Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Whistper from the Shadows ❯ A NINGEN girl?! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wow I actually got to the second chapter! I though my short attention span was gonna kick in and stop me from writing! A big thanks to LilPurrfection for being my first (and probably only /sniff/ ) reviewer! Hopefully this story turns out okay since I got no idea where it's going...*sweatdrop* Well anyways... This type of writing means flashback and /this\ is when Hiei talks using his Jagan. Okay? Good!
Disclaimer: Oh yes, and I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho but I do own main character.
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--- Hiei's POV ---
I looked up into the ever darkening night sky. Black clouds flew across it in mere seconds and the thunder seemed to be getting louder and louder arriving from the same direction we had just come from. A single raindrop landed directly on my nose and soon more followed, a gentle pitter patter heard each time they hit the ground. A fierce thunderstorm was brewing and I doubted the mission would be complete any time soon.
“Kuso.” I cursed gritting my teeth.
“Now Hiei, I highly doubt cursing will improve our situation.” The fox, he was right of course but I didn't care. The two bakas managed to avoid coming since they both got “sick” the moment a mission arose. Hn. Obviously faking it but the Toddler was honestly glad to be rid of them since their methods for tracking people down are quite...destructive. I really wish they could just get struck by lighting...
In mere minutes the damn thunderstorm was at its peak and even though a demon I found it hard to even walk against the blasted wind.
The fox took out the silver orb again only to be disappointed to find out it had not activated yet. That was our tracking device given by the toddler, too bad it would only start working if we were a mile away from our target. Hn. Considering the person could be anywhere in the city one mile was DEFINETLY not enough. Stupid toddler. Perhaps he should get struck by lightning as well. I pondered over the thought. It seemed to cheer me up considerably.
Suddenly the orb began to emit a strange energy as it opened in half and both halves began to spin and a red gem in the middle began to glow slightly.
“We seem to be getting close!” Kurama said as calmly as he could but not able to cover the hide the hint of relief in his voice. We would finally get out of this cursed storm...
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--- At the windowsill...Still Hiei's POV ---
(Nothing interesting happens while they get there so I'm just skipping through it)
According to Kurama we had finally arrived. Only there was one problem...
“Damn ningen, always shutting their windows” I grumbled and wish a slash of my katana the window was shattered. Pieces of it were rapidly falling towards the ground, the noise covered up by a loud thundering at the same moment. Soon enough both of us were at the windowsill...
“W-wha?!” A girl's voice...Damn it! The stupid orb was wrong. A NINGEN girl. It couldn't be! She soon came to the window spotted us stumbling backwards and falling to the floor in surprise. Hn, how pathetic. I jumped off the sill walking over to her, Kurama doing so as well.
“Hn. Fox, it appears you were wrong. How do you propose we explain this? Or perhaps we should just kill the child...” This couldn't be our target, why would the toddler want someone like this. I kicked her lightly with my foot. She whimpered shaking. Hn, no. She couldn't be it, yet the silver orb halves were spinning faster than ever and the gem inside began to glow a piercing red light...
“Now remember this...Hiei are you paying attention!” “Hn.” “Well anyways...when you come within a mile of the person the orb will separate into two halves and a gem inside it will glow slightly...” I fidgeted. This was stupid... “The closer you get the brighter it will glow and the faster the halves will spin...” Damn the toddler I had better things to do than this... “ When you arrive to the person the halves will be spinning quite fast and the light will be very strong. Simply let the target touch the red gem and the orb will deactivate. Got it?” I let out a slight grunt narrowing my eyes at the toddler. “This had better be worth my time...” I muttered. “The red gem is a sample of the type of energy we are looking for...” `we' Hn. HE wasn't doing anything...The toddler brat continued to speak but I tuned him out...”This had BETTER be worth my time” I grumbled again... got up and left. I doubted his rest of his speech would even matter...
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--- Girl's POV ---
(I don't want you knowing her name yet...)
I felt a light kick to my head and a silent whimper escaped my lips. I didn't want to show my weakness but it was too late for that now. Usually I would never get scared, these two had just caught me by surprise. Kuso! How I hated showing weakness! A bright light suddenly hit my eyes and a loud humming noise was heard. Turning my head to locate the source I found a tall, young man with read hair holding a strange device which was floating by itself inches above his palm. He was staring at me with a perplexed look that covered his face as though he was trying to decide something. Eventually his lips formed into a kind smile.
“Here,” he stretched one of his arms out offering me up. I took it, covering my eyes of the blinding light coming from the device which he held. “I need you to touch this gem...” the redhead yelled over the loud humming and still ongoing thunderstorm. I decided to comply with his wishes, however the only reason I did was because right after he spoke, I felt a sharp sword to my throat and a deep growl behind me...
“Do it.” The man whispered in my ear murderously. I was not frightened, but his voice wasn't exactly calming either... Uncertain I held out my index finger, having to cover my eyes of the light which curiously seemed to be getting brighter as I got closer. Searching for the gem I soon felt it brush against my skin then, as though a plug had been pulled the whole device shut itself off and I had just enough time to move my hand away before it was crushed between the two halves which now formed a simple silver orb. My eyes widened and a confused look swept across my face. Did this mean anything? Me deactivating this thing? I pondered over this.
For the next couple of seconds all three of us, me and the two strangers, stood in the pitch black room lost in our own thoughts. The lightning and thundering had ceased and now the only thing heard was the gentle pitter patter of the falling rain which was getting softer and softer until in finally stopped as well.
“Can someone tell me what just happened?” I couldn't help but blurting that out.
“Hn. I can't believe we went through all that to find a damn ningen girl.” Very pleasant person isn't he?!
“Hmm...quite perplexing. I wonder what Koenma has in mind...” Koe-who?
/Shut up onna! You're getting on my nerves...\
“WTF?! How did you read my tho-”
The “peace” was quickly broken as something burst into there room dragging my screaming parents, one under each arm.
“Now Ashira, be a good girl and hand yourself over before I kill your beloved...”
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Sorry if it's boring! I'll explain everything next chapter and hopefully things will pick up and get more interesting! I kinda can't write either so forgive me... *sniff* At least the girl's name was revealed. I actually like her name...Doesn't fit her personality though. It sounds all...nice. And she...isn't...AT ALL!
Ashira: Well EXCUSE me!!! (mutters) bitch...
Me: See what I mean...Oh and review please!!!!