Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Whistper from the Shadows ❯ Origin ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Wow this chapter's REALLY long! Well for ME it is...Nya! ;)
Ashira: What fans?
Kaji: Oh yeah I forgot...I got none... (Sigh)
Ashira: Now, now don't feel bad...you have a lynching mob!
Lynching Mob: (crack knuckles) kill...
Kaji: (sweatdrop) Oh crap...
Ashira: Kaji does NOT own YYH! Yup! Yup!
Kaji: (running from lynching mob) AAAAAAH!!!!!! SPARE MEEE!!!
Ashira: (smile) Enjoy the Story!!!
Kaji: (still running) Why do you hate meee...!!!?
Ashira: (evil laugh) Ehehehehe...
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---Hiei's POV---
My eyes creaked open discovering Kurama's still unconscious body beside me. Removing some dried blood from my forehead I got up and looked around, unfortunately that cursed girl was nowhere to be found...
“Damn” I muttered, that bastard got her and was probably beyond the sight of my Jagan by now. Hn, oh well. It was worth a try...Removing my bandana I focused on finding the girl when a smirk came upon my face. She was near, very near. The fox chose that very moment to come to, perfect.
“I have found them, but shall need to hurry if they are not to get past my reach...” He nodded attempting to get up.
“Yes I understand, go...” There was nothing more to wait for so at that, I exited from the window making my way towards a nearby forest. Hn, that fool. Did he really think he wouldn't be found? Eventually I made my way to the place I last saw the girl at with my Jagan but to my disappointment, she was gone. That fool of a demon had managed to let her get a way. How upsetting...now it was me who needed to chase after her. I found the demon, his back to a tree glaring at me with an annoyed look across his face.
“Damn! My attack should have stunned you for much longer...” He mumbled rising from his resting place.
“Hn, if you wanted to keep me away you should have killed me...” Unsheathing my katana I took an offensive stance. “...a mistake that I will not make.”
“HA! You think you can defeat the great Otoko! I shall show you the meaning of fe-” Before he could finish his sentence I simply used my lightning speed to get behind him and in less then a second; with a slash of my sword...he was dead. Looking down at him I felt highly annoyed with myself for ever succumbing to his attack.
“Hn. You talked too much,” I mumbled kicking some dirt in his face. “it was your downfall...” Once again I activated my Jagan finding the child about a mile away. She ran rather fast for a human, perhaps she was not one? It didn't matter at the moment since she DIDN'T run faster than me and all I had to worry about was catching her. I soon caught up deciding she'd be easier to handle when unconscious. Getting behind her, with a smirk upon my face, I knocker her out with my sword only speaking two words.
“Hello again...”
Fwap. Having the displeasure to carry her I met up with Kurama who, to my relief, took her instead and, mission complete, we headed off to Koenma's castle. Hn, he had BETTER appreciate this...
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---Ashira/Karah's POV---
(It's the same person I'll explain about the two names soon.)
“Urameshi she's waking up!”
“Well go check up on her you moron!”
“You don't have to insult me!!!”
Slipping back into consciousness I opened my eyes only to discover a horrifying sight...an orange haired man with an extremely disfigured face and a stupid grin on his face hung his face inches above mine.
“Hey you're hot!”
A laugh was heard as a hand came and pushed the horrifying creature's face out of the way.
“Kuwabara move! You're scaring her!” The person's face appeared grinning with a greatly amused expression on his face. He had slick, black hair and looked around 15, my age.
“Sorry `bout that! Kuwabara's face tends to scare people.”
I blinked dumbly suppressing a “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” scream and sat up looking around. I was on a bed in a blue hospital-like room; thankfully I was still wearing my own clothes instead of those stupid hospital gowns...Shudder. My clothes were simply a pair of brown pants and a green tank top. Now ON with the questions...!!!
“Uhh...where the hell am I and who are you?!” I mumbled hoping for a good answer.
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---Kuwabara's POV: flashback---
(I'm just doing this so you guys know how Ashira looks like...)
It was really late when Botan came and woke me and poor Eikichi. She said it was important and took me to Spirit World. When I arrived, the rest of the gang was there and Kurama was holding a RELLY pretty girl which mad me drool. Then Hiei insulted me for it...stupid shrimp! She had really long hair, it was brown/reddish and looked really soft. The girl also had hazel eyes...well that's what Kurama told me when I asked cause I couldn't see. Her eyes were closed...Hiei glared at me when I asked what color they were but I didn't care...damn shorty. Grrrr...I was told her name is Ashira. Well, Ashira looked kinda short but that didn't matter cause she was REALLY hot! Koenma told me and Yuske to watch her in one of the castle rooms until she wakes up but we ended up falling asleep...(a/n Well that's how Ashira looks from Kuwabara's POV. He's creepy! `shudders' Okay well as you can see I HATE the guy so yeah...)
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---Ashira/Karah's POV---
“Uhh...where the hell am I and who are you?!” The slick haired boy began to explain.
“Well for starters you're in Spirit World and-” He got cut off almost immediately the orange haired boy continued...
“...and I am the great KAZUMA KUWABARA, while over here is my sidekick Yuske Urameshi...” He waved a hand barely indicating the other boy, a short moment later getting battered to the ground...
“YOU WISH KUWABARA!” A short laugh left my lips deciding that these two weren't enemies.
“Hi I'm Karah!” I stretched out my hand towards Yuske, a pleasant smile across my face.
“Really? We were told your name is Ashira.”
“Nooo...my name is Karah.”
“Nope. It's Ashira!”
Both boys stood in silence.
“Wow. Major mood swings...” Kuwabara whispered to Yuske who nodded, still staring at me. Bastards...I had changed my mind. They WERE enemies...
“Hn, Perhaps `Karah' is your human name but you're no human...” I blinked several times finally locating the source of the voice. Hiei and his uhh...friend had appeared at the door.
“My `human' name? Hmph. As if I should believe that...YOU! Tell me your name!” I indicated the redhead since he was the only one so far who's name I needed to learn.
“I am Kurama.” He said simply with great apathy in his voice. “Come, it's time out found out the truth about yourself...” With that he began to lead everyone out the room and through a series of passageways. An eerily peaceful mood had beset everyone causing complete silence throughout the whole `trip'.
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---Koenma's Office: Still Ashira/Karah POV---
“Ah so she's here, good!” A small voice exclaimed from behind a desk covered with large stacks of papers. Scribbling was heard as a few papers left the desk slowly gliding towards the floor, then after a few seconds a small child jumped down from his chair making way towards me.
“O.o WTF!? A TODDLER!?” The toddler was no glaring combined with a strong look of annoyance which was plastered across his face.
“You guys COULD have warned her earlier you know!!!”
“Yeah, we know but it is sure as hell is funny this way!” Yuske grinned then letting out a very loud laugh after I had screamed:
“WTF!? IT TALKS!!!! IS THIS SOME DEMON BABY OR SOMETIN'!?” He wasn't the only one who was laughing though. Kuwabara was cracking up just as hard while Kurama was letting out short laughs with a smile on his face. Hiei however simply mumbled something inaudible and turned his head. Well, SOMEONE has a good sense of humor!
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--- I'm being lazy and skipping ahead...HA! ---
After a little while, when I had finally been explained by Kurama what the deal with the toddler was, Pacifier breath (a/n she picked that up from Yuske.) settled down and began to explain why I was here in the first place. I kept looking at him suspiciously though causing Yuske and Kuwabara to try to suppress laughing like crazy.
“Will you stop looking at me like that Ashira? For the last time...I'M NOT A DEMON BABY!!!”
“I know, I know you're just the messed up son of Kind Enma!!!” I rolled my eyes shuffling my feet in annoyance. Koenma however did not seem to be pleased with my response but began his explanation.
“Okay first of all let's just say you're not human and not from human world either. Understood?”
“Mmm...you've lost me.”
“(Sigh) It's quite simple really. You have been living in human world, and are right now in Spirit World as you know, and there is a third called Makai which is demon world. Those worlds are all well known around here but what few people know is that there are millions of others, with all kinds of strange creatures living there. You come from one called `Itakia' inhabited by different typed of spirits.”
“ O.o Huh?!” And anger mark formed on the toddler's face as he began to lose his cool.
“YOU'RE A SPIRIT!!! (ahem) A cat spirit to be precise...”
Blink. Blink. I didn't get it. It couldn't possibly be true! I've never though of myself as anything OTHER than human. Yup, I've always been just and average, boring human...
/Hn. Onna, perhaps you should stop lingering in denial. You can't change what you really are and it's NOT human.\
/Don't read my mind...\ I growled warningly, my hands forming into fists.
/Hn. It's not as though you can do anything about is so I'll do as I please.\
/BASTARD!\ I screamed out in my mind before concentrating on what was happening in the room and finding Kuwabara snapping his fingers in front of my face.
“Earth to...uhh what's her name again?”
“Karah.” I answered removing his hand away from my face.
“Actually your real name is Ashira.” Koenma declared in a matter-of-fact tone bobbing his head up and down.
“WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE THINK THEY KNOW MY FUCKING NAME?!” Before I managed to get close enough to Koenma and hurt him for his insolence Kurama calmly explained...
“It's quite simple really, `Karah' is your human name and `Ashira' you cat spirit one. We've been calling you Ashira since you ARE a cat spirit after all...”
Two names? O-o NOW I was confused...Wait didn't Hiei say something like this earlier?
/Hn. Yes, I did and as you can see I was right...\ The way in which he `spoke' was flooded with arrogance. I couldn't stand it I was going to giving a piece of my mind...
/OH FUCK YOU, YOU STUCK UP BASTARD!!!\ Before my sentence was even finished Hiei had reacted and now had his sword pointed at my neck and had an extremely angered look on his face. Obviously, he was a `tough guy' and not many people insulted him like this. Moron, he'd better get used to it or keep out of my business. I decided to tell him this, so I did. Unfortunately, it only angered him more and I received a rather angry reply...
“I suggest you choose those words of yours wisely unless you wish my blade to pierce that beloved throat of yours...”
“Oh, fuck off! I'll talk however I want as long as you keep probing my damn mind!!!” Both of us growled and stared haltingly into one another until Hiei finally decided to remove his sword leaving a rather pissed off Koenma.
“CUT IT OUT YOU TWO AND LEARN TO GET ALONG! YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO!!! GOT IT!?” Hiei hn-ed and I turned my head with a dissatisfied grunt.
“Very well. Now Ashira-” He didn't get very far before being interrupted by Yuske.
“Wait, if she's a spirit does it mean she's dead or sometin'?” The though passed through Kuwabara's head as he began to poke me suspiciously.
“No, the spirits of Itakia are quite different from ones that reside here. They are not dead but simply much closer to the world of the dead than humans or demons. It's quite different...” (a/n I don't care if it doesn't work that way...cause it does now! Nya :p ) Finally Koenma managed to continue his explanation after the disturbances...
“Look Ashira, a demon from some other world is after you. His goal is to perform a special ritual, it being a type of spell, to open portals from all worlds so that its inhabitants can move freely from world to world causing a great imbalance Eventually the strong worlds will wipe out the weaker ones and the demon will unify those worlds and rule them. I simply cannot allow for that to happen...”
At that point everyone, except me, widened their eyes in confusion. They had obviously learned this information at the same moment I did. Kurama jerked, he seemed to be the only one truly grasping what Koenma was really saying.
“What a load of crap! What do I have to do with anything...?!”
“Tell me Koenma...does Ashira happen to be the `main ingredient' for this ritual?” By the look on Koenma's face I guessed the fox had hit the jackpot. (a/n Ashira doesn't know about Youko but she DID hear Hiei calling Kurama “the fox”..) Koenma looked very uneasy with the information he was about to give.
“Err...well yes. Without Ashira's unique energy, the ritual is doomed to fail. The demon, by the name of `Karum', simply needed one spirit with energy like hers, one would suffice, and Ashira's energy fit the bill. Now, Itakians were quite strong so to avoid any `problems' when he took her Karum, he err...destroyed the whole world.”
“HE WHAT!?!?” Yuske, Kuwabara and me blurted out while Hiei and Kurama stood silently towards a corner of the room with serious expression on their faces.
“Yes well, Ashira's family tried to escape to Ningenkai but the only one that made it was Ashira who was adopted by a human family, she's an orphan. Ashira, I'm sorry to say that you're the last existing Itakian, the only one who can participate in the dreaded ritual, and also the only one who stands a chance against Karum...”
Suddenly all eyes were on me.
I was going to have to fight. Oh greeeaaat...
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Well that WAS long! The next one `might' be like this too but only `might' since I AM very lazy so... I'm not sure I explained everything though so if anyone has any questions tell me and I'll answer them Kay? And now for:
A message to my (cough) nonexistent fans: Hiei hasn't been in the story much and it IS about him so I'll try to make the next chapter Hiei based but I can't make any promises since I might get lazy and cut it short...Okay? Good.
Hiei: This thing's about me?! What the...?!
Kaji: Of course it is!!! ;)
Hiei: (takes out sword) Kiil...
Ashira: (appears out of nowhere) REVIEW PLEASE!!!