Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What the YYH Gang Does Offset ❯ Jewel encrusted what?! Pink Hiei? SUGAR HIGH INDUCED!!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I must let y'all know something… this was originally started on ff.net, but was taken off twice already. So, when I found this site, we decided to post it here! The names are off…but just so you know, EBD and I have accounts on here, TC can't have one, and I'm not sure if KK's going to get one. DE, me..well, if you're reading this, obviously you know that's me, Yuri_Kuro. EBD is assarishita sukuara. And that's all I know, so on with the story!

What the YYH Gang does offset…

By: TailChaser, Demon-Enchantress, and Kitsune Kit

Youko: o.o;; Spare us all…

Yusuke: When those three (plus EBD) get together, oh my God, spare us all!

KK: But…EBD isn't here!

DE: OR isn't either…

TC: You'll just have to be tortured by us…

Girls: (evil grin)

Disclaimer: (done by the girls) WE OWN NOTHING, GODDAMNIT!!!

YYG: (Yu Yu Gang, just to let you know…) O_O;;

(no offence to Youko lovers, or anyone else… we're Youko lovers too! (cough) kind of.. (cough)

Botan: (knocks on Youko's trailer door) Um, Youko? Youko? It's time for your fight with Ura Urashima!

(moans are heard from inside)

Botan: O_o Youko? (opens trailer door) HOLY SHIT!!!!! O_O;

Youko: (has a didlo encrusted with very SHINY jewels..) OH, YES, SHINY SHINY SHINY! OH, GIVE IT TO ME, SHINY!!!

Botan: (pounces on Youko) Where'd you get that?! I need one…

Youko: MY SHINY DILDO!! (runs away without any clothes on and with dildo in hand and passes Karasu's trailer)

Karasu: Oh, my! What a view! (stares out the window at Youko, who's being chased by a rabid Botan)

Koenma: (looks out…sniffles) Botan, I thought you loved me!

Botan: No, I only love Keiko…or is it Genkai? Crap, I don't remember which one!

Genkai and Keiko: (turn green)

Everyone: O_O;;

Yusuke: (while Hiei is asleep, he goes around and paints everything in Hiei's trailer pink, including his katana, hair, and all boxers) Heheheh…

*~*About twenty minutes later…*~*

Hiei: (wakes up) WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Yusuke: (tries to sneak out of Hiei's room quietly)

Hiei: I'LL KILL YOU, YUSUKE, YOU BASTARD!!!! (starts spazzing) PINK! (keeps spazzing)

Kurama: (runs in because Hiei screamed) OH MY GOD! YUSUKE, WHAT'D YOU DO TO HIM?!

Yusuke: Just a harmless prank!

Kuronue: You know he's deathly afraid of pink.

Everybody but Hiei: Kuronue, what the hell are you doing here?!

Kuronue: Since I wasn't needed for anything but the Yu Yu Hakusho movie (sniff) I'm a stunts person! ^_^

Yusuke: You mean you're the person I've been beating the crap out of most of the time?!

Kuronue: With a little help from modern technology and make up, yes!

Kurama: (snickers) I'm sure it was quite interesting to turn you into a girl when you had to be a girl stunt double…

All: O_O;;

Kuronue: Kurama, you perv!

Kurama: So how did they give you breasts?

Kuronue: >_>;; I NEVER PLAYED A GIRL!

Kurama: Suuuuuuurrrrrrre… (snickers)

Hiei: Can we focus on the real problem? MY ROOM IS PINK! (spazzes again)

Yusuke: Do I look like I give a shit?

Hiei: DIE, NINGEN!!! (releases Dragon of the Darkness Flame, but it turns out to be Pink Dragon of the Darkness Flame) AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! PINK! GET IT AWAY!!!! (spazzes)

Kurama: I'm not going to pay for his therapy!

Kuronue: Don't look at me! You guys get the pay!

All: (shake heads and leave Hiei to his misery)

DE: (types everything and constantly yells at the computer from the typo demons) EVIL TYPO DEMONS! GO AWAY!!

TC: (runs into the room, stopping on the carpet, and trying to slide, but it doesn't work because she has socks on, and the carpet has too much friction) Dang… (falls over anyways)

KK: (is in the bathroom)

TC: (gets up and walks over, looking at certificates KK's grandpa earned…is leaning on a rocking chair, and starts to fall sideways with the chair) WHOA!!!

DE: O_O;; TC, JEEZ! …and you said you're the graceful one… (rolls eyes)

KK: (runs out from the bathroom) COME ON, YOU TWO! WE GOT A SCENE TO SHOOT! It's one where Youko comes out!

All: Youko…(are starry-eyed and drools…leave to go direct the scenes…and stare at Youko and shirtless Hiei)

KK: Who wants some PEEPS?!

TC and DE: PEEPS!!!!!!! (start jumping up and down)

KK: (runs upstairs and gets some bunny-shaped peeps…comes back down and hands out peeps)

DE: SUGAR!!!!!!!!!! (snatches peeps and eats them) SUGAR BUNNY!

TC: Aw, sorry EBD…we don't really mean to eat you! (evil grin and starts chomping down on bunny-shaped peeps)

KK: Shall I go get the other peeps?

DE: (stares wide-eyed at KK) GET THEM!!!!

KK: (gets other bunny-shaped peeps) You guys better be damn grateful for me giving these to you! I stocked up on Easter candy for years, and this is my last bit! I was saving it for a rainy day, and it's not really a rainy day, but what the hell?! LET'S EAT THEM!

Yusuke: (looking at peeps) …these ones look like they're humping somebody…

Youko: (walks up) …that one looks like it's got a dick…

Karasu: (comes up and eats the bunny with the dick)

All: (look at him weird) O_O;;

DE: YOU ATE MY SUGAR BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!! (chases Karasu and tries to kill him)

Karasu: (jumps on Youko) HELP ME, YOUKO!

Youko: GET THE HELL OFF ME, YOU PSYCHO MANIAC!!! (prides Karasu from him)

KK: DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH YOUKO! (hits Karasu over the head with a frying pan)

DE: Where the hell did you get a frying pan?

KK: Uuuhhhhh, you really don't wanna know…

Kuronue: Well, you're not big enough to hide it between your chest…

KK: DIE!!!!!!!!! (attacks Kuronue)

DE: Yeah, well, Kuronue, you know, if she doesn't have big enough ones, then I DO!!!!!

Youko: (stares at DE's chest and starts drooling) Yes, you do…(smirks)


Youko: Alright, we will! (carries DE away to a private room, where moans are heard)

Karasu: Youko, I thought you loved me!!!

All: HELL NO!!!

(no offence to Keiko lovers… DE just doesn't like her (as a friend!) as much anymore..)


DE: (gets really sugar high and starts dotting things)

Keiko: (walks in and gets dotted) AAAAAHHHH!

KK: …I want Hiei…

Hiei: (walks in and picks up KK) You called?

KK: (stares) @_@ (becomes possessed)

Hiei: (carries KK into a private room where moans are heard)

DE: (slips into KK's room [not the one she and Hiei are in! {shudders}] and steals her slippers) TAKE THIS, KEIKO!!!!!!! (shoves the slippers-which are stinky as hell-into Keiko's face)

Keiko: (sniffs and smiles) Mmmmmmm! That smells gooooooood!!!

TC: O_o That is so wrong…

Touya: (suddenly grabs TC and carries her into another private room {he's her husband, weirdos!})

DE: (evil grin) …alone with free will to torture the evil bitch…

Keiko: Oh God… (runs)

DE: (laughs evilly)

Youko: (suddenly grabs DE around the waist and starts taking her to a different private room)

DE: Hmm…Youko or torturing Keiko…Youko or torturing Keiko… Well, I'd have to chase Keiko while Youko is pulling me into a room… I'd have to use little energy to please myself (ahem, not like that!!!) torturing Keiko with KK's stinky slippers, while Youko would do everything… (continues pondering aloud)

Youko: (smirks and kisses DE) That help?

DE: (major blush) HELL YEAH! DEFINITELY YOUKO!!!!!!!!!!! (drags Youko into a private room)

Youko: (fighting a random demon)

TC, KK, and DE: (stare at Youko's sexy ass KK's idea!!! KK: OH come ON! You know you want to! DE: True… TC: Leave me outta this!)

RD: random demon (slices Youko's pants off and drools)


Youko: …it's the only pair that was clean… >_>;;

Botan: (in a seductive voice) I don't care what you wear, Youko.

DE: (smacks Botan over the head with a frying pan) HE'S MINE, BITCH!!!!!

Youko: (blushing like hell) …these are the pair that Suichi's mom gave us…

Karasu: (pops out of nowhere) Us?

Youko: Suichi and myself.

Karasu: (drooling at Youko's pantlessness)

DE: HE'S MINE, YOU HORNY LITTLE BITCH!!!!!! (repeatedly whacks Karasu over the head with a frying pan)

All but DE and Youko: Bitch???

DE: HELL YEAH! He's gay, you know…

All: True…

KK: (waving hand in front of Hiei's face) Hiei…Hiei! HIEI!!!!!!!!

TC: I think he's out cold.

KK: Well, desperate times call for desperate measures… (gulp)

Youko: (looks interested) What are you going to do?

DE: PERVERT!!!!! (smirks)

KK: (grabs Hiei and kisses him mercilessly, bending his back in a prolonged kiss that looked like a romantic scene in a play)

All: (claps, whistles, and cheers)

DE: GO KK!!!!!!!!!! = P

Hiei: (stops spazzing and kisses KK back evilly)

TV: (shows a commercial for Noxima)

Karasu: (looks at Kuwabara) …you should get that…you have a lot of acne…

Yusuke: How the hell would you know?

Koenma: He's a gay bastard. He checks out everybody.

Yusuke: Even Kuwabara? Damn, he's desperate…

Karasu: I can hear you, you know…

Yusuke: Oh, fuck you.

Karasu: (tries to look seductive) I wouldn't mind a good fuck right now.

Kurama: (hits Karasu over the head with a random object)

Kuwabara: Hm…maybe…(calls a number and orders bottles of Noxima)

*~*Days later…*~*

Noxima: (arrives)

Kuwabara: YEAH!! NOXIMA!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!! (runs upstairs to the bathroom and tries them out)

Karasu: (walks in and notices Kuwabara is nude) O_O whoa…last time I saw you, you weren't THAT big…

Yusuke: (overhears) What do you mean, last time???

Kuwabara: Uuuhh, what do you mean?

Karasu: (indicates Kuwabara's manhood DE'S idea NOT mine.) That…

Kuwabara: (blushes) Oh… Yeah, I only put this Noxima stuff on it and it grew instantly.

Koenma: (overhears) I'm going to be sick…(leaves)

Yusuke: I'M GONNA GET SOME!!!!!! (leaves to order some)

Karasu: Hmm, maybe I should try some of that… (takes a few pads and "puts them on")

DE: Okay, some was my idea, some was TC's, and some was KK's!!!!!!!


DE: Yeah, so???

KK: Whatever…

TC: REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!