Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Chibi's Attack! ❯ Even more cutefulness! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: * When Chibis Attack *

Type of Story: * Humor/Fluff *

Rating: * PG (just in case)*

Paring: * None unless you want there to be *

Summary: * What would happen if the YYH crew was chibi-fied- that is all but
Kurama. Poor Kurama has his hands full with 3 human children and a demon child.
Kuwabara, Yusuke, Botan, and Hiei all turn into Chibis. What will happen? *

A/N: * Ok, This idea truly isn't mine. I found this story [well stories] and
it's called When Hanyous Turn Childrenish. And the author of that story gets
most of the credit for this one. So why don't you give her a pat on the back.
She did a good job with it. And their and more. When Hanyous Aren't Childrenish.
And a new one but can't remember the name. But I hope you enjoy and hope the
author of those stories doesn't think that I'm 'STEALING' her idea. Because I'm
just using it. FYI: I'm not good at fight scenes so plez don't flame them. I
know I suck! u_u' *

~*~ last time~*~

"Coul I call wou daddie?" Hiei asked as he rubbed sleep for his eyes.

"Why Hiei. I'm really not your father."

"Beca, wou have been da onlwe one dat has been nice to me."

Kurama thought for a moment then, "Ok, you can call me daddie." He then knelt
down and hugged the smaller framed of Hiei. "So, you wanna watch barney. I got
you guy's 3 or 4 tape while we were at the store."

"Ok." Hiei then sat in front of the TV and started to watch the 3-hour long
tapes of Barney. With Hiei being satisfied for the moment being, Kurama went
back to get four outfits to change the chibis into when they got up so they
could go to the park.

~*~on with the fic~*~

Botan awoke to find that she was now in a very big bed alone. "Kuwabawa? Yuka?
Where are wou?" Botan started to feel tears swell in her eyes when she heard
something coming from under the bed, "KAWAMA!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!! DERE'S A

Kurama, hearing Botan's scream, ran into the bedroom and start to sooth her.
"What's wrong? What's wrong? What happen"

"I woke up all a wone and den I heard skary noises coming from under da bed!"

"It's ok. There is nothing under there that you need to worry your sweet little
head over. Now do you wanna help me look under the bed? I think I need a little

"Ok." Botan sniffled as she jumped off the bed and helped Kurama lift the
blanket off the floor to find that it was only Yusuke and Kuwabara.

"You two are riding on my last nerve. Now if you want to go to the park I
suggest that you get out there in front room and watch Barney while I get
everything together." When he said Barney the three children started to scream,
"But watch it quietly!" The three nodded in unison and ran out the bedroom door
and to the TV screen to watch Barney.

Kurama got two more outfits and the two he had pick out beforehand. Botan was
going to be wearing pink over-alls, a dark pink shirt, white frilly socks, and
Pink Barbie boots. Hiei was going to wear a dark blue T-shirt with a smiley face
on it saying 'Mr. Smiles', stretchy blue jeans, and white shoes. Yusuke and
Kuwabara were going to wear blue striped T-shirts and black pants. But Kuwabara
was going to wear red shoes and Yusuke was going to wear blue shoes. Once Barney
was done Kurama grabbed the chibi's, dressed them, then they were off to the

Walking down the sidewalk to the park Kurama doesn't notice that Kuwabara let go
of his shirttail and was starting to feed kittens milk that he found on a
doorstep. (A/N: I know that was corny but it turns out cute.) He poured it into
a bowl and kittens started to come and eat, then more, then more, and more,
until Kuwabara was covered up by kittens and was crying. Kurama hearing lots of
kittens and a young child's scream, just sweat dropped. 'Why me lord? Why me?'
He turned around to see that Kuwabara had let go and was now becoming kitten
food. He walked over, picked him up, and started walking to the park leaving the
kittens behind, except one, which he named eiekichi. (A/N Can't spell worth
s***. So sue me. Wait ... don't do that. Just read the story. n_n')

Upon arriving at the park Kurama sat on a bench and what the children play.
Kuwabara was playing with his new pet, Yusuke was eating a sandwich that he
brought from lunch and a puppy ran up and they were playing tug-of-war with it,
Botan was running threw the field trying to catch the butterflies, jumping in
the air and landing on her bottom, and Hiei was climbing a tree trying to catch
the birds. When he finally caught one it pinched him and he started to whimper
but got over it and jumped out of the tree and was playing in the sandbox. That
was when everyone heard carnival music and the chibis ran over and started
begging to go until Kurama agreed.


What has Kurama gotten himself into? You'll have to wait and see! n_n

And I would like to thank Embyr for the idea of having Hiei climbing a tree to
catch the birdies. Give her/him a round of applause!

*Everyone claps whistles and hoots*

All the chibis: Pweese weview and be nice. *gets teary eyed*