Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ Conflicts and Mina Falls ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:- hmmm….no I don't own Yu-Yu Hakusho.

A/N:- sorry for the late update! I've been swamped with deadlines -_-;; well anyways, here is chapter 6! ^-^

Chapter 6!


I told Keiko if I saw him it would be too soon! I cast my stern eyes at down him as I began to tell him to mind his own business.

"Mina, you're acting like a child over nothing." He crossed his arms and gave me the same look back. Nothing?? H-He's saying that I'm over-reacting because I was hit in the eye with a HOCKEY PUCK!!?

"A child am I!? Well who died and made YOU emperor eh?! I could have been blinded for the rest of my life and YOU are saying that I'M over-reacting over NOTHING?? What right do you have to say that?"

I stared at him hard & coldly. I'm usually quite happy-go-lucky & placid but something about him makes my blood boil.

"And what gave you the right to throw my book in the trash and talk to me like shit??"

"Oh-HO! Look who's over reacting now!" I exclaimed, placing my fiery hands on my hips. I had grown tired of this pointless discussion & tried to walk past him but he kept barricading my exit! What is this guy trying to pull eh?

"Out of my way Shuichi…." I lowered my voice.

But like a blue-bottle fly that keeps buzzing around your face; he wouldn't budge. Whatever his problem was he was determine to resolve it - by trying my patience.

"Not until you start talking to me civilise Mina I won't"

"Shuichi, in the past few days I've only seen you once. Now if you please excuse me, my mother should be back from work and is more likely worried over me" I sighed, almost yawning from the tiredness of the night.

Shuichi still wasn't going to let me be! But I could almost sense that he was concerned over the fact that I was going to walk all the way home by myself. He asked me if he could at least walk me home.

I just dropped my hands to my sides and told him fine, as long as he wasn't going to start asking me questions about where I was tonight.

The whole time we were walking towards my house it was terribly uneasy. The atmosphere between us was that thick you could slice it with a carving knife. My temper slowly ebbing away, I pulled out my discman and stuck in my earphones & began to hum a tune. I was too mellowed out to notice that he was looking at me, trying to figure me out.

"Hey um, Mina? MINA!" He called out to grab my attention. I turned towards him & pulled out one of the earphones.


"What are you listening to?"

"Oh, just a song by Nickleback. Why?"

"Could I listen as well please?"

I just shrugged and handed him the left earpiece. I suppose this was one way to change the stifling and clashing personalities between us. I couldn't help but think (or tried to convince myself) that Keiko was wrong about him. Men can't ALL be charming, the gentleman species has been extinct since the 1940's and in its place came the lustful/ money hungry/ disrespectful ect…man we see today.

*sighs* But then again, from what Shori was telling me about her son has seems to have opened a few doors of hope. I began to feel depressed as I remembered what my mum used to tell me about my dad.

To put it to you bluntly, Mum was a Uni student and my dad was a young PE teacher who could make Prince Charming look obnoxious. Mum fell pregnant with me and she never saw him again until three years later with another woman. Bastard.

My mum was just about to leave the house when she finally spotted me.

"Mina there you are! I was so worried about you! I rung Shori up to see if you were there but she told me that - oh, I didn't know you were with Shuichi…"

Shuichi looked at her in and then at me. What? I thought he knew who my mum was.

"Sakura is YOUR mother?? Why didn't you tell me!!?"

"Tell you?? I thought YOU KNEW!"

And once again, we were arguing. Actually he was mumbling words to himself while I was trying to find what the heck he was on about! My mother was the most confused out of all of us. Her head going back and forth as if she was watching a tennis match.

Then Shuichi blatantly yet innocently came out with something that put another nail in the 'civil' coffin.

"This isn't wasn't what I had imagined when Sakura told me about her daughter, I thought I was going to meet some sort of a intelligent person and-"

"Oh!" I exclaimed, my anger suddenly reached a new height. "Who were you expecting then? Some porcelain doll of a woman?? I knew you were a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing; but I never would of though you were stereotypical of someone who you've never met!"

Shuichi just seemed to be on his last tether as he calmly yet coldly scolded me as if I had gone and ran-sacked his sanctuary.

"That's because I never did stop to think that the girl I was writing to was apparently a HYPOCRITE! You're going on about how you hate being judged just by looks & actions alone and yet, you've already gone and decide that I'm just like every other bloke you've might of known growing up! You're just a spoilt, bossy child who needs to grow up!"

With that he bowed to my mother politely and bid her goodbye, his gaze piercing straight through me. I suddenly realised that not only that it was him who wrote that letter; but what he said had some truth to it.

Maybe not the spoilt part but the rest, the rest sort of struck a few nerves.

I ran into my house and into my bedroom. Warm, salty tears were stubbornly escaping as I sobbed into my pillow. I felt defeated - humiliated even! Why I was crying I wasn't exactly sure but….but…..hang on….what's this feeling I'm experiencing?



A/N: What now Mina? ^-^ R+R plz!