Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who Knew Love Was Crazy ❯ Dimwit ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey, everybody! Sorry I am updating so late, but I am in high school and I have a lot of homework. And if I want to go to college I will have to keep up with my grades... Anyways, I will probably update on Sundays and Saturdays. If not then I am in a pile of homework.. Anyways on with the SHOW!!!
Me: Yeah!!! On with the show!!! Wait this is a story, lol! On with the story!!!
Hiei: -_-; Onnas
~Our Story Begins~
Chapter Two: Dimwit
Hiei reappeared in front of a very familiar house and set Kiara gently down, “Oh my home, how I
missed it so” Kiara said as she gazed up at the small house (I know Yusuke lived in a apartment but I
decided to change that). She heard a gasp of breath and turned around to find her brother and the
beautiful red head that was with him at the airport. “Phew! That was a close one” Yusuke said laughing
nervously as Hiei was giving him a glare full of daggers. “Hn” was all Hiei said. Kiara giggled lightly
“You don't talk much do you?” Kiara asked the little fire demon. “Hn” again was all Hiei said.
“Don't mind him, he is always like this” the pretty green eyed boy said “Oh, the silent type, huh? I like
those kinds of men, strong, silent, short... AHAHAHA!!!” she bursted into a fit of laughter Hiei turned
towards, while his hand flew to reach his katana. “Hiei, no” Kurama whispered lightly to Hiei so only
Hiei could her him. Kiara stopped noticing the tension in the atomsphere “So who are you?” Kiara
asked looking at the pretty red head again “Oi! I am so rude, I should have introduced my self first, I
am Shuichi” he said. “Huh? I thought your name was Kur- AH!! So anyways come on sis, mom is
probably really excited to see you” Yusuke said quikly as he rushed his sister into the building
followed by a reluctanted Hiei, and a nervous Kurama.
“MOM!!” Yusuke shouted as he entered the door, when he turned towards the living room, he gasped
at the sight he saw when he entered “KUWABARA!!! YOU FREAK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU
DOING TO MY MOM?!!!!!!!!!!!” Yusuke screeched loudly so loudly his lungs were gonna pop. Kiara
rushed to see what was going on followed by the two male demons. “Oh MY!” Kiara said as she
walked in, Kuwabara was stradling on Atsuko as she was half naked and drunk as a trunk (it doesn't
make sense, I know, but it ryhmed). “GET OFF OF HER!!!” Yusuke yelled reaching for Kuwabara's
throat, but was stopped by Kiara “Aw! Why do you have to bother them, Kuwabara is making love
with mommy, they love each other don't you see” Kiara said, everyone sweatdropped. “Kiara are that
clueless, I thought when they sent you to America you'd get cured, will it seems they cured you by
making you stupid” Yusuke said hatefully not in hate of her but in disgust and hate for Kuwabara who
got up off of Atsuko. “Don't you see mom is drunk as a hornet and Kuwabara was taking advantage of
her”. (Don't hate me for writing the story like this but the character love matching I am changing,
Kuwabara will not be with Yukina, and Yusuke will not be with Kakyo, understood. And no Kuwabara
will not be with Atsuko). “Hn, I told you the oaf was just a pest, a stupid worthless human piece of sh-”
Kiara smacked Hiei while he was in mid sentences right dab in the check. Hiei twisted his neck and
turn looking at Kiara with a drop-dead-now-worthless-human-crazy-onna look “WTF? DID YOU DO
THAT FOR ONNA?” Hiei said eyes flaring, and his hand steadily holding his katana. “I DID IT!!!
Because you are being soooo mean to Kuwabara, he is not an oaf and he is not worthless, he is in love.
Now I thought fairy people weren't suppose to be so mean” Kiara said as she returned Hiei's glare “NO
ONE, and I mean no one touches me” Hiei said deathly calm slowly unsheathing his katana. Kiara
stared at him wide eyed as if he came from Jupitar “OH YOU POOR BABY!!! NO ONE LOVES
YOU!!” Kiara said making Hiei, Yusuke, Kurama, and Kuwabara do an anime fall. Kiara tightly
wrapped her self around Hiei, pushing her chest against him in her tight bear hug. “Oi! Hiei I will love
you” she said while kissing his spiky hair. Hiei was in shock that he couldn't move (no not from what
she said) but from what she did. Soon he recomposed himself quikly “Let go of me onna” Hiei said
gruffly “NO” she said hugging tighter, while this was going on Atsuko at slunked over to her bedroom
and Kakyo walked in followed by Botan, Yukina, and Shizuru.
“Uh, what's going on?” Kakyo asked as she stared at the pink haired girl you was holding Hiei in a
bone crushing hug. Yusuke looked up to see his girlfriend (Yusuke is momentarily right now in a
relationship with Kakyo but later I will break them up, don't hate me please) “OH! Hi Kakyo didn't see
you there uh..uh” Yusuke stuttered “Yusuke whos the girl” she asked as she stared intently at the
golden eyed girl. “OI! Kakyo you remember Kiara don't you?” Yusuke said “OH! Kiara! OMG!
KIARA ITS ME KAKYO!!” Kakyo shouted. Kiara stopped squeezing Hiei and looked up to see a girl
with dark brown hair and brown eyes “Kakyo!” she shouted in return, Kiara ran over to Kakyo the girls
gave each other a big hug, Yusuke sighed in relief that Kiara let go of Hiei before Hiei could unleash
his wrath upon her. “UH! Kakyo why don't you take Kiara, around Tokyo! Show her all the new things.
I will be with you in a little I just need to talk to the guys” Yusuke said as he looked around nervously.
Kakyo full understanding the circumstances, took Kiara's hand and lead her out “Come on guys lets go
shopping” Kakyo said the girls happily obliged.
“Detective....... WTF? IS WRONG WITH THAT ONNA?” Hiei yelled he was flustered and blushing
bright red “Yes, Yusuke. Why was your sister acting so strangly?” Kurama asked. Yusuke looked
down he hated telling people about his sisters mental problems and thats why not a lot of people know
Yusuke has a sister, Kurama and Hiei just found out. “Well” Yusuke rubbed the back of his neck he
was uncomfortable under Hiei's and Kurama's gaze. “My... sis is mentally ill” Yusuke said quietly
almost above a whisper. Kurama's gaze lowered and soften he felt bad for wanting to know why Kiara
was acting the way she was. Hiei looked sort of baffled “What is mentally ill?” he said quietly which
brought Kuwabara to the ground laughing, Yusuke sweat dropped and so did Kurama “Well, it is a
person who is not normal” Kurama says trying to explain the strangeness of unusal births that happen
to humans when they have a child that is mental. “Hn, so are you saying she could be a demon” Hiei
said as he stood there listening. Kurama let out an irriatied sigh “No, she is not a demon, she has
problems in which people can not fix through surgery or any other way, not even memory erasing
could help people who are mentally ill” Yusuke said, Kurama looked at him in shock, Yusuke was
sounding smart for once, of course he would know all about mentally ill people he lived with one.
“Hiei, my sis lives in a whole other world, in her mind she doesn't see things clearly like we do she is
more... I don't know... she is more out there. She has dreams of weird stuff. And she is waaaaaay tooo
happy, she is always happy in fact she has never been sad in her life. Kiara has a problem with being
regular, YEAH SHE HAS A PROBLEM WITH BEING REGULAR!!” Yusuke said Hiei looked
curiously at Yusuke, he would have pushed the subject further but he could tell that the detective wasn't
very optimistic about talking about his sister, he would have to ask his sister how she was this mentally
ill person.