are you talking about, detective?"


Yusuke was suddenly cut off as Hiei punched him in the stomach. Yusuke curled up, holding his stomach.

"Listen, Yusuke. I can’t believe that you’d think that I was trying to take Kagome away from you! It was only a friendly movie! I did what any other person would have done! She’s like my little sister! I don’t feel anything but platonic feelings and the love of a brother to his sister! She was scared, and I needed to comfort her! It was nothing! She means nothing to me in the way she means to you!" Hiei’s voice considerably quieted. "I can’t believe that you didn’t trust me enough that you’d think that I’d betray you like that. You always talk about how we should trust each other. Yet, you pre-judge a situation that you know nothing about If you can’t trust me then I’ll withdraw from the team. Obviously you don’t want someone untrustworthy on your team." Hiei prepared to leave, but Yusuke caught him in a brotherly hug.

"Hiei, I’m sorry. I guess I just was so blind for a moment. Can you forgive me?" Yusuke gave him the ‘I’m so innocent, you have to forgive me’ look.

Hiei groaned. "Okay, I’ll forgive you, detective. Just, don’t try to kill me anymore."

Yusuke nodded. "Now, who’s up for the arcade?"

The other three in the room nodded, smirking or smiling. They all headed out to the arcade, friends once more.

::Next Morning, the Shrine::

Hiei stood in the courtyard, trying to control his breathing. The others were in the trees, waiting for the show.

Kagome walked out, dressed in her training yukata and hakama’s. "Hey, Hiei! Listen, before we begin…"

At the same time, Hiei began.

"Listen before we begin…"

Both paused, and blinked.

"You first." They both chorused.

"No, you." Again, chorused.

Both sighed.

"Okay," Kagome started. "On the count of three, we’ll both say what we need to say. 1…2…3."

"I’m sorry about the movie and I’m sorry I kissed you." Kagome said really fast. But, Hiei hadn’t said anything.

"HEY! MEANIE!" Kagome yelled.

Hiei smirked. "Listen, Kagome, I shouldn’t have gone to the movie’s with you at all. Because, that caused a friend of mine to not trust me for a little while. We finally straightened everything out, but…I still feel that he doesn’t have as much trust in me as he used to. So, could we forget that the movie ever happened?"

Kagome nodded. "Sure, but…I guess I should tell you the only reason I went out with you was because I wanted to forget about the person I love. Cause I know that he could never love me back." Kagome smiled sadly.

"Well, who do you love?"

"Ho no! You aren’t using those little mind tricks on me, koorime! No way am I telling you! Especially when there are a few people hiding IN THE TREES!" Kagome said the last part a little louder, letting the others know that she knew that they were there.

"Uh oh, guys, let’s go!" Yusuke muttered, and they took off.

Kagome smiled. "So, let’s get on to practice."

Hiei smirked. They were both now on a comfortable subject.

::Day of the tournament::

Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei stood near the forest, as far away from the other demons as possible.

"Where are those two girls?" Kurama muttered.

Yusuke shrugged. "I just called Kagome on the communicator, and she said she was on her way, along with Kia."

"Well, hopefully they won’t cut it as close as you did, Yusuke." Hiei muttered.

Suddenly, Kurama felt someone’s hands go over his eyes. "Guess who?" asked a voice that was like a cross between a growl and a purr.

"Um, Fang-san?"

Said cat demon removed her hands and smirked. "Yep! Heya, guys! Sorry we’re late. Kagome didn’t want to stop and get directions."

The others watched as Kagome got off Kia’s back and straighten her outfit, nearly falling on her butt from the weight of balancing her TWO duffel bags.

"Well, I thought I remembered the way to Murai Lake." Kagome whimpered, every inch pathetic.

Kia moaned. "Stop being so pathetic, you’re going to make me puke."

Kia and Kagome wore matching cloaks of emerald green lined in rose patterns on the edges that covered them both from head to toe, leaving no indication of them being female except for their scents and their voices.

"Um, Kagome, mind telling us why you have TWO duffel bags and Kia merely has her sword?" Kurama asked.

Kagome sighed. "Kia isn’t much of a clothes person. So, I brought along enough spare outfits for the both of us!" Kagome had a…disgustingly cheerful…look on her face.

Kurama almost wanted to punch her. Keyword being almost.

Kagome sighed. "Finally, I’ve been waiting for this day since Inu-Yasha told me about it."

Kia laughed. "Come on! Last year we went and you nearly puked when that Urameshi team fought."

Kagome growled and punched Kia in the shoulder. "You just shut up! I told you it was because of that chilidog I ate before hand that you just had to smother in caramel! I’m allergic to caramel! And also I was totally sickened by that short, black and white gravity defying haired, little tree sprite’s Dragon of the Darkness Flame! I HATE that attack! It got extremely close to me, REMEMBER!? I couldn’t use my left arm for a month!"

Kagome’s rant was, thankfully, put to a stop when Kia stuffed a cinnamon stick in her mouth.

"What’s with the cinnamon stick?" Yusuke asked. "And you guys went to last year’s tournament?"

Kia nodded. "Oh, and the cinnamon stick calms her down. I carry around a pouch of them all the time. Wait, weren’t you guys the Urameshi team along with that Elvis-Presley-Clone?"

Yusuke nodded, and Hiei’s eyebrow twitched.

"Whatsa matter, Hiei?" Yusuke asked.

"Tree sprite?" Hiei asked incredulously.

Kagome giggled. "Um, well…you see that’s very easy to explain…um…I just can’t think of an explanation at the moment."

Hiei growled. "Well, I’m glad my dragon already hurt you, else I would right now if Yusuke wouldn’t kill me."

Yusuke blushed about sixty shades of red.

Kagome cocked her head cutely, her eyes chibi-wide. "Um, Hiei-kun, why would Yu-chan kill you for hurting me?"

Kia and Kurama sighed in unison. ‘Clueless. Kami, she is so clueless.’ It was obvious to anyone with the mental capacity of a teaspoon that Yusuke had the world’s largest crush on Kagome. The only person who didn’t know was Kagome.

Well, there was another relationship that would hopefully start, but…let’s not get into that one yet. We’ll leave that certain mystery relationship to Kagome’s matchmaking skills. ::cough:: which are none existent:: cough.

The weird-o, pirate-dude came out and told them to get on the boat.

The Higurashi team was the last one on.

They all stood around a large stadium ring, the pirate-dude in the middle. (Let’s just call him Jim, okay? Jim the Random Hobo. Sorry, inside joke. Hope you get it, KNY!)

Jim stood in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand. "Now, as a few of you may know, only one team will make it off this boat and into the tournament. I’ll call the teams one-by-one in one-on-one fights. The last team standing gets into the tournament! Okay, first team is…"

And so this went for nearly five hours until finally, "Next is, Higurashi team .vs. Team Kakkouwarui!"

Kia cheered. "Finally! We get to fight!"

"Like fighting?" Kurama murmured.

"You bet!"

"Well, then , why don’t you go first, Fang-san?"

Kia smirked. "Okay."

Kia climbed up onto the ring and stood there, waiting for her opponent.

"So, Kia Fang of the Higurashi Team .vs. Shishiou Madagascar of Team Kakkouwarui!"

Kagome laughed. "M-Madagascar? As in, the Monkey Capital?" Kagome was close to tears from laughter.

Kia blinked. "Funny, he doesn’t look like a monkey…" Kia trailed off. ‘But he does look like a science experiment gone wrong.’ And she was right. You guys know what an orc is? Well, let’s just say that he looked like a purple and green orc, wearing a loincloth. (Eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!)

Kia sighed.

"Fight begin!"

Kia whipped out her sword and slashed at the other demon, missing her target. It was obvious, to Kagome, at least, that she was playing with him.

Kagome sighed. "LUKIA AYAME FANG!!! Stop playing with your enemy right this instant!"

Kia whimpered. "Fine, you never let me have any fun." She muttered, and slashed at him with her claws, instantly shredding him into Parmesan cheese. (Mmmmmmmmmmmm, cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssee! Whoops! Back to the story!)

Kagome clapped and cheered. "Way to go Kia!"

Kia bowed, and stepped off the stage.

::I am far too lazy to write out all the fights, so…let’s just say that the team won by a landslide and now they’ve landed at the island. Thank you.::

The five demons, two hanyous, stood in front of an extremely fancy hotel.

Yusuke groaned. "Not here again!"

Kagome laughed and they all entered through the sliding doors.

A steward was waiting for them, a traditional blue and gold bellhop outfit on. He bowed. "Best of the evening ladies and gentlemen. The hotel has been expecting you. Please, follow me."

He turned and walked away, the others followed.

Kagome and Kia were laughing quietly about something a few feet behind the group, and the boys didn’t even want to begin thinking about what kind of trouble the two of them were planning to get into.

Little did they know that Kia had made a comment about how cute Kurama’s ass was, and Kagome bad begun to laugh, and the hanyou made a comment about Yusuke’s, sending them both into fits of giggles. (Who wouldn’t stare?)

No more than two minutes later, the five stood in the living room of their hotel room.

"We only get one room? But, don’t they realize that there are two GIRLS on this team?" Kagome pouted.

"Listen, Kagome, there are three rooms. You and Kia can share one, Kurama and I can share one, and Hiei can have one to himself."

Kia sighed. "I actually think that Kurama should sleep with Hiei, I mean, they are best friends. And you probably snore, gel-for-brains."

"HEY!" (Guess who?)

Kurama groaned. "Here," he pulled out a box of multi-colored straws. He took out five of them and put initials on the end that would be concealed by his hand. "Kagome, Kia, you two pick a straw, that will have the initials of your roommate on the end."

Kagome nodded and took one.

Kia took one and read the initials.

Both Kagome and Kia gasped.

"So, who’d you get?" Yusuke asked.

Kagome whimpered. "I got Yusuke."

Kia just shrugged. "I got fox-boy."

Hiei smirked. ‘Good, I get a room to myself.’

The five sighed and set off to their rooms.

Kagome glared at Yusuke as she set her bags on her bed. "Okay, Yusuke, one thing is to become perfectly clear. You take one step too close to my bed in any attempt other than to wake me up and I will personally make you a unik."

Yusuke gulped. "What do you take me for!?" he yelled.

Kagome sighed. "I take you for an eighteen-year-old hanyou who has raging hormones. Need I explain further?"

Yusuke groaned. ‘This is going to be one LONG tournament.’

Meanwhile, in Kurama’s and Kia’s room…

Kia looked nervously over her shoulder at the red head that was currently hanging up his clothes in the closet.

"Um, Kurama?"


"Um, you don’t mind that we have to share a room, do you?"

"Um, well, I do admit that it is a bit awkward, but…I will make sure to not do anything that will merit in any bruising of my body. And I shall respect your privacy, Fang-san."

Kia winced. "Please, Kurama, don’t call me Fang-san."

Kurama shrugged. "I’m sorry, but until I get to know you better, that is what I will call you. Good night, Fang-san." Kurama bowed slightly and crept under his covers.

Kia and the other occupants of the hotel room did the same, allowing the warm embrace of sleep to overtake them.

Tomorrow, the Dark Tournament would begin.

A/N: Well, there’s another chapter! I’ll try to get up the next one up ASAP. Later! Oh, please review!