Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Little Girls... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Bleh! I am so sorry about the atrocity that used to be this story. Amazingly one of my most favorited pieces on FF.net, I cannot believe it with how many errors were in this thing. I have taken the liberty to go back and attempt to make it over and look a little bit better. Some things may be added and some taken off—you never know unless you've read it before and bother to reread it. I have also done a continuation or whatnot of this story called My Daughter, My World and it's the main reason I am doing this. X_X
Reviews: Please, please, PLEASE—I love reviews, I do for they keep me going and I don't really care for review fluff ALL the times but it's fine if you are not big on criticism. However, when it comes to criticism, DON'T jump up and down and pat yourself on the back that you found one error especially if it's a one spelling error of all things. People, I am sure you make errors all the time as well for I am just a human being and truth be known, I could read a piece twenty times and possibly skim over the same error several times. So please, think before you review. I am writing this due to a review I got and couldn't help but cringe at before deleting it because it was just plain pointless.
Summery: Jin the Wind Master falls for and rescues a little human girl he cannot have being he is a Wind Shinobi... (JinXOC) (NC-17)
Disclaimers: Yu Yu Hakusho was created by Yoshihiro Togashi and NOT ME!! However, Aeka Urameshi and any other creations SHE spawns (as in giving birth) are copywrite to me and I would love for it to stay that way.
Musical Inspiration: “Dream Come True” - S Club7
“Volare” - Vitamin C
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Demons that managed to cross-over into the human world, bestowed their hatred onto the humans. Five there were and each one of them took great pleasure in destroying the small town they came across. Burning and slashing the humans as they went down the road. “Destroy them all!” One of the demons yelled as he watched in amusement as his comrades did just that without having to be told.
Some of the humans tried to save themselves not bothering a child that was there upon the side of the road crying for their mother or a family that needed help, trapped within their burning house. But in the end, it didn't matter who it was to the lower class demons. As long as they were human, they were their enemy.
In a house further down, a five year old child was woken rudely from her sleep thanks to the rumbling and vibrations coming from about the house that disturbed her sleep. The mother, hearing her daughter's cries hurried to her side. She had wavy red hair and ivy green eyes while sporting a white sweater and jeans. “It's going to be okay, Aeka, I promise,” her mother signed as well as say aloud in a rushed, frightened tone before picking up her startled child.
The sound of the demons were soon close and before the red headed woman could blink their house was engulfed in the demonic flame unleashed by one of the five loose demons. Aeka watched as the flames danced just outside of their house and was creeping into her bedroom through her tear filled eyes. The woman cried before hurrying into the hallway to see that the fire was spreading as if it had a mind of its own. “Oh, God!” She said to herself, grabbing her jacket to put around her daughter before embracing her as if this would be the last time she would be able to.
The father soon came running into the hallway from his room to spy the two, waving for them to hurry in his direction. He was pudgy and had albino white hair with blue eyes. “Do you have Aeka?” He asked not noticing his daughter in his wife's arms.
“Yes, let's just go! We can run to the nearest town and be safe there!” The woman replied hurrying towards her husband and getting into his room to find the flames were in there as well eating away at the ceiling and the surrounding walls. “We can replace everything some other time!”
Before they could hope to make it out the window in time, the creaking of the ceiling caught their attention and they noticed that it was fixing to fall. They didn't have much time and the mother knew it was over one way or another so she covered her daughter with her body while her husband covered them both with his own body. Looking down at her crying daughter, the woman kissed her forehead before letting her tears caress her child's face. “I love you, Aeka.” And with that, the entire house collapsed one bit at a time burying all of them.
The demons dancing on the bodies of their victims soon came to a halt once a strong gust of wind tore down the road, missing the rubble that once was the town intentionally and just wishing to attack three of the five demons. The demons going silent, they looked at one another wondering what got into the wind and what was with the strong demonic levels they could feel. “What the hell is that?” One of the freed demons asked once he managed to get to his feet.
The thick blanket of smoke soon parted to reveal two figures were slowly walking toward the cause of this mess but their faces couldn't be seen due to the darkness and piece of cloth they kept around their face. They looked like ninjas in the attire that could just be seen in thanks to the moonlight. The demons knew who they were and who sent them, making them panic and think of ways to escape the terrifying punishment of death they would receive. “They're part of the Shinobi! Run!” The one demon that appeared to be their leader ordered.
Without saying a single word, the taller Shinobi raised his hand at chest level, outstretched once more and released a powerful enough wind that it caused part of the sharp rubble in the road, to smash right through them all, killing each and every one of them. They were down—all five of them run through and dead with just one blow from another of their kind.
The shorter Shinobi, whose narrow ice like eyes could be seen grazing the area, raised his hand to spread his ice powers about the fire that had engulfed the quant town causing the raging fire to eventually die down and cease. Lowering his hand, he looked up at his partner. “Well—let's look for survivors,” his low tone remarked with a muffle behind his attire.
The taller Shinobi nodded before walking off down the road, his bare feet breaking all of the rubble that was in his way of where the dirt road used to be. Continuing down the road, he heard one of the still standing houses that had survived a bit of the fire attack moan before finally caving in causing a loud cracking sound and a bit of dust to spread about the area. All the ninja demon could do was stand there and watch through his red bangs that flowed over his baby blue eyes. Looking at the torn and burnt bodies of men, women, and children, all he could do was shake his head. “Nobody could have survived this…we were too late, Touya.”
Touya nodded, walking further down the road just beyond where his partner stopped to check there just to make sure. “We did what we were asked to do though. Sorry to put it that way but—nobody survived.”
The taller Shinobi nodded, lowering his head while placing his hands on his hips. “The demons were taken care of. I guess we might as well head back. We have a limited time to be in Human World anyways.”
The ice Shinobi turned around to head back from whence they came only to be stopped by his partner whose hand made its way to his shoulder. Looking over at the wind demon, he cocked his brow at him. “Yes?”
“Do you hear that?”
Touya looked about the quiet destroyed town and shook his head. All he could hear was the sound of crickets and the creaking and moaning of some of the houses in the far back struggling to stay up from the fire that spread throughout the rural area. “You are the one with better ears than my own, Jin.”
“Shhh, shhh,” he ordered pressing his finger to where his mouth was under the cloth so his ears could listen a bit better. Finally pinpointing it, Jin quickly jogged over to where he was hearing the noise arising from and tore away at what was preventing him from reaching where the noise was coming from. It was in one of the houses barely standing and in the far back of the house the place had just completely caved in allowing entrance to anyone. The many charred planks of the house were tossed quickly to the side by the demon before he got to the destroyed bodies of the mother and father which he also tore at to get to the sound he was hearing.
Once he tossed the bodies of the dead mother and father, he found a little girl, whose pale white lavender hair was covered in ash, crying by making throating noises. She had dirt and a bit of blood on her face due to being buried under all of that for a little while. If it hadn't been for Touya's ice taming the fire, she would have been the next to die. The girl was frightened to see this new towering figure picking up her body that was not her mother or father. “One survived,” Jin corrected, lying her body out in his hands.
Touya joined Jin's side once he managed to get over the junk that was in his way. “What are we going to do with her? We can't take her back with us but-” Touya's eyes came across a man and woman that were burned to death, twisting his nose in disgust at the sight. Seeing a demon dead that were not honorable was one thing but to see innocent humans lying there was another. “-we can't leave her here either.”
Jin sighed, looking at the shivering child that was in his hands. “Don't be scared,” He whispered in his Irish accent, removing the cloth that covered most of his face hoping that the way he looked would calm her since he looked more or less of her species. His blue eyes and red hair were a lot more visible now to the young girl who stopped sniffling for a bit to look at this demon. The horn on his head was quite small but could be seen in the dark of night as could the tooth that came from his awkward overbite. His hair was wild and only touched his neck though a pair of elfin ears wiggled up and down excitedly that she thought for sure were once human looking.
Touya did as Jin had done revealing his face to the small child. His narrow eyes were the color of ice blue and his hair the same with the exception of his four aquatic bangs that hung on the left side of his head. “Jin, what should we do with her?” He asked once more.
“Well,” Jin sighed, taking his ninja attire to wipe the child clean of the dirt and blood that was on her face. Obviously she wasn't too fond of being cleaned even by a stranger as she made attempts to move away from the demon's dark cloth that he used to dap away the blood from her mouth and forehead. “I guess we should find her a new home then. There is obviously nothing left here for her so—let's go, Touya.”
Touya watched as the wind demon headed out of the area where the young child was found and headed towards the spot they came from. Sighing softly, he couldn't help but take one last look at all that happened before hurrying after his partner to help him in the decision he made. When Jin stopped just outside of the town, Touya asked, “What is it?”
“It may take us awhile to find her a home on foot so I suggest, by air.” Jin laughed, wiggling his elf ears up and down. Since it was so cold and the child was obviously freezing, he wrapped the small girl in his cape and nodded at Touya. “Hop on.”
The ice demon got on his friend's back, holding on tightly by embracing his neck knowing how fast he could fly when he wanted to. Jin gathered his powers and took off into the night sky to look for a perfect home for this young child that was the only survivor.
The two demons looked all over Japan for a suitable place for her but to no avail. When the sun threatened to rise, Touya and Jin couldn't be allowed to be seen by anyone let alone the light so they found a cave up in some nearby mountains and hid there with the child. Ducking into the very back of the cold cave, Jin felt that it would be best to make a fire not only for themselves but for the child who was obviously very cold from the winter season.
“The sun is almost out,” Touya sighed seeing a bit of the light from where he stood. “You know the code of our masters and their masters before them—I cannot go out there.”
Jin sat down on one of the nearest boulders within the cave trying to keep the child entertained before complying with Touya's crisis. “Touya, it's the sun—what harm could it do? It's not like you're going to melt or anything.”
Sighing irritably at his playful partner, he put back on his full Shinobi ensemble so nobody would know who he was other than a ninja. “Alright, fine—I will be back with wood as soon as possible.”
Later the ice master returned and seemed just fine as he did when he left. Putting the pieces of firewood he managed to grab down, he worked on making that fire the old fashioned way with two sticks. “This would be a lot more helpful if one of us were a fire demon,” the ice master couldn't help but complain slightly until the fire finally started up.
“Do you want me to go get food to eat?” Jin suggested, keeping his focus on the little girl who was obviously exhausted from the night before and fixing to sleep. “You can keep a hold of the kid till I get back. She hasn't said a word since we saved her and you'd think being the age she is she would have said something by now.”
“No, I am not good with kids,” Touya admitted scratching the back of his head before bothering to look back out from where he came. “I will just step back outside and grab something really quick. Stay out of trouble until I return.”
Once again Touya returned with a deer he managed to slay just outside of the cave since there was nothing else to eat that looked appetizing to the ice demon. Keeping it slung over his shoulders, he made it back into the cave, plopping it down before bothering to give some of it to his partner, knowing he ate very little.
“I wonder why she doesn't say anything but make noises,” Jin questioned, holding the sleeping child close to his chest once he finished off a piece of the deer meat Touya brought in.
Touya shrugged, eating his portion of the wild creature he found wondering about the woods outside the cave. “Maybe she can't speak. She could be a mute.”
Thinking she had slept enough, Jin decided to wake her by shaking her gently. The little girl, let out a slight yawn as her eyes tried to focus in the dark cave she found herself in. “Little girl, what's your name?” Jin asked clearly once he saw that she was fully awake even if she wasn't looking directly at him. However, the girl either didn't hear him or was ignoring the demon as her eyes gazed at the fire before her, making her tremble a bit thanks to the experience she endured. “Little girl?”
Touya watched as he snapped his fingers loudly and the girl did nothing to respond to it from the other side of the fire. “Jin?” He began, putting away the bone of his dinner. “Mind if I try something to see if I can get her attention?”
“Go ahead,” Jin urged, trying to keep the girl still who was now trying to wonder out of his arms.
Touya walked over to Jin and sat in front of the child, waving his hand in her face to make sure he had her attention. When the girl saw it she began to smile and laugh a bit before grabbing onto his Shinobi outfit to feel of the fabric. Jin sat and watched as Touya began to make motions with his hands to the girl.
Once he was through, the silent girl laughed and began doing something similar to what Touya did. It was as if they were mirroring each other or speaking in their own language. “What are you doing?” Jin asked confused at all of this.
“It's called Sign Language. It's used around humans who are unable to hear. She's a deaf child.”
“Where did you learn all this, now?” Jin asked with a cock of his thin brow.
“My master taught me when I was little so I could `speak' with my mother for, she too was deaf,” Touya confirmed, taking the girl into his lap and trying to keep her there. “I asked her what her parents called her and she says her name is, `Aeka'.” He spelled the name out for Jin as the little girl did for Touya.
“Wow, that's interesting,” Jin remarked, looking at his hands. “`Speaking' with your hands.” Jin watched as Aeka reached up to pull on one of Touya's aqua colored bangs but Touya kept lightly grabbing onto her hands to stop her from doing so since he didn't want the child bothering his hair. “Little kids certainly are grabby aren't they?” Jin remarked taking the girl back from Touya who was having quite the time trying to keep the child entertained. “There's not a difference from demon children or humans…”
“Jin…” Touya sighed, listening to how his partner was saying this. “I am sorry, but we are not allowed…”
“I don't understand why we can't take her back with us, Touya,” He said, looking down at the currently homeless girl who had no idea what was going on but smiling nevertheless at what she thought was her two new parents. “She wouldn't be any trouble at all! I would watch her and you could teach me that hand language!”
Touya shook his head. “We can't Jin. Not only would it be against our Shinobi code, but humans are not allowed in Makai.”
Jin sighed, holding onto Aeka a bit tighter not wanting to let her go feeling his heart swell with a feeling he never really felt until the moment she hugged his broad neck back.
The ice master watched as Jin ran his fingers through the girl's pale lavender hair before attempting to be comforting, “Jin…you can always have one of your own some day.”
The wind demon's big blue eyes caught Touya's in the densely lit cave as he asked honestly and full of sorrow, “How can I…when we are forced to spend our life eternally in darkness…?”
Darkness eventually consumed the light allowing the two members of the Shinobi to continue their search for a perfect place for Aeka. The small girl was asleep in Jin's arms once more as he sailed over Tokyo, listening for a family that may be in need of another child praying to himself that he wouldn't find one. “I am not seeing or hearing any family that may need her.”
Touya frowned at the wind master from where he was sitting on his back. “There is always a family that wants a child. We have to keep looking! We are not taking her with us.”
Jin sighed, coming upon a series of apartment complexes. “Let me just roost right down there and eavesdrop on some of the conversations to see if there is a possible family.”
Touya agreed with his decision and jumped down off of Jin once he reached the top of the building. The elflike ears of the wind master wiggled up and down searching for a conversation that may help their search as he kept rocking the sleeping child in his arms.
Jin possibly sat and did this for about two hours finding nothing till he came across a worrying mother. “Would you stop doing that?” The woman panicked, grabbing onto her 3 year old son. This was the third time he was trying to take out one of the woman's beer bottles to play around with. “Goodness! You are going to be the death of me! It's times like these I wish you had someone to play with so you wouldn't keep me running about the place!”
Sighing, Jin's elf ears turned into normal human ears as he looked over at Touya, “I think I found her a home…”
Touya merely nodded, showing that he would allow Jin to give her away. “Go ahead. I will be waiting right here for us to go back to Makai.”
Following his good hearing, Jin found the location of where the noise was coming from and stood in front of the cracked door with the sleeping girl in his arms. “I'll come back for you,” He whispered into her ear before making his way to the crack of the door to put Aeka down. “I'll find a way to sneak out here and I'll drag Touya along too.”
Aeka began to stir in her sleep as she moaned, trying to situate herself in a better position in the demon's arms listening to his abnormal heartbeat that all demons shared.
“I wish there was something I could leave you with but I don't have anything…” The human child eventually opened her aquatic colored eyes and looked up at the redheaded demon that was still holding her. “I have to say `bye' now,” He sadly whispered, doing the universal sign for `bye'.
Thinking it was a joke, Aeka giggled and waved bye to Jin.
“Jin, hurry up!” Touya ordered from the roof.
“Give me a minute,” He begged silently so as not to alert the mother inside of the apartment, putting the little girl in front of the door keeping her wrapped up in his black Shinobi cape so she would be warm till the mother found her. Jin moved Aeka's bangs out of the way and kissed her on the forehead. “I hope to see you in a few years. Goodbye, Aeka…”
Seeing the wind demon flying upward without her, caused Aeka to start sniffling, showing how `not fun' this game was before getting up to chase after him. When he was out over the railing of the apartment building, the little girl started wailing trying to reach for him.
Watching her saddening display, Jin furrowed his brow at her before mouthing to her as clear as can be, “I will return.”
“Who's out there?” The woman inside the apartment room asked once she heard the sound emitting from the cracked door.
Jin waved goodbye to Aeka one last time and then flew off to the roof, nodding to Touya that it was done. Grabbing onto his friend, he took off into the darkness to get back to Makai from whence they came leaving Aeka behind.
The woman opened the cracked door even more not realizing it was even so to begin with. Blinking several times in amazement at what was before her she couldn't help but gasp, “Dear God…A little girl…”
The child was just standing there reaching for the sky as her tears fell to the concrete ground. She wanted back the two men she had become friends with in a short time.
“Does she not have any parents?” The woman asked herself, looking around only to see the child there alone with the black ninja outfit that the demon left behind. “If she does they are obviously not suited to be her parents!” Kneeling behind the girl, she held out her hand. “Little girl…hello, little girl.”
When Aeka refused to respond, the mother touched her white looking hair, causing her to spin around in fright. Not recognizing this person, Aeka began to sign quickly to her due to being in such an upset and confused state. Where is he? She signed, where did he go?
“Oh goodness, she is deaf…well, let's get you inside, little one,” The woman said, waving toward her body. “Come on, I will take care of you.”
The little girl turned back around and looked back up into the night sky hoping that the wind master would fly back down to save her like he did last time.
Since Aeka didn't respond to the woman's invite, she slowly got beside her and reached out to embrace her. Being too emotional over the loss of her two friends, she didn't fight her welcome. “Let's get you inside then.” The woman saw her son standing at the door just now. “Yuske, you have a sister to play with now,” She remarked, closing the door behind her.