Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ Meet Mina, the so-called scientist ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers:- Don't own Yu-Yu Hakusho ^^

A/N: you ca use this as a self insert fic if you wish & no Mina Isn't a Demon or anything else. Just a normal girl.

This isn't your typical Kurama x Oc fic. I hope.

Ok! Hope you like this fic! ^-^


I stared out of the classroom window and watched everyone leave the premises. Once again I had after school detention. Why? Well let me put it this way…I nearly blew up the science lab- I swear it wasn't my fault!

Sure I crossed a few wires in the lamp on Sui's experiment table (god I hate her, stuck up cow), resulting in her flying across the room a few meters *sniggers* but I wasn't responsible for putting chemicals inside the radiator!

Miss Hirugashi peered up from her romance novel.

"You can go now Miss Asako. I've phoned your mother and told her what happened. Have a nice weekend."

I reluctantly got up. Nice weekend my ass! But then again, I'm supposed to be going over & seeing my mum's old school friend tomorrow which doesn't seem such a bad idea. I mean, how bad could it be?

I started to make my way back home, looking at the beautiful scenery of titanic buildings and charming cherry-blossoms in which, its petals looked like falling snow as I walked under them in the light breeze.

"Mina!" I heard someone call out my name so I stopped and turned around to see who it was - It was Keiko.

"Hey Keiko, what's the rush?" I asked, slinging my school bag over my shoulder. I was only a year older than her but I went to the same school & we hung out in our little group when I had the time - due to detentions and homework, not to mention cooking for mother.

"Nothing, Apart from I've got to get a few things for my mum and I'm meeting Yusuke later on…wanna come?"

I wanted to go so badly but as per usual, duty calls; so I told her that I couldn't but I'll go with her over after my trip with my mum tomorrow. She nodded and we went our separate ways.

"Hey Mum!?" I called out as I opened the apartment door. "It wasn't me ok? It was that snot-nosed brat Yuriko!"

I looked around as I made my way towards the kitchen. Only to find a note that she wrote.

' Mina,
Gone over to Shori's (old school friend) I know it was supposed to be tomorrow but she rung up and insisted. The address is at the back of the note.

See you soon!

Mum xxx

P.s: I know it wasn't you but you DID nearly kill a fellow student with that light bulb stunt!

How does she do it? Know what I did and didn't do that is. I quickly got changed into a par of black flared jeans and whipped on a red v-neck top whilst putting up my long brown hair into a ponytail. Then I dashed out of the door to meet mum.

"uhh..I think this is the place…" I looked at the address and the house with the large greenhouse round the back. Pff, trust mum to just write - 'it says Minamino on it and it has a large greenhouse at the back attached to it'

Have you any idea how many people I've had to ask for directions?? TOO MANY!

*sighs* this had better be the right house or I'm just gonna go back home and get mum to take me next time.

I knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes before a lady with black hair answered the door. I gathered this was Mrs Minamino since mum said that out of her and Mrs Minamino - Mrs Minamino was this kindest and prettiest girl out the two…plus, she was the one that was always smiling.

"Um, is my mum in there? I'm Mina Asako" I asked after politely bowing.

"Oh yes dear, she's in the living room. Would you like to come in? Don't want you catching a cold" she smiled at me as I nodded and was led inside.

"Mina! Honey, take a seat next to me. I was just telling Shori all about you." My mum, who was sitting on the cream sofa and pushing her shortish blonde hair behind her ears whist taking small sips of her tea; motioned me to where she was sitting.

"I'm sorry that my son isn't here but he's gone out with his friends Mina. I'm sure he'll be back later."

I don't think I really mind. It's not as if I'm lonely or in desperate need of company; but I did sort of felt as if I was a third wheel.

After 19 cups of tea and 3 tea cakes later, my mum and I thanked Mrs Minamino, bid her goodbye and headed home. As we were walking back home slowly I noticed my mum was looking at me rather oddly. She put a comforting/friendly arm around my shoulder and grinned.

"You know what Mina?" She had that carefree tone in her voice.

"Yeah Mum?"

"You remind me of me when I was your age…only I was more of a tear-away than you…"

My eyes widened in surprise. My mother? Worse than me? Whoa…

"The things I got up to were so memorable… shame I never studied hard enough….then I wouldn't of been in a dead-end job like working in a super market"

Mum's contemplating about her life again… I know where this is leading to…



"Promise me you won't end up like me, a single parent who works in a supermarket store."


"That's my girl…now c'mon, you need your rest. You're meeting Keiko tomorrow since you used my mobile phone to tell her"

I nodded sleepily when we reached the front door and sorted ourselves out for bed.

"Night Mina"

"Night mum" I wearily called out before the cosiness of my blanket swallowed me whole and took me to the land of nod.


A/N:: Right! On to the next Chapter! R+R please? *uses puppy-dog eyes*
