Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Arrival ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yuske's body reacted to the sunlight that was pouring into his room and the young teen began to gradually open his eyes. “Morning already?” Yuske yawned, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Looking over at the clock he saw it was 6:31 AM and shrugged, getting back under the covers. “It's still too early…”
Before he could get comfortable in his bed once more, the lights in his room came on and Atsuko was standing at the door looking down at Yuske and Aeka who were sleeping still and it was another school day. “Yuske, get up!” She ordered, walking over to him and shaking him roughly. “It's time for school! Get up or you two will be late!” When all Yuske did was wave his hand, showing he heard her but was not going to comply with her wishes, Atsuko dashed over to Aeka's bed and shook her. When Aeka opened her eyes and looked up at her mother, Atsuko signed showing how furious she was, “Come on, and get up!”
Mother, Aeka signed with her exhausted hands, Yuske and I don't want to go to school today…the same bullshit happens…
“Well you two or going if I have to drag you there myself!” Atsuko signed for Aeka and said aloud for Yuske to hear. Pulling the covers off of Aeka's bed, she grabbed her by the wrist and tried to force the girl to stand. “I'll get you both there if it kills me!”

Aeka sighed, looking over at her brother as they headed down the road side by side. We either have to stay at home and listen to mom's lectures about choosing between going to school or a job, or we have to go to school and get bitched at by straight A students, Aeka said with her hands.
“Somebody upstairs must really hate us,” Yuske signed with a frown that matched his sister's.
So what say you, Aeka asked stopping her brother from going any further. Mother won't know and will only yell at us if we skip once again, right?
Yuske grinned, “You're right. Why not? Let's go down to the coffee shop or something. There's no way in hell I am going to school again!”
“Yuske!” A female's voice beckoned from behind them.
Yuske frowned hearing this voice and he turned around, placing his hands in his pockets seeming not impressed. “So, it is you Keiko,” Yuske said without signing.
Aeka had to read his lips since he refused to sign this round and she asked, This is Keiko?
“Don't tell me you two aren't going to school once more again today,” Keiko said with a frown as she held her bag in front of her.
Yuske looked as though he was going to gag since he had enough people getting on him already. Looking Aeka's way once more, he signed without speaking so Keiko could be left in the dark. Why don't you go ahead without me? This may take awhile.
Aeka nodded, I'll be at the coffee shop so look for me there. As her eyes came upon Keiko she added, Good luck.
Keiko watched as Aeka rushed away hopping not to get dragged into this mess since she already had her straight A student that loved to yell at her. “Yuske, if you two don't go to school, you'll both fail!”
Yuske yawned showing he was not worried, “Keiko, I have other things more important to do than school.”
The brown haired school girl looked as though she was going to scream. Talking to Yuske sometimes was like talking to a brick wall. “Yuske!!” He was finally listening now. That tone in her voice always hinted something bad was going to happen.
Aeka stayed at the coffee shop all afternoon and saw no signs of Yuske. I guess he got forced back to school thanks to Keiko. Aeka was relieved that she made it out ok but she knew Yuske would probably be mad as all once he returned home. Placing her money on the table to pay for the two cups of coffee she had set out, she was about to leave but stopped once she saw Shuichi enter the coffee house. Oh, great! She thought, sitting back down, hoping he wouldn't notice her as she slunk down in the booth.
Shuichi looked about the coffee house as though he was looking for someone and she had a wager on who that was once she peeked out beyond her booth to see what he was doing thanks to curiosity. “Mother, there you are!” She noticed his lips said.
Mother? Aeka watched as Shuichi dashed quickly to the other side of the shop to speak to his mother who was sitting in a booth in the back waiting for her son. She didn't bother trying to read his lips then—all she did was sit there and watch him. He only spends time with his mother? That's kind of sad…Even though she pitied him, she didn't have time to sit and stare. Aeka knew she had better leave or Shuichi would eventually spot her.
Aeka didn't feel like returning home once day turned to night so she walked down the roads alone with her hands in her pants pockets since she hated wearing the school girl dresses. If I return home right away, mother will yell at me and that is the last thing I want right now, she thought, sitting down at a bench at the park she found herself in.
The young teen closed her eyes as she felt the cool breeze brush over her exhausted body. It felt nice and she couldn't help but drift to sleep for a moment since she felt as though she was all alone for once.
She was unaware of how long she laid there but someone began to shake her gently. Upon opening her green eyes, she noticed it was the redhead Shuichi again. “What are you doing out here by yourself?” He asked with his hands.
Relaxing, Aeka put simply. What about you?
Shuichi didn't know how to answer that one for he had his reasons. He felt a demonic force in the park and was trying to capture the demons he felt running lose. The teen nearly fainted when he saw Aeka lying there on the bench looking as though she were dead for he feared the demons might have killed her. “I was just out for a walk,” He lied, joining her on the bench.
The both of them were silent just looking out at the park. Aeka looked over at the boy and watched as the night wind picked up his long red hair and twisted every which way behind him. He is handsome and all and I'd probably ask him out but…I already have a mother and I don't need another one, Aeka thought, continuing to gaze at him as an annoying frown formed on her face.
“I didn't see you at school again today,” Shuichi signed as he looked over at her. “However, I did see you at the coffee shop earlier this evening. I was speaking with my mother so I was unable to catch you before you left the shop.”
Aeka nodded, looking up at the moon, signing, I know. I saw you too and I ran out hoping not to get chewed up by you.
Shuichi lightly gripped onto Aeka's chin and made her look at him. She saw Shuichi try to suppress his laugh but he failed. “Am I honestly that bad when it comes to you? You know I do it for your sake.”
Aeka growled, jerking her head back out of his grip. I don't need somebody telling me how to live, Shuichi! He could see she was getting angered by the way her hands and arms were tensing up when she signed back to him.
Getting to his feet, Shuichi waved goodbye to Aeka and said with a smile still on his face, “Alright then. I will leave you alone for the time being. See you tomorrow at school if you attend that is.”
Aeka kept her eyes on Shuichi making sure he was going to leave her lone as he said he would and the young boy eventually did. Looking at her watch Aeka got to her feet as well. It's almost ten…I might as well go home. Mother will eventually scream at me, it might as well be close to the time I sleep.
It would be a long walk home but Aeka endured it regardless. She eventually got to the apartment complex but as she gazed down at her dragging feet, Aeka didn't see the two strangers standing in front of the entrance to the building. Running into one of them, she quickly came to her senses for she wasn't in the mood for this crap. Watch where you're going!! She scolded with her hands even though it was her fault.
The tall boy looked down at her not seeing her motion with her hands and smiled as he said, “I am sorry. I was merely looking for someone who lives here.”
Aeka crossed her arms over her chest as she examined the two. They look like they should be in High School at least but I don't recognize these two from anywhere, she thought, examining the tallest one. For a minute there I thought it was Shuichi. This Jokester is just as tall if not taller than Shuichi and he has red hair as well. The guy was pretty muscular and it showed from the white sleeveless top he had on. He also wore a hat on the top of his head that looked kind of big for him but it more or less kept his wild hair tamed. It went down to the end of his ears almost. The other just wore dark blue short sleeved shirt and jeans. This guy only came up to the man's chest and was possibly only an inch or so shorter than Aeka. His light blue eyes really hypnotized Aeka once she stared into them. It was as though she had gazed into them before and she couldn't help but stay locked on them for awhile.
“Do you know somebody by the name of Aeka?” The shorter guy asked with his hands…and a lot better than how the first responded.
I am Aeka Urameshi, She answered with her hands wondering what was going on. But I have never seen you two around before. Are you two new?
The taller one who looked clueless in all of this, looked down at his friend watching as he shook his head. “We are new,” The shorter one continued. “This is Jiro and I am Totoya.”
Aeka nodded not recognizing those names but the fact that these people knew her startled her a bit. So, why are you looking for me and how do you know who I am?
“We've heard about you from others,” `Jiro' was quick to say and sign sloppily. “That is all. We just dropped by to say hello.”
Aeka waved slightly with a confused look upon her features still, Well, hello. Right now I need to get inside. My mother is possibly going to yell at me for being late.
The two of them watched as she left them behind and went inside for the night. “I would have said `nice meeting you' but I keep forgetting she cannot hear me,” Jin sighed, placing his hands in his jean pockets. “Nice names by the way, Touya,” He said laughing softly.
Touya smiled briefly looking up at his friend before elbowing him gently in the stomach. “We can't use our other names. That young man that was searching for us is not of this world apparently if he can sense our energy. He is possibly from ours and if I told her you were named Jin, I am pretty sure we would be caught.”
“We haven't changed a bit and yet she changed over the twelve years we have been gone. She is no longer the little child I kept in my arms those times…Aeka has become a young woman,” Jin noted, replacing the younger image of Aeka he kept in his mind with the elder version.
Touya looked at the direction Jin was and nodded, “She is human. Humans grow up, grow old, and eventually they die. We can only stay in the Human World so long without being spotted here or missed in Makai by our Shinobi sect, Jin. I suggest you cherish the time you will have with Aeka till that time arrives.” Touya walked slowly down the road with Jin following close behind him marking the area in his mind so he would know where to return tomorrow.
5/ 8/2004