Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got to Do With It? ❯ Team Leaders ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heya! Welcome to Chapter…what was it now? Um…chapter…oh yeah, six! Sorry, I lose track! But, here is the next chapter of Cupid’s Arrow Only Strikes Twice. Hope you enjoy! Oh, and…Kagome’s gonna act a little different here. She’s been hanging around Hiei too long. Oh, and…a little surprise in here. NO EFFECT ON THE PAIRING!!!!!!! Just a little side-trip. Some of you pairing fans are gonna thank me. Hopefully the others won’t kill me. Gulp! Well, any-who! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don’t own IY, or YYH. I also do not own the character that I’ve put as the alternative fighter in this story. Try to guess who she does belong to and what story she comes from. It’s right here on Later!

Chapter Six: Team Leader and Training Offer

Kagome yawned. ‘Jeez, I haven’t been able to keep Yusuke out of my head since the incident. Do I have a crush on him? Nah, I couldn’t. Even if I did, which I think is true, he wouldn’t like me! Well, I’ll think about it after I train.’

Kagome sighed and walked out into the courtyard of the temple, today she would start to train for the tournament. She only had two months…yet, she felt that that was a long time to wait for a tournament.

Kagome smiled and concentrated her miko energy. It slightly hurt her when she did this, but…she needed to build herself up against pain.

Demon illusions, yet solid enough that they could hurt her and she could hurt them, appeared and surrounded her.

Kagome concentrated and went demon, her eyes turning robin’s-egg blue and pink and navy streaks running through her hair. Kagome smirked and whipped out a scythe from her charm bracelet.

It looked like a kendo stick, but Kagome concentrated even more and a curved blade appeared on the end, glowing like a laser.

"Spirit Scythe!" Kagome yelled, and sliced the demons into bite-size pieces. (Sorry, couldn’t help it.) It took her nearly fifteen minutes to get rid of all of the demons. And there were only ten demons.

"God, I need to work on my speed." Kagome mumbled. She had been ecstatic this morning when Yusuke had said that she would be able to go to the tournament with them. Yet, knowing him, she’d probably end up as the alternate or something. Kuwabara had already said that he wasn’t going to go, so they needed only one more person to fight with them. But, Kagome already had an idea of who to ask. She just had to find her old friend.

A light clapping interrupted her thoughts, and she slowly turned to the sound.

Hiei sat in a tree a few feet away, lightly clapping. "Well done, hanyou. But, you’re speed needs work and your attack strength is pitiful."

"Oh, and I suppose you could do better, oh three-eyed one?" Kagome drawled.

"Hn. Just summon those same demons. Let me fight them."

Kagome nodded and did so. She blinked, and they were all gone.

"How…how did you…"

"It’s called speed, Kagome."

"Wow! Hiei, you are so fast! Can you train me!?"

"Wha!?" Hiei nearly fell out of his tree from surprise. "You want me to train you?"

"Well, yeah! I mean, your spirit energy is enormous, and you are such a great fighter! I’d ask Kurama or Yusuke, but they’re busy with their own training. And I know that you can teach me more in a short amount of time!"

"No way, onna!"

"Come on, Hiei-kun!" She gave him the ‘innocent-little-Puss-In-Boots-from-Shrek-2 look.’

‘Great, she just had to do the look and the kun.’ He thought, inwardly groaning. "Okay. I’ll train you."

Kagome squealed and hugged him. "Thank you!"

Hiei just "Hn’ed," and tried to hide the blush that threatened to spread across his face.

"Okay, let’s get started."

Needless to say, by the time lunch came around, Kagome was exhausted. Damn, now I think I know how Yusuke felt when he was going through training with Momma.

She was saved from being cut in half by Hiei’s sword with Botan popping up.

"Hey you two! Koenma needs to see you both in his office immediately!"

Hiei nodded.

"Who’s Koenma?" Kagome asked.

Hiei tried not to sweat drop. "My boss. He is also Yusuke’s, Kurama’s and Kuwabara’s boss. And since you are on this team, he is now your boss as well." Hiei stepped through the portal Botan put up and Kagome followed.

"Kagome! I am so glad to meet you!" Koenma said, shaking her hand the moment she came in, him in his teenage form.

"Hello, Koenma-sama. How can I be of service?" Kagome smiled and curtsied, lifting one side of her training kimono in a curtsy.

"Well, at least you have better manners than Yusuke." Koenma muttered. "Okay, now, we are here to discuss the alternative fighter for the Higurashi Team."

"Wait! Koenma, did you just say…’Higurashi Team’?" Yusuke asked.

"Yes, Yusuke, I did. I am sorry to say that this year you will not be team leader. Kagome will take your place. She is the one that the committee sent the invitation to. Last year was the Urameshi team’s first year, so the invitation was given to me. But, this year, I forwarded it to Kagome. Lord Sesshoumaru of the Makai intercepted it however. He gave it to her, though, so…no worries. And so, back to the topic of the alternative fighter. Do you have any suggestions, Kagome?"

Kagome fidgeted. "Well, I do have an old friend. And…well…I don’t know if you’d approve."

"Well, bring him to me now and we’ll take a look at him."

Kagome nodded, and whispered a location to Botan. Botan’s eyes widened.

"Are you sure, Kagome?"

Kagome nodded.

"Okay then, good luck."

Botan hesitantly opened the portal and Kagome stepped through.

::Makai, The Bleeding Tear(As in crying, not a rip)::

Kagome sighed and stepped into the pub, mindful to not step in the blood on the floor. Which was hard to do.

She stepped up to the bar and said, "Um, excuse me?"

The bartender, a mean-looking pyro, turned to her. "Yeah?"

"Um, I’m looking for…um, someone named…Lukia?"

"Oh, yes, Mistress Kagome, I didn’t recognize you. Um, she’s over there." He looked a little scared, seeing as how Kagome and her friend had worked up a reputation around this place, pointed to a booth in the corner.

Kagome flopped down onto a seat and pulled down the hood of her raven cloak. "Lukia?"

"Who wants to know?"

"You bakamono! It’s me, Kag-chan, you baka of a kitten!"

"Hello! NOT a kitten!" Her eyebrow twitched in frustration. "And it’s good to see you, too, Kag-chan. What do you need me for?"

"Well, the tournament’s coming up….and well, my team was invited as the guest team, and…well…we need an alternative fighter. So…"

"I’ll come! Hands down, I’ll come!"

Kagome cheered. "Thank you so much, Kia!" Kagome wrapped her arms around the startled hanyou.

"Kagome!!" Kia froze up. She usually loved getting hugs, but she just wasn’t in the mood right now.

Kagome sweat dropped. "Jeez, lighten up, Kia! Now, come on! You’ve got to come meet my boss. Oh, and prepare for a fight. Some of the guys may not be too happy about adding another girl to the team."

Kia cracked her knuckles as she stood up. "Always."

Kagome chuckled and pulled Kia through a portal and into Koenma’s office.

The cat demon wore a long, amethyst-colored cloak, and her entire body was hidden from her head to her toes, allowing no person to guess what she was.

"Ah, Kagome, you’ve brought our alternative fighter, I presume?" Koenma said.

Kagome nodded. "Everyone, please meet my dearest friend, Lukia Ayame Fang. A.k.a., Kia."

Kia ripped off her cloak, and revealed what she truly was.

Kurama tried not to gasp.

Kia’s golden hair fell in a thick braid down to her knees. She looked unbelievably like a goddess…or a princess.

Kurama felt that he could probably drown in her shining-so-much-they-put-emeralds-to-shame eyes. And the purple top that had red letters saying: ‘Cancel my subscription, I’m over your issues,’ seemed to suit her perfectly, along with her dark blue jean pants with torn knees and frayed ends. A pair of gold-furred cat ears lay atop her head, a graceful tail protruded from the base of her spine, and sharp, deadly claws graced her slim fingers.

Yusuke blinked in surprise. "So…this is our fifth fighter? This…kitten?"

"I AM NOT A KITTEN!!" Kia yelled, and her cat ears twitched in frustration.

"Well then, Kia-san, what are you?" Koenma asked politely, still in his teenage form.

"Well, as you can see, I am a demon. My family is made up of cat demons." She pointed out her golden-colored cat ears and her slim tail.

Kia turned to the others. "So, Kagome, which is your boyfriend?"

Kagome blushed about fifty different shades of red. "Um, none of them! I don’t have one!"

"Oh, then which one is that one that you had such a rant about how cute he was? Um…Hiei, was his name? You just wouldn’t shut up about those three guys. The half-demon you kept talking about, you never shut up about him no matter what I do, always ranting about his eyes or something or other. Then, the fox," Kia laughed, enjoying Kagome’s pain. “You always go on about his hair, eyes, how he’s such a gentlemen and so nice. And finally the koorime-boy…oh god, where do I begin!?”

Kagome was, without a doubt, giving Kurama’s hair color a run for it’s money in darkness of redness.

Hiei just rose an eyebrow, hiding his blush very well.

Yusuke felt like his heart had been ripped out. ‘She talks like that about all of us? But she kissed me!’

Kurama must have known what Yusuke was thinking because he quickly amended. "Not that that means anything, mind you. Someone who thinks someone is cute could still have a crush on someone else."

This, no matter how confusing, made Yusuke feel better. Not enough to get him out of a pouty mood, but…still better.

Hiei yawned. "Well, if you guys don’t mind, Kagome and I have lunch at her house, and then the rest of her training."

Kagome groaned. "I was hoping that you’d forgotten!"

Hiei smirked. "No such luck, my little slacker!"

Kagome groaned again as Hiei pulled her through the portal and put her through another five hours of hell.

::One week till Tournament::

Kagome stood in a crouching position, her eyes closed, hands in a prayer position.

A black blur appeared out of the corner of her senses, and her sapphire eyes snapped open. Kagome jumped up and pulled out a sword, catching Hiei’s with a clang of metal meeting metal. The two jumped apart and jumped back at each other, this time adding kicks and punches to the brawl.

Kagome smirked when he jumped to a tree and accidentally left himself wide open.

Kagome closed her eyes and a white energy ball enshrouded her clenched fist. "Dragon…of the Heavens…Flame!!!!!!" Kagome yelled, and threw it at Hiei. She purposefully missed, though, and Hiei didn’t move a muscle.

Kagome smiled. "I win!"

Hiei smirked and shook his head slowly. "You got me. I admit it. Very well done. I’d say that you only have a few things left to learn. Then, you’ll be ready for the tournament finals by the time we get to the first round."

Kagome smiled. She was the only one that Hiei ever really gave positive comments too.

"Well, Hiei…um…I have a question."

"Yeah, onna?"

"Well, wouldyouliketogoseeamoviewithme?"

"Come again?"

Kagome sighed. "Would you like to go see a movie with me? As in, a date?"

Hiei’s eyes widened, but he soon covered his mask. Inside he was screaming. ‘I can’t go on a date with Kagome…Yusuke likes her. It would be wrong.’

A little voice in his head popped up, Since when have you cared about being wrong and about others feelings. You like her too, so…just go with her. It’s just one date.

Hiei had to admit that the voice was right. It was just one date. What hurt could it do?

"Okay." He said, and she smiled brilliantly.

"Oooooooooh! Thank you so much, Hiei-kun! I’ll be back in a second!" Kagome ran into her room and quickly changed into a different outfit.

Hiei’s jaw nearly dropped if it hadn’t been for his self-control. Kagome wore a black tube top with crimson sparkled words reading: ‘On the day that it seems like everyone is just trying to get on my bad side, remember that it takes 72 muscles to frown and only 7 to flip my middle finger at them and tell them to bite me,’ along with a black leather miniskirt, and ankle boots.

"So, how do I look?" she twirled.

Hiei just gulped. ‘Oh shit, I knew this was a bad idea!’ He nodded. "You…look great."

Kagome smiled again.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the long stairs.

Hiei sighed. He wrenched his hand from hers and picked her up bridal-style, then took off into the trees and into the town until they reached the Movie Theater.

Kagome sighed when he put her down. "Thanks Hiei. I’d just wish you would warn me next time."

Hiei nodded.

Kagome bought their tickets, and they both took seats in a room to watch The Ring II.

Kagome, halfway through the movie, grasped onto Hiei’s arm. Hiei, though very surprised, patted her back and rubbed her arm to make her calm down.

Unbeknownst to the two, three very familiar people sat just three rows behind them.

Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara were all shocked. Hiei was on a date with Kagome and letting her hold on to his arm. He was even comforting her.

Yusuke felt like his heart was being ripped in two. How could Hiei do this to him!? They were like brothers, very distant brothers, but brothers all the same! He knew that Yusuke liked Kagome, but he still…well, they would confront him about it later.

::After the movie, at the temple::

Kagome shivered as they got to the temple and Hiei put her down.

"Thanks for going to the movies with me, Hiei."

"No problem. I mean, it was just a movie. One that made you have to throw up your popcorn and Twizzlers in the bathroom after the movie, but, just a movie all the same." Hiei smirked.

Kagome giggled. "Well, goodnight." She leaned forward and kissed him gently on the cheek. Hiei stiffened, eyes wide. “Oh…and Hiei? Please tell me you know this was just a friendly outing?” she whispered.

Hiei nodded numbly. She smiled. “Good. Cause I like someone else.”

Kagome pulled back and went into her house, leaving Hiei to unfreeze himself. He jumped from the ground and made his way to Kurama’s house. He really needed to talk to the fox about this.

A/N: Well, there’s the next chapter! Hope ya’ll like it! Hope you Hiei/Kag fans are happy! And, don’t worry, it will still be a Yus/Kag happy ending. I think about the happy ending part, though. Well, later!