Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ Three Years Later- ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Atsuko was still crying on Aeka's bed three years later wishing her daughter was back home with her. She couldn't believe that the little girl she raised had `died' to what her son had told her.
Yuske watched his mother from where he stood in the doorway, sighing heavily. There had not been a tournament in the past few years that Yuske was aware of or heard of so he too was feeling a bit upset inside. He felt so bad that his mother was still suffering. Yuske thought that his mother would had gone back to drinking by now and deluded herself with pleasant thoughts but she, amazingly, was still grieving. What more could he tell Atsuko beside the story that Aeka was crushed in the rubble of a collapsing stadium? If he told her that she went to Makai with a demon that loved her, Atsuko would be furious with Yuske's `stories' and demand to know where her daughter went. Not being able to take it anymore, Yuske left for school for once. There is nothing I can tell her that will make things easier for her…I wish I could tell her the truth but I cannot.
As Yuske headed to his high school, he ran into someone he had not seen in quite some time now. “Excuse me, Yuske,” The woman's voice begged softly. “May I speak to you?”
Yuske offered a smile to her since it was all he had. “Hello Mrs. Minamino. What is it you need me for?”
Folding her hands in front of her she looked a bit down as she said, “Something is wrong with Shuichi. For a good while now he seems to be in a very depressed state lately. It worries me…”
“Oh? How so?” Yuske pried as he turned his body towards her showing he was listening. He had not heard from Kurama in awhile and he was wondering how the fox boy was doing.
“Well, he appears to not be eating a lot lately and seems to be so wrapped up in studies,” She answered looking off in the direction of his high school with a saddened expression, “He refuses to tell me what is wrong saying nothing is the matter but I know…deep down, something is.”
“But K—Shuichi is always wrapped up in his homework, isn't he?” Yuske asked wondering what was so wrong with that.
“True but—he has been getting low scores and that in itself proves that something is on his mind.” Looking back at the teen boy she placed her right hand on her heart showing him how much it hurt. “Please, Yuske—do me a favor and find out why he is acting the way he is.”
Sighing Yuske situated his bag a bit better which was slung over his shoulder as he decided to try and tell her the best way he knew how, “Mrs. Minamino…Shuichi loved my sister and well—you know it from there….”
Mrs. Minamino covered her mouth quickly with one hand hearing him say that. She had heard of `Aeka's death' but she couldn't believe that was what was bugging her son. “I cannot believe I was too blind to see that. Poor, Shuichi…” It was that after the trip he went on, her son seemed to have changed and not for the better. As a matter of fact, he came in the house in tears that he tried to hide behind his red hair. “I always thought they were just friends but Shuichi did speak of her often. My poor Shuichi. He always avoided the girls it seemed though they admire him, so I never expected Aeka to be the one.”
Yuske smiled softly or the best he could as he nodded. I couldn't believe it either. I didn't know Aeka was different from the other girls at his school. But-I guess she does have her ways of getting noticed.
Everyone was always talking about Kurama's sudden attitude change and his grades dropping from perfect scores down to measly Bs. All the girls wondered what the matter was and offered to help him but he declined kindly several times wishing to be alone. As he continued to do this, rumors spread about his feelings towards the `diseased Aeka' like crazy around the school. Whenever he was working on a test or the work he was assigned, he could hear the girls whispering bitterly about Aeka. Saying how obnoxious she was and, even having the nerve, to say how she probably raped him and or beat him.
Sometimes it got too hard for the poor boy to sit through that he would excuse himself from the classroom. Kaitou would watch as the redhead would exit the room when the jealous girls began to chatter behind his back. He kept that neutral expression of his on his face but he too wondered what it was about Aeka that made him feel this depressed deep down.
When the class eventually let out, Kaitou stepped outside of the high school building to see Kurama bend over in the flowerbed that consisted of red roses just in the back of the school. Walking over to him Kaitou just out and asked, “What is wrong with you? You are hardly a challenge anymore.” Kurama didn't answer. He wasn't in the mood to be lectured or yelled at by his rival. Seeing that wasn't getting anything out of him, Kaitou looked out at the view asking, “What was it you saw in her? She never came to class, she was always talking back to her teachers—well, signing rather and she had the lowest I.Q. I had ever seen in the known world.”
Kurama's head lifted a little hearing him say all of those things about Aeka. “She was different from the others. All of the other girls in this school are all the same…they all try to sweet talk me into getting a date or a `hello' or anything else their way. Aeka—she always gave me this look that made me laugh inside and I guess, drew me towards her. It was a look of anger, disappointment, or disgust. While the others tried to get closer, she tried to get further away. I guess that was what made me fall for her. She was always herself and not some phony,” He answered running his finger over the rose that was closest to his hand. “Sure she wasn't the brightest crayon in the bunch, to use an outdated saying, but—that was also what was so charming about her. I don't want someone who can rival me in knowledge, but someone who can be witty in their own way.”
Kaitou hmmed a bit as he looked down at the great Shuichi, fixing his glasses that were sliding down his nose. “Well, I guess we all want what we cannot have. That which tries to get away from us, we try to grasp onto it hoping it will not leave us. But, in time, you lose your grip and that thing you wanted to keep is gone forever. It's human nature.”
I never asked to be `blessed' with human nature, Kurama thought miserably. “She's not gone forever…I will see her in Makai when this human body retires…” He said to himself.
There was a loud cry echoing throughout the dark forest of Makai. A little girl with a raggedy bunny plush was crying with her legs close to her chest. Her shoulder length pink hair was tied down in pigtails to keep off the wings on her back that held a white angel like wing and a black bat wing. Her father stood right next to her as he bent down to pick her up in his arms. Feeling her father's arms embracing her, made the young child rest her head on his shoulder continuing to sniffle. “I cannot do it, daddy…” She whimpered to him.
“Princess,” Her father whispered to her, “Just because your wings are not similar doesn't mean you will not be able to fly. You will one day. It took me awhile to learn to use my wind powers, Akina.” Taking his finger, he tried to wipe the dirt off of Akina's face where she continued to land on. “Your mother will kill me if she sees you are dirty again. Speaking of which, have you been practicing what Touya has been teaching you?”
Akina smiled for once signing I love you to show she had been listening to her `uncle'. “I've been practicing, daddy.”
Having his own little girl call him `daddy' when he had waiting to hear it for so long made the wind master feel indescribable inside. Minding her small wings he embraced his daughter a bit tighter before kissing her cheek making her giggle as her hands embraced his cheeks since that was as far as she could reach at the time.
“Jin,” Touya's voice came from the small house that Suzuka had constructed with everyone's help, “Aeka is going to whoop you good and in front of your daughter too if you two don't get in the house now.”
Jin wondered what was up with Aeka this time till he realized the sun was setting. “Oh, God, dinner! I am sorry, I almost forgot!” Aeka would cook every morning, noon, and night and she got really irritated when Jin and Akina were late. Whenever Jin was late she would fight him and usually win since Jin couldn't bear to hit her back at times. Aeka knew she couldn't hurt him even though she was training under Shishiwakamaru and Chuu…when he wasn't drunk that is, so she felt no guilt whatsoever when it came to pounding her husband. Of course, sometimes they would pound one another behind closed doors just to get in some X rated fun. In everyone's eyes, they seemed like the most abusive couple but they loved one another no matter what. “Come on, Princess. Let's get inside and eat before you mother pitches a fit.”
Touya moved aside so the two could come inside the house. He took one last look outside as the sun just about disappeared in the many trees that surrounded the area where they now lived. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out, he smiled for once, “Finally—everyone is happy.” After saying this, Touya shut the door behind him so he wouldn't get attacked by Aeka for being late to dinner either.
Author's Notes: wow. It's 4 in the morning on Christmas Eve. Hey, I did it. Anywho, thanks to all you loyal reviewers who actually gave me the motivation to do this. It means a lot to me. And I am sorry if you expected me to follow the story line of YYH bit by bit, but I didn't. That would be too boring if I did. So please, if something seems off from the saga of YYH to this, don't let me know. XD I know that there is a Makai Tournament that takes place and Jin and the others return when Kurama recruits them (is a YYH nerd) But, maybe I will write about that later. But not right now. I am ready to let this lie down and die for awhile. Thanks again!