Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Whistper from the Shadows ❯ Escape ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Okay, I KNOW I said I’ll explain everything in this chapter...and I was about to but, then........I decided I didn’t feel like it. ;)
Well anyways, I think this chapter’s more interesting then the last one but...it’s not like my opinion matters... (sigh) Okay Ashira go...

Ashira: Kajali does not own YYH...and she DOES NOT OWN ME DAMN IT!!!!
Kaji: That’s rig- ...wait I own you!
Ashira: No you don’t...(hits me over head with a rock)
Kaji: (K.O.ed)
Ashira: (pleasant smile) Enjoy the story!!!

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--- Girl’s POV ---

For a few moments everything became a blur and all I could see was my struggling parents in the being’s arms. Letting out a low grow I prepared myself to lunge at the thing.
“LET THEM GO!” I screamed out, but before I could make another move a hand gripped my shoulder tightly pushing me backwards. The redhead’s voice echoed in the nearly empty room.

“You musn’t fight him...a girl like you is no match for a demon I’m afraid.”
A demon? I grumbled in dissatisfaction, NO ONE was gonna stop me from saving my parents...And no stupid demon was about to kill them either...

“Oh, on the contrary my dear Ashira. I think I will kill them and enjoy it as well.” A dim corridor light outside the room flickered on and off revealing the smirk on the so called “demon’s” face. Bastard.

“Why my little kitten, it seems you are very much misinformed...” The stranger in black took out a katana ready to strike but the demon simply threw my screaming mother to the floor behind him, formed a small yellow sphere in his hand and threw it at the man.

“HIEI!” The redhead ran over to his, apparently friend, at once who was now lying on the floor seemingly half dead, blood trickling down his forehead. “Damn you...Rose Whi-”

'The Fox' as this Hiei person had called him was taking out a rose from his hair but before he could do anything more the demon repeated the process, now both strangers on the floor. Running over I knelt down to them. Were they dead? Blood gushed from multiple wounds creating a small puddle beneath them.
“It’s fine my dear kitten, they are merely stunned.” He was reading my mind, just like ‘Hiei’ had done. Damn psychics...
“Why the hell would I care? Give me my parents back!”

“Persistent aren’t we? It seems we need a little quality time for me to explain things to you properly.” (A/n For all you sickos out there 'quality time' doesn't mean the guy's a perv ok?!) The demon began to emit a purple light as he took both my parents under one arm, grabbed mine, and managed to give a triumphant smirk at his two unconscious victims on the floor as a bright light began to shine all around. There was an odd tingling feeling throughout my whole body for a few seconds and when the light had vanished and the two of us stood in a dark forest. Wait...TWO OF US!?

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY PARENTS!?!?” A small chuckle escaped the demon's lips as he began to speak.
“Oh they are safe in another world my kitten, do not worry your pretty little head about it...” Another world? What the hell was he yammering on about...I had to get away from him and find my parents immediately!

I took a quick look around. The place was dark and eerie, the night sky barely visible from between the thick leafy branches of surrounding trees. It seemed as though we were hundreds of miles away from civilization, but that couldn't be true!...Could it?
“Yes my dear, it could. I have transported us into the 'Forest of No Return'.” Forest of No Return? That's original... Who came up with lame ass name like that? The demon looked rather displeased.
“Hmph. Well for your information my master named this forest when he came upon it and I’m rather fond of the name and anyways...” He droned on even though I wasn’t exactly paying attention...more like looking for a way to kill him and run off. A thin cracking noise was heard from above, looking up I discovered that a ‘rather large’ tree branch from the tree I stood in front of was about to fall. Smirk. Ehehehehe...

“Oh fine, I get it! I'm sure you master is fascinating but frankly I don't give a damn!” He twitched, but ever so slightly.
“Your rebellious attitude is only succeeding in angering me child...” I rolled my eyes. Why should I care if he’s angry anyways?
“Yeah, yeah! Shut up and get over here! I doubt your precious 'master' wants me to die so get over here and look at the wound those two idiots that came before you inflicted on me!” The demon raised a brow, eyeing me suspiciously.
“Really is that so? I don’t smell blood...” He took several steps towards me. Come on. Come on. Get closer...
“Uhh...it’s a bad bruise?” Shit, he was suspicious. Why'd I take Karate anyways? I knew I should have taken those acting lessons...
“I highly doubt a ‘bruise’ can kill you...” He took three more steps. Perfect. NOW!

I jumped up and quickly slammed my back into the tree as hard as I could causing the loose branch to break with a final crack and tumble to the ground...right at that moron's ugly head.
“Loser.” I muttered with a smirk on my face which was soon wiped clean as he dodged the branch with a simple step sideways without even looking upwards. The whole time he’d been here the demon’s face was covered with an arrogant expression which was now replaced with a fuming look of anger and annoyance.

“Brat, you have driven my patience long enough. You think I can’t read you mind and find out every stupid little thing you’re planning?! Now you’ll come with me and fulfill your purpose for my master...IMMEDIATELLY!” All throughout that sentence he kept taking steps towards me, claws ready to slice me to bits if I chose to protest.

Oh well...there was always “Plan B”. My hand quickly formed into a tight fist and even faster made a connection with the idiot’s face. The force of that send him flying backwards right into a tree. Ehehehehe...On second thought screw acting lessons, I’m GLAD I took Karate instead. Even though I wasn’t sure how I managed to hit the guy that hard...

“Sayonara you retard!” At that I took off in a random direction and ran my ass off for about 15 minutes till I felt someone and heard rhythmic footsteps behind me. Oh shit, he’s back...I quickened my pace. After a few seconds I came to a halt. What the? Turning I found no one behind me and the presence I felt had disappeared...
“Hmm...that’s odd. Where’d he go?” At that instant the same presence appeared behind me and I turned in panic.
“Hello again...”

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Ashira's character is starting to change since I didn't have a good idea of how she would be like in the first place...I still don't know. I just know she's evil and enjoys HITTING ME WITH BOULDERS!!! (ahem) anyways...Sorry that there wasn’t much Hiei or Kurama in this chapter but I promise it’ll be YYH gang galore in the next one and I’ll reveal everything! And this time I MEAN it!!!

Ashira: (cough) Liar (cough)
Kaji: Oh SHUT up...