Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ 23 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I've been wandering around the house all night
wondering what the hell to do
Yeah, I'm trying to concentrate but all I can think of is you
well the phone don't ring 'cause my friends ain't home
I'm tired of being all alone
Got the tv on 'cause the radio's playing
songs that remind me of you
Baby when you're gone, I realize I'm in love
days go on and on, and the nights just seem so long
Even food don't taste that good, drink ain't doing what it should
things just feel so wrong, baby when you're gone
I keep driving up and down these streets
trying to find somewhere to go
Yeah i'm looking for a familiar face, but there's no one I know
oh, this is torture, this is pain, it feels like I'm gonna go insane
I hope you're coming back real soon, 'cause i don't know what to do
Baby when you're gone, I realize I'm in love
days go on and on, and the nights just seem so long
Even food don't taste that good, drink ain't doing what it should
things just feel so wrong, baby when you're gone
Bryan Adams feat. Mel. C - Baby when your gone
A/N: Ch4! Sorry it's taken so long, but it's finally here. Hope you like it! Enjoy! OH!! And here's a `humorous' of Mina In DT! Just go to: www.kawaii-wings.net/DT-_-U.jpg Thank you Sumiko for the Idea!!
3 days…three whole bloody days! I woke up one morning to see that he wasn't there! Have you any idea how panic-stricken I was!? So far I've fallen into mud pits, tripped over demon-termite infested logs and chased by hungry wild flesh-eating horses; just to find where that no-good-for-nothing-fox has stormed off to!
Yeah you heard me, `stormed off' I gathered he's still annoyed over my little new-found pet called Tiny. He's only a little baby black fox with a white sock on his left front paw. Completely harmless and I found him following me a couple of days ago after we gathered (or should I say `stolen') a few mystical items before Youko took off.
It's completely stupid (not to mention sort of childish) that he, of all Youkais would get the hump over a titchy little thing like Tiny!
For example, when he caught Tiny sleeping on my lap - Youko growled and swiped it away (and boy did I give him hell over that!!) and one time Tiny brought me back a slab of meat (it was small, but it's the thought that counts) and suddenly Youko comes along with a dead Minotaur for dinner! I have no idea what's got into him as of late.
“Have you caught whiff of him yet Tiny?” I called out as he was right up in front on the hillside. I heard him whimper -meaning no. #sighs# you'd think he'd leave a trail or something. Upon hearing some voices I quickly called Tiny over and hid behind some bushes. Maybe this might lead to him.
“I hear that business is booming at the brothel house just lately…must be that dam Youko at it again…” A husky voice croaked. I'm sitting here fuming that much that I've totally forgotten where in the world I was! I rushed out and seized who ever it was by the throat; pinning it to a wooden sign-post. Tiny ducked for cover again.
“Did you just say brothel??”
“Yes! Yes! I said brothel you filthy Ningen! Why do you ask??”
#suddenly realises where she is#
“Ah…um…eheh...#puts it down gently and dusts it off# No reason…heh heh…bye!! #dashes off with Tiny#”
#phew# too close for comfort there! Right…where could I find a brothel in a crazy place like this? Hmm….maybe it would of helped if I read that wooden sign-post #sweatdrops#
Suddenly Tiny yapped and rolled around in the dusty mud trying to get my attention. Cute!
“Huh? Tiny what's wrong? Have you picked up something?” I asked. Maybe he's got fleas……if only I had a can of `demon flea-gone!' spray. Uh, no wait…he's onto Youko's scent. Good boy!
I had to ambush another passer-by just to steal their teal hooded Mac (unfortunately it was kinda ripped to pieces) so far I've lied, stolen and threatened. Youko's a bad influence on me…….
Why did I need it? well…I don't want to be seen or sniffed out by Youkais when I go in right? Camouflage I think it's called; you use it to disguise yourself so that others can't spot you. This includes mothers, teachers and headmasters….
My little pet led me to the most slummiest, sleaziest and aw Jeeze is that the smell of stale booze? Why can't they go to Threshers like normal people eh?? Is it that hard?? Tiny (being only 20cm in body length) quickly jumped into one of it's pockets, it's furry blacks ears just popped out as I put my hood over and snuck in.
I hope you realise that I'm shitting myself with fear here!
Ugh, it's a hybrid of an old western saloon and Moulin rouge; only it's festering with sluggish/pissed demons and (in my own words) sluts that just happened to be all over them. #lifts an eyebrow# y'know, if this was about a few months ago I'd think this was creepy, weird and possible have the need to bolt.
In the best impression of a man's voice that I could do, I asked the barman (in case you want to know, looks like Freddy Kruger on steroids….HAHAHHAAHAHAA!!) if he's seen anyone by the name of `Youko Kurama'.
Ok…why the hell does the bar go blooming quiet on me??? What? It's a name right? Right? Aw c'mon….there's no need for the silent treatment….it's not as if he was some notorious bandit….
A quivering, scaly hand shot up and pointed towards some broken iron stairway. I nodded as well as thinking that some of these demons need to see a shrink - look! There's one in the corner next to the tin piano rocking back & forth mumbling some sort of crap!
“I wouldn't go up there sir…Y-Youko doesn't wish to b-b-be dist-turbed. He's not in the best of moods at the moment”
He'll be more than pissed off when I show up!! #whimpers# hang about….I've never actually seen him properly angry before….help?
Tiny's ears twitched towards the sound as I creaked up the stairs, making my way down its luxurious corridors; adorned with rich colours (which is completely the opposite to the bar/pub down below me) of reds, golds and rich amethyst. The sound of giggles and shrieks managed to catch my attention - not to mention a certain someone's voice telling them that there was enough of him to round. #rips an old, weak copper pipe from the wall#
“Tiny? Could you see if you direct me to `it' please?” smiling superficially sweet as he sniffed and yapped at the door. A Neko lady that was barely covered answered the door, upon realising who I was by my scent she mouthed the words `oh shit'. So would I be if I answered to a very pissed off (and maybe just a tad jealous) woman with an old copper pipe clasped in her hand - not a good combo eh?
She signalled the others and they all sheepishly left the room - hey? What's with the brunette wig? #disturbed# meh, each to their own I guess #chucks the pipe away# guess I won't be needing that anymore. #takes off the Mac#
#blinks# eh? He's still got his clothes on?!? #confused# that's not what I was supposed to see…I was supposed to at least see him in the act or be at least naked, looking guilty/shocked to see me…Not fully clothed and grinning like a Cheshire cat!!
“Uh…aren't you supposed to be uh…naked?...NO NO NO! Put the dam clothes back on!! Ack! Stay right there! Don't come any closer! #turning forty shades of pink#”
I'm cornered, in a room…with a slight aroused Yoko ( I didn't look down there but I swear it was an accident if I did!! ) pressed against me. I hope Tiny's hidden himself somewhere.
“I was wondering when you were going to get here….I was starting to get bored”
“What? I've spent three days looking for you, worried sick thinking why you stormed off…only to find that you're in a brothel waiting for me??? I've just seen god knows how many women in your room!! AND YOU WERE BORED??? Ok…I'm officially confused…”
“I sensed you were jealous…” A devious smirk curled his lips.
#Face faults# “How about N- Ack! YES! OK! I was JEALOUS! You're crushing my hips here you great oaf!!”
Finally he moved off, stifling a inward laugh. Y'know that feeling that any moment someone's gonna yell `surprise!' and give you £1 Million cash? In other words, I felt like a right prat. #slinks to the floor out of exhaustion# how much more can I take this? The mind games are taking its bloody toll here - it's worse than Miss Hirugashi's lectures! And that's saying something!
“I wasn't the only one that was Youko….” I looked up at him, even though he was sitting on the bed with this trouser/tunic bottoms thingy back on (thank god…I thought I was gonna have a brain malfunction!).
“Maybe…….” He purred. “Maybe not…….”
“You're not gonna tell me again are you?”
“ah? #has an idea# Well in that case I guess you won't mind that Tiny's been sleeping next to me, has had a bath with me and oh, has seen me get dressed
ouuuu this would be great to go in my scrap book if I had one! I would call it `Youko's first Jealousy over a baby fox' HAHAHAHAA!!
“ohhhhhhhh….so THAT's why you took off! You didn't like the fact that -”
yipe! The next thing I knew he had lunged at me, causing myself to slam onto the floor owwwww…#annoyed# was that fucking necessary!?
“Y'know that mind reading is starting to stubbornly grow on me…” I stated point-blank.
“Good. You'll be getting used to a lot more things than just me reading your mind…”
“Uh…Like…what?” I'm starting to get that nervous/creeped out feeling again.
Youko grinned a viciously started to press his lips dominantly onto mine, managing to catch the corner with those fang of his just as his curious tongue began to forcefully explore. Hey, I'm going along as much as the next person! (who'd wanna miss this??) One of his hands were trying to entangle itself in my hair - only to find it was being yapped at….by Tiny.
“#growls# you see that whelp….He's got to learn to give his superiors respect”
“Hey, he's only concerned for my welfare, for all he knows you could be sucking my soul out like some wraith…”
After trying to get that image of him in the buff #shakes her head# not working people!! It's NOT working! He got himself dressed again, scowling and telling Tiny off for intruding on his courtship. #sweat drops#
Good thing I haven't told him I was on my `monthly's' (period) then he would have been pissed off!
We're off towards some village/wreckage because some chicken demon ratted on him (saying that we know where we stashed the staff) and now about a good