Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ Genkai's Temple and the mysterious note ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer:- yada yada yada, I don't own Yu-Yu-Hakusho - but I'll own the DVD's soon! ^___^;;

Chapter 7!


The sun shone warmly against my tear-stained cheeks as I began to groggily wake up from the slumber in which, I had obtained through crying.

"Mina? Mina honey wake up. Yusuke and Keiko are here and you didn't bother to change into your night clothes last night. Is something wrong?"

I sat up in a sloppy fashion. "No mum, not at all. I'll be there in 5 mins since I need to refresh myself k?"

I could hear my mum sigh sympathetically. She had been talking to Shori when I was too busy shedding angry tears (along with shredding my cushion) and according to mum, he didn't get back till 2 am, he did phone his mother to say that he was staying over a friend's house that night, so gratefully she didn't worry.

Yusuke burst through the door, with Keiko looking as if any moment she was going to batter him. I lifted an eyebrow at him curiously.

"Mina I haven't the time for your moping so get your ass in gear and let's go to the old hag's house already!"

"He means Genkai"

"That's what I said dammit!"

Keiko groaned and rubbed her temples. It appeared that he had been aggravating her on the way here over something that was most likely to be hentai-related.

I quickly wiped my face with a face cleanser and brushed my longish brown hair back into a pony-tail before grabbing my rucksack of books and extra clothes/necessary items.

Why? I was invited by Yusuke and Keiko to stay over Genkai's for a few days because Keiko and Botan wanted extra help around the temple.

I looked back at them.

"Well? Are we gonna move our asses or what?"

Yusuke tried to hide his face "as soon as you put a different top on we will"

Ack! This one is see-through! Either that or I've worn it down through tossing and turning in the bed.

I pouted and stubbornly folded my arms. "Does it really matter? At least I won't be sweating like a pig….like some girls I know…mainly Sui"

Keiko urged us to get moving. We were going to be half and hour late anyways so why the rush? Unless you count her threatening us! Yusuke just shrugged and trundled off - that's just like him!

It took a few good hours before we got to the temple, trying to avoid those blasted bees and wasps when we were trekking through the woods. We would have got there sooner if Yusuke didn't take us through the scenic route *death glares at Yusuke*.

Genkai wasn't too pleased with us - so she made me and Keiko dust the temple with a toothbrush and Yusuke was made to put 2 boulders on his back during his training. Talk about harsh! I thought she was joking when she said that the best way to see things clearly is to go over it with a fine-toothcomb….I dread tomorrow's chore.

"Remind me again why I'm here Keiko…" I sighed, dusting the cobwebs that were in the several bedrooms. Keiko just looked at me with slight confusion.

"Didn't you say you wanted to come with us in the first place?"

"Err….I thought you guys invited me to come with you. I got your E-mail the other night!"

"You couldn't of! I wasn't in at the time to e-mail you."

"Then where the heck were you??"

"Out with Yusuke."

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I began to smirk, then sneezing as the dust went up my nose.

Keiko huffed. "It's not like that! We're friends and only friends!"

"Pff…yeah right! That's like me saying that Kurama is some sort of dream fantasy"

"You think he is?"

"How should I know?? Look, I'm going to start on the toilet. I just hope that those who live here, are house trained and know where to aim. I'm not going to spend my rest time scraping urine and god knows what off the walls!"

"Ewww! Mina! How can you think of such things??"

Shrugging, I headed towards the W.C door. Something about that conversation seemed out of place; if she didn't send me the e-mail…then who did? I leaned back into where she was.

"Hey Keiko?"


"Did you ummm…notice anything…oh I dunno, different about your room when you got back?"

Keiko looked up to one side to think for a moment, and then by realisation she answered.

"Um, yeah! My P.C was logged on and windows where open."

My face faulted.

"Well that tells me a lot!" I gingerly glanced into the toilet. "Oh my god!"

A toothbrush clunked down towards the floor.

Keiko rushed out, worried. "What is it Mina???"

Pointing, I stated the obvious, although I sounded completely dumb though it all!

"It's clean! I can see my face in the basin a-and there's perfume, flowers and 4 clean baths! Did I mention that it's HUGE!! And clean!!"

She groaned and rested her arm on my shoulder, glaring up at me with annoyance and laughed inwardly at herself.

"I thought you were in trouble Mina! But it seems to be that you've never seen a hygienic bathroom before hmm?" She patted my shoulder whilst shaking her head at my dotty behaviour.

It was ten to eleven at night. I heard that everyone had trained well; Kuwabara had managed to strengthen his spirit sword and Hiei still managed to kick his butt. That short mite doesn't talk much apart from the occasional 'Hn'.

Yusuke's fighting skills are improving, but I felt sorry from him because of those boulders were strapped to his back. Kurama….well….I guess he's doing ok.

I put on my pink cotton nightdress (the one that has daisies around the sleeve parts and around the bottom rim of the dress) and climbed into my bed. I felt something sharp prick the back of my legs, making me jump and fall out of the bed sheets.

"Yeow! What the…?"

It was a note. I peered inside curiously to see what was written. The words left me confused and had me contemplating throughout the rest of the night.

Sorry…I couldn't help myself.


Right! Now to do chapter 8! Read and review please! ^-^