Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ First impressions can lead to a black eye... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:- *looks at a sign post* Dark Ice Maiden doesn't own Yu-Yu Hakusho….weird signpost…

Chapter 2!


'BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRING!!!' Off went my alarm and there it goes - straight across my room. That's a few yen wasted unless I do what I normally do with it (fix it).

I heard my mum call out down the hall way.

"Mina…! Your friend Keiko's here…and she's brought one of her chipper friends with her."

"Ok! Just give me a few minutes and I'll be with them ok?" I replied back with my teal strapless gypsy top covering my face as I tried to get changed & freshen myself up. Afterwards I nabbed one of my mum's toasts and bolted out of the door, still clinging onto my pair of black low-heeled sandals. Keiko started to laugh.

"Anyone would of thought you were on some sort of date Mina…"

"Huh? Oh I wish, but y'know me…"

" Fussy? Picky? Intimidator of mankind?"

"Hey….! How did you know? …." I joked with her, until I noticed a very unusual character with blue/green hair laughing along with us. Keiko noticed & quickly made the introduction.

"Oh by the way Mina, this is Botan. A friend of mine & Yusuke's" Botan shook my hand. She seems a nice enough person; I think the word 'chipper' was a bit of an understatement.

"Oh….so your boyfriend has more than one friend right?" I lifted one of my eyebrows at Keiko, who was blushing when I mentioned the word 'boyfriend'.

"He's NOT my boyfriend!!"

"Sure Keiko……."

Botan spoke up in a sing-song voice.

"If we're to meet Yusuke and his friend's downtown I'd suggest that we get a move along! Love awaits at every corner!"

err…yeah, whatever. No, I'm not the type who is cynical about these things but c'mon, ever heard of 'building the foundations' first? I quickly slipped on my sandals and ate my toast whilst we were making our way there.

"So who are his other friends?" I asked.

I was kinda wary of what sort of friends he might have, considering that A) he was a pervert & B) He's scary! Ok, not completely scary but I wouldn't mess with him if my life depended on it!

How Keiko and Botan put up with him is beyond me.

Botan lifted her finger and waved it at me - like my mother did when I was little and wasn't supposed to touch the gas stove.

"nuh-uh-uh… if we told you, you won't have your own judgment on them"

"What the…? Uh Botan? We're going downtown, not to the movies…"

"I suppose you're right, but we still won't tell you" Keiko cautioned me. My face faulted.

We had just walked past the row of shop when me and Botan heard Keiko scream! Then there was almighty slap and few curses, I could only guess one thing - Yusuke's here.

"Ow! Bitch! What was that for??" He exclaimed, holding his hand over a huge massive red hand print on his cheek. That must of stung him like hell!

"rrrr You're such a PERVERT!!" She started yelling at him. I gathered he must of either groped her or lifted her dress up but I wouldn't put it passed him if he did both. *sighs* Makes you wonder if they planned it half the time…..

I cocked my head to the side as I spotted two other people with Yusuke and Kuwabara. One was quite tall, had long crimson hair that was put into low ponytail and quite engrossed into a book of some sort whilst the other…..hmmm….I think he could pass for one of Santa's elves if he ditched the black spike hair and the karate kid look.

"Oh yeah that's Mina Asako" Yusuke pointed towards me "she's the one who blew up the lab! Man I wish I thought of that…"

"Yusuke! I didn't blow up the bloody science lab! It was Yuriko!" I hollered, almost forgetting who I was talking to.

I ran my fingers through my hair in annoyance. He can be such a jerk most of the time!

Then Kuwabara spoke up and introduced the two strangers to me as we made our way to the arcades.

"This is Shuichi and shorty over there is Hiei" The word 'shorty' was spitefully emphasised; which made Hiei shoot an evil glare at Kuwabara.

"Hn, stupid ugly baka…" I heard him mutter under his breath. I think I was right when I mentioned at the sort of friends Yusuke obtained, even Shuichi didn't say much to me - must be the book.

"Hey, guy with the book, Shuichi? Hey! Don't be so dam rude!" I grabbed the book and tossed it into a nearby bin. What? I was brought up to not preoccupy myself with something when people are talking to me! That INCLUDES introductions.

He had a pissed off look when he looked at me. It was almost as if his emerald eyes were turning into pools of acid that were trying to burn me alive. I rolled my eyes at him and went inside. It seems as if me and him won't see eye to eye.

Keiko and Yusuke were locked into an intense, heated battle of air hockey. It was 9-9 and only one more point will decide who'll be the ultimate champion…..

"HEY! You cheated Yuskue!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"I WIN!"

We all looked at Botan who had blatantly grabbed the puck and stuck it in Yusuke's goal. Then Me, Keiko and the other's laughed whilst he and Botan started arguing.

"Would you like to try your luck with me on this game?" Shuichi asked, casually flipping the puck as if it was a coin. Though to some it seemed as if he was being friendly and kind; I however, saw it as a challenge to wipe that smirk off his face.

"I don't need luck book boy" I commented as I started the game up and grabbed the hockey mallet. All was going well, I was beginning to think differently of him (in fact I was starting to take a liking to him) and we were all having a great time (except for Hiei of course), then it happened.


He hit the puck TOO hard and it came flying at me at full speed, hitting me smack in the eye! I was too slow to dodge it and I took a few steps back, holding my face in agony. The pain was….excruciating….I think I'll be wearing an eye patch for a week or so! Owwwww….

"Mina I'm so sorry are you hurt?" He was about to see if I was ok.

"Do I LOOK as if I'm OK?? YOU FUCKING JERK!!! GOD I was so wrong about you! I'm going home!"

I apologised to my friends (excluding jackass Shuichi) and said that I'll see them tomorrow at school. Keiko decided to walk home with me. She looked at my eye as soon as we walked in.

"He hit you pretty hard there Mina…I'm sure it was an accident. He's quite charming once you get to know him" She gave me an ice pack from my fridge.

I looked at her, right eye swollen and more likely bleeding.

"Keiko, if I EVER and I emphasise the word 'EVER' see him again, it would be too soon!"

Then the phone rang. It was my mum.


A/N: Don't you just LOVE cliff hanger? R+R please! And I'll go ahead & write chapter 3. I apologise if any of the characters are OCC (I only go by what people write and 3 manga volumes -_-;; stupid England)