Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes Hard ❯ Chapter I: Three Monsters ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: When Love Strikes Hard

Author: yaoi_luver_16

Disclaimer: I don't own it. But I wish I owned Hiei n.n!

Rating: PG-13 at first R-NC-17 in later chapters

Content: Nothing much, there will be hentai but later on, and some incidences you could probably consider gory

Coupling: Hiei/OC

A/N: Okay guys the first chapter is up. I hope you enjoy it and I just hope you people don't hate me for adding my own character. I myself hate it when people add their own characters if they don't have a strong base and background in the story. But Yue has both. You'll get her story and I hope you guys like the idea. I also hope the Hiei/Kurama pairing lovers out there don't hate me. I myself like a decent Hiei/Kurama yaoi, yet I haven't been able to find a decent enough one to look constantly. Sorry, I've been babbling. Hope you guys like it and please review.

Chapter I: Three Monsters

`How can they even think to do this?' Yue fumed as she watched the kyukonki demon suffocate the pour, red ogre by the mere grip of his large hand alone.

The four of them where currently in the King's vault, stealing the three precious artifacts stored there. The Forlorn Hope, The Shadow Sword and The Orb of Baast. The former group of three, Hiei, Kurama, and Yue, were now the present group of four, a kyukonki demon by the name of Gouki taking up the fourth position. Yue wasn't at all happy about the alliance among the other three demons. It had taken Gouki only a matter of moment to win over the two notorious demons' trust while it took her over an entire week. She hated the giant lummox for all she was worth and would do just about anything to see him dead.

She narrowed her eyes as an alarm began to sound and an unfamiliar voice boomed over the loud speaker. "CODE RED, EMERGENCY! CODE RED!"

"Alright, Gouki, that's enough." Hiei ordered silently, a small trace of triumphant victory in his voice as he chuckled.

Yue couldn't help but glare at the little fire youkai who was no more then an inch taller then she was.

"Yes, our time grows short." Kurama concurred in his soft mellow voice, the tone almost seeming guilty.

The speaker boomed again as the quartet headed out and over the demolished vault door only to disappear from sight in a matter of moments.



"When did you start working with this neanderthal?" Yue whispered, looking over the giant demon in front of her in his human form.

"When you refused to help Kurama and I raid Koenma's vault." Hiei answered sarcastically, yet truthfully.

"Well excuse me, but I didn't think that you or Kurama would stoop that low." She explained with as much sarcasm and glared at the guilty looking kitsune.

"What are you mumbling about, onna." The demon smirked, realizing that she was backed into a corner with this argument and he wanted to push her completely through the wall.

"Do NOT call me onna, KISAMA!" She shouted, clenching her fists at her sides to keep herself under control.

The demon merely grunted and turned away, feeling her overpowering energy radiate off her body and not wanting to get involved with some one that powerful. He had already underestimated Kurama and was told off by the vibrant red head in a schoolboy uniform. Yue could only assume that Hiei had had to do the same to get the big lummox to cooperate.

Yue `humphed' and turned to Hiei, glaring darkly at the youkai as he silently marveled at the blade he had retrieved from the vault. She really hadn't expected such a thing, yet she hadn't known the two for more then half a year. She didn't know their abilities all too well, let alone their limitations. Her gaze averted from Hiei to Kurama, who looked slightly anxious and edgy.

`Wonder what's up with him?' She thought, silently walking over to a tree to lean on, not realizing the champaign colored eyes that followed her every move.

Hiei laughed out loud in triumphant glory as he wielded the Shadow Sword with expertise while he dart through mid air. Yue couldn't help but noticed as he took excessive pride in the fact that demons were forming from what ever item he struck with the blade. She looked on with slight admiration as a gargoyle crept out from the remains of a fallen tree, only to be free for a moment before he turned to stone from the eerie rays of the sun. Strange, everywhere around them was dark and bleak but the patch of wilderness they occupied.

"Oh, yes." Hiei chuckled maliciously. "This is perfect. If the sword can make demons from trees just imagine what it'll make from humans. I say we go to the next big city and carve out a thousand of them. Imagine raising an entire demon army." He gloated, holding the blade high.

Yue cringed as the lummox took this time to disrupt the tranquility of silence with his scratchy voice.

"I like the way you think, Hiei. If we teach them how to eat souls I even know how we can feed them all." He chuckled, digging in his pocket to withdraw, "The Orb of Baast."

"And once the moon becomes full, we can use Kurama's weapon and supposedly get complete control. Isn't that right." Hiei added, expecting the kitsune to agree wholeheartedly.

"Sorry, I must withdraw from this alliance." Kurama corrected, not meeting any ones gaze.

"Kurama?" Yue queried softly.

"What?!" Hiei ordered sharply, mellow blood red eyes narrowing with unease. "What is that suppose to mean? Surly you're not dropping out of the game when we've come this far?" Hiei argued accusingly.

"Yes." Kurama answered simply.

"You coward! Your years of hiding yourself in this human world have made you just like them: spin less and ready to be walked on." Hiei shouted, trying to reason with the youko kitsune the only way he knew how, by arguing.

"Hiei!" Yue shouted gaining everyone's attention. "Kurama can leave if he wants to." She finished, stepping forward into the group of demons.

"I don't give a flip if he leaves, but he's got no right to the loot. Give us the pretty little mirror." Gouki ordered, replacing the Orb of Baast in his pocket and extending his hand to receive Kurama's item.

"He's got more right to his item then you ever will." Yue mumbled, practically dying to slap the idiot's hand away.

"I can't." Kurama protested. "I have great need for it myself first."

"All right," Gouki snickered, "then I'll punch it out of ya!" He finished, raising one large fist to strike Kurama down. The idiot must have forgotten how Kurama told him off before.

"Excuse me neighbors." An insistent voice called, gaining everyone's attention. "Couldn't help but notice there's no rain falling here."

A young boy had emerged from the dark depths of the woods, carrying a bushy tree limb to keep him dry from the rain that poured outside the clearing. Dark almost black-green hair sleeked back with what seemed to be a plentiful amount of gel covered the boy's head generously. Large, innocent as well as dangerous brown eyes stared each demon down bravely. He was covered from neck to ankle with a bright green suit, black, polished shoes topping off the outfit nicely.

`Who is this kid?' Yue thought to herself, examining him for all he was worth.

"Maybe the next time you guys go stealing magic toys, you should hide where it's not so obviously sunny. Just a tip." He stated in a cocky street punk manner.

"Who are you?" Hiei ordered, not in the least bit afraid of the boy for his spirit energy was decidedly low compared to his own. "And how do you know about the artifacts?"

"Give us your name." Gouki added, gaining confidence from Hiei's cockiness.

"Oh, thank you. Hopped you'd ask." The boy said smugly, flinging the tree branch aside as he introduced himself. "The name's Yusuke. I'm a spirit detective."

`Spirit detective?!' Yue thought in an alarmed manner. `What's Koenma thinking? I have this completely under control!'

"Spirit detective?" Gouki questioned uncertainly.

"Don't worry. He's just another one of Koenma's fools. He must have been the only human they could round up. His spirit energy is pathetic." Hiei reassured the group, a triumphant smirk coming to his lips.

Yue couldn't help but notice the quickening of her heart at that expression. `What's wrong with me?!' She thought in alarm as her cheeks began to slowly gain color. She was distracted for the moment though as Kurama completely ignored Yusuke and continued from where he had left off. Turning away and heading into the thickness of the woods.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Yusuke shouted after him.

"Sorry, I don't have time to be arrested." Kurama answered, not pausing to look back or speak.

"Kurama." Yue called after him

"Stop, Kurama! You can't just walk out on our plan! UGH!" Hiei shouted in agitation as he too made his leave.

"MATTE! INCONSIDERATE JERKS!" Yue shout, following Hiei instead of the kitsune, curious to discover why she was feeling this way about the little fire youkai.

Onna= woman Kisama= bastard Kitsune= fox Youko & youkai= demon Matte= wait

A/N: That's the end of this chapter. Review and tell me what you guys think of Yue okay? Review. JA!