Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ 12 Years Later ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The door to Yuske's apartment, flew open having Yuske and Aeka run out at lightening fast speed with mischievous looks upon their faces. “Yuske!” Atsuko yelled from the door, “Aeka! Get back here and get your school bags!” The furious mother was waving the bags at them from where she stood in the doorway.
“We don't need them!” Yuske hollered and signed over his shoulder as he led his sister by the wrist away from their angry mother.
“I'll be checking to make sure you two are at school today and not skipping with one another!” With that said, Atsuko slammed the door crossly behind her hoping her stubborn children would listen to her.
It had been 12 years since Aeka appeared at Atsuko's doorstep and was accepted into the Urameshi family. Atsuko throughout the years learned to sign a lot better and taught Yuske to do the same so he could converse with his elder sister. Of course, hanging around someone like Yuske, caused Aeka to follow after her reckless brother's actions. She was just as sarcastic sometimes but not entirely. In a way, Aeka began to admire her brother and followed after him even if it drove Atsuko crazy.
So what did mother say? Aeka signed, once she tapped on Yuske's shoulder.
“The same old junk,” Yuske said aloud as he signed back.
That she would check on us at school? Aeka asked with a laugh.
Yuske nodded, “That's the one. Are you going?”
Aeka shrugged as she signed, I don't know. I would like to graduate but school is so damn boring.
“Why not consider halftime?” Yuske asked, walking down the road with his hands behind his head. “Go part of the day and do what you need to get done then leave.”
I wish I could, Aeka signed with a sigh, but you know that guy I told you about-he keeps making me stay under his watch once I arrive…it really sucks.
Yuske laughed; stopping at the Middle School he went to and said, “Sounds like a male version of Keiko. That girl is always bitching at me!”
Aeka looked up at his school and then down at him. Are you gonna go?
Yuske shrugged, humming a bit. “I guess till lunch. What about you?”
Aeka shook her head while she placed her hands up. I don't know. Maybe till lunch like you. The pale lavender haired female headed off down the road to get to her high school. I will see you later, Yuske.
“See ya, Aeka,” Yuske said to himself knowing with her back turned his sister wouldn't be able to hear it but it was such a habit at times. The young black haired boy walked through the gates with a frown creasing upon his face. “Pesh-why do I bother coming here…?” Yuske entered the school building once he heard the bell ring for school to begin.
Aeka strolled into class fashionably late only to be yelled at by her teacher in sign language but he spoke too so the class would know his fury. “Miss. Aeka, Urameshi, once again you are LATE. Go stand out in the hallway!” He ordered to her.
Whatever, she signed back to the teacher, looking unimpressed as she did this. Aeka stepped outside the classroom, looking left and right down the hallways to find no one there. Not interested in standing in one spot, the young seventeen year old girl walked down the hallway to find her way out to the field to sit for the time being.
Aeka found her favorite spot out in the grass. It was right in the middle of where some roses were growing. Reaching her hand up towards the sky, as if to look at the back of it, she began to think to herself, A red-haired man and light-blue hair…am I just having the same creepy dream every night of some man flying me above the city…? If I tell Yuske about this he would just laugh at what an odd mind I have…and mother is too drunk nowadays to care about anything Yuske and I do…
Before she could think about it any further, somebody leaned over her, blocking the sun from beaming down on her. “I thought I would find you here,” A young boy with long red hair signed while saying aloud.
It was the young man that she spoke to Yuske about constantly who was always onto her about what she did during school hours. She never mentioned his name to him for she found it unimportant. Aeka sighed, looking away from him for a moment. Hello, Shuichi, she signed back irritably.
“Should you not be in class?”
Shouldn't you? Aeka snapped with the motion of her hands.
“You didn't hear the bell ring,” Shuichi clarified, forcing her to stand. “This is in between classes, Aeka.”
So? Aeka asked, Your point? She never did enjoy the fact that Shuichi found fit to get on her case about everything she did. This is probably how Yuske feels when that Keiko girl gets onto him!
“I am merely concerned,” Shuichi signed with a frown on his face. “If you don't pass your classes, you will end up falling behind and I will be in your class next year,” He teased.
Aeka was only two years older than Shuichi yet the man acted like he was her father and it drove her crazy. Whatever, Aeka sighed, walking away from the redhead. I am not up to your badgering right now! I will see you later…She thought to herself with a grumble.
Shuichi sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “What a wild one she is…I hear her brother is worse or just the same,” Shuichi said to himself not knowing that Yuske was her brother though he should have known with how she carried to herself.
Aeka just walked out of school without any troubles and managed to run into Yuske on her way back home. “School was the same way for you?” Yuske asked showing is frustration in his expression and gestures.
Yesdamn guy got on my case again. Aeka crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up in the sky. Why do we continue to go back to school?

Touya sat back while he watched Jin use his wind powers to punch through another bolder he found. The bolder was shattered partially and Touya pointed it out to his team member who was looking, no pun intended, winded. “You are getting sloppy, Jin.”
Jin let out a breath of exhaustion as he tried to regain his composure. “I know-I am just thinking, is all.”
“Then, stop thinking so much and relax,” The ice master suggested from where he was sitting.
Jin walked toward his partner and sat down next to him, looking straight ahead. “I wish it were that simple.”
Touya sighed, getting to his feet so he could train his body and powers. He knew what his friend was thinking about and he wished he'd let it go being that he had to put up with it for twelve years. Of course, with there not being anything going on in Makai, what else was he to do but think about her?
Jin watched as Touya loosened up his body to tray out a few things before bringing his knees to his chest before embracing them. “I am sick of this place,” Jin blurted out almost with a pout.
“As am I but there is nothing I can do about it,” Touya agreed, gathering his ice power in his right hand. Opening his hand and blowing on the pieces of ice, he called out his special ability, “Shards of Winter!”
Jin watched as the pieces pierced the stone multiple times. “Good job,” Jin yawned, stretching out a bit in the moonlight.
“It wasn't good enough,” He sighed, powering up again.
Sighing as well, Jin looked up at the night sky with a heavy frown on his face that was concealed behind his Shinobi attire. For over 1000 years I have sat in Makai and merely surfaced during the night not allowed to view the day's light. The Wind master reached out his hand towards the night sky still thinking to himself thanks to that night ringing well in his mind, For twelve years I have wished to keep my promise to Aeka yet I have not found the opportunity to do so…
“Damn, again!” Jin heard Touya curse as his attack was not showing any improvements. Moaning, the ice demon gave up with a slight shrug before turning his attention to his partner to see Jin soon rise to his feet causing Touya to wonder what was on his mind now. “Jin?”
“I've had enough of this,” Jin remarked, walking off past the short ice master.
“Jin—what are you doing?” Touya asked, scurrying to catch up with his teammate.
“I am going to the Human World to find Aeka.”
“Jin, we are not allowed to do that!”
“Well, I am going. If we are not aloud to see day—I can live with that I suppose,” Jin said, crossing his arms. “But I promised Aeka that I would see her again and I was going to drag you with me on the way up.”
“She was only five years old, Jin,” Touya pointed out, getting in front of Jin. “She's aged twelve years and is a bit older now. I doubt she even remembers that promise you made to her let alone who you are. There is no point in going to see her now for she is no longer a child.”
“Wrong, you are,” Jin huffed in his Irish accent he obtained from his master. “I am going there to see how she is doing.”
Touya laughed curious now as he asked, “Exactly how do you plan on going to the surface looking the way you do?” The ice master pointed to the demon's head sighing, “That horn will make lower apparitions that can get through the barrier willing to take you on, and if you get excited or happy when you see Aeka, your `normal' ears will turn into a point and that will alarm humans since the horn nobody can see but those in tune with the spirit world.”
“My Shinobi outfit hides those imperfections,” Jin pointed out.
Touya shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. “If we wear this attire, people will look at you odd. If you want to see Aeka now, you are going to have to change clothing once we manage to cross over to the other side.”
The redheaded demon watched as his friend walked ahead of him and asked, “Does this mean you are coming with me, now?”
Sighing, Touya answered, “I have nothing better to do and besides—you don't know how to speak to her without my help.”
Jin smiled, rubbing the back of his head forgetting that part. Thanks for your help, Touya.

Once the two arrived home a bit late, they found their mother not at home. Walking into the kitchen, Aeka hopped in one of the stools while Yuske leaned against the counter with his elbows on the cool wood. “She's probably out on one of her drinking binges,” Yuske signed to the wondering Aeka.
Figures, Aeka sighed rolling her finger about the wood. Mother is hardly ever around nowadays.
Yuske shrugged as he threw open the fridge door to check out what was there to at least drink since he was thirsty. “I'm use to it by now. I am not sure about you. Soda?”
Aeka nodded and caught the soda he threw her way watching as he grabbed one himself before shutting the door closed with his foot. Keiko gave you a hard time today as always?
Yuske nodded as he sipped from his drink. “Yeah—everything has to be her way or she'll nag your ear off!”
Aeka throated her laugh as she nodded, signing back, That redheaded ass at my high school is the same way. We are both picked on by straight A students. How annoying is that?
Yuske laughed after he finished his soda. “It's pretty frightening if you ask me. We should try and get them together or something so maybe they could annoy one another and not us!”
Aeka laughed in agreement as she watched her younger brother throw the can over his shoulder so it could go straight into the trashcan. I'll be outside for a bit if you need me, Yuske, Aeka signed, taking the remainder of her drink outside.
“Sure thing,” Yuske signed back heading towards his room so he could relax on his bed for the night.
Once she was through, Aeka crushed the can against her head and tossed it over the railing. If there was one thing she learned from her brother, it was how to be tough. Yuske taught her on occasion how to defend herself thanks to people who picked on her and all for being deaf.
Reaching her hand up towards the moon she began to think to herself once more, I am always waiting for someone to appear in my dreams. It's too creepy for words that I have the same reoccurring dream. As she rested her chin on her overlapped arms, the young girl gazed up at the night sky feeling a bit confused. It felt like a part of her was longing for someone but she didn't know what.
Aeka's attention soon focused on a strange light that was going on further down the road. Cocking her brow at the strange sight, she kept watching it as she felt an eerie feeling from it. What the hell is that?
The light was going straight upward towards the heavens making Aeka feel a bit uneasy about all of this. Something about it spooked her and as she was about to turn around to go inside, somebody frightened her by slamming down their hand on her shoulder. “I'm sorry, dear,” A drunken Atsuko replied, leaning on her adopted daughter as she signed horribly with her weary hands. “But-why aren't you inside the house…?”

Aeka always had a difficult time trying to despiser her mother's Sign Language when she was this plastered. There was a bright light---right down there! It looks like something not of this earth. Aeka signed once she understood her mother.
Atsuko squinted to see the light but saw absolutely nothing out there through her human eyes. Aeka was obvious one of the selective few on earth that could see apparitions or strange occurrences like Yuske could but regardless of what she saw, she said nothing about it thinking she was just weird. “Deary…I think you are seeing things…”
Aeka looked back over her shoulder and saw the light still there. Am I hallucinating again? She asked herself, or is mother too drunk to see it…? Looking down at her out of it mother, she decided to help her inside. God, mother…what am I going to do with you? Aeka asked, shutting the door behind her.