Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got to Do With It? ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey ya’ll! Welcome to the next chapter of CAOST! Yahoo! Oh, and Yukina is still living in the shrine, but with Kagome instead. Okay?

Chapter Five: A New Arrival and Invitations

::With Yusuke and co.::

Kurama sat on Yusuke’s bed, reading a magazine, Kuwabara was on a chair, doing nothing, and Hiei was sitting in his usual spot on the windowsill.

"Where is Urameshi?" Kuwabara grumbled. They had been waiting for him for a half-hour.

"I guess he must still be with Keiko." Kurama tried to calm down the excitable teenager, but to no avail.

Kuwabara started ranting.

"Quiet, you idiot, Yusuke is coming as we speak." Hiei said from the window.

"Oh," Kuwabara sat back down.

They heard the front door open, then close, and Yusuke’s presence entered their senses. Within seconds, the soaked teen opened his bedroom door and smirked at the others.

"Hey guys! What’s up?"

"How did it go with Keiko, Yusuke?" Kurama asked as the detective took a seat next to Kurama’s feet, which were laying on his pillow.

"Yo, Kurama! Get your fox feet offa my pillow, ya lazy kitsune!"

Kurama chuckled and lifted his feet so that they were off of the irritable detective’s pillow. Yusuke was very sensitive about things like that. Kurama didn’t know why, he just was.

"So, I reiterate, how did things go with Keiko?"

"Oh, that….we…broke up."

"WHAT!?" Everyone in the room yelled.

Hiei jumped up from his position on the windowsill, and Kurama jumped into a sitting position.

"Why’d you guys break up!? You guys have been together for like…forever!" Kuwabara yelled.

"I know, it’s just…she thought I was cheating on her, when it was her doing the cheating, and then she called Kagome a whore…"

"She what!?" Now THIS made everyone else pissed. Even Hiei and Kurama couldn’t suppress their anger. Kagome was their (unofficial) little sister, and no one made fun of relatives of the Rekai Tantei and lived to tell the tale.

"Yeah, I was ticked about it too. I slapped Keiko and said that she couldn’t break up with me because I was breaking up with her."

"Good move, man." Kuwabara congratulated as he sat back down. Hiei settled back onto the window. Kurama remained sitting.

"I hope so. Because, well, I think I like someone else now."

"Really, Yusuke? And who would that be?" Kurama asked. Even though he knew the answer.

"Ho no! You ain’t trickin’ me, fox! I ain’t tellin’!" Yusuke said with a huff. Yusuke put on his defiant, I’m-not-gonna-say-anything-and-you-can’t-make-me look. He always used this to make himself look intimidating, yet, this time it only made the three others in the room laugh. Even Hiei chuckled lightly. Kurama and Kuwabara nearly cried from laughter.

"Hey, hey, hey! It’s not that funny, you guys!" Yusuke yelled, but his communicator went off before he could begin chasing the other three detectives out of his room.

"Yu-kun! Kagome’s missing! I can’t find her anywhere! I’m so worried!" It was Yukina, they had given her a communicator to keep in contact with them in case she ever needed anything.

"Whoa, whoa, Yukina! How can she be missing, I just saw her a few minutes ago."

"I know, Yu-kun! I saw you! But what I wanna know is…WHERE IS KAG-CHAN!!!!!!!????" Yukina screamed the last part and tears filled her eyes, they could all hear the tink of tear gems hitting the ground as Yukina cried rivers. Kagome was like a big sister to Yukina, because she couldn’t find her brother. And Yukina was extremely over-protective of family. She once froze a guy that groped Kagome. She had scared the wits out of Yusuke and the others when Kagome taught her how to sneak up on people, and Yukina was becoming more and more like their favorite little hanyou.

"Okay, jeez, Yukina, we’ll call up Koenma and tell him to do a search for Kagome."

Yukina sighed. "Thank you so much Yu-kun."

"And wait a minute, what do you mean you saw me? You didn’t see…"

"Yep! Now I have blackmail on you, Yu-kun! Ha!" she signed off.

Yusuke growled. "No offense, Hiei, but your sister can be a pain."

Thankfully, Kuwabara was worrying over Kagome too much to hear them talking about his ‘beloved Yukina.’

"I understand, Yusuke. Now let’s go. We have to find out why Kagome is missing."

The other three nodded. Kurama opened up a portal and they all stepped into Koenma’s office.

"Koenma! Kagome is missing!" Yusuke yelled. "You need to use your radar and find her.”

Koenma nodded, very confused, but sent the radar throughout Ningenkai. He found nothing. "Well, she’s not in Ningenkai."

"Well, then, check the other two!"

Koenma did so, and found her. "She’s in…Makai. In the castle of the king of Makai."

"Say what!?"

"Well, I am not allowed to put portals anywhere near there, so…you’re going to have to wait for Kagome to return."

Yusuke huffed. He hated to wait. But he hated not knowing that Kagome was safe or not even more.

::With Kagome::


"Yes, it is me, you twit. Are you surprised?" asked Inu-Yasha, stepping closer to her position on the large bed.

Kagome laughed. "Surprised!? More like had the shit scared out of me! Sit!"

Inu-Yasha face-faulted into the tile. "Kagome!" He stood just a minute later. "Why’d you do that?!"

"Cause you scared me you bakamono!"

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

"I hate to interrupt this…lovely badger, but…I wish to tell Kagome why we brought her here." Sesshoumaru said, coming from the doorway.

Kagome hugged the both of them, surprising a yell out of both dog demons. Well, one a half-demon, but…any-who!

"So, why’d you guys kidnap me? You miss me that much?"

"Don’t flatter yourself, human. We merely needed to tell you that…" Sesshoumaru was interrupted by four new people running into the room and tackling Kagome.

It was Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Rin!

Kagome laughed. "What are you guys doing still alive?"

"Well, when you left, Kagome, Inu-Yasha didn’t want to be alone anymore, so…he wished on the jewel to make Miroku, Rin, and I into hanyou’s. Well, Rin is a demon. But…that’s not the point. We’re just glad to see you, Kagome."

"Ahem!" Sesshoumaru interrupted.

"Oh, sorry, Fluffy-sama!" Rin giggled.

Sesshoumaru’s eyebrow twitched.

Kagome giggled, along with Sango, Rin, and Shippo. Shippo and Rin had grown quite a bit. Their age in human standard would probably be about fifteen. Since it had been 5oo years since the Feudal era, and it took a hundred years for a demon to gain a year in age. (I don’t know if this is true, but…this is what my friend and I use.)

"So, Sesshoumaru, you wanted to talk to me?" Kagome asked as Sango and the others left, along with Inu-Yasha.

"Yes, Kagome, I wished to discuss something with you. Please sit down." He handed her an envelope. "Read this when you get back home. I will transport you there." Sesshoumaru patted her on the head and she disappeared.

::Koenma’s office::

"Yusuke! Kagome has returned back to her house!"

Yusuke sighed in relief. "Well, then, send us there!"

Botan nodded and opened a portal for them. They all stepped through and were then inside of Kagome’s shrine.

The four searched for Kagome before finding her in the living room, sitting on a dark purple, over-grown pillow.


Kagome looked up before the others jumped her, and dragged her to the ground in a group-glomp.

Kagome yelled. "You guys! Get off!"

Hiei was standing off to the side, as was Kurama, he just sighed and pulled Yusuke, Yukina, and Kuwabara off the poor girl.

"Kagome where did you disappear off to!?" Yusuke yelled.

Kagome sighed. "Well, Yu-chan, I went to go visit an old friend of mine. And he gave me this." She held up the envelope.

"Well, open it, Kagome!" Kuwabara urged.

Kagome shrugged and opened it.

"Read it out loud." Yukina said.

Dear Ms. Higurashi,

We are pleased to inform you, that you and a select group of four others have been elected as the Special Guest team for this year’s Dark Tournament. Your team owner has been identified and you will need to find your other four team members. We sincerely hope that you will be able to attend. A barge will land at the edge of Murai Lake to take you to Hanging-Neck Island in exactly two months time. We suggest that you train yourself and your team in that time. Your team owner has already chosen the team leader. We hope that that is acceptable. Please choose your team members carefully.


Dark Tournament Committee”

Below that was a long list of signatures, and Kagome dropped the letter. "I’m…going to the…Dark…Tournament?" Kagome could hardly believe this. Inu-Yasha had told her about it before, but she had said that they most definitely were not going to go.

"Wait, so…who is the team leader?" Kuwabara asked.

"Most likely Koenma is our owner, and he knew that Kagome would choose us as her team members. So, Yusuke being team leader is a fair gamble." Kurama said.

"Um, guys? We’re not really letting Kagome go to the Dark Tournament, are we? I mean…she’s strong and everything…but do you think she can handle it?" Yusuke said.

Kagome’s eyes flashed. "Yu-chan, I have already defeated many demons with my own hands, and that was just with my miko powers. Now that my hanyou powers have been released, I’m even stronger. What makes you think I can’t handle it?"

"Well, Kagome, people there play dirty to win. They’ll do anything, even if it means blackmail, murder, or anything vile that I can think of to win. And they’ll probably try to kill you more than us since you’re a girl!"

"But, Yusuke (everyone else in the room winced at this…she only ever called Yusuke by his real name when he was in trouble), what if I disguise myself as a boy? Then no one will need to find out!"

"No! Kagome, you are not going!"



Kagome’s eyes welled with tears, forcing her to look at the ground. She didn’t want Yusuke to see her cry. “I hate you.” She whispered.

 She ran to her room, leaving an extremely guilty Yusuke behind her.

The other four glared at him, and he sighed. "What!? Guys, I’m only worried for her safety!"

"Yes, but Yusuke, didn’t you see the hope and happiness in her eyes that she would be able to go to the tournament?" Hiei said, he was slightly angry at Yusuke for making Kagome cry, but he wouldn’t show it.

"But, you guys! She’s a girl! They’ll beat on her even more than they will us!"

"Which is not good, but she is still the only one of us that can actually beat you, Urameshi!" Kuwabara said, for once making sense.

"You guys!"

"No, Yusuke! You go to Kagome and tell her that she can go to the tournament with us! Otherwise, my death plant is still very hungry!" Kurama’s eyes flashed golden, and Yusuke gulped.

"Okay guys, here. I’ll sleep on it. Then, I’ll talk to Kagome in the morning. That sound good?"

The others knew that was the best that they would get out of him, so…they nodded.

Yusuke smiled and went home, the others going their separate ways.


Yusuke lay on his bed, staring unblinkingly at the ceiling. ‘Should I let Kagome go to the tournament? I mean, I don’t want her to get hurt. But…she looked so hurt when I said that she absolutely couldn’t go.’

Yusuke sighed. Well, he knew what his decision was. His eyes drifted closed and he fell to sleep.

::Next morning::

Kagome awoke the next morning to a knock on her bedroom door. She stood and pulled on her robe before opening the door. Yusuke stood before her.

Yusuke was surprised at Kagome’s appearance. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her hair was a mess. Man, did he ever feel guilty.

Yusuke sighed. "You can go."

Kagome gasped and smiled. She glomped him. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" she pulled away from him, looking happier than he had ever seen her. “I swear, you won’t be sorry! I’ll fight as hard as I can!”

“Just promise me one thing.”


“Just don’t die.”

A/N: Well, that’s it for now. Long chapter, huh? Read and review! I just had to do a tournament in here. There are many surprises ahead for our favorite miko and detective! Later!