Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who Knew Love Was Crazy ❯ Is She For Real? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey! What's up? Any who I know you didn't come here to hear me chit-chat with you, but I promise it will be short. I am here to tell you a little about Kiara Urameshi!
Kiara is mentally challenged, she has been made fun of all her life… After she was about 10 years old her mother, Atsuko, was told by her psychiatrist that she need some serious help! Kiara was to wild, she wasn't like other mental patients. She was more of a strange…. It's really complicated to explain, all I can say is Atsuko wasn't so happy sending her daughter to live in America, Kiara had to have some special treatment… But did it do any good, is Kiara even wackier than she was before find out as you read!
Hiei: You said you would only talk for a little bit, LOOK HOW LONG YOUR SENTENCE IS!!
Me: Oi! Konichiwa, Hiei! I didn't know you were here! And it's not a sentence it's a paragraph!
Hiei: Hn! What's the difference?
Me: Well *Inhales a huge amount of breath*
Hiei: NO NO!! Forget I asked, never mind… -_-;
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~Our Story Begins~
Chapter One: Is She For Real?
In every fairytale there is always a happy ending and in every fairytale there is always a “Once Upon A
Time” and in every fairytale the Prince and his Princess were a perfect fit for each other, and their love was
so pure and caring. But what if there was no “Once Upon A Time”, perfect prince or princess, and no love
that was just sanely right. These thoughts pondered in the head of a girl with bright pink hair and
dangerously alluring gold eyes. She sighed as she waved a hand through her soft, silky, long pink hair. She
was going to miss this place, this country, America. But it was time for her to head home, to where she
belonged, to her ignorant brother, and alcoholic mother, to her home Japan; Tokyo, Japan. Her eyes
lingered thoughtfully, looking out the window of the Delta, airplane. Soon she was to be home, soon….
~Yusuke's House; Tokyo, Japan~
“DUDE!!!” Kuwabara screeched as he slapped his four of aces down on the table, “HA!! Take that
Urameshi, I win the bet!”. The tall orange haired boy snickered evilly, he whisked a hand through his carrot
shaped hair, his black biddy eyes showing triumph over the boy in front of him. “Oh! Really?!” was all that
came out of the more good looking boy, his hair slicked back from a large amount of hair gel, his brown
eyes glistened with excitement. “TAKE THAT!!!” Yusuke pronounced as he slammed five aces, down on
the table, the orange haired boy's jaw dropped. “B-but I had you beat?” he utter in aw confusion. “Oh
YEAH!! Will, no one can beat the CREATE YUSUKE URAMESHI!!!” Yusuke cackled as he laughed
hysterically into the air. Kuwabara grumbled something about Yusuke's huge ego. Kurama sweat dropped
at the scene, he was watching the whole thing from a certain distance, while reading his book, Snake Charm,
by Amelia Rodes. “Hn, baka ningens” was all that a certain fire demon muttered as he gazed out the
window. Kurama chuckled lightly, as he brushed a strand of his smooth red hair. He sighed as his green
eyes sparkled as he stared at the petite fire demon. “You are so anti-social” he whispered so only Hiei could
hear. The small fire demon just grunted in return.
The doorbell rang, it's sounds echoed through the house, like a scythe slicing through air. “I'll get it”
Yusuke said he trudged to the door and opened it staring at his drunken mother, Yusuke rolled his eyes as
she walked in speaking random things. She came and sat down near Kurama, the smell of beer radiated off
of her like stink cheese, it burned Kurama's senses making him want to puke. Hiei looked at the woman
with disgust written all over his face. There was tension in the room, “Uh.. Mom, why don't you go take a
nap in your room” Yusuke suggested as he tried to peel his mother off the velvet couch. “Why…. WHY?!!
S--should I-I Nusuke!” Atsuko slurred out of her mouth as Yusuke was trying desperately to take his mom
out of the living room. “Mom” Yusuke said sternly, he could tell his friends weren't very comfortable
around his mother, especially Hiei and Kurama. “N-n-no!” she whined but Yusuke grabbed her and flipped
her over his shoulder. “Hey, Ousuke! Forget about me!!!” Atsuko said swinging her arms wildly, “Besides
it's two-thirty aren't you suppose to pick up, Kiara?” she said as she gazed at the clock, even with her vision
all blurry she could still read the time. “OH MY GOD!!!” Yusuke screeched has he dropped his mother
roughly on the ground, he completely forgot about his mother and took his jacket as he raced out the door.
Kurama and Hiei went after Yusuke, even though Kurama felt bad for leaving poor Atsuko on the ground
unconscious, Kuwabara on the other hand was just sitting there staring at Atsuko as if she was all of a
sudden a very interesting specimen.
~Airport; Tokyo, Japan~
A girl of 5'2 stood waiting patiently for her older brother, her pink hair flowing through the wind her gold eyes alert. Kiara stood there for what seemed to be hours, her brother was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago. “Where could that boy be?” she thought out loud her face showing a slight frown. But her frown turned up right into a gorgeous smile, she had heard her brother's arrival “AH!! Perverted, boy! Get AWAY
FROM MY LITTLE GIRL!!!” she heard a woman scream. She turned to her right to see a figure running
towards her, she knew it was her dear perverted, ignorant brother. But her vision was blocked from view
when a black blur appeared out of no where, soon she faced piercing red eyes. Kiara stared knowingly at the
man in front of her who was only 2 inch. Shorter than her. His hair defied the laws of gravity 'I knew fairy
people existed' she thought. Hiei cocked and a eyebrow at her, he scowled though, for Yusuke's sister was
taller than him, so he if he wasn't looking up he would be directly looking at her huge chest. “Hello? You a
fairy? My name is Kiara. Are you a friend of my brother? Are you real? How does your hair stay like that?
Can I touch it? Your pretty! I think your cute! Want to be my new best friend?” Kiara started talking none
stop to Hiei, as he stood there staring at her. 'What an annoying onna! That's just what I need, she's like
Botan, except worse' Hiei thought, he growled at Kiara making her stop asking questions 'Shut up, you
fool! My name is Hiei, and yes I know your brother now come with me” he grunted as Yusuke came up
behind Hiei “HIEI LEAVE NOW!!!” Yusuke said as he raced past Hiei and his sister, followed by a very
nervous Kurama. “OH! You are very naughty” Kiara said she was remarking his last statement about, the
“now come with me” part. Hiei mumbled some very colorful words and threw Kiara over his shoulder,
revealing her light purple lacey panties. Hiei couldn't help but stare at the sight which was revealed to him.
They would have been caught by the security if Kiara had not giggled “What? Never saw a girl's butt, or is
it the panties? You can have them if you want? I don't like underwear much” she said snapping Hiei out of
his very `naughty' thoughts that were running through his mind, he blushed and then disappeared with
~To Be Continued~
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I hope you liked it, please R&R! I would love some advice and some more ideas! Anyways HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Me: *Show's Hiei some delicious sweet snow*
Hiei: SWEET SNOW *Hiei grab it, takes one bite, and goes… SUGAR HIGH*
Me: Hiei, is it good?
Me: Yeah, I kinda figured you'd say that!