Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ The New Students ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Where have you been?” Atsuko signed angrily at Aeka.
Aeka sighed, waving her hand, walking past her drunken mother since she was not in the mood for this and wanted to go to bed.
Not in the mood for her attitude, Atsuko got to her feet from where she was sitting in the chair in front of the TV and gripped onto Aeka's shoulder, spinning her around. “Tell me, Aeka! Yuske came home five hours ago and it is nearly midnight! How could you be so reckless!”

Aeka jerked back, rubbing the shoulder her mother grabbed. I was just out okay, mom? I came home, didn't I?!
Lying her head on her daughter's chest, Atsuko began to cry. “Why must you two do this to me?”
Aeka didn't see her sign nor could she read her lips…but seeing her mother's body language was good enough for her to know what was going on and enough to make her feel guilty. Pushing her mom back a bit, Aeka signed, I will try better next time
With that being said, Aeka dragged herself into her room to find Yuske at his bed under the covers with his hands cupped behind his head. “Where have you been all night?” Yuske signed from where he was lying out on his bed.
Out at the park hoping to relax a bit. Aeka plopped down on her bed, letting her long white hair flow over the side. Got dragged off to school by Keiko I see.
Yuske growled seeing her signs and nodded sarcastically, “Yes…it was a fabulous day!”
Aeka's mind drifted back to the two strangers she met at the entrance of the apartment complex and felt compelled to ask her brother, I saw two guys outside looking for me today. I have never seen them before in my life…
“They might have been stalkers or possibly people I beat down on occasion looking for a reason to piss me off,” Yuske signed with a worried frown, “I'd watch it.”
Well then, maybe you can tell me who they are if you've fought with them. One was at least 6 feet tall and had red shaggy short hair with blue eyes. The other was probably 5'3 with light blue hair and light blue eyes and four aquatic bangs…they said they were new here.
Yuske shook his head, “I don't know anybody by that description or seen anyone like that at my Middle School.”
Aeka wondered how they would know about her since she wasn't really that famous. Only her younger brother was.
“Just forget about them,” Yuske insisted before turning to his side. “If they end up becoming a problem with you I'll deal with them.”
Aeka laughed softly, nodding knowing she could always count on her brother whenever it came to people hurting her if she couldn't count on herself. I'm fucking tired…I am just going to bed…Goodnight Yuske. The young girl slipped under the covers once she managed to get them pulled back with the light still on and fell quickly asleep tired from the day.

Jin attacked a loan deer stalking around near the woods Touya and him were passing through breaking its neck with his demonic teeth. “Can't you wait or are you that hungry?” Touya asked casually walking by him.
“I can't help it! Besides I need something in my stomach to help me through the morning since we have to go into hiding once more.” He mumbled with the deer in his mouth before bothering to spit out the flesh that was currently being held by his teeth. Jin dragged the deer behind him catching up with Touya before continuing with his whining spree, “I still don't understand why we can't just stay out in the daylight and attend her school. Nobody is here to tell us against it.”
“That doesn't matter,” Touya said, continuing to walk through the woods slowly. “We are not aloud to see the light…” His tone unlike last was starting to waver a bit and there was something about the light that made him think differently on the subject though a part of him didn't want to admit to it.
“That was what our master's told us!” Jin said, with a big grin spread across his face trying to make his way in front of Touya so he could know for certain his partner was listening to him. “But they are no longer here. Who is to tell us differently now?”
Touya stopped walking and looked down at his feet, narrowing his eyes thinking on what Jin was trying to explain to him.
“We will only be in the human world for awhile before going back to the darkness in Makai,” the wind demon continued to explain, getting in front of Touya once his friend stopped walking. “This will be the only time we get to see the light every waking morning. What could it hurt?”
“Fine,” Touya said, caving in as he walked past Jin still looking down thinking his decision over. “Tomorrow we will attend her school as seniors as they call them here.”
“It's about time you said yes,” Jin said to poke fun at the ice master.
“I was only saying yes to make you hush for once,” Touya joked lightly in return as he continued to look for a place they could stay. Turning around, he began poking at Jin's chest being serious for a bit. “I know you, Jin. I know how you can get over excited and tend to run your mouth so you better not blow it. If we get caught, it's over for us! Besides, Lord only knows how Aeka would act if she knew we were demons.”
“She wouldn't care,” Jin said, trying to act positive like he always did. “When she was five she didn't care—she enjoyed flying over the city!”
“Hello!” Touya announced, pounding lightly on Jin's stomach with the back of his fist for a moment to catch his childlike attention span. “Aeka was five. I doubt she remembers that at all!” Sighing irritably a moment, Touya waved for his partner to follow him. “C'mon-we better find a place to sleep if we are to go to her school tomorrow as new students.”
Nodding, Jin flung the dead dear around his neck, hoping they would find a place soon, eager to feel the morning's light for the first time.

Aeka and Yuske attended school the next day for once but of course…they skipped their classes. Why must mother always find a way to make me feel guilty? She asked herself thinking about last night. Sighing, the young teen shifted to her right side from where she was lying out in the field. However, as she did, the redhead she met the night before was found squatting there, looking down at her. Sitting up, Aeka asked with her hands once she removed the other from her heart, What are you trying to do? Kill me?!
Jin saw her grip onto her heart and he realized he must have startled her. He was going to his assigned class looking for Aeka with Touya desperately only to find her basking in the normal spot about the roses.
Seeing that Jin was at a loss, the ice master couldn't help but chuckle to himself. “She asked if you are trying to kill her,” Touya clarified watching her hand movements.
Aeka looked at the two confused. Pointing to Jin she asked with her hands, Can he not speak for himself? Or does he not understand me?
“You can read my lips?” Touya asked with his hands.
Aeka nodded at his gestures. A little, she signed. I eventually learned. It helps when you have a drunken mother who can't sign her way out of a paper bag. Getting to her feet and brushing off the grass on her backside, she asked, How is it you know sign language? Not many people know it and most of the time I have to lip read. Pausing a moment, she couldn't help but cock a brow at the duo she was now recalling, Hold on-you two are from last night!
“Yeah, we are,” Jin beamed glad she remembered.
“I learned Sign Language because my mother was deaf,” Touya clarified with his hands. “My friend, Jiro, doesn't know this language well and I am trying to teach him and, yes, we are the guys from last night.”
Aeka held her hands up stopping him right there in case he felt the need to continue, So, what the hell are you two doing here?
“We just transferred here,” Touya continued, “We told you that last night.”
So why are the both of you stalking me all of a sudden? Aeka asked angrily with her hands.
“I am wondering why you're not in your classroom,” Touya started wondering what the heck she had grown into over the last twelve years they were not there.
Making a growling noise Aeka turned her back to the both of them and walked elsewhere with her hands in her pants pockets. Its bad enough I have Shuichi on my ass all day but now these two freaks who don't even know me?
“I think you made her mad,” Jin laughed watching Aeka leave them behind. “She doesn't remember us and you jump on her like you are her father. Now she thinks we're stalking her.”
Touya frowned up at Jin not enjoying his mistakes being rubbed his face. “Well if you can do it better, by all means—go ahead.”
Jin looked at Aeka's long flowing white hair that was being blown side to side as she was walking away from the two before looking back down at Touya. “But I can't sign. I can only read it to a certain extend. How will she know what I am saying?”
“She told me she can read lips which, means if you speak slow enough, she'll understand without the use of your hands.” Seeing that Jin was about to take off now, Touya grabbed onto his wrist to stop him for a second, “But I want you to watch that mouth of yours. Lord knows it gets us into trouble.”
Aeka made it to the roof of the school building and lied herself out against the wall eagerly waiting for the last bell to ring. What a day, she thought with a slight sigh closing her eyes, it's been hell!
It wasn't before long that she felt someone poking her lightly in the shoulder. Grunting, Aeka opened one eye to see it was `Jiro' once more. Showing her surprise, Jin waved slightly saying, “Hello!”
Looking about the rooftop and knowing it wasn't that long after she said her goodbyes to him, Aeka couldn't help but ask, How did you get here so fast?
Jin sat there for a minute trying to put together her signs and asked with a goofy grin, “Can you sign slower…?”
Aeka rolled her eyes and signed slower the next round allowing Jin to understand.
“I'm just really fast on my feet.” The last thing he wanted to tell this nonbeliever was that he flew to the top when nobody was watching him. Getting sick of standing, Jin asked, “Mind if I sit with you?”
Aeka looked at him oddly. Why do you want to?
“Do you not want me to?” He asked, stepping back slightly.
Its okay, Aeka signed dully showing him it wouldn't bother her.
Sitting down next to the young girl, he overlapped his hands behind his wild hair chuckling a bit, “You will have to forgive Totoya. He's always been that way.”
I'm use to it, Aeka signed with a `humph' thinking about Shuichi.
Knowing if he asked her why she ditches school, it would possibly make her cross again, Jin tried to think of something she might want to do. “So, what is there to do around here?”
Aeka raised her brows at him a bit surprised at his behavior. Obviously he was a complete opposite from his friend and in a way it felt like she was with her brother suddenly.
“I've been use to being cooped up one spot for so long, I have forgotten what it's like to run free,” Jin more or less confessed with a stretch of his arms and a wide grin on his face.
Well, if you're not like your friend, I can think of a few things we could do, Aeka signed slowly thinking of getting out of the school.
“We may be friends but we're not identical in personality,” Jin laughed, thinking about Touya. “So—what's it like here?”
The two managed to get out of school without getting caught by Touya or Shuichi or anyone else that would disapprove. Aeka stopped by the coffee shop with him to get a bit of coffee and a muffin while Jin had a hard time trying to decide what looked good. Aeka couldn't help but laugh to herself at how confused he looked at some of the titles for the coffee until he finally ordered something.
If you aren't from here in Japan, Aeka signed walking with Jin down the road later. Where are you from?
Jin was stumped there. How was he going to answer that one? “I'm from Ireland,” He partially lied. “If you could hear it, you'd hear my heavy accident. I don't exactly fit in around a place like Japan.”
Aeka frowned a bit, looking ahead instead of at the tall redhead. I don't fit anywhere, she signed looking angry as she did so.
Jin frowned seeing her remark and thought, She's changed over the twelve years. Aeka's full of anger it seems. Placing his hand on her shoulder to get her attention, he leaned within her view, “There's no need to say something like that. You are just distant towards everyone here.”
Aeka began laughing scornfully seeing him say that. You don't even know me! You've only known me for two days and already you are judging me? That's bold, buddy!
The wind demon laughed inside seeing Aeka try and act like she was going to pummel him with her fists. “Calm down, kiddo,” Jin urged, gripping onto her wrists. “I am just saying what I see.”
He's strong, Aeka thought feeling his grip on her wrists. Normally, if somebody else did that to her, she could take them down but she could barely pull her hands free. When he finally released her, she rubbed her wrists, looking up at him a bit surprised. You're stronger than I thought you were, she signed a bit irritably, hating to admit that.
Jin laughed, rubbing the back of his cap he wore still. “I work out.”
Well, that's nice, she grunted in jealousy as she signed trying to hide it behind her long pale lavender hair.
Aeka saw that Jiro was looking rather panicky all of a sudden and she turned to look over her shoulder to see what he was looking at only to find Shuichi heading her way. “Aeka!” He signed quickly as he called out just the same. “Once again I find you not at school. Am I going to have to drag you there myself in the mornings?”
Calm down, little man! I was just speaking with- When Aeka turned around to introduce the two, she found Jiro was gone. Jiro…? He's gone! She signed, looking around the crowded sidewalk wondering where he went. Oh, come on—he is a big guy! How could he just disappear like that? She thought, scratching her forehead.
“Jiro?” Shuichi asked himself looking about the area. His kind smile soon turned into a serious frown and his innocents left his eyes. He was here…
Seeing his frightening expression, Aeka was nervous when she tapped on Shuichi's chest to get his attention but tried not to show it. What's wrong with you?
Looking back down at her he eventually smiled letting the seriousness leave his expression, shrugging a bit. “It's nothing,” he said without signing. “I heard you worried your mother sick last night by not coming in until late.”
By signing this, he grabbed onto Aeka's arm and began to walk towards her house. HAY!! Let me go!! She signed angrily trying to escape.
“The last thing I want is for your poor mother to worry again.” Shuichi kept a firm grip on her arm the whole walk down to her house but his mind was stranded elsewhere as he did this. Why would one of the demon energies I sensed be with Aeka? What do they want with her…?