Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ Shuichi's POV ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:- *holds up a prompt card* umm I don't own Yu-Yu Haksho…is that it?


Ok this is Shuichi's POV for this chapter. Enjoy ^-^

Chapter 4!


I was going to go after her but Yusuke held me back and got Keiko to after her instead. I feel kind of bad of doing that to her eye but she insisted that I shouldn't go easy on her just because she was a girl, so in a sense it was partially her fault.

"You idiot! Have you ever heard of reverse psychology??" Kuwabara yelled at me. I nodded with annoyance.

"If she says 'don't go easy on her' it means BE GENTLE!"

"I know what you're saying Kuwabara but in case you haven't grasped the big picture; not only did she threw my book on ancient magic artefacts, she knocked over my drink…on purpose and kept saying 'you can do better than that!' Have you any idea how annoying that was?"

Yusuke stepped in before Hiei and told me to walk it off. I guess he could see through my calm exterior that I was starting to get vexed. All this talk about Mina is not important anyway! It's not as if I was going to see her again right?

I made my way towards the park where I could sit by the lake and listen to nature's sweet music. *sighs* it's so relaxing and feel the wind sooth my angered soul.

I hope Mother is ok; she's gone into spring-cleaning mode since her old school friend came round the other night with her daughter…I wonder what she's like, the daughter I mean. I'll ask when I get back from one of Koenma's mission tonight.

'Do I LOOK as if I'm OK?? YOU FUCKING JERK!!! GOD I was so wrong about you! I'm going home!'

Dam her! Her brown eyes looked fiercely at me when she said that. Usually not even that would bother me. But it did in both ways:-

1) Anger - who the hell did Mina think she was? She was being rude, obnoxious and childish.

2) Confusion - what did she mean by 'I was so wrong about you'? Maybe she was on about the Air Hockey game. Her fault she accepted my challenge.

Ugh, Mina's doing my head in! I'm going to see if the others are at Koenma's office yet. I hope Hiei hasn't killed Kuwabara yet, even if he is one of life's drawbacks.

~*~ A few hours later ~*~

*smiles* Ahhh…nothing beats a good demon killing. I've done it before when I was in my own demon body back in Makai, so why stop now?

I got to my house at twenty to ten and knocked on my door, waiting for my mum to answer.

"Hey Shuichi, did you enjoy yourself at your friend's party?" Mum asked me as she hugged me. I wish she wouldn't worry so much over me. *smiles warmly*

Oh yeah, she doesn't know that I'm a Youkai so a fobbed off a story that I was over Yusuke's. I walked inside to find the kitchen spotless! The kettle could be mistaken for a jewel and the cupboards shone that white I was searching for my sunglasses!

"I see Sakura came over and help you out….she did a great job too!"

I called my mum's friend that because when she introduced herself to me the other day; she insisted that I call her by her first name.

"Well, I would say yes she did come over but she was working late so she got her daughter to come round so -"

"Sakura's daughter came round?? What did she look like? Intelligent?"

My mum smiled as I helped her sit down on the burgundy sofa and put on the electric fire on for her so that she wouldn't get cold and fall ill again.

"I'd say she's quite pretty. She's not perfect, but she has her mother's looks. She's was very helpful when we were cleaning up and the stories she told me of what she got up to at school reminded me of Sakura when she was her age. She seemed to have quite an interest in you when I told her what you were like."

I felt my cheeks warm up as she continued to tell me all about the girl. I pictured this calm, laid-back lady with long wavy brown hair, chocolate coloured irises and a curvy body standing there smiling at me. *blushes*

"So she has a sense of humour as well?" I was trying to hide the fact that I was beginning to fall for this girl that I hadn't even met. It may sound ridiculous but - hang on ….it IS absurd! I don't know what she's like in person so what gives me the right to think like that?!

My mother nodded as she got up to go and get ready for bed.

"Quick-witted and humorous my dear Shuichi. She's coming over again to help me clean the living room as well. It is a shame that you're off out again tomorrow after school but I'm sure you'll see her at some point…"

With that she went to bed. Now the hard part- ringing Mina again. I had rung earlier when I was leaving Koenma's office but she was out. Why & how you ask?

Well, I still felt guilty of maiming her face and I need to remind her to buy me a new book. I got the number from Yusuke's friend Keiko when she came back.

'Sorry we're not in at the moment but leave a message after the beep…*beep*'

"Um, Hi Mina. It's me Shuichi, I would to like to say that I'm deeply sorry for what happened this morning and I did call a few hours ago but your mother said that you were out. However I do believe you owe me a book since you threw mine the trash. Hope you feel better. Bye"

I put the phone down and went to get ready for bed. As got under the soft quilt I kept asking myself one thing.

"Why did I just do that when it was clearly her fault in the first place?"

God I can't stand that girl.


A/N:- soooo…what do you think? ^-^;; R+R please.