Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Strikes Hard ❯ Chapter III: The Three Eyes of Hiei ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: When Love Strikes Hard

Author: yaoi_luver_16

Disclaimer: I don't own it. But I wish I owned Hiei n.n!

Rating: PG-13 at first R-NC-17 in later chapters

Content: Nothing much, there will be hentai but later on, and some incidences you could probably consider gory

Coupling: Hiei/Yue (OC)

A/N: This chapter made me cry when I read over it, it was so emotional. I hope you all like it. I'm still not in much of a mood to write more then necessary and I wrote this author's note before I posted up chapter so that's why there's no response to any reviews on my friend and my problem. But to those of you who did write in response, thanks for your opinion.

Chapter III: The Three Eyes of Hiei

"Why are we here, Hiei." Yue whispered softly into the other's ear, not noticing the slight tremble that the hushed words evoked. They were crouched down on the roof of some building, eyes peering out over another building, a junior high school to be exact. "Sariyaski Junior High?"

"Yes, we are waiting for a certain someone to emerge from that building. A small demon that I've hired should be coming by soon to give us info on the individual." Hiei answered, his determined champagne colored eyes not leaving the entrance to the building as he spoke.

"If he's small to you then he must be pretty small." Yue teased, grinning broadly at the slight pout that overcame Hiei's lips.



Yue jumped at the unearthly voice that came from behind them. She turned around slightly to view the demon. Horns, a long tail and fangs, the usually information gatherer and spy. He was no bigger then half a foot and his glowing eyes regarded the duo nonchalantly.

"Good," Hiei almost purred in excitement, "You're just in time. Give me the information you know on the detective's closest friends and show me who they are."

"Yusuke Yurameshi, I'm afraid, only has one friend that truly matters to him and that is her." He informed, pointing a clawed finger to a young girl with a little above shoulder length honey brown hair and a light blue school girl uniform with a soft yellow scarf.

Yue's eyes widened at the innocence of the young girl. She looked almost upset about something. Her youthful features set in a saddened expression and her eyes purposefully trained on the ground. Her hands appeared to be clasping her handbag handle desperately, as if in a bid to keep herself sane or from bursting into tears.

"You're not going to do anything to her are you, Hiei." Yue queried in a nervous, worried tone.

"If it'll help with my plan." He answered simply, giving his full and undivided attention to the pintsized demon.

"Kayko Yukimora, classmate and childhood friend of Yusuke Yurameshi. She appears to be his closest link." The demon confessed, eyes observing the girl as he spoke.

"Perfect. With a little help from her I'll be quite entertained." Hiei chuckled, not noticing the worried, skeptical look that flashed across Yue's face. The expression changed just in time before Hiei turned to regard her. "I've been collecting slaves all morning." He stated. "There at a warehouse near the bay. I want you to go keep an eye on them for me. Okay, Yue?"

"Yeah...sure." Yue answered with little to no enthusiasm.

She watched as Hiei stood, then dashed off to capture his next innocent victim. The mini demon had apparently disappeared as she looked around, standing up and dusting herself off as she set forth to find the warehouse. Yet, before she got there, a childish voice came, sounding as if it was having a temper tantrum.

"YUE! What on Ningen-kai do you think you are doing! Stop him before he goes to far!" Koenma ordered, a projection of the child appearing in the sky.

"I will Koenma." Yue answered darkly, eyes narrowing at the toddler. "When I feel that it is necessary."


"No. I just don't find it necessary for me to interfere!" She shouted back.

"NOT NECESSARY!?! You had better go stop that lunatic or I'll-"

"Or you'll what!" Yue screeched in pure rage. "You have no say in what I do!!"

"Oh, don't I?" The baby mused matter-of-factly.

"I'll find my own way to get into Makai!" She retorted. "If doing what you want means betraying the one-ones that I've grown to care about... No, I wont do it. You can just stuff this position! I QUIT!" She finished, turning to dash off to where Hiei had asked.


Hiei couldn't believe his ears... Yue had been working for Koenma all this time but..., `If doing what you want means betraying the one-ones that I've grown to care about... No, I wont do it.'

`She cares about me?'

But of course. She was always with him, helping him, attempting to tame him and make him see that she was an ally and not an enemy... She had always tried so hard to get so close...and he always pushed her away. Now she was disobeying the `Great Koenma' who appeared to be black mailing her about something in order to stay with him.

`Why would she do that. It's obvious that she wanted something really badly and she just threw it away, just to stay...with Kurama and me? Yue...'


"Hold the girl." Hiei ordered to two of his slaves, sensing the spirit energy of the detective drawing ever nearer.

He looked over to Yue, who positioned herself on the top of a crate, her eyes blank and sightless as she stared down at the many slaves littering to floor. She had appeared to be out of it ever since he had brought the girl here and Hiei couldn't help but wonder if she was rethinking her options with Koenma.

`Please, Yue. Stay with Kurama...and me.'

His attention was jerked away from the girl as the door to the warehouse opened abruptly, the same boy from the forest marching into the place with determination as he called out. "Get out here, Hiei! I'm gonna kick you face in!" At that moment he noticed the many humans blocking his path. "What the...?" He gawked. "Who the heck are they?"

"Physically, they're normal humans." A young woman with long, bright blue hair put into a high ponytail answered. "But it looks like Hiei's controlling their minds." She added matter-of-factly.

"What?" Yusuke gasped in astonishment.

"The records department doesn't know about this. For him to control so many humans at once, he must possess...the Jagan." She stated skeptically.

"Jagan?" Yusuke queried, rolling the name on his tongue as if to get better acquainted with it.

"Well done." Hiei congratulated, drawing everyone, including Yue's attention. "I used my power to round them up this morning. They won't do much good against you, but they make excellent scenery." Hiei quipped, stepping forward slightly through the crowd of mentally possessed humans, his Jagan flashing dangerously, as if to ward off the intruders.

"That's some pimple." Yusuke commented and Yue couldn't help but smirk at the implication.

"Yes, pimple, indeed." Yue mumbled.

"It's the Jagan. A third eye for the spirit." The blue haired woman informed.

"A normal human would of succumbed to its power by now. But I see the geniuses in Spirit World found a nice pick." Hiei commented, his voice holding more malice with every word. "That's why I brought insurance." He added with a smirk. The possessed people who held the girl stepping forward at the unknown cue.

"Kayko!" Yusuke gasped in worry, eyes narrowing in desperation. "What do you plan to do with her?"

"Nothing more, if you've brought the items." Hiei answered, leaving the implication hanging. "Ooh, good boy." He cheered slightly as the items were brought into view. "Both the Orb of Baast and that precious Forlorn Hope." He paused slightly as Yusuke put the items down then continued. "You may have her."

"Kayko!" Yusuke shouted as the possessed released her and she collapsed to the floor.

Yue watched on with slight resentment as the boy raced to his damsel's side and embraced her lovingly. She couldn't help but envy them as well. If only she had someone like that. Her eyes shifted from the lovers to Hiei and she blushed furiously. Okay, well, she had someone in mind, but he'd never express his feelings like Yusuke was, at least...not at the time he wouldn't express anything for her. But...maybe later on.

"So, maybe my plan had a few setbacks. But the end result is the same. All three ancient weapons of darkness are in my control and those fools in charge will soon be bowing at my feet." Hiei crooned, chuckling darkly as he too looked on at the pair and he couldn't help but think of a certain fiery onna... `Yue...'

"Quit gloating, Hiei." Yue mumbled, more to herself then the other. "He may seem weak, but anger and desperation are two very powerful weapons to all humans alike."

"You should stop bragging. It'll just make it more embarrassing for you." Yusuke suggested tersely, gaining his feet and glaring darkly at Hiei. "Now that I've got Kayko I'm gonna rip out your teeth!"

"Hn." Hiei grunted confidently. "Try. I'll give you a head start." He added with a soft chuckle.

"You know, that cocky laugh of yours is stating to TICK ME OFF!" Yusuke shouted as he lunged forward, fist raised to strike Hiei down only to hit at thin air. "He vanished." Yusuke realized, blinking disbelievingly at the place where Hiei once stood.

"I'm still here." Hiei spoke up in an obvious, matter-of-fact tone. "I only stepped gently to the side. Was that a real hit? I was under the impression it was a joke." He said in the same cocky voice, heavy laden with sarcasm. "Oh, but wait, you're not amused. And as for Kayko..." He left the implication hanging.

"WHAT!?!" Yusuke yelled in an outraged manner.

All the while, Yue marveled at the change that Hiei had gone through. This was defiantly a side of the little taciturn fire youkai that she had never seen. He was acting so overconfident, smug, arrogant, and brash. It was as if his ego could fill the entire warehouse. Yue didn't like it at all...

"Do you really think I'd relinquish my hostage without the reward." He stated, sounding as if Yusuke's surprise was absurd. "Look at her closely Yusuke. You'll still see that she's mine." Hiei declared confidently.

`Hiei... I never realized just how...evil you were.' Yue thought, looking down on said demon with worry and deceit in her cloud blue eyes.

"You're lying!" Yusuke shouted disbelievingly.

"Am I?" Hiei retorted smugly.

Yue knew what Hiei had done to the girl. She now possessed the Jagan, as did Hiei. Yet Kayko was too weak a human not to be overcome by the third eye's bidding. In due time the boy and woman would realize the cut on her forehead made by the Shadow Sword and then panic would override their anger and resentment.

"What is that thing?" Yusuke inquired, finally noticing the slash on the girl's forehead. Once the eye began to open he couldn't help but be drawn closer to gawk at it. "I don't understand...? How?"

"You may have her body, but her future is mine." Hiei responded, continuing without a single pause in his speech. "See I've struck her with the Shadow Sword. And once that Jagan eye opens completely she becomes a demon; not a very smart one I'm afraid, but perfect for a slave."

"MOVE!" The young woman ordered, once finally realizing what the phenomenon on the girl's forehead was. She drew a hand to the girl's forehead and allowed it to hove just above the third eye, a, sort of, electric shock appearing, forcing the eye to close as best as her powers could allow. "I'll try and prevent it from opening! You go and punch his brains out!" She ordered, her voice already hitching in over exertion.

"Yes," Hiei crooned, "you'd better punch them out quickly if you care about your assistant. I can feel her precious energy draining fast." He paused for a moment to chuckle. "Pity, her poor little body is giving everything it has. Soon you'll have a girlfriend who's a demon and an assistant that is dead."

"Is that true?" He asked his assistant, worry quite plainly lacing his voice.

"Don't worry about me, Yusuke. I'll stop it as long as I can." She whimpered as a flash of pain ran over her skin, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth she increased her assault on the Jagan.

"Botan." Yusuke called worriedly, only a moment later turning an enraged look to Hiei. "Oh, that's IT!"

"I'm glad you're so enthused. The game will be more exciting this way." Hiei snorted in amusement.

"What game?" Yusuke queried, anger still heavy on his voice.

"The hilt of this sword is hollow, contained inside is the antidote to stop the sword's affect." Hiei stated, presenting the sword to the boy. "If you get the sword the girl will live. Fun right?" He mused with an obvious smirk. "Think of it as a little game of tag."

And, in what appeared to be the speed of light, the boy attacked, catching Hiei way off guard and causing Yue to jump to her feet, worry for her friend quite apparent in her eyes.

"Hiei!" She called, watching as he rubbed his sore cheek soothingly.

He flashed a look to her, letting her know that he was alright. "Faster then I thought." He mumbled to himself. "What happened, Spirit Detective? You weren't that fast before?"

"This isn't a game, dirt face!" Yusuke shouted in obvious disgust at Hiei's `game'. "Kayko is my friend."

"Now I see." Hiei murmured, realization dawning. "You're a decent fighter on your own, but when your friend's on the line your strength increases greatly. You're a team player, a `save the day' super hero. I hate people like you." Hiei commented tersely, pointing the tip of the sword to Yusuke. "And, yes, Spirit Detective, I'll admit you surprised me, but like a true amateur, you failed to take advantage of the situation. You didn't get the sword back; a mistake that will prove fatal. Because now that I know it, I wont be dropping my guard any longer. The world doesn't give many chances; you've just missed yours." He continued to prattle on not realizing the he was blabbering.

"Are you done yapping yet?" Yusuke asked resentfully.

"Not quite." Hiei grunted as he picked up the pace, dashing about the warehouse in an attempt to confuse his enemy, chuckling the whole way even as he spoke. "Can't you keep up? Human eyes are so slow. Come now, where am I? What's wrong; do I confuse you? Do I?!" He shouted, coming from behind the detective to attack.

And, as stated previously, it was all an attempt. He was, once again, struck in the face. And this time he was hurled into one of the large crates that littered the floor of the building.

Out of sheer worry for her companion, Yue flew to the ground to help him to his feet, not expecting the blow that was to come. She gasped aloud as Hiei abruptly gained his feet and fired a frustrated blast of spirit energy at her stomach. With a short squeak of surprise, Yue was flung nearly half way across the room into a set of crates herself, yet when she immerged she was severely hurt. Not expecting the attack she wasn't prepared for what just happened. She looked across the room at the culprit of her pain.

Betrayal... Tears, filled her eyes end couldn't help but spill free as she reached a hand behind her, fingering a large bloody gash across her back with a wince of pain, emotionally and physically. She brought the hand before her and observed the bright, vivid, red blood that coated her fingertips. Her face grew pale as she lifted her gaze once more to meet Hiei's.

Hiei couldn't help but regret his actions as soon as they took place. The one he cared for so deeply, the one who defied the `great Koenma', the one who teased him so candidly and made him feel alive was now before him...in tears... What had he done...?

Yue sobbed quietly as she stared back at the shocked expression on Hiei's face. She brought up her clean hand to cover her mouth as her sobs gained in volume. The pain in her heart grew so torturous that she turned her back on the one she...loved and fled.

Hiei's eyes widened further at the damage he had caused to her body as she turned and flew over a few sets of crates, out of his sight. A large slash, clear across her back, from left shoulder to right hip. The wound had to be at least two inches deep and four inches wide at the center, thinning out as it stretched to the hip and shoulder.

"Yue..." He called, his voice no more then a bare whisper, filled with sorrow and regret for his actions. Then his pain grew to anger as the memory of the detective came to mind, throwing salt on the open, burning, pulsing, fresh wound in his soul. "You're DEAD!"

"See Hiei." Yusuke said, knowing that what he said before held meaning now. "Now, that's what I'm talking about. Yap, yap, yap like you're some kind of pro-wrestler. And then what happens?" It was a rhetorical question. "You have to eat up all your words. It's pretty dumb."

"Consider this a compliment. I've never transformed for a human." Hiei stated, losing his sarcastic and smug air as soon as he saw the hurt in Yue's eyes.


Yue was hyperventilating as she utilized her little healing power to heal as much of her wound as she could. But no matter how much healing power she used, she could never mend her broken heart. Sobs continued to rake her form, making the healing process even longer. This wasn't good, she had already lost a lot of blood and was in grave danger of dying if she didn't heal herself quickly.


"Kurama?" She gasped softly, taking her hands away from the uncomfortable twist to swipe angrily at the tears that flooded her sight. "What are you doing her?"

"Helping you first." He answered, enveloping her in a tight embrace and gasping softly in surprise as she burrowed her tear stained face into his shoulder.

The quaking of her body carried to his own as the girl let go, sobbing in earnest as her hands clenched tightly to his vivid school boy uniform. He wrapped his arms comfortingly around her trembling body and gasped once more as his hands came in contact with the thick blood that flowed out of her barley-healing wound.

"YUE!" Kurama shouted as her body slouched forward into his own.

`So weak... I'm so weak... See what you do to me Hiei...'

"Yue, you're gonna be alright." Kurama soothed as he placed her on her stomach, ripping her already tattered shirt down the center.

He reached into the long strands of his hair and pulled out a single seed, filling it with his spirit energy it burst into blooming and present a humble drop of nectar that Kurama dropped into the wound, watching worriedly as the gash only healed up half way, yet sighing in relief as the bleeding stopped.

"Stay her, Yue, and don't move. I'll be back to heal the rest of it, but right now I need to save Yusuke." Kurama murmured, gaining his feet and dashing off before receiving an answered.

The tears had still not stopped, yet they weren't as strong as before and her sobbing had ceased. It was as if there was a leak in her tear ducts and she couldn't plug it up or make it stop. She stared after Kurama as he left, her face pale still yet with hurt and worry. A single word slipped past her lips as she closed her eyes briefly in exhaustion. "Hiei..."


Yusuke was wrapped by four glowing red ropes, each one separated and seeming to spark with power as they held him in the air. "Well, this is new, but maybe you could get me green ones. They'd match a lot better." Yusuke joked, an obvious sign of his discomfort and worry.

"A joker to the end, aren't you?" Hiei inquired. "Perhaps my Jagan Tie Curse needs to be tighter before we get serious." Hiei suggested, throwing the still confined boy to the ground. "I have an idea. How about I give you a choice."

"What?" Yusuke gasped, as Hiei drew the discarded Shadow Sword to his hand by mere telekinesis.

"I can end your life now, or, if you prefer, I'll make you into a demon." He stated, glaring pure hatred at the boy. "What's that? You want me to choose. FINE!" He shout, wielding the sword to kill the boy, he charged forward. And just as soon as he charged forward he was halted by none other than Kurama as he took the blade in the gut and slammed Hiei's Jagan with a balled fist. Hiei shouted in pain and rubbed his third eyes of many eyes soothingly. "My eye! My Jagan eye!"

"Hey, I've come untied." Yusuke pointed out

"The eyes on Hiei's body are merely for amplification. Without the Jagan exposed on his forehead his power becomes useless." Kurama informed the boy as he trudged forward, the wound to his stomach making him grunt with pain.

"Are you okay?" Yusuke asked kindly, sincerely worried about the kitsune.

"Fine, only a minor hole in my stomach." Kurama chuckled, trying to make his wound seem like nothing.

"You didn't have to do that." Yusuke stated, sorrow for his friend filling his voice.

"I'm alive only because of you." Kurama stated, looking over his shoulder at Yusuke. "Please, allow me to pay my debt. You must handle Hiei, I will use my power to keep the girl from transforming." Kurama finished, setting forth to do as he said.

"Kurama." Yusuke spoke, as if the sound of the other boy's name was meant to be an apology.

All the while, Hiei was seething as he continued to rub his eye. First the boy strikes him down and proves his bragging pointless and as he said `dumb', then he hurts his... HIS!?! No not his... Then he hurts Yue and makes her cry, a sight that truly made his heart and soul wail in agony for his...friend. Then Kurama betrays him again.

`Yue would never do such a thing...but I betrayed her.' "Kurama, how could you. Traitor. Hu?" He gasped, looking up at the Spirit Detective as he stepped forward, amazed at how much his spirit energy had increased.

"Take your problems up with me." Yusuke ordered, eyes narrowed down at the transformed fire youkai.

A fight then commenced, each throwing out an even amount of blows yet Hiei being the obvious superior as he brutally stuck the boy from just about everywhere. The boy was practically tossed around like a rag doll, his feet never touching the ground as Hiei continued to attack him, the attacks coming so quick that he only touched the ground when they stopped coming.

"You see?" Hiei proved that he was superior only for a moment. "It doesn't matter how strong you are if you can't hit me."

"Darn it!" The boy grunted in frustration, fist swiping at the bloody trail that ran from the corner of lip to chin.

The boy was in a corner, so to speak, yet realization dawned in his eyes that Hiei didn't catch. Hiei couldn't help but be amazed as the boy fled, running away from the battle at hand.

"How sad. After all this, you actually think you can run away from me." He queried, allowing the detective a head start before he followed. As he neared he called out. "DETECTIVE!!"

To say that Hiei was surprised was an understatement as the boy turned around and pointed a single finger with glowing, blue spirit energy his way. He hadn't heard the muttered words, only the two that were shouted as if the pitch in which the boy cried held the power of the blast.


Yet at the last second...Hiei dodged, but just barley, landing in front of the boy with a satisfied click to his boots. "My, what a well kept secret. Too bad all of your energy was wasted on poor aim." Yet the boy didn't appear to be surprised or scared. And the next second...it came. A sharp blast to his back. Hiei gasped out in shock. "What happened?!"

"Simple. I won." Yusuke stated victoriously.

"But you missed." This statement was said while Hiei turned to look behind himself, eyes widening in comprehension as he spotted the mirror. "The Forlorn Hope. You reflected the shot. Must have guessed exactly the way I would dodge." He had lost his demon form and his knees were becoming weak. He didn't know how much longer he could stand.

"Hu. I think that's what they call watching your opponent." Yusuke responded smugly.

"You're pretty clever." Hiei complimented just before he passed out on the floor.

A/N: Well what do you think? Was that a tear-jerker or what? Review. JA!