Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What's Love Got to Do With It? ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Okay, I don’t own ‘When the Rain Falls’ by the Zetta Bytes. Read on!

Domoe Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Chapter Five: When The Rain Falls

Kagome sat in the temple, looking the spitting image of Kikyou with her white and red priestess garb on and her hair behind her head in a low ponytail. She sat on her knees, hands in a prayer position.

She didn’t know why, but she was praying that Yusuke wouldn’t be hurt. Why did she always single him out?

‘I mean, I know that Kurama and Hiei are like brothers to me, and Kuwabara’s like the pet monkey I never had. And well, Yusuke is…why does my heart quicken whenever he looks at me? And when he smiles, at anyone, my breathing stops and I want to faint, but I can’t. Because I want to see his smile.’ Kagome sighed. ‘Great, this is where my thoughts go while praying.’

Kagome’s eyes snapped open when the temple door slammed.

Kagome turned to see a drenched Yusuke.

"Yu-chan! You ran here in that weather?" To accentuate her question, a flash of lightning illuminated the room.


"Yeah?" Kagome looked in his eyes and gasped. His eyes, usually so full of attitude and cockiness, were filled with pain and sadness.

"Yusuke! What happened?! It was Keiko, wasn’t it!?"

Yusuke looked at the ground, his hair falling loose from its’ gelled-back position to fall into his face.

Kagome walked over to him and brushed the hair out of his eyes. She took hold of his chin gently with her hand and lifted his head.

"Yusuke, I once told you that it’s okay to cry. Now is one of those times."

Yusuke stared at her for a second before he grabbed her in a tight hug and buried his face in her shoulder, crying with those silent sobs that could wrench at anyone’s heart.

Kagome closed her eyes and drew Yusuke to the floor, and wrapped her arms around his back. "Oh, Yusuke. You don’t deserve this pain." She whispered.

Kagome remembered what Sango had done when she was crying over the death of her pet hamster, Nibbler. Sure, she’d been crying over something pathetic, but…she had loved Nibbler. Well, she guessed it was worth a try.

As she ran her hands in circles on Yusuke’s back, her soft voice rang through the temple.

I don’t understand

This should be so easy

To just reach my hand

And know the world is free

But nothing’s, as it seems

I can tell you freely

Touching’s not the only way to feel

When the rain falls

It’s like heaven’s crying

When the name’s all

The difference that there is

Cause tears are

The same when they are trying to grow something good

Out of all the pain

There’s no difference between the teardrops and the rain.

I know you proudly say

That I’m just talking crazy

To think of life that way

Means that I’m confused

There’s happy and there’s sad

But maybe yes just maybe

The sadness can make the happiness more true

This song…it made Yusuke see so many things...The times he had gone through with Keiko, the battles…and a battle in the rain…yet he wasn’t in the battle.

Kagome…a silver-haired man…a girl with dark hair in a ponytail and a monk along with a huge demon cat stood in a clearing. The rain was pouring down with a vengeance, causing their hair to stick to their faces…

A demon stood near them, covered in a baboon pelt. A name stood out in his mind…Naraku…that was this demon’s name.

Suddenly, Yusuke was in Kagome’s place. He felt everything that she had felt…her rage, her fear, her sadness…he couldn’t stop feeling all these emotions.

They overwhelmed him as the attack began.

Kagome was pushed off to the side by the man with silver hair.

She was told to stay put, to not move lest she get hurt.

After the pony-tailed girl…Sango...fell, along with the monk Miroku Kagome’s rage grew, and she jumped out of her hiding place just as the man threw down his sword in a sweeping arc, her arrow shot off, joining with the force of the huge amount of Demon energy.

The demon screamed, an unearthly sound that shook the Earth beneath Yusuke’s feet.

He dissipated, leaving behind a single jewel with a large crack in it.

The Jewel of Four Souls…Kurama told me about that. He said he had once tried to steal it. He ended up with a bad scar though.

Through a haze, Yusuke saw images of Kagome and the silver-haired man, Inu-Yasha, and all of her friends.

So this is what Kagome’s gone through…

When the rain falls

It’s like heaven’s crying

When the name’s all

The difference that there is

Cause tears are

The same when they are trying to grow something good

Out of all the pain

There’s no difference between the teardrops and the rain.

Because I know the bones were necessary

I don’t let it bother me at all

When the rain falls

It’s like heaven’s crying

When the name’s all

The difference that there is

Cause tears are

The same when they are trying to grow something good

Out of all the pain

There’s no difference between the teardrops and the rain.

After Kagome’s voice faded from the temple, Yusuke pulled away and dried his eyes.

"Sorry, Kagome. It’s just…what were those images?"

"What images?"

“I saw you…and a group…you were fighting a demon. You were in a clearing…rain was falling. It was sunset.”

“That was the battle with Naraku…our final battle. I guess when I was holding you, our auras mixed and you were able to see part of my past. I saw part of yours. Fighting Suzaku, Toguro…so many others. Sensui seemed to be the worst. Thing is, I knew Sensui.”

“Really?” Yusuke’s pain was momentarily forgotten as the two lost themselves in conversation…until…

“So, what got you storming in here in this weather? Crying no less.”

"Keiko broke up with me, she accused me of cheating on her when it was her doing the cheating, and she called you a whore."

"She called me a WHAT!?”

 Yusuke flinched. Kagome sure could be loud.

"Um, yeah. But…I slapped her for it."

"Yusuke…you…stood up….for me?" Her eyes sparkled with tears. (Wow. Cute picture. Maybe I should try and draw it.)

A very light pink tint crossed Yusuke’s face. "Um, well…yeah. I did. But, that’s only because Keiko was the whore. Not you. I basically called her a whore."

"Y-yusuke. You didn’t need to do that." Kagome mumbled, her head down so her bangs covered her eyes.

"Well, yeah, I did. You’re my little sister, Kag!"

Kagome, for some reason unknown to her, felt a tug at her heart when he merely called her his sister. For some reason, she wanted him to hold her again.

Kagome suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest.

Needless to say, Yusuke was frozen. "K-Kagome? What’s wrong?"

She didn’t say a word for nearly fifteen minutes. She just…cried. She cried every tear that had been gathered ever since she had left the Feudal Era, ever since she had left Shippo, Sesshoumaru, Sango, Miroku, Inu-Yasha, Kaede, and she even missed Koga and Kikyou.

Kagome let go of him after she finished crying. "G-gomen. I must seem so weak to you. Here I am, a half demon and the daughter of Genkai, crying like a baby."

"Hey, someone once told me, very clearly I might add, that it’s okay to cry." Yusuke smirked.

"Just great. You’re using my own words against me." Kagome stuck out her tongue at him.

"Oh now that was mature." Yusuke drawled.

"I know, wasn’t it?"

"Yeah, for Kuwabara!"


Yusuke, very wisely, did the first thing that came to mind, he ran like a bat out of hell.

Kagome used her pent-up energy to chase after the young detective and chased him all through the temple until they ran into the living room that Kagome had decorated with large, squishy pillows on the floor.

Kagome lunged forward and tackled the brown-eyed detective, causing him to fall onto a large, red pillow.

Kagome allowed Yusuke to turn over and she held him down, a hand grasping each of his arms.

Yusuke glared at her, but she just giggled.

"Gotcha detective."

"Well, now that you’ve caught me, what are you going to do with me?" Yusuke smirked. He knew she didn’t have the guts to try anything.

Kagome looked thoughtful for a second, then smirked.

Yusuke knew he was in trouble. It was never good when Kagome smirked. Especially in that dangerous, calculating way that Kurama did. She’d been hanging around that fox for too long.

"Well, let’s see." Kagome leaned down onto Yusuke so she was laying on him, and Yusuke’s face turned cherry red as her eyes closed and…she tickled him.

Yusuke squirmed as he tried to breathe. "K-k-kagome!!!!! Th-this…isn’t…fair!!!!!!!" he managed to choke out between laughs.

Kagome smiled at him, she loved making him feel helpless. Suddenly, her demon side decided to have a conversation with her.

Kagome, why don’t you just do what you’ve been wanting with him?

‘Oh, come on, he’d kill me.’

Maybe. But who could kill us? We’re too cute.

‘And so modest, too.’

Well, if you won’t do it, I will. (Uh oh, that doesn’t sound good. -.-U)

Suddenly, Kagome stopped tickling him and Yusuke took this chance to catch his breath. Yusuke looked up at Kagome when she growled, and gasped. Her eyes were brown! And he meant chocolate brown! He saw the slit of her pupils and the pink that now dominated her usually navy hair. This had happened once when Hiei had ticked her off.

She’d gone demon on him.

"Um, Kagome? What are you-"

Yusuke froze and his eyes widened as he felt the bubblegum-haired girl’s lips cover his in a gentle kiss. Yusuke gasped, and Kagome’s demon side took this to her advantage. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and Yusuke couldn’t help but moan.

Suddenly, his arms were free as she slipped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

Yusuke, for reasons unknown to him, kissed back.

The half-demon girl atop him whimpered, pressing her lips to his in a harsher manner, wanting more.

Yusuke flipped the two over, holding her wrists in one of his hands, kissing her like his life depended on it.

Yet, after three minutes of the lip-lock, Kagome pulled back, gasping for breath.

Her eyes widened as Yusuke coughed, trying to catch his breath for the second time that day.

Her eyes and hair slowly returned to their usual colors, and the young hanyou quickly pushed the young Toushin off of her.(If you watched him become a demon in the Makai Tournament, you’ll know what I’m talking about.)

"Kagome, what was that about?"

"I…I…I’M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome’s eyes filled with tears and she ran from the room, leaving a confused Yusuke behind.

Yusuke left the shrine nearly five minutes later, and his hand touched his lips. "She…kissed me." he smirked. ‘Well, I’ll ask her about it when she’s calmed down.’

::Kagome’s Room::

Kagome buried her face in her pillow, her sobs still escaping despite her attempt to stifle them. ‘Why, Sakoro (Kagome’s Demon Name)? WHY!? Why did you make me do that?! Now he probably hates me!!! I mean, he just broke up with his girlfriend of four years, and….then I go and….’

I am sorry, Kagome. I did not know that my actions would hurt you this much. I shall apologize to Urameshi-kun as soon as I am able.

Kagome just continued crying, but froze when an unknown presence entered her room.

"Who-Who’s there?" Kagome whimpered. She sat up and wiped her eyes, and a huge pain entered the back of her head as something like a baseball bat hit her.

Kagome slumped to the bed, unconscious.

The figure smirked, showing off his sharp fangs and chuckled as he lifted the young hanyou off her bed and out the window.

::Two hours later in a VERY large house::

Kagome groaned. Her head hurt like hell.

"Good to see you’re awake, Kagome." Said a cold voice by the door.

Kagome looked toward the voice and gasped.


A/N: Hah! Cliffhanger! Review if you want to find out who the kidnapper is! Later people!