Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ What Youko does when Bored ❯ Chapter 1
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
When a Youko Becomes bored.
Disclaimer I own nothing! So go away as I plan to free the animals from the zoo!
Warnings a bunch of stupid stuff devoted to all the people that stay up to 1:25 in the morning and read stupid stuff. Also contains adult wording.
Author note, I’m probably going to hell for this. Also I had it numbered but doesn’t show the numbers. This is the second time posting it due to deleting my account.
A long time ago, in a far off land where strange beasts and creatures lived, there once was a very vain, very hot thief. This thief was named Youko Kurama. Now to anyone that lived in this world, the name Youko Kurama did two things when mentioned. One was make women and men faint like damsels in distress. The other was to cause everyone to shiver in fear, then let a string of curses at the demon for making you angry. While secretly in your head you portrayed the part of the swooning damsels. This said demon had lived long and did many great things and in his lifetime he wrote one pointless and cherished manuscript. The purpose of the manuscript, what the hell he could do when he got bored.
1)Find a furry rabbit and make it tell you all its dark secrets.
2)After learning said secrets, sneak into the human world and proceed to scare the crap out of people by voicing them to all.
3)Wear a sign that says “Dark Days Ahead, Do All Your Naughty Crap Before Its Too Late”
4)Seek classes in the refine art of being a whole
5)Sneak into an old folk’s home and switch their pills with candy
6)Watch the after affect
7)Crazy glue sleeping hobo’s fingers together
8)Find a dog, tie yourself to it and scream HIGH HO SILVER! AWAY!
9)Sneak into a church and pretend you’re a priest
10)Switch the holy water with vodka and distribute it
11)Stalk the ice cream man till he panic and gives you free ice cream, then stalk him some more
12)Try to breed a cat and a dog
13)After the failed attempt at cross breeding, pretend your going to jump from a high building just to get over exposed media attention
14)Pretend you’re a lawyer and give false hope to criminals
15)Streak, then out run a high speed chase as the police attempt to capture you and make you cover up your shame
16)Steal crap, ehhh can do that anytime, NEXT!
17)Find some pot and get wasted,
18)Write wash me on a police car with your pee
19)spend a night in jail and pretend you’re a cannibal so your inmates will be your bitches
20)have your servants attack the guards while you watch
21)free the animals from the zoo, steal a cheetah
22)get the cheetah high and proceed to ride it
23) See if he leads you to cheetos
24)Find a sexy little half Koorime and proceed to teach him the fine art of being a whore
25)Find a video camera and pretend you’re the recruiter for girl/boys gone wild
26)Steal sweet in low from all the Denny’s and give it to kids at the local day care
27)Watch as the teacher pulls her hair out as she counts to ten to keep herself from blowing everyone away
28)Egg her on
29)Find an umpoloma and have it sing naughty songs for the remake of Willy Wonka and the Sex Factory
30)Burn things, your reason, the giant milk shake told you to
31)After you have been taken away to the nut house, threaten every one with your awesome power so you get all the best pills and crap, hold everything ransom and start a miniature black market trading ring
32)then have two diabetics fight over insulin
33)Sit quietly in your song humming the theme song to Fame while you write a new and better list of what to do when you’re bored out of your mind…..Fame! I Wanna Live Forever!
What you think, soon to follow, What Hiei does when bored.
Disclaimer I own nothing! So go away as I plan to free the animals from the zoo!
Warnings a bunch of stupid stuff devoted to all the people that stay up to 1:25 in the morning and read stupid stuff. Also contains adult wording.
Author note, I’m probably going to hell for this. Also I had it numbered but doesn’t show the numbers. This is the second time posting it due to deleting my account.
A long time ago, in a far off land where strange beasts and creatures lived, there once was a very vain, very hot thief. This thief was named Youko Kurama. Now to anyone that lived in this world, the name Youko Kurama did two things when mentioned. One was make women and men faint like damsels in distress. The other was to cause everyone to shiver in fear, then let a string of curses at the demon for making you angry. While secretly in your head you portrayed the part of the swooning damsels. This said demon had lived long and did many great things and in his lifetime he wrote one pointless and cherished manuscript. The purpose of the manuscript, what the hell he could do when he got bored.
1)Find a furry rabbit and make it tell you all its dark secrets.
2)After learning said secrets, sneak into the human world and proceed to scare the crap out of people by voicing them to all.
3)Wear a sign that says “Dark Days Ahead, Do All Your Naughty Crap Before Its Too Late”
4)Seek classes in the refine art of being a whole
5)Sneak into an old folk’s home and switch their pills with candy
6)Watch the after affect
7)Crazy glue sleeping hobo’s fingers together
8)Find a dog, tie yourself to it and scream HIGH HO SILVER! AWAY!
9)Sneak into a church and pretend you’re a priest
10)Switch the holy water with vodka and distribute it
11)Stalk the ice cream man till he panic and gives you free ice cream, then stalk him some more
12)Try to breed a cat and a dog
13)After the failed attempt at cross breeding, pretend your going to jump from a high building just to get over exposed media attention
14)Pretend you’re a lawyer and give false hope to criminals
15)Streak, then out run a high speed chase as the police attempt to capture you and make you cover up your shame
16)Steal crap, ehhh can do that anytime, NEXT!
17)Find some pot and get wasted,
18)Write wash me on a police car with your pee
19)spend a night in jail and pretend you’re a cannibal so your inmates will be your bitches
20)have your servants attack the guards while you watch
21)free the animals from the zoo, steal a cheetah
22)get the cheetah high and proceed to ride it
23) See if he leads you to cheetos
24)Find a sexy little half Koorime and proceed to teach him the fine art of being a whore
25)Find a video camera and pretend you’re the recruiter for girl/boys gone wild
26)Steal sweet in low from all the Denny’s and give it to kids at the local day care
27)Watch as the teacher pulls her hair out as she counts to ten to keep herself from blowing everyone away
28)Egg her on
29)Find an umpoloma and have it sing naughty songs for the remake of Willy Wonka and the Sex Factory
30)Burn things, your reason, the giant milk shake told you to
31)After you have been taken away to the nut house, threaten every one with your awesome power so you get all the best pills and crap, hold everything ransom and start a miniature black market trading ring
32)then have two diabetics fight over insulin
33)Sit quietly in your song humming the theme song to Fame while you write a new and better list of what to do when you’re bored out of your mind…..Fame! I Wanna Live Forever!
What you think, soon to follow, What Hiei does when bored.