Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ chapter 1 - ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You'll walk unscathed through musket fire,
No ploughman's blade will cut thee down,
No cutler's horn will mark thy face
And you will be my ain true love,
And you will be my ain true love

And as you walk through death's dark veil,
The cannon's thunder can't prevail,
And those who hunt thee down will fail,
And you will be my ain true love,
And you will be my ain true love.

Asleep inside the cannon's mouth,
The captain cries, "Here comes the rout,"
They'll seek to find me north and south,
I've gone to find my ain true love.

The field is cut and bleeds to red.
The cannon balls fly round my head,
The infirmary man may count me dead,
When I've gone to find my ain true love,
I've gone to find my ain true love.

My ain true love by Alison Krauss - Cold Mountain

N.B-A/N:- Music inspired me to write this Makai fic as the music itself had that, well `mountain/journey' feeling to it. ^^


Mina's back in the Makai realm and not only that - she's being paired up with the One person she thought she'd never had to see again…until now. If eitherof them wants to go back to theirnormallives (and schedules) they'll have to set aside their differences and nab that sapphire staff.

That is…if they can trust each other first.


A/N: this is a `fic within a fic' #dodges the rocks being thrown at her# soz!!! Here's Chapter 18 or part 2 of 4!!! #grins#


[Somewhere in the dense rainforest of the Makai]

I could hear the soft sounds of gushing water trickling in the distance as I stirred heavily in the abyss of my unconsciousness. Why can I smell charred smoke? Ack! I can't be on fire! I haven't got a match to do that!!

I snapped my eyes wide open to see that not only was I not dead, but I was staring right upwards to the thunderous red skies of the Makai. This can't be happening! I was just….I mean, I'm sure I was being consumed.

A rustle of leaves broke my fixated thought. Someone's here…

"I wouldn't get up if I were you, not that you could anyway….."

My eyes darted towards where the sound was coming from. Only to see…him….he must be…He's gotta be…

"Youko…Kurama? What are you? Where's?"

He was still putting on the same gloop that was given to me by Genkai on my wrists when he replied back, looking somewhat `disappointed' with me. I think he's disappointed in me. Or maybe he's annoyed that I'm here and not in his fortress.

"Ami? Oh that Ami…that's simple" a Smirked crept upon his face, making me ever the more uneasy. "Let's just say that time wasn't on her side…"

"You're not making any sense"


"You don't want me to know right?"



Ten minutes went by and the gloop made decent work healing my abrasions, Youko Kurama decided that it wasn't safe for me to camp out here (not like I wanted to be here anyways) and so we trekked to the nearest deserted village, just at the foot of the misty grey mountains. There weren't any humans there anymore - just a few lesser mountain Youkai.

From what the Yoko told me, one time humans did share this place with demons, but like lambs to the slaughter; they were killed and made into demon food #gulps# I bloody hope nothing bad happens to me - I don't want to become a `Ningen in a can' product.

I noticed that Youko's attitude towards me had change. From the case of `mentality/emotionally' torturing me, to trying to keep me alive and I don't know about you, but he's acting as if he was given orders by someone to keep his claws to himself.

Nobody came within a 5mile radius as we strolled into the old village's pub. Maybe it was the fact that they might have known fox-boy here to such an extent, that he was feared by all, or maybe they were surprised to see him not munching on my arm - which ever came first.

We sat in the darkest corner available (which was a case of `pick a corner, any corner'.

"Wait here whilst I speak to an `old friend' round the back. No one will come near you without answering to me ok?" He shunted a passer-by's head through the wall as he went outback. That…that was sick! Let's just say that I'm not hungry anymore.

I wonder how everyone's doing back home? How many DT's have I accumulated over the hours? 4? 6? Or If miss Hirugashi's in a VERY good mood - 2 DTs with an essay to boot. I still have my report in my tattered school-bag! I managed to do the introduction and what I thought about Kurama; which I might add wasn't what you call `peachy'.

That's funny; Kurama's got the same `name' as that Yoko. I don't care if I'm a total mess but you should see these guys! Or girls, it's hard to tell ok? There seems to be a contest on how many lesser demons they can dissect/eat alive with a 3 min time limit.

I wanna hurl.

Which reminds me, I was supposed to call Greenie (Tsuki) on my now `mashed' moby (mobile phone) to tell her where I was.


I was going to ask her to see if she's got anywhere with that Hiei guy.

A conversation about human trades sparked my hearing off. What's this those 5 are talking about behind me? I tried to listen from the curtain that secluded them.

"Just think! A gourmet slave-trade could make a bundle of yen! Billions even!" A gruff, impatient voice struck off the conversation.

"Yes, all thanks to the newly discovered staff" Chimed another.

"But it's heavily guarded! And what do we need the sapphire staff for?? We can get humans in/out of portals easier enough!"

Another soothed the voice of a panic-stricken tone

"Easy my simple friend, we can send more than just a measly few Ningens into the Makai trading market…we send in thousands! Not only that, the staff itself is worth a thing or two."

The last (and far creepier) spoke up.

"But we DO have a problem - That Bandit thief has revived from hiding - or should we say, he's alive once more"

"What!?? We can't afford to run into him!"

"Calm down, I've also heard that he's gone `soft' as in he's been around Ningens too long. So, there isn't really any need to jump out of the boat now is there?"

Then there was a ring of maniacal laughter before I decided to scoot away into another corner - only to be eyed by some Pig Youkai with enough piercing to be used as a pin-cushion. It swaggered up to me, still having half of a human's liver hanging from it's jaw….I think I might go vegetarian at this rate!

"Hey pretty lady…..what's a scrumptious Ningen like you doing around these parts hmm?"

#face faults# uhh……give me a break - that's summit Kuwabara would come out with!

"That's none of you're business Pig-boy….and trust me, eating me will give you two more spare tyres than you've already have right now…."

It took a whiff at me before skulking off back to where it belong - why didn't he attack me? If I said that to Hiei, he'd kill me on the spot! So, as a demon…why didn't it take a chomp at me?

Suddenly I heard a shelf full of glass smashing to the straw-stricken ground as Youko's clawed hand wrapped itself around my lower arm.

"C'mon, we can take shelter at this abandoned temple I know." He said as he made a new `door' in the wall.

"eh?? Temple? Abandoned?? I thought we were staying in the village!? What happened back there?"

A smirk scrawled upon his childish face. "The Landlord caught me with his daughter - if you know what I mean…"

Ack!! I'm too young to hear this in graphical detail - wait…I'm 16….well I'm too young anyways!

"You perverted, gutter-minded, Yusuke worshipper!! You were caught with your - uh pants down!"

And here I thought I was the object of his desire - apparently this doesn't seem to be the case at all.

We had near enough dodged pitchforks, lightning blasts and the odd bricks before we were surrounded in familiar wild grassland. Funny enough, Youko didn't come out with a scratch on him whilst I, well I was just trying to get my breath back. I knew I should have stopped smoking when Yusuke offered me one back last year.

I wheezed "you….you….Baka…."

He's disappeared again! And oh wait! I forgot to mention about that sapphire staff those voices behind the curtains where talking about.

"Ummm Mr. Yoko? Coooeee! I need to tell you something important! Considering….your-a-thief-`an-all…"

I could hear the sound of water splashing just behind those huge clusters of weed covered boulders. I peered through a crevice.

If Keiko and my mum were here, I would be lectured for being such a peeping-tom! As if I've lost all common sense and let that tiny little voice in my head be my conscious although; knowing mother, she'll be spinning one of those `stories' just to intensify my phobia - you think I'm not shaking in my trainers?? Well I bloody well am! My mother told me that to look upon a bathing Yoko could make you blind! Or ever worse, they'll curse you and your family for 9 generations!

"Enjoying the view?" Youko asked, almost motioning me to join him.

I spun away from him, bright-red in the face and tried to pretend that I didn't see that developed body of his.

"Ah y-yeah, the view is just astounding! Y'know, the rabid vultures ripping out each others throats is quite amusing. Reminds me of the film Jumanji."

I felt his wet cheek nuzzle just behind my earlobe, softly chuckling in my ear.

"You need to open up a little more; you can start by telling me about that sapphire staff…"

Still not moving (it was a case of `move or not to move THAT is the question') how could he? Oh yea, the fox ears #Sweat drops#

Sheepishly, I explained as he got himself dried & changed.

"From what I've heard, they plan on using that staff to set up a Ningen gourmet market trade."

"I see, well they're going to have a hard time obtaining it" his said whilst slipping his tattered shirt on.

I cocked my head to the side.

"Why? You Youkais are strong, why would it be so hard to obtain a stick!?"

The next thing I knew I was being thrown into the hot springs!! You could hear my screams for miles around!!

I was spluttering and coughing (not to mention swearing a few good minutes) up most of the water that managed to seep into my lungs. #growling# I'm soaked!!! And there he is, laughing his foxy head off and watching me as if I was entertainment!!

"Simple my dear Ningen! To Get to that staff we'd have to find the 4 crystal pillars which is located in the central part of the Makai work but even before we THINK about making our way there; we'll need to pick a few things to go up against those elementals"

He told me to take a bath and tossed some clothing he stole from the village pub. Apparently it was that woman he was `seen with'.

"Could you please not look at me while I bathe? And what are elementals?" I huffed as he respected my needs and turned around.

"Elementals are guardians of the elements - earth, fire, wind & water. Thought to be just a rumour until the last 200 years when the previous dark wars made the pillars weak and unstable. The staff, made of pure, fragile sapphire was supposed to used in case the elementals were attacked by outsiders, thus a huge portal would send them anywhere safe."

"What were their jobs? Is it bad for those pillars to be that way?"

I was just as curious as he was intelligent - just as bright as Kurama back home! I put on this longish red, ruffled (and rather rogue) skirt and a white gypsy shoulder less top. I used a piece of back rag to tie my drenched hair into a pony-tail.

I can feel those golden eyes burn onto my skin as he looked up and down at my attire as we began to trek off once again, which was uneasy on my part. I don't really trust him at the mo, but if I wanna get home - he's my best bet.

"Well from the top of my head, all I know is that all three are women, one of them is male…but no, it isn't a good sign that the pillars are weak, it would mean easy access for the outsiders - not that I have a problem with that! I am after all, the thief king."

I shook my head and without warning I was grinning! I mean I was actually smiling without giving a second thought that I was 1) In the Makai 2) I was with an egotistical yet hot pervert! Maybe it was the fact that watching his tails swish from side to side was rather amusing. Well he is walking faster than me.

So I played around with them - y'know like a cat does with a ball of yarn.

"Unless you want to walk with a limp Mina, carry on playing with them. Hasn't your mother told you that Yoko's are sexually active 24/7 and even just by stroking their tails, you can send them into heat?"

I snapped my hand away from them as if I was burned by hot ceramic oven plates. For a moment there I thought I heard him say under his breath `dam'.

"So, uh…how far is this temple Mr.Youko? half an hour's walk? An hour?"

"Three days considering you're human and please, call me Youko"

"Three whole days!??" I exclaimed in shock. Well wouldn't you if you had to walk 3, whole days non-stop without a rest??

He smirked back at me, his ears twitching about to various sounds.

"I could always carry you, sparing your dainty feet"

Dammit why does say so like a gentleman! This is nuts!

#blushing madly#

Youko let me get on his back. I could hear him softly purring with sheer pleasure as I loosely put my arms around his neck.

"Now isn't this cosy? You don't seem to be afraid of me as much as you were when we first met, sorry about informally marking you. But when the time comes, I'll mark you properly."

Eh? Marking? #face faults# what's that I wonder?

"Uh, that's ok, let's just try and get to that temple please. By the way, why are we going there?"

"Because I know a few Youkais that owe me a favour or two - they'll enjoy a good hunt if jewels are involved."

Suddenly, a blood curdling scream could be heard for miles, making my hairs stand on ends.

"w-what -w-was that??" Burying my face into his silvery hair. Mmmm….sweet, fresh roses.

"Oh nothing, just someone being skinned alive at the temple"

#Gulps# Only!??



A/N. O-O!! I hope all will go smoothly at this temple! Read and review please! And soz if Youko's OCC