Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ There no smoke without Mina creating fires! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:- Fire is red, Coal is black, I down own Yu-Yu Hakusho so get off my back!

A/N:- A chapter that hasn't got much going on why? Because I'm getting it ready for …wait for it….THE NEXT CHAPTER! And it's going to be fiery (not passionate/love wise F.Y.I )



I was on my way to school with Keiko, Yusuke and Kuwabara. I had my Discman playing 'One Week' by the Barenaked Ladies in one pocket, and a letter in the other.

I haven't opened it yet but mum gave it to me just as I was heading for the door, saying that someone must of posted it really early (like 6am).

I'll read it when it's lunchtime.

Yusuke started to snigger in-between his sentences as we got nearer and nearer to Sarasaki High. Keiko and I were trying to concentrate on the more important things, like what a bunch of perverts blokes can be; and how the heck was I going to wriggle out this detention that I was bound to get for forgetting my gym kit. (Well actually I didn't - I just put it into one of Mum's paper shedder)

"I guess she could always apply to be a pirate of some sort! HAHAHAA!!"

"Leave it out Yusuke; we don't want Keiko battering us." Kuwabara tried to reason; but you know what Yusuke's like, mouth tends to run away with itself. I waved them goodbye as we went to our different classes - well if I know those two boys they'll probably ditch class.

I slumped into my chair and waited for Miss Hirugashi who was not only our teacher, but a part-time prostitute - wonderful. All the other girls were squealing and getting excited over some event that I was obviously wasn't told about. Something tells me that we're going to have a free day today due to the fact that our teacher might be having a hang-over or leg-over; whichever comes first.

I decided to open the letter earlier.

'Thank you for taking your time to help my mother clean up the kitchen yesterday. As a way of saying thanks I was wondering if you & your mother would like to come round for dinner on Thursday - I'm cooking! ^-^

Yours sincerely,

Kurama xxx'

That's a nice name he has! *grins* what day is it today? Oh dam it's about 3 days away if you count today. I didn't notice Sui was standing over my shoulder and reading the letter as well.

"OHHHHH!! MINA'S GOT AN ADMIRER!!" She began to chant the kissing song with her little groupies. I can feel my anger boil up as I did the unthinkable - knocked her teeth straight out!

"In case you haven't noticed FEATHERBRAIN that THIS" I waved the letter about like a flag in front of her superficial face. "THIS is a friendly letter! I don't see any LOVE in it!"

Well there wasn't! Do you see any pretty words in there? Hell I sure don't!

I stormed outside the class to see if Yusuke was anywhere to be seen. Luckily he was by the Sports hall - smoking his lungs away. He spotted me and grinned, he always knew that I came there to relive my stress - by punching the walls continuously, hey! It's a great way to do anger management on yourself without paying the dam bill!

"What did you do this time Mina?" He inhaled the fumes & blew them out again.

"Punched that stuck up, two-faced, snot-nosed brat Sui in the face" I grunted, repeatedly punching the unfortunate wall.

Yusuke put his hand on my shoulder and told me to stop.

"I'm sure she deserved it by why? Did make fun out your eye patch?" I could sense he was trying to keep a straight face.

I showed him the crumpled letter and scowled, not at him but at a bunch of passer-bys who needed their brains cleaned. Why is everything sex-related? You even get funny looks when you go food shopping!

Then a thought just hit me as he handed me back the note.

"Hey Yusuke?" I turned my head around towards him, trying my hardest to look all innocent.

"No I haven't got any fags left Mina…Just smoked the last one"

"NO not THAT! I've already kicked that habit a month ago…I was wondering if you have any of those firecrackers left from that party you went to."

"You mean these?" And he pulled out a handful of them! I nodded and asked if I could have them.

He didn't even ask me why I wanted them; he just handed them over to me and told me to get going. YES! Heh heh heh …. This should be fun. (apart from the fact that I had to pay Yusuke 1000 yen for them)

Sui and her friends were in the loos (gossiping as per usual). I thought this would be a great opportunity to get my back on her for humiliating me in class. I struck a match and……

"YOU SET THE GIRL'S LOO ALIGHT???" Keiko exclaimed as we were walking home (well I was going to Mrs Minamino) as I held onto the suspension paper in my hand.

"It was a total accident!" I tried to defend myself "How was I suppose to know that the cleaner had been cleaning there! I didn't expect the whole place would go up in smoke just by the fumes! My mum's going to kill me when she gets home tonight….."

"Well I'm surprised that you lot got out alive! The whole place went up in smoke! With in 2 hours it was nothing but ashes! Now we have to share with the boys until they decide to re-build it"

"You're kidding!?"

"I'm not"

"aww man…."

"Well it'll teach you not to play with firecrackers then."

I stared up into the evening sky and groaned. Not only did Sui & her friends survive, but I was lucky enough to get away with suspension and not total dismissal. Why? Because the cleaner was smoking in the loos at the same time I struck the match so they blamed him for the fire, and blamed me for bringing explosives into the school.

Keiko went home after talking, but said that she'll pop round tomorrow to take me to some place that Yusuke & Kuwabara went to after school sometimes and in the holidays. She told me it was a surprise *rolls her eyes* okkkkkkkk.

"So they've suspended you for two weeks am I right?" Mrs Minamino asked as she poured out two teas. It was hard work but we managed to sort out the living room from top to bottom, I gained a few blisters on the way but that didn't matter. I'll get over it.

I nodded as I took a sip. Mmm this tastes great!

"Yep! Sure my mum will lecture me, and probably grounded but hey I can live with it. At least I get some free time." I grinned and got up to leave.

"I hope you and Sakura can still make it on Thursday, he's been doing a lot of planning since he decided that he was going to cook for all of us."

I said that me and my mum were definitely going and bid her farewell. My mini luminous watch told me it was half-past ten. I was taking a shortcut through the park when I noticed someone walking towards me.

"Mina? What are you doing walking around at this time of night?" That voice….the same one that belong to none other than the person who was in my shit list.



A/N:- This should be….uh….interesting! ^----^ R+R please! The more you review the more chapters I write which means that everyone will be happy one way or another ^^;; *takes a breather* @_@