Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Chibi's Attack! ❯ More cutefulness ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: * When Chibis Attack *

Type of Story: * Humor/Fluff *

Rating: * PG (just in case)*

Paring: * None unless you want there to be *

Summary: * What would happen if the YYH crew was chibi-fied- that is all but
Kurama. Poor Kurama has his hands full with 3 human children and a demon child.
Kuwabara, Yusuke, Botan, and Hiei all turn into Chibis. What will happen? *

A/N: * Ok, This idea truly isn't mine. I found this story [well stories] and
it's called When Hanyous Turn Childrenish. And the author of that story gets
most of the credit for this one. So why don't you give her a pat on the back.
She did a good job with it. And their and more. When Hanyous Aren't Childrenish.
And a new one but can't remember the name. But I hope you enjoy and hope the
author of those stories doesn't think that I'm 'STEALING' her idea. Because I'm
just using it. FYI: I'm not good at fight scenes so plez don't flame them. I
know I suck! u_u' *


Kurama awoke with a start. He looked around and didn't see anything out place,
'Hmm, I guess it was just a dream. But I have to admit that is was one of my
cuter dreams I've...' Kurama then heard a crash coming from the kitchen. He gets
up to only see that the chibis have had a flour fight and was now throwing water
everywhere. Making a sticky gooey mess. "No." Kurama whined as he got the
chibi's in his arms, took them to the bathroom and got bath water running. "Why
did you do that? You should have just turned on the TV." Said to no one really
as he tested the water and got the three boys in. Botan was going to be last
since she was a girl. He got up and got the phone that was just outside the
bathroom and called one of his friends. "Tanya? Hi. Umm could you come over, I
have a major problem that I think you could help with."

"Ok, but I can't stay for long. I have a doctors appointment."

"That's fine, just bring over some of your baby brother's clothes. 4 outfits to
be exact."

"Ok, be there in 5."

He gave the chibis a bath and was waiting for Tanya to arrive. 'Where is she?
She said in 5.' Just then he heard the doorbell ring. 'Thank goodness.' He
answered the door alone to see that there was Tanya was in a rush.

"Ok, here are the outfits and here are some diapers, bottles, sippi cups and
binky's. I wish that I could stay and help but my sister just went into labor. I
have to go. Bye"

"Bye?" Kurama said as he started at his friends retreating form. 'What am I
going to do now?' He turns around and sees that the chibis were not there.
'Great, now where they go?' Kurama went to the kitchen, no chibis, to the
bathroom, no chibis there, he was starting to look under chairs when he heard a
cry come from his bedroom. 'Dear lord no.' He opened his door to find himself
looking at all the chibis playing in his art supplies. (Well three actually.
Hiei is the one who cried.) Hiei sat on his bed and was covered in paint and was
crying. Yusuke was throwing paint at Hiei, Botan was using his oil-based paints
to pretend that she was wearing make-up, and Kuwabara was just eating his oil
crayons. "Dear lord why me? KUWABARA, YUSUKE, BOTAN, HIEI! GET OVER HERE NOW!"
Kurama yelled at the young children. All the chibis, now with tears in their
eyes, looked up at him. Their eyes were big and round and their bottom lips were
SCHOOL!" Kurama scolded them. "Now, you all know that I have punish you now,

"Wes." The chibi's said in unison. Kurama picked them up and put them all in
corners as he went to his room to clean the mess. I only took his 20 minutes to
get his art kit together and the mess cleaned up.

"Good now that that's done, I have to go shopping for the little 'ANGELS'."
Kurama said to himself in a sarcastic voice. But truth was he enjoyed being a
parent and some day he would have his own. Kurama came into the front room to
find that the chibis were still in their corners, but sniffling very badly. "Ok
everyone, timeout is up." Kurama said as he walked over to pick up Hiei and
Botan. "Now lets go to the store, then maybe later well go to the park and play,

"Ok." The chibis answered. With Hiei and Botan rested on his hips and Yusuke and
Kuwabara having a hold of the tail of his shirt, they wet to his car, pilled in
and went to the super-mart. Once they arrived, Kurama grabbed a cart and put
Hiei and Botan in the baby seat and Kuwabara and Yusuke in the basket of the
cart. They walked threw the store looking for baby clothes and other necessary
items. That was when the young children saw the toy aisle and had to look, once
everyone had found a toy they went in search of what was needed. They rounded a
corner and came across the baby aisle. "Great, now we can get you guys, and
girl, some clothes and diapers." As the chibis played Kurama found himself in a
dilemma, "I don't know what to get. Um excuse me, Miss, could you help me."
Kurama asked a stocks-person.

"Sure hun. What ya need help with?"

"Well as you can see, I have four two tear olds have no idea in what to get them
to eat, what size diaper, or anything, I'm sorry to ask, but please help me, if
you would." Kurama said, rubbing the back of his head and blushing.

"No problem, sir. Well let's see, you got three boys and a girl. I'd say that
the way the all look they would fit a size 3T diaper," the woman said as she
picked it up and placed it in the cart beside Yusuke. "And all of them except
for the black haired one looks to be a 3-4T in clothes and the black haired one
would be about a 2T." The woman said as she asked what he would like the clothes
to look like. "So, you a signal parent?"

"Well sorta, you could say that." Kurama said as the two browsed threw baby
clothes. Kurama didn't want to tell a ningien the truth.

"Oh, so you need a lot of help then, right?" the stocks-person ask with a smile.

"Yes, thank you so much." Kurama said the two finished shopping. Kurama checked
out and put everything and everyone in the car and left. The chibi's fell asleep
on the way home while holding their toys. Hiei had gotten a bight-colored ball
he had seen, Botan, a light up Disney Princess mirror, Yusuke, a
remote-controlled car, and Kuwabara, a Hulk Figurine. Kurama unpacked the car,
got the chibi's on his bed and put away what they had bought when Hiei came out
of his room. He pulled on Kurama's pant leg and Kurama looked down, "Yes, Hiei,
what is it?" He said with a smile.

"Coul I call wou daddie?" Hiei asked as he rubbed sleep for his eyes.

"Why Hiei. I'm really not your father."

"Beca, wou have been da onlwe one dat has been nice to me."

Kurama thought for a moment then, "Ok, you can call me daddie." He then knelt
down and hugged the smaller framed of Hiei. "So, you wanna watch barney. I got
you guy's 3 or 4 tape while we were at the store."

"Ok." Hiei then sat in front of the TV and started to watch the 3-hour long
tapes of Barney. With Hiei being satisfied for the moment being, Kurama went
back to get four outfits to change the chibis into when they got up so they
could go to the park.


Ok, a second chapter up. Phew! This is hard work. Hope you like. R/R plez.

Chibi Hiei: Yeah, pweese?

Chibi Kurama: It woul be realwe nice if wou di.

Chibi Yusuke Kuwabara and Botan: Yeah, prwety pweese?