Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ The Match-Makers Strike! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: Yup! Don't own Yu Yu Hakusho!

A/N: Thanks for the review and I'm aware of FF.Net are doing but I'm going to update because my stories are like my voice and I have the right to speak.

Now on a lighter note, this is going to be pretty long (about 3-4 pages on Word) but hopefully it should be humorous. ^^ enjoy!


Chapter 9!


I was in the middle of a beautiful dream, I was in the centre of a cornfield - with Sui tied up around a pole, burning to a crisp and me cackling verrry evilly. Then the weirdest thing happened……Yusuke appeared in a clown suit and was telling me to wake up!

"Mina? Mina c'mon wake up…MINA ASAKO!!"

An unexpected rush of icy water was splashed all over me. I could of fr-fr-freezed to death!

"AIEEEE!! That's cold!!!" I screamed, falling out of the bed. "What the hell did you do that for??? It's my day off from the old hag's chores and I was going to spend that precious time A-S-L-E-E-P!"

"What does that spell?" Yusuke questioned, stifling a guffaw.

Resisting the urge to sock him one (hey, I'm getting brave just lately!) I grabbed some spare clothing and trudged into the hot tub; contemplating what to do today.

I don't know what it is just lately but I've been thinking about……'him' (Kurama). No no! Not in a romantic way! The guy's a total smart-ass! *grumbles*

Even though, he does look kinda dreamy close up front. ACK! No Mina! BAAAD Mina! *mentally slaps herself* I need a hobby - a real one.

I heard someone lightly knock on the door, who the hell would want me at this time of day huh? It better not be lady Genkai because my bones are aching from cleaning her basement 2am in the morning! Have you any idea how many of those rats/monster-type thingies I had to splat with the broom?? Too many!

"Mina you're coming with me and Botan down town today!"

That's Keiko alright; I knew it was her by the way she instructs me to do things. It sounded a cross between my mother and my other school friend Tsuki when both are in a hurry.

"Hmm? What for? It's only Sunday Keiko! I've worked my ass off all week! What could you possibly want me for now?"

Lazily stirring the lavender herbal bathwater with my soggy index finger, I waited for a reply. Hmm I wonder what today it is exactly.



Yup, you've guessed it! I was being dragged out of the bath - in front of every passer-by that came across us and I was turning every shade imaginable. Is there a law against this? Has she forgotten her manners???

I tried my best to cover my self up, only to make things worse.

"Hey Mina! Nice Butt!"

"Shut up Yusuke! When Madam Fury lets me go & get dressed I'll send that perverted smirk into next week!!"

A glint of red caught my eye as I was being hauled closer to my dorm room. Turning my head towards the side I suddenly went from hot pink to fiery red with embarrassment when I saw who was peeping out from the kitchen.

Shaking my fist at Kurama, I threatened him (though in a comical way, it held no actual meaning)

"What are you gawking at!? Haven't you seen a naked Lady before!!?"

Keiko interjected.

"Mina stop being a drama queen and get inside your room before you make a bigger idiot of yourself."

"rrrr…fine, just let go of my arm"

Closing the door behind myself I began to hear murmurs as I slipped on my underwear and a white summer dress with pink flower patterns on them. Keiko told me to stop being so nosy and listen to what she had to say.

"It's February the 14th today right?"

Ok….something's up, I know that look on her face when she want me to do something that involves either being the middle woman or she's got me on a weird, wacky double date.

"And today is also your 16th birthday right…?"

Dam! I totally forgot! I'm sweet sixteen! Woohoo! I'm legal! *retorts* but not in this country I'm not…dammit!

I glared at her cautiously as I detangled my hair with a comb, trying to figure out what she was thinking. I sighed in defeat, shunting my shoulders upwards to exhale.

"Ok what's my mission….what do you want me to find out for you? What Yusuke likes as in presents?"

She began to laugh nervously, occasionally twiddling her thumbs erratically as if she was lamely trying to skip some minor details that I wasn't supposed to know about.

"Mina that's not all, it was after all Yusuke's and Kuwabara's idea so you can deal with them later. Me, Botan and another friend of ours called Yukina - she's the girl that Kuwabara likes a lot - as in 'obsessed', are going to take you out for a while, have a girl's day out around town. We just wanted to know if….."

"Say no more! I'll ask Kuwabara and Yusuke for you two. After all, I see them a lot out of classes and break times." I waved off some of her babbling by walking out, taking her, Yukina and Botan with me down the town.

~* Down Town in a café *~

mmmm Strawberry milkshake! My fave! *slurping away* huh? I glanced upwards towards my friends who were in fact, creeping me out with their constant staring. I slammed my fist onto the table, looking very pissed off.

"What is with you four? You've done nothing but whisper behind my back since we've got down here! Either you tell me what's going on or I'm gonna start a food-fight so large, the whole street will become a greasy battle field!"

Tsuki looked at Botan nervously who was (in my opinion) urging Keiko to tell me.

"Well??" I can feel a migraine coming on…Yukina kept quiet.

Tsuki spluttered "Well, y-yes, um…Botan can explain"

"Oh I'm not good at explaining - Keiko?"

Keiko put the spoon down on her sundae pudding.

"Mina, we've noticed that strange events have been occurring since you've been helping out at the temple…."

"Pff, what? So I try to smarten myself up more. Is that a crime??"

"No, no Mina, we're not on about you dressing up for Kurama…."

I stood up, shocked - H-how could they accuse me of such a thing??? I can't stand him! LOATHE him even! You could class this as an insult to my intelligence! Glaring at them I noticed that not only where they unfazed by my outburst, but they were almost acting as if they were privet investigators.

Botan took me to the side as we walked out of the café. I don't why but the tone she was using when she spoke to me mean that she was being serious.

"Mina, me and Keiko had been; how you say 'snooping around' to find out who sent you both the e-mail and the note. We had no lead until your friend Tsuki from Meiou High had told us a few tid-bits"

I didn't know whether to jump for joy or shoot myself when she got Tsuki to explain to me.

Tsuki twiddled her curly green hair. "You know that really hot guy Shuichi that's in my class?"

"Y-Yeah…him, what about him?" I rolled my eyes, a huge sweat drop falling down my nervous face.

"Well, I was on my way to Biology when I heard him talking to the midget about trying to prove himself that he's not the jerk/asshole/insert insult that this girl has supposedly labelled him as. Then I was just walking past him and I managed to catch him mentioning about sneaking into Keiko's room and writing an E-mail…."

This is my face = **O_O**!

Botan interjected. "Not only that, when we watch him train he doesn't seem to be focusing as much."

"Maybe he needs glasses…."

"Mina! Don't you get it??"

"The only thing I'm getting is a headache Keiko, now what exactly was Yusuke & Kuwabara's idea that you were going on about in my room but diverted it with my 'mission'?"

Yukina uttered softly.

"They thought it would be good if you could let Shuichi take you out tonight. As a treat or a way to say ….sorry?"

Tsuki, Botan and Keiko pulled out tons of coupons and began to ring up some of their beauty experts and before I could dart off to escape, they had me cornered and tied up.

"uhhhhhhhhhh….girls?, where are you taking me??? I uhhh I have maths homework waiting for me back home! Yeah that's it! Homework!"

Keiko didn't buy the bluff.

"Mina; since when did you attend math classes, let alone do the homework?! Besides, your mother thinks that it's a wonderful idea."

"And we know that you like him deep-down inside." Botan chirped, conjuring up a match-making scheme.

*sighs* May the big guy upstairs have mercy on me…..


A/N: This should be interesting! ^^ R+R please! And I'll start on chapter 10.