Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Whistper from the Shadows ❯ One Stormy Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ello! Sorry if this is kinda choppy it’s my first time writing a fanfic and I don’t seem to be too good at it. Please review telling me what you think! Thanks Much!!! ;)

Disclaimer: Oh, and I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho (Even though I wish I owned Hiei... /drool/ )

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Normal. I have never really believed there is such a thing as “normal” but there is such a thing is “boring”. And that’s what I was...along with my life and everyone around me. Boring.

It was the last period, after this, I would be free. However, the English teacher droned on and on making each second seem like an eternity. Unfortunately for her I didn’t give a damn so I returned to one of the two things that never failed to cheer me up. I zoned out completely. The one thing I was actually good at, taking myself out my present hectic life and somewhere where...else.

“...and could you PLEASE stop daydreaming in class!!!” Teacher! Oh crap. Snapping back to reality I turned my head towards her infuriated face, my own showing great confusing and surprise. Laughter and an arrangement of small giggles were heard throughout the room. Oh please, like they’ve never zoned out before! Shifting my gaze towards the ground I mumbled a small and very reluctant “Sorry” shuffling my feet.

At once a loud, dissatisfied grunt was emitted from the teacher as she placed her hands on her hips. “Passing notes I see!” I stared. I never pass notes in class. In fact I barely communicate with the other students, but there it was on my desk a piece of crumbled paper, messily folded, laying across my notebook. Before managing to investigate further the teacher snatched the piece of paper abruptly and unfolding it began to read. A deafening shriek was heard, her deafening shriek...

“YOU LITTLE!!! GO TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE NO...” Briiiiing!!! The bell, class was over. Now on to make my escape! I jumped out of my desk running towards the door. Full speed ahead!!!

“I’d love to go but I happen to be busy today! I'll have to check my schedule!!! Buh-bye!”

“COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE VERMIN!!!!!” Now I don’t know much about rules or regulations but...I really don’t think she should be calling me that. Pushing that thought out of my mind I focused on figuring out who the culprit was of framing me for the note. In the end I decided that the possible suspects included: everyone. Really! I wouldn’t be surprised if the teacher herself did it! Okay then, I’d like to rephrase what I said earlier about my life being boring. It wasn’t. It was PURE HELL!...with a ‘touch’ of boring on the side.

I had ended up walking all the way home taking a small ‘shortcut’ through a nearby park which caused me to get home at about 7:30pm. I knew my parents wouldn’t care that I had been gone for so long. In fact, I always did this so I knew I was safe, unfortunately as soon as a walked through the threshold:

“Young lady, where have you been! I told you last time to get home AT ONCE! Plus we got a call from the school and they say you’ve been SUSPENDED!!!” O-kaay then...I guess they do care, great. Wait just a sec, did she say suspended?! I cannot believe they could suspend me for that!!! I didn’t bother defending myself on the matter and simply ignored mom’s nagging screams as I dragged my feet up the stairs to my room.

“Meow!” A soft purr was heard as a something soft rubbed against my legs.

“ICHI!” I gave out a wide grin. “How are you today girl?!” Ichi was my cat and only friend. So far you guys should have figure out that I don’t got no human ones but I have Ichi and have always considered that to be enough. Delivering her a small hug as I picked her and snuck down to the kitchen grabbing a can of food for her. After she had eaten it I managed to get her outside. Ichi loved the outside but, of course, my parents didn’t thing it was safe to let a kitten outside. Humph, shows how much they know! Ichi was and amazing little kitty capable of taking care of herself perfectly.

I sprinted back upstairs in a cheerful manner, Ichi was the second thing that never failed to cheer me up. However, the feeling soon wore off after I entered my gloomy looking room and fatigue set in. Collapsing on my bed, the feelings of loneliness, hate, and depression set in once more. A few minutes later, I had drifted off into a deep sleep...

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When I had finally woken up it was already dark outside and a loud thundering was heard. The rain was pouring hard and wind blowing like crazy threatening to engulf anyone who dared step foot outside the warmth of their home. This storm was unlike any I’d seen before and yet my window gaped wide open inviting it inside. I decided to leave them like that... Sitting alone, darkness lingered in every corner of my room and every once in a while stray rain drops would wet my face. The clock flashed the numbers 2:30 AM brightly lighting up the room before they faded in to the night as the power apparently went out again. I decided not to even try to rest any longer since I was already awake and chances were I couldn’t fall asleep again, so all hopes of a good night’s rest were instantly diminished.

“This sucks...” I muttered to myself silently, the words overtaken by the loud thundering of the storm. I was referring to two things. One: the fact that I was friggin’ framed and suspended over nothing! Two: The fact that nothing in my life ever seemed to change, no matter how much I wanted it to. For example, this happened every night. I always woke up at around 2:30 and barely got any rest. Also, my teachers were always out to get me, well at least the English one. The others just ignored me and gave me bad grades.

“I wish something would just change...” At that moment lightning flashed and thunder was heard in the distance. The sounds soothed me. The storm was mad, furious. As was I. Nothing in my life ever went right and days flew by, each one same as the last. Never-ending monotony.

“WHY CAN’T ANYTHING CHANGE?!” I roared over the storm. I made the same wish every night but maybe this time something would happen! This time I meant it! This time the monotony would break and something amazing will happen!! No. Nothing ever did and I’d learned not to get my hopes up. Yet every night...I did. Sighing I closed the window and slumped on my bed giving up, once more, on my wish.

At that instant the curtain flew open letting several drops of water land on my face. The sound of shattered glass rang through the room...

“W-wha?” I flew up off my bed running towards the flaring curtains. I should have been scared just then but something seemed to draw me closer. A soft thud was heard as two dark figures appeared at the windowsill, jumped off and made their way towards me. Lightning flashed behind them as it lit up the pitch black room. My heart began to thump and I shuffled my feet taking a couple of steps backwards. However, my room wasn’t exactly what you would call ‘tidy’ so I managed to trip on something which caused me to tumble backwards toward the floor.

Calling for help was definitely not an option. For once, I doubted anyone would come. And secondly, I doubted I could scream for help considering I could barely give out a whisper at the moment. I suppose I was scared...but only a little! Not scared enough to let my mind wander off and cause me to wonder who these people were and what they were doing her. A mistake? Hopefully not. Since maybe, just maybe, they could cause a change in my life...

The strangers took a few steps taking a few steps I could now see them towering over me. Lightning flashed once more but not long enough for me to see their faces, it only succeeded in giving them an eerie feel. I swallowed a huge lump in my throat and focusing once more I discovered that one of them had begun to speak.

“Hn. Fox, it appears you were wrong. How do you propose we explain this? Or perhaps we should just kill the child...” Lightning flashed this time revealing the stranger’s gleaming red eyes and a devious smirk on his face.
I gulped. Surprisingly...that did NOT calm me down.

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Okay now as you can see I really can’t write! And if I don’t make the next chapter better I’ll have to deal with the lynching mob...(gulp)

Lynching Mob: Urge to kill...rising...
Me: (backs away) Ahahahahaha...can’t ya tell they love me? (sweatdrop)