Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Chibi's Attack! ❯ KAYKO HELP ME!!!!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: * When Chibis Attack *

Type of Story: * Humor/Fluff *

Rating: * PG (just in case)*

Paring: * None unless you want there to be *

Summary: * What would happen if the YYH crew was chibi-fied--- that is all but
Kurama. Poor Kurama has his hands full with 3 human children and a demon child.
Kuwabara, Yusuke, Botan, and Hiei all turn into Chibis. What will happen? *

A/N: * Ok, This idea truly isn't mine. I found this story [well stories] and
it's called When Hanyous Turn Childrenish. And the author of that story gets
most of the credit for this one. So why don't you give her a pat on the back.
She did a good job with it. And there are more. When Hanyous Aren't Childrenish.
And a new one but can't remember the name. But I hope you enjoy and hope the
author of those stories doesn't think that I'm 'STEALING' her idea. Because I'm
just using it.

FYI: I'm not good at fight scenes so plez don't flame them. I know I suck! u_u'

~*~ last time~*~

Upon arriving at the park Kurama sat on a bench and what the children play.
Kuwabara was playing with his new pet, Yusuke was eating a sandwich that he
brought from lunch and a puppy ran up and they were playing tug-of-war with it,
Botan was running threw the field trying to catch the butterflies, jumping in
the air and landing on her bottom, and Hiei was climbing a tree trying to catch
the birds. When he finally caught one it pinched him and he started to whimper
but got over it and jumped out of the tree and was playing in the sandbox. That
was when everyone heard carnival music and the chibis ran over and started
begging to go until Kurama agreed.

~*~ On with the fic ~*~

Kurama, starting to get a headache, agreed. "Ok, Ok." He picked up Hiei and
Botan and Yusuke and Kuwabara grabbed his shirttail as they headed towards the
carnival. When they arrived, the first ride was the little Farris Wheel. Kurama
put the chibis down and they went to wait in line. Kurama went to a bench near
by to sit down when a familiar scent hit his nose, "Kayko?" He thought out loud.
Looking around they spotted each other. "Kayko, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I went for a walk and came upon this and thought I'd check it out. It's
so cute. How about you? Why are you here?"

"You're about to find out." Kurama said as the chibi's came running

"DADDIE! KUWA HIT ME!!!!!!" Botan screamed holding her arm.

"No I didn! Yuke did!"

"NO KUWA DID!" Yusuke said. Hiei said nothing.

"Aww, their so adorable. They yours?" Kayko asked.

"Well sorta."

"Who's the mom?"

"Umm... there isn't one?"


"Umm, maybe I should introduce you first, this is Kuwabara. This is Botan,
that's Yusuke, and that's..." Kurama look around then noticed that Hiei was
hiding behind his legs, gripping his pants legs tightly. "This is Hiei." He said
pushing a very nervous Hiei in front of him.

Kayko gasped, "Wha... what happened?" Kurama explained what happen as they
walked threw the park. "Aww, so you need a little help?" She asked sweetly.

"YES THANK YOU!" Kurama almost screamed and gave her a big hug.


Once the Chibi's had their fill of the park, they walked home, Kurama carrying a
sleeping Botan and Hiei and Kayko carrying a sleeping Kuwabara and Yusuke. "So,
you want me to spend the night to help. I'm very good with kids and they seem to
like me."

"Could you, I mean, your parents wouldn't mind?"

"Yeah, as long as I don't come home with a baby, I'm fine." She said a giggled
slightly. Kurama then noticed how beautiful she was.

'Wow.' As they reach Kurama apartment, Kayko realized that she had no clothes or
anything to wear. "Kayko, you can barrow one of mine, I don't care." He smiled.

"Thanks." They entered the apartment and they put the chibi's in kurama's bed.
Kayko yawned and looked around. "So where are we sleeping?"

"Well, you can take the love seat and I'll campout on the floor." Kurama then
blushed and smiled nervously, "I wouldn't be much of a host or friend if I let a
beautiful young lady sleep on the floor now would I?"

"Thanks but you don't have to do that. If you want you can sleep beside me, I
mean there's enough room. You don't have to be uncomfortable on my account."

"No, that's ok. I'll be fine."

"No, I don't want to be a burden."

"It's ok, really. I'll be fine."

COMFORTABLE!!!!!" Kayko almost yelled.

"Kurama, feeling really small, said, "ok. You don't have to yell" in a high
squeaky voice. The two ate some dinner and bathed, (not together, prevs) and got
dressed for bed. Kurama got some blankets and pillows and made a nice little bed
for two. "Now that's the best job I've ever done if I do say so myself!" He
announced triumphantly to himself. Kayko walked out of the bathroom, and took
the towel off her head. The semi-wet hair clung to the silk red night outfit she
was wearing. 'Wow, she's beautiful.'

"So you wanna go to bed now or watch a little TV?"

"How about a little TV first then we sleep."

"Okay." Kayko walked over and turned on the TV to find that the movie Titanic
was on. "Oh, I love this movie, please lets watch it? Please, please, please,
please, please, please, please!"

"OK, OK! Just no more clinging!" Kayko agreed and they sat down to watch the
movie. As the movie progressed, the night grew a little cold. The two wrapped up
in the blanket. The movie continued and Kayko's heart was pounding. When the
movie ended, the lied down to go to sleep with Kayko's heart still pounding, 'Do
I like Kurama?'


The next morning, the chibis woke up and walked into the front room. Yusuke saw
that Kurama and Kayko were lying next to one another with Kuramas arm around
Kayko's shoulders. Yusuke didn't like it and went to get a bucket of cold water,
but he only wound up spilling it on the floor and himself. So all he did was
glare, glare the best he could, but it turned out looking more cute than scary.
Kuwabara saw this and started to laugh, "Yuke like KayKay! Yuke like KayKay!" He

Botan felt really sorry for him and started to clam Yusuke down, but this only
made Kuwabara's teasing worse. Hiei, finally getting that last bit of sleep out
of his eye, realized what Kuwabara was really making fun of and wanted to kill
him. "Aey!" Hiei yell, "No one talks bout my frend lik dat! Wou is gowing to
pay!" And he lunged at Kuwabara, knocking him to the ground and making him cry.
By this time, Kurama and Kayko are up and already have splitting headaches.

"This is going to be a long day." They say in unison.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Well, there you have it. The next chappie. Hope it's as good as the ones before
it. Love you boos. And I wanna thank Regrem Erutaerc