Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes Hard ❯ Prologue: In the Beginning ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: When Love Strikes Hard

Author: yaoi_luver_16

Disclaimer: I don't own it. But I wish I owned Hiei n.n!

Rating: PG-13 at first R-NC-17 in later chapters

Content: Nothing much, there will be hentai but later on, and some incidences you could probably consider gory

Coupling: Hiei/OC

A/N: This is my first Yu Yu fic, so if I get anything wrong feel free to review and tell me. It may take time to get up chapters but be patient with me please. I will try my best on this one because I like the character I made up. I don't have internet at home and am doing all of this stuff at school except for typing up the stories. I wont be able to post over summer but when school comes, you can bet half of my stories will be completed and that I will post them up as soon as possible. I can draw farley well so if I can get to a scanner at school I will post up my drawings of my character and other things.

P.S.: For those of you who read this chapter when it first came out on 5/3/04 I'm sorry it was incomplete. The thing is I typed in the actual numbers of one half and my computer did some fancy thing to make it look professional unbeknownst to me so I had to go back through all of my chapters to see if I wrote that again so that would never happen in future chapters. Sorry for the inconvenience. JA!

Prologue: In the Beginning

"Why doesn't mother care about me, nii-chan?"

"I'm not all too sure, Yue." Her brother answered solemnly. "She loves you, though. I'm sure of it. Deep down, I know she does." He reasoned, watching as she scooted under the sheets of her almost too small bed.

Despite the fact that Yue was older then her brother, Kiciju, she acted as if she was no more then six of her 11 years. She depended souly upon her brother. She was three years older then Kiciju, yet looked much younger. Maybe it was because she was a half demon...

She blinked up at her brother as he pulled the sheets up to her chin and tucked them lightly about her body. She thought about her mother for a moment and narrowed her eyes at the things she did to her. Pushing her out of the way when she was more then far away in the first place, forcing her to do chores that no one her age would do, making her cook dinner, wash cloths, clean the house, mow the lawn. She was your regular Cinderella slave driver. The only reason Yue stayed and actually did these things was because she didn't want to get sent to a home...sent away from the only family that cared: her brother. She smiled softly as Kiciju leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly against her forehead in a sweet good night kiss.

"Good night." Yue called to her brother softly as he left the vicinity of her tiny bedroom.

"Night." He responded simply, closing the door behind him.


Five years later...

"Yue, if you want such a thing as to live in a place like Makai when you're only a half demon, I don't think I should grant it." Koenma stated, his baby pacifier bobbing with every word he spoke.

"But...come ON KOENMA!" She shouted, feeling a little more then frustrated. "I am part demon. I should live in the demon world." She reasoned, feeling helpless at the toddler's stern expression. "Please," She begged. "I don't belong in Ningen-kai."

A long pause filled the nearly silent room, blue and red ogres dashing past the door in a hurry to finish their jobs and not suffer the wrath of the mighty Yama, let alone his short-tempered son. A soft `hum' and a thoughtful expression had crossed over Koenma's face. The suspense in the room was so thick you'd need a katana to cut through it.

"Fine, you can..." He paused, giving Yue the opportunity to celebrate before he cut her down. "BUT," He drawled, loving the surprised look on the young half demon's face, "you need to do something for me. A...mission, if you will."

"What kind of mission?" Yue asked skeptically, her cloud blue eyes narrowing dangerously at the smug look on Koenma's face.

"You can live in Makai...but with two other demons. Notorious criminals. You need to befriend the two and make them trust you." He answered, nodding his head as if agreeing with his reasoning and cunning. "After all, you are the granddaughter of the great Genkai. I'm sure that after training for ten years with her and learning her techniques you're more then capable of defending yourself if they decide to get...hostile."



Two months later...

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A PERV, HIEI?!" Yue screeched, face flushing furiously from being, what she deemed, `spied on' while she was bathing.

"Hn." Hiei grunted agitatedly as he walked past a towel clad Yue who brandished a scrub brush like a weapon.

Inside, his heart was racing at the eye full he had gotten of the light, blue-violet haired girl. He had been walking by the lake he, Kurama and the girl were camping out around. An oddly suspicious looking Kurama had asked him to go find Yue for dinner. He had been told that she'd be near the lake. Unfortunately, the kitsune had been wrong. She was in the lake not near it. His face had flushed such a deep color it nearly matched the deep, blood red of his eyes. He had to plug his nose so it wouldn't spurt blood at the sight of the gorgeous, nude girl.

'Gorgeous...?' He thought to himself, having just reached camp where a happy Kurama sat cooking fish. 'Why do I get the feeling he planned that little encounter?' He glared darkly at the kitsune youko as he looked up from his cooking and smiled cheekily.


Back at the lake...

Yue still hadn't managed to get rid of her blush as she covered her body with clothing. She had seen the way Hiei blushed when she caught him...the sight was rather...cute.

`Cute...?' She thought, blinking a few times. Where had that come from?

She tossed that thought aside as her stomach rumbled loudly for food. She smiled sheepishly to herself as she walked, bare footed, back to camp, tying her bottom length, damp hair in a black band. She wholly intended to eat the two demons out of camp and home and ask questions later.

Ningen-kai= Earth Makai= Demon World Nii-chan= big brother

A/N: That's it. Okay...tell me what you think. Every other chapter will be directly from the tv series. The dialogue will be exact and my character will be added into the fray. What do you think about her? And if I don't explain her past enough in the next chapters, review and ask me what you need to know about her to make her blend more into the story. But wait until the third chapter where I give the major background before you'll start pummeling me with questions. Translations will be at the end of every chapter so if no one knows what the Japanese words are they are given. And I got the translations from a Japanese/English dictionary so they are all correct. I hope you all enjoyed this and more to come.