Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Words Cannot Say ❯ The End of the Tournament ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Aeka was still out cold from half the stadium almost collapsing on her but, regardless, Jin remained at her side as he watched the fights from the TV that was in the infirmary. Letting the nurse work around him as he remained at Aeka's side, he shifted his attention to the demonic nurse working on changing the bandages on Aeka's body that ranged from her forehead, left arm, chest, and right leg that got busted up real good. Checking the IV bag with her clipboard in hand, she turned her attention to the screen to hear Koto announcing a break until the next ring could be brought in thanks to Bui and Hiei demolishing it with their fight. “Well, looks like it is break time,” the woman said softly before placing her hand on Jin's shoulder. “Why don't you go take a break yourself? You've been sitting here for awhile not looking too good.”
Jin looked over at the nurse, smiling briefly to thank her for being concerned but he shook his head. “No, I want to stay here until she wakes. I will be fine.”
Looking at him worryingly, she slipped her hand back to the clipboard she currently held. “Why don't I get you something to eat? Is there anything you want?”
“I guess a soda or something wouldn't hurt,” Jin suggested with a smile.
“Alright, I will be right back,” the nurse said with a smile before leaving the room to run into the Spirit Detective knowing Aeka was his sister. “Oh—excuse me, Yuske,” she pardoned before heading on her way to go grab Jin something to drink.
Yuske nodded at the nurse as he was the next to come and ask Jin about Aeka seeing as it was his sister. Knocking on the door once caught Jin's attention as the wind master got to his feet a bit grateful to see Yuske. Jin would at least step aside for him so he wouldn't be in his way when he was at his sister's side. Yuske stood there at her bedside looking down at her sleeping expression. “I guess it's best that Aeka sleep this one through,” Yuske remarked.
“Possibly,” Jin remarked looking at the Spirit Detective from where he was now leaning against the wall. “Yuske-” Jin sounded a bit serious which was somewhat abnormal for someone as care free as him. This prompted Yuske to look at the wind master wondering what was on his mind. “Know that I am cheering for you as are the others. But, please, you must win the final fight that is coming up.”
“Why? Are you going to tell me to do it for my sister?” Yuske asked with a bit of a laugh. “I have a feeling, Jin, that if I do by some slim chance manage to lose the fight you will watch over my sister for me.”
Jin closed his eyes for a bit wondering what he should say to that. Feeling that now was a good time more than any other, he sighed regardless fearing Yuske's reaction. “Yuske—I am taking your sister with me to Makai when this is all over.”
Yuske looked at Jin, cocking his brow at him wondering where this was all coming from.
“I think I may have gotten your sister pregnant or she may indeed become so later on.” Hearing him say this made Yuske frown a bit as he crossed his arms over his chest making him wonder what to say to this. “You knew that was why I came here most of all…I knew you were the main attraction in this tournament and I felt Aeka would come with you. I wanted to get her back after I saved her from the same fate her parent's met.”
“Parents?” Yuske questioned hearing something amiss in that.
The redhead didn't feel it would be inappropriate to tell him at that moment. “Aeka isn't related to you or Atsuko…she was rescued by Touya and myself.”
Yuske said nothing as he continued to listen to what Jin had to say about his sister once he shifted his gaze to his elder sister.
“Her town and birth parents were destroyed by rogue demons that passed into the Human World. Touya and I arrived too late and Aeka was the only one who made it. We took her out of the wreck that was now her home and found your mother wanting you to have a playmate so…Touya forced me to hand her over to Atsuko.”
“I didn't exactly want to give Aeka up—at the time I wanted to raise her but Touya knew Risho would kill her if he saw her in my hands when I returned,” Jin answered, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I promised her—before I left her on your doorstep, I promised her that I would return to get her and I would bring her back with me…”
Yuske looked over at the still sleeping Aeka sighing, “I kinda figured as much. I felt that Aeka wasn't related to me from blood due to how she looks compared to my family bloodline. But regardless…she is still my big sister.”
Jin watched as Yuske's hand brushed over Aeka's flushed cheeks before asking, “May I take her to Makai with me? I promise I will take good care of your sister. You trust me, don't you, Yuske?”
Yuske could see he really wanted this more than anything else. He knew if he said `no' to Jin the poor demon would be shattered; but, what about his mother and himself? He would really miss Aeka. And, of course though his mother wasn't exactly slick at times, he was willing to bet that she would figure out her daughter was gone one day or another. But, Yuske grew up with her and what else is there to add to that? Aeka fed him and herself when their mother was wondering off elsewhere getting drunk. Not only that but they watched out for one another. And, poor Kurama…Yuske wasn't blind now as to what was going on there and he could only wonder what was going through the fox demon's mind around this time. “Jin…let me finish this fight with Toguro and then I will deal with this battle, alright?”
Jin sighed wishing he could have gotten the answer he wanted since he felt he had waited long enough. “Fine—I have waited thirteen years…I can wait a few more hours if need be.”
“Thanks. See you later,” Yuske replied heading out into the hallway to head to their locker room where Hiei was passed out from his fight with Bui. On his way there, he noticed Kurama standing in the hallway with a book in his hands just outside the door. “Kurama?” He questioned wondering what he was doing.
Kurama looked up from his book seeing Yuske. “You spoke to Jin?”
“Yes,” Yuske answered looking at the demon.
“What did he have to say?”
Yuske looked back over his shoulder to gaze at where he had just come from before looking back at Kurama, “He said more than enough.” Kurama was asking something with his expression and body language alone that took Yuske awhile to translate. “Kurama— I am sorry, but Aeka may be to Makai with Jin and the others.”
“Why are you allowing this?” Kurama asked sounding a bit cold about the whole idea.
“Kurama, what do you want me to do? Beat the guy into the ground and tell him he can kiss my ass?” Yuske felt just as bad about it as Kurama did and he was showing how much so at that very moment. “Jin is a great guy and he will protect Aeka. If not him, Touya, Chuu, or Rinku will! I trust them with all I am. Besides, Aeka cannot stay here if she has Jin's child. It's unfair to the unborn child…”
Hearing him say that made Kurama close his book as his eyes stayed locked on Yuske. “If she had the child…I would watch it.”
“How could you? None of us could watch it if it ended up coming out looking like a demon! My mom would freak and your mother doesn't know that you are a demon yourself so how could that be possible?” Yuske asked.
Kurama was quiet, making Yuske worry what would come from his mouth next. Sighing, he eventually answered, “I would risk it for her…”
“You would risk it?” Yuske asked aloud wondering if he heard that right, “You would risk your mother finding out who you really are just for Aeka?” Yuske thought he was joking as he began laughing a bit liking his `sense of humor'. He eventually stopped doing so when Kurama said and did nothing but stare into space. Realizing it wasn't a joke he coughed, “Wow—you really are serious…”
“The last two fights are coming up,” Kurama blurted out as he went back into the locker room not wanting to think about it any longer. “Get ready Yuske. You and Kuwabara fight the Toguro Brother's next.”
Yuske watched as Kurama hurried off a bit worried for him. Man…no matter what decision I make, someone is going to get hurt…what am I gonna do?
Jin stayed in the infirmary as he watched the next fight between Kuwabara and elder Toguro begin from the TV in the room. As he did this, he didn't really notice that Aeka was starting to contort her face in, what looked like agony, as her dreams began to take her back:
Aeka could see a woman with shoulder length wavy red hair and emerald eyes that was picking her up from her bed. She was in her mother's arms—her birth mother's arms but something was wrong and she could sense it. Her mother had a frantic look on her face as if she would start crying from fear any minute as her hands trembled while holding onto Aeka's body. Taking the five year old Aeka, the woman embraced her daughter fearing that would be the last time she would be able to hold her daughter in her arms.
Her mother's attention shifted towards the door where a male was standing once the flames engulfed her bedroom forcing the woman out into the hallway near the stairs to see the fire escalating up the steps. Aeka could guess in her mind that that was her birth father. He had albino white hair but dark skin and stood pretty tall. He was a little chubby with unknown eyes since Aeka couldn't see them in her mind's eye.
“Let's just go! We can run to the nearest town and be safe there!” The woman's mouth replied silently grabbing nothing else but her daughter. “We can replace everything some other time!”
Before they could hope to escape out of their house, the building began to creek, part of it starting to collapse about them. Her mother and father reacted spontaneously to the collapsing of the house as Aeka's mother threw her body over her daughter as her father tried his best to cover both. “I love you, Aeka,” her mother sobbed and for once Aeka could hear. “I love you…”
The last thing she saw was her parents burning alive forcing her to cry out for help the best she could as the flames threatened to take her next as they roared over her parent's bodies.
“Aeka!” Jin shouted for the one hundredth time as he tried to shake the crying girl awake.
Eventually Aeka's eyes flew open making her realize she had been crying and carrying on in her sleep which had never happened to her before.
“My God,” Jin whispered, as he embraced her gently hoping that it would calm her a bit. Rubbing and patting her back gently he tried to get her to relax from whatever it was she experienced in her sleep. Looking down at her the best he could, he cocked his brow at her curious. “Aeka…what happened?”
Aeka tried to calm down so she could explain but it was hard for her when she was so hysterical. I saw them…! She eventually signed, I saw my parents…my birth parents getting burned to death just to save me…!
Jin could only imagine how hard that was for her to witness since her mind had blocked it out for quite some time due to be traumatized. All he could do was hold the weeping girl close to his body to let her know that he was there for her.
She did calm down a little bit as she recalled something else from her dreams that she had in the past. Wait a minute, Aeka signed slowly, pushing back and looking up at him. Her eyes looked over his body as she could recall another element from one of her older dreams. A man, she thought, a man that seemed to fly without wings and had fire like hair who was reaching for me Cupping her hand over her mouth, Aeka began to tremble when she put two and two together. I-I don't believe it! The man I had been waiting for all that time when I was younger was…him!
“Aeka?” Jin questioned since she was signing anything to him.
It was you! Aeka eventually signed. Jin could pretty much understand what she was getting at but he said nothing as he waited for her to clue him in a bit more. I had dreams of a man with no wings, hovering in the air, reaching out to me as if he wanted to take me somewhere with him…after that moment, I would pretty much go outside and just wait to see if someone would come and get me like I felt would happen. He was faceless—I could never make out his face—.
“That would have been me letting you go, telling you I would return,” Jin answered smiling softly.
I always thought it was an angel…an angel from heaven. But instead it was a demon from Makai.
Jin's body shook as he laughed at how wrong she was. “No—I am afraid I am no angel,” He remarked getting his laughter under control after awhile. “I am surprised you remembered that from your childhood.” Aeka nodded in agreement as she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Jin watched her movements seeing that she had been sweating a good bit from what she was forced to witness in her dreams. “I'll go get you something to drink to cool you down. Do you want anything to eat as well?” He asked making sure she was lying back down in the hospital bed.
Aeka shook her head `no' to the last thing he asked before he headed out to get her something.
Jin grabbed something for her at the hotel cafeteria and brought it back quickly using his wind powers to get him from one spot to the next. He heard them announce that the fight between Elder Toguro and Kuwabara was over and Kuwabara had, amazingly, won the round. Yuske is next, Jin thought as he landed outside of Aeka's room. I don't want Aeka to watch that but she deserves to I suppose. Getting into the room he noticed that Aeka was looking up at the TV in her room making him worry what she was thinking. Though she couldn't hear him walk in, Aeka felt someone was nearby as her eyes fell on him. “Here,” He said handing her some water to drink.
Thank you, Aeka signed simply pressing the tips of her fingers to her lips before pulling them away. She then pointed to the screen asking, what is going on? Who won and who did what?
Jin looked back up at the television as he listened to the next announcement by Koto. “Well, Kuwabara fought with Elder Toguro and won, apparently. Next is your brother against Younger Toguro who is stronger than his brother.”
Aeka sighed as she could see how badly Kuwabara was beaten by the elder brother only able to wonder how Yuske would do next. Looking down in the cup that Jin gave her she stared at her own reflection praying that her brother would make it out okay.
Seeing her expression, Jin looked up at the TV wondering if this would be right. Tapping her lightly on the shoulder he got her attention asking, “Do you want me to turn it off? You don't have to watch it if you don't want to.”
Aeka swallowed hard looking up at the screen yet again to see that her brother was back in the ring to face off against the guy who threatened to kill everyone he held close to him. No…I can do this…
Aeka couldn't believe this power she was watching both release to counter the other. Even Jin was very impressed. The power that Toguro was releasing once he transformed a third time was taking out some of the crowd making Jin grateful he didn't go to the stands with Aeka even though he knew he would be able to take care of her if need be. He could only pray that Touya and the others were doing okay as he watched Toguro taking the souls of some of the demons that were watching the fight. Seeing her brother try his hardest to stop him from doing that made Aeka bind her hands together almost like she was praying he would win at that very moment. However, it was not to be as Toguro smashed into his arm causing Yuske to fly backward, grabbing his arm with a horrible expression on his face.
Aeka couldn't bear to see her brother like that making her cover her mouth as she tried to keep her eyes off of the screen.
“Jeez, I should have known not to let you watch that!” Jin said as he saw her reaction to what had happened to Yuske. Taking the remote, Jin turned the TV off as he reached for Aeka hoping to calm her down.
I cannot believe my brother is doing this, Aeka signed sadly as she kept one hand on over her eyes that now had tears coming out of them.
“Aeka,” Jin sighed, pulling her hand away from her face so he could speak to her, “Your brother will make it.”
Fuck whether he makes it or not! What difference will it make? Aeka signed angrily. If Yuske beats this guy, stronger people will come after him!
Jin couldn't say that wasn't true. But Yuske seemed to be the happiest when he was fighting someone than when he was just sitting back and trying to relax. Whether or not saying that to Aeka would make her relax or not, Jin didn't know. Nor did it matter.
Aeka eventually began to close her eyes as she couldn't stand to stay awake any longer. Either she fainted or cried herself to sleep. Either way, Jin didn't really care since she was out like a light and he prayed she would remain that way till the battle was over. “It's almost over, Aeka, just hold on a bit longer.”
Jin was unable to tell when the fight was over since when he turned the TV back on he didn't get a signal making him worry; even more so when the room began to tremble forcing him to get to his feet quickly. What the hell is going on? Jin thought seeing that the shaking was getting worse.
“Stadium detonation in fifteen minutes”, blared the sirens over and over again.
Jin looked to Aeka knowing she wasn't in shape to be moving but he had no choice when the whole place was about to detonate. Getting the IV out of her arm, he placed the broken arm gently over her stomach before hurrying out into the hallway.
Once out in the hallway he ran into Chuu, Rinku, and Touya heading his way from where they once were sitting. “Jin!” Touya hollered over the noise. “We have to hurry and get out of here!”
“What is going on?” Jin asked.
“Sakyo is destroying the dome!” Rinku answered from Chuu's shoulder. “We need to hurry up and get out of here!”
“Where is Yuske?” Jin asked looking around the many demons that were hurrying to escape, some running into him. “Did he win?”
“He won alright, alright,” Touya replied, “He's probably found his way out by now regardless of how injured he was.”
“I'm not going to risk it,” Jin said almost angrily, “Where was Yuske seen last?”
“He exited through the other side of the building—.”
Hearing Chuu say that prompted Jin to take off ahead of them so he could check to make sure that Aeka's brother would not be beaten by the collapsing of the stadium.
“Jin, wait!” Chuu called over the rumbling of the stadium and screaming of those trying to escape. “Damn that boy! C'mon, blokes, we gotta watch his ass!”
Jin flew as fast as he could to where Chuu had directed him not happy to see that the area where Yuske and the others were trying to escape from was blocked off. “We have to knock it down!” Jin announced looking over at the others who were hurrying to his side.
“Stand back, kiddies, I can handle this,” Chuu remarked, powering up as he brought his fist back so he could pound through the bolder. Bringing it forward, the rubble that was in Yuske's way was knocked down revealing the four demons behind it giving Yuske something to finally smile about. “Hey, we can't have the champion die now, can we?”
“Beating you in the next tournament is our next task,” Jin remarked from where he stood behind the taller demon.
Not having enough time for any other words to be said, everyone dashed out of the stadium before it collapsed right on top of them with the count down getting straight down to zero. Getting out of the way, everyone was safe as they all stood there, watching the stadium be engulfed in flames.
Knowing it wasn't over yet, Yuske took his arm off of Kurama turning to Jin that still had his sister. He watched as the Wind Master stood there keeping a hold of his sister that was injured and he was carrying as gentle as can be. “Jin, I have made my decision.”
Jin turned his attention to Yuske as did Kurama and Touya wondering what it would be after all this time. Yuske was silent for a bit knowing what he would say would affect everyone. “Well—I have decided that you can take my sister to Makai with you. I know if I say no, Aeka will consume herself into depression again and that is not something I want to watch again. So I give her to you to watch over and take care of now.”
“Thank you, Yuske,” Jin replied keeping Aeka close to his body.
Walking over to Aeka, Yuske placed his hand on her forehead feeling sick inside that his sister was going to leave him. But what else could he do? It was better this way and he knew that he and his mother could easily bounce back from this. But what was depressing was he couldn't bear to wake her up to tell her goodbye so he just let her sleep, whispering, “Goodbye, Aeka.”
“Excuse me, Jin,” Kurama's voice called from behind Yuske.
Jin looked at Kurama who was walking towards him now knowing nothing good could possibly come from this. Keeping Aeka in his arms, he backed up a bit away from the detective and oncoming fox demon.
“Yuske may have decided for Aeka but I won't allow this.”
“Kurama, what are you going to do?” Jin asked with a bit of a laugh. “Fight me for the right to keep Aeka?”
“Do you think I won't?” Kurama asked, reaching into his hair.
“Will both of you shut up?” Yuske asked loudly causing Kurama and Jin to look at him a bit shocked. He had never said this to them before making them wonder what they had done to make him so angry. “You are both treating my sister like she's some kind of piece of jewelry for someone's claim!” Pushing past Kurama he got back in between the two to start pointing fingers. Pointing one at Kurama he frowned, “I know you care for Aeka, but she doesn't care for you like that! She likes you as a friend and you cannot force her to stay where she wants to go!” Then it was Jin's turn as he pointed at the Wind Master. “I expect you to be more respectful of her feelings and stop saying she is yours! Do that and she will regret her decision. Please, don't let her do that, Jin.”
Kurama didn't bother reaching for that rose again as he looked at Aeka who was sleeping in Jin's arms still in a bit of pain from what she endured thanks to the stadium's collapse from Karasu's bombs. “I guess I cannot make Aeka stay with me. I shouldn't have fathered her all through the years I knew her. Maybe if I didn't, things would be different for us both.” It was painful to admit that out loud but there was nothing Kurama could do as he just touched Aeka's limp hand one last time running his thumb over the back of it.
Yuske watched as that was all he did before stepping backward. “Oh, and Jin—if you let anything happen to my sister-” Here he pointed his index finger at him, “I will truck through Makai just to use your head for spirit bullet practice.”
“Yuske, I promise I won't,” Jin answered with a slight grin.
“We will watch her and make sure nothing happens to her,” Touya remarked from beside the wind master.
“And who is `we'?” Kuwabara was prompted to ask.
“Jin, Rinku, Chuu, Suzuka, Shishiwakamaru, and I,” Touya answered. “Since half of the people on our teams died, we are going to train together to become stronger when the next tournament rolls around.”
“Well, this is it,” Jin said looking at Yuske, “I will see you next tournament, Yuske. I will bring Aeka with me to show you she will be in perfect health.” With that said Jin turned his back to Urameshi's team and the crowd as the small team that these demons formed walked off with Aeka who was still wondering around in her dreams.
Yuske looked at Kurama feeling sorry for him but he knew that Aeka wanted it this way so he chose for her while she slept. Placing his hand on the fox demon's shoulder, he apologized softly before turning away.
Kurama's eyes kept on Jin's back as they creased into a sad expression while thinking about that one time eight years ago:
It was the first time he met her. She was only ten then but not as rough as her brother at the time but possibly a bit prideful. Her long lavender white hair was in low pigtails that rested on her shoulders a little bit. Aeka had overalls on with a white short t-shirt underneath from what he could see. They were both eating ice-cream but he was watching her from afar as she hers fell off her cone and onto the pavement. Kurama remembered watching as her face contoured into sadness showing she was about to cry. The look on her face was so heart wrenching that it made Kurama rethink eating his.
Sliding off of his bench he walked over to where Aeka was sobbing at what happened to her dessert. Placing his hand on her shoulder he handed his ice-cream cone over to her. “We can share if you want,” Kurama recalled suggesting to her.
Aeka looked at him before rubbing her nose with the back of her hand before signing, You—you don't mind?
Seeing that she was deaf he merely nodded with a smile as he ate his side of the ice-cream as she ate from the other side.
Thank you, Aeka signed with a bit of vanilla on her mouth.
Kurama sighed as he continued to watch her leave knowing he should have done something about his feelings when he was younger like what Yuske did with Keiko. But he didn't and he got what he deserved. “Goodbye, Aeka,” He whispered to himself, “I loved you…”
Author's Notes: If nobody got that last part, I am very disappointed in you! XD check back on chapter 24 and read through the beginning a bit. Now—the epilogue.