Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Jiro ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“How did it go?” Touya asked once he saw Jin arrive at the park he was relaxing in.
Jin looked behind him to make sure that man didn't follow him as he hurried towards Touya. “That damn boy showed up when I was speaking with Aeka! He obviously didn't follow me but—up until that point, everything was going alright.”
Touya checked behind Jin once more just to make sure that boy didn't follow him. “We must act normal or he will question us. I guess we'll have to try hiding our demonic energies. Maybe that will throw him for a loop.” Getting to his feet, Touya lead Jin out of the park and back into the busy streets. “That boy didn't see you speaking with Aeka did he? The last thing we need is him to see us and pinpoint who we are…it makes me fear Risho or Koenma has sent someone already to take care of us.”
Jin shook his head. “No, I don't think he did.” The bubbly wind master watched as Touya was leading him back towards Aeka's apartment making him wonder, “Hey, where are we going?”
“I found us a place to stay. It's in one of the apartment complexes near where Aeka is,” Touya answered slipping his hands into his jean pockets.
“We're living in apartments now?” Jin asked, following him down the road back towards Aeka's house.
Looking up at his partner, Touya shook his head irritably but with a smile. “If we are going to act like human beings, we might as well find a place to stay. Living in a cave isn't going to cut it!”
Jin shrugged, placing his hands behind his head as he followed Touya to their temporary new home.
Let me go, you miserable bastard!! Aeka signed angrily to Shuichi who was now walking towards her apartment door.
“Here you are,” Shuichi signed, just smiling as if he had not seen her rude comments all the way to her home. Now that he had her at least home, he could leave now. “Goodnight, Aeka. Tomorrow is the weekend so I guess I will see you when I do,” he said with a slight bow to her, before placing his hands in his jacket pockets so his hands could stay warm on the way back to his house.
Growling, Aeka opened the door and stormed into her room, throwing herself face down on her bed. She felt someone tap her shoulder as she did this. Looking up she saw Yuske hovering over her. “What's the matter?” He asked with his hands.
That moron at my school dragged me home when I was trying to talk to one of the guys I met that one night…you know, the stalkers…and he scared the guy off! Aeka complained.
Yuske couldn't help but frown slightly at hearing she was still conversing with people she didn't really know, “I thought I told you to be careful around those guys.”
They just transferred here, Yuske, Aeka signed with her angry frown still on her face. They are not stalkers, so chill. Don't go Keiko on me, okay?
“I'll try not to,” He laughed as he signed. Aeka kept her eyes on her brother as he sat down on his bed across from hers. “I still just find it odd how they show up out of the blue and start asking for you. And besides, being your brother, I cannot help but worry,” Yuske teased pointing his index finger at her with a wink. “So, which one did you speak to?”
The tall redhead named Jiro. He never gave me his last name. Aeka lie back on her bed, with her arms pillowing her head.
Yuske threw a pillow at her head, causing Aeka to look over at him with a playful smile knowing he was just trying to get her attention even though she threatened to throw it back. “Did you like him?”
Aeka shrugged finally throwing the pillow back at Yuske. I don't know. I only had a few hours with him. But if I had to sum up his attitude, I'd say he was a mixture of you and Shuichi.
The bastard that is a male version of Keiko. That's right I never did tell you his name, did I? At this moment Yuske looked a little strange. He looked pale in the face with either fear or anger. Seeing that she would have to toss a pillow at him, Aeka did grabbing one from her bed, making him snap to his senses. What is the matter? You look…odd…
Yuske put on one of his goofy grins and signed while saying, “It's nothing! Don't worry about it.” The doorbell rang and Yuske got to his feet since their mother wasn't at home at the moment. “Wait here—that's the door,” He ordered to Aeka. Rubbing the back of his head, Yuske opened the door not recognizing the person standing there. “Can I help you?”
“Hi,” The tall redhead waved, “Is Aeka home?”
“Who are you?” Yuske asked, defending his elder sister.
“Jiro,” Jin answered simply.
Waiting for a last name to pop up but not getting one, the rowdy teen nodded slightly. “Oh, so you are Jiro,” Yuske said, stepping aside. Though Aeka did say she enjoyed being with this guy for the short time she was given, Yuske was not about to let his big sister have alone time with someone such as he. He didn't trust a lot of guys around her especially when someone from a gang he beat up on occasion tried to rape his sister and he caught him just in time. For all he knew this new guy could be just as bad and he wasn't going to let anything happen to his elder sister. “Aeka's in here,” he remarked with a protective tone still ringing in his tone. “Come in.”
Aeka had her eyes closed as she stayed lied out on her bed thinking that whoever was at the door was probably going to be no one of importance due to nobody really coming to see her. Jin looked at Aeka's scrunched up body on the bedcovers once Jin made it into the bedroom with Yuske. Her waist long white hair flowed over the bedside as the moonlight outlined her womanly figure. A young woman she is…it's still hard to believe that she grew up so fast. Not to mention going from a little girl, to a beautiful creature… Jin could feel his ears reacting to seeing her once more and just to be safe, he pulled the cap he was wearing down even further.
Yuske walked over to his sister and shook her. Aeka opened her aquatic eyes to see Yuske standing there with `Jiro' right behind him. “Your friend's back,” He signed and said aloud.
Aeka looked over at the door to see Jiro standing there with a smile on his face. I thought Shuichi scared you off, Aeka signed sitting on the edge of her bed. I can understand that he can be a real annoyance but-
“Nah, I had other things I remembered that I had to do,” Jin interrupted with a little white lie, “Sorry I took off so fast and without saying goodbye.”
Yuske watched as he just spoke and didn't bother to sign though he could hardly understand some of the things he said due to that heavy accent of his. I guess he doesn't know how to sign. Maybe it's a good thing. It'll give Aeka time to brush up on her lip reading. Yuske stopped thinking to himself when he saw Aeka was looking at him in her `get out' body attitude. “Okay, okay. I get the message.” Looking up at the redhead before he left, he added, “I am going out to speak with someone but I will be back soon…don't try anything buddy!”
Jin laughed nervously as Yuske left the apartment, sweat dropping a moment since he knew what Yuske was hinting in that last few words.
Tapping on his shoulder, Aeka signed, Don't worry…normally he's harmless.
“Normally?” Jin questioned with a laugh. Not that it would be a problem, he thought, cocking his brow. I could take that human down easily.
Yes, he's got a frightening reputation at school and on the streets. Aeka waved towards the door that lead into the kitchen and living room area heading to the kitchen area. Did you eat dinner yet?
Jin grinned wider, jogging in after her glad that her mother wasn't home nor was her brother. Once she looked over her shoulder at him, he answered, “No, I haven't. Didn't know you could bake.”
Aeka rolled her eyes playfully, signing slowly for him as she always did around him, you didn't think someone like me could bake, did you?
“Honestly…no,” He answered, rubbing the back of his head.
Aeka turned her back to him for a little bit to grab a few things she would need. Once she got the things necessary and a recipe book she bought a year or two ago, Aeka turned back to tell Jin her story. When my mother wasn't going out and getting herself drunk all the time, she used to stay home and cook. Having not many friends and always enjoying creating something, I decided to learn after her. Aeka sighed as she continued, It's a good thing I did learn…now mother is never home and I have to cook for my little brother and myself.
Jin frowned seeing her say this. Lowering his head he felt a bit guilty now about leaving her with this woman wishing he had taken her home with him even if life there probably wouldn't have been any easier.
Seeing the expression on his face, Aeka could guess what he was thinking. Tapping him on the shoulder she explained, She's a good mother, don't get me wrong. I just feel she could be better at times…
“I feel so bad,” Jin said, trying to force a smile on his face like he always did. “I wish I could help you.”
Aeka placed her hands on her hips, keeping one eye open as she examined him. Signing with one hand she asked, Why? It seems ever since you and your friend transferred here, all you wanna do is help me…why is that? What's in it for you?
Jin could see in her expression causing his to shift to surprise at what she was hinting at and he laughed, raising his hands to his chest. “Calm down, calm down. Why are you so uptight about me wanting to help? Can I not care about a friend?”
Since when did I become your friend? Aeka asked, narrowing her eyes at him now a bit playfully.
“Since I knew you,” Jin answered honestly but vaguely. “Unless you don't want me to be your friend.”
Aeka was silent at seeing his mouth explain this wondering what to do. I'll be making pasta—I hope you like that, She signed, turning her attention back to what she had out. As she began to fill up the pot with water, Aeka began to think about this exchange student's attitude towards her. Why is he so insistent on being my friend? I have never met anyone like him…he's so weird…
Yuske walked quickly downtown looking about the streets for the person he was searching for. He soon found him walking just ahead of him. “Ah, there he is!” Waving his hand in the air, Yuske shouted over the noise, “Hey, wait, Kurama!!”
The red-haired boy turned around and smiled seeing Yuske heading his way through the many people that blocked him. “Hello, Yuske. What brings you here?”
“You never told me you knew my elder sister.”
Kurama looked confused at this not knowing what he meant. He knew many girls…which one was his elder sister? “Sister—I didn't know you had a sister.”
“Aeka Urameshi…ring a bell?”
Kurama laughed, knocking himself on the head. “Ah, so you're the brother they talk about. I should have known. So what about your sister?”
“You just seem to get on her nerves as of late,” Yuske pointed out not liking his sister coming home mad all the time. “Why not ease up a bit with the big brother attitude that's inside of you?”
Kurama was a bit surprised but he eventually smiled. “You know I scold her so she'll graduate on time and not be the oldest sophomore at our school.”
Yuske frowned hearing him say this. Jeez, he does sound like a male version of Keiko now that I hear him say this out loud…All Yuske could do was shrug shaking his head showing there was nothing more he could say about it. “Well, I tried.”
“Before you go, Yuske I think I should warn you first,” Kurama said in a more serious manner. “I am unaware if you have sensed this as well but I have felt two demonic powers somewhere near here. They seem powerful and that is unnatural considering only weak demons can pass through any rift made from the demon world to this.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Yuske said, waving his hand as he turned his back to the redhead with his hands supporting the back of his head. “I'll look into it once I get the chance.”
“That's not all. Before the powers became recently weaker and harder to pinpoint, I have sensed them mostly around Aeka.”
Yuske quickly turned back around facing Kurama looking worried. “My sister—MY sister—are you sure about that?” It actually came as no surprise really since he was a Spirit Detective and took care of several apparitions who probably wanted revenge on him by getting to his sister.
“I don't know what they want but they want something from your sister.” Kurama turned around, flipping his red-hair behind him as he went. “I would be cautious. I'll keep an eye on Aeka at school or whenever she is on school grounds. You will have to do the rest, I am afraid.”
Aeka was through eating and to show she was tired, she overlapped her arms on the table and rested her head upon them. She kept one eye open to make sure this stranger didn't try anything like the last one did just to seek revenge on her brother.
“Tired?” Jin asked, putting his fork down on his empty plate as well.
A little, she answered with one hand.
Jin looked about the kitchen to see that there was a little bit of a mess that she would have to clean up before going to bed. Getting out of his chair, Jin grabbed the two plates that were on the table and needed to be washed before heading over to the sink to clean them off before putting them away in the washing machine.
Aeka pulling on his baggy pants and asked, What are you doing? I am supposed to be doing those!
“You are tired,” Jin answered. “I don't mind doing them myself. Like you, I use to spend time with my mother before I was taken away from her...” The redheaded demon smiled thinking about his human mother before he was taken away at the age of five to go train for 1,000 years.
Aeka got up and headed over to the sink behind Jin and tugged on his shirt to get his attention again. Taken away? She asked confused.
Jin nodded not wishing to elaborate on that topic knowing it would mean much discussing. “I helped my mother wash the dishes after dinner most times because she was a frail woman and father left her for his own reasons. So it was just my mother and me.”
Aeka frowned signing, Your father left you? He doesn't sound too nice to me!
Jin laughed for a bit shaking his head. “No, no—he had his reasons and we understood. Don't think ill of him.” Jin knew it was hard for his demonic father who ate humans to stay around his mother for very long. Especially in the small village they lived in. He would have felt tempted to eat someone and he didn't want to start anything.
You confuse me, Aeka signed with a brief laugh. Not one bit of you makes since.
Jin laughed once more, finishing the task at hand. “Then you would get along great with Totoya for he thinks the same thing. There—everything is cleaned up.”
Thank you, Jiro, Aeka signed.
“Not a problem. Well, I guess I should be going. I hope your mother comes home soon and your little brother,” Jin said, walking towards the door. “I would hate to leave you here alone.”
I manage. Don't worry about it. Aeka was quick to grab onto his shirt, making Jin stop and look over his shoulder wondering what she wanted. I hope to see you around…
It was the first time she ever really showed she cared about him and so he smiled at her question offering it as a yes. “Oh! I forgot to tell you,” Jin said, thinking about where they lived now. “My friend and I live right across from your place in the next set of apartments.”
You and Totoya live together? Aeka asked with her hands. How come?
“We were both taken away from our families,” Jin explained, walking outside the apartment. “So, we have leaned on one another through the years we have suffered. We continue to.”
Aeka didn't know what to say to that for she felt bad for the young man but it was nice he had someone to lean on.
“Well, I better be going now. Totoya is probably going to yell at me for staying too long.”
Aeka waved goodbye to Jin and the Wind Master waved back with a smile on his face as he headed down to the stairs to get to Touya and put up with the lecturing and twenty questions.
As he was walking down the steps, he was run into by a worried Yuske Urameshi. Falling backward by surprise, Jin caught the rushed Yuske once he collapsed on his well built chest. “Whoa,” Jin laughed, getting him off of his chest. “Walk often?”
Growling, Yuske threatened to pummel and yell at whoever was in his way but stopped when he saw who it was. “Oh, it's just you,” Yuske said, letting out a shaky breath. Looking back up at the young man, he asked, “Is my sister ok?”
The way he asked this made Jin wonder what the problem was making him fear leaving her behind to begin with. “Y-Yes, she was fine when I left her. Why? Is something the matter?!”
Yuske shook his head, walking up the steps. “No, don't worry about it. Thanks for watching my sister, Jiro.”
Jin watched as he hurried quickly to his apartment before pretty much saying to himself, “Not a problem.” Shaking his head, he prayed for the best before walking to his apartment with his hands tucked away in his pockets.
Yuske stopped for a second in his tracks, watching the redhead leave the apartment building thinking back on what Kurama had to say before Yuske finally let him go.
I started sensing them two days ago close to afternoon, Yuske recalled Kurama telling him. They could have been here longer than that but I am not sure. Just be careful for I sensed them a lot around Aeka. I don't wish for anything to happen to her.
“What, do you suddenly have a crush on my sister?” Yuske asked cocking his brow at Kurama.
“Is it not alright for me to care for her well being?” Kurama asked with a sincere smile on his face.
“You have a sad poker face,” Yuske teased, “But don't worry—I won't let anything happen to her.”
“Two days ago, hu?” Yuske asked himself, “That was around the time Aeka clamed to have met up with Jiro and his friend who I haven't seen yet…” Not wanting to jump to conclusions just yet, Yuske turned back around to make sure Jiro wasn't lying when he said Aeka was okay.