Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last night I had a dream about you
In this dream I'm dancing right beside you
And it looked like everyone was havin' fun
The kind of feeling I've waited so long

Don't stop come a little closer
As we jam the
rhythm gets stronger
There's nothing wrong with just a little little fun
We were dancing all night long

The time is right to put my arms around you
You're feeling right
You wrap your arms around too
But suddenly I feel the shining sun
Before I knew it this dream was all gone

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
I wish this dream comes true

Ooh I don't know what to do
About this dream and you
We'll make this dream come true

Why don't you play the game ?
Why don't you play the game ?
Daft Punk- Digital Love
A/N: right! Let me know what you think of this K? better? Worse? Indifferent?
I'm trying to steadily create some sort of `relationship' between Youko and Mina.
#groans# what the….okay….since when hanging people upside down became a necessary thing for home decorators?. All round me, Humans, demons and the odd little hobbit were encased in vines and other leafy contraptions.
“Ah, Ningen woke up - sleep well?”
“Aw yeah, slept like a baby -SOOoo comfy!” Sarcasm soaked my vocals cords at the nature-woman that was swanning about the place like she was the star of `the sound of music'.
“Now, now Ningen, you know that's not lady-like of you. No man will come to your rescue if you're cussing like that…”
Shit! The leaves in this cocoon were like blades that hungered for my skin to seep blood. Eh? Rescued? Heh heh, last time I checked, Youko was too busy to realise that I was being dragged here. It figures with him y'know? The one time you actually need his help he's not there….isn't that also called irony?
There was some other person who woke up next to me - almost scaring the spirit out of me! It's worse than going to count Dracula's spawning lair (I know, I've been watching too many monster movies) either that or the distant memory of `Aliens' seems to crop up at this inappropriate time.
“You've got the girl Tsuchi?” Another dark figure appeared in a puff of ashen smoke. Making me wonder if there was a magic show going on rather than an abduction.
“Unfortunately yes, and guessing by her informal markings; she seems to be engaged to him…”
Suddenly it was although everyone (including those in cages and cocoons) were gossiping! What the hell?? I'm not engaged! I haven't agreed to anything yet!
“You're engaged to THE Youko Kurama? Thief Bandit??” some frog demon spat in shock.
“NO! I'm not!! Jeeze, I've only been cut up and already they want the wedding cake!”
“Is your Hymen intact?” Another prisoner called out.
“What??? What the hell is a Hymen?? #cocks an eyebrow# you're on about my virginity are you…..?”
Is it possible to puke upside down? What is with these people and their desires to associate me with Youko and a bed? I'm only 16 years old for crying out loud! Unless I was drugged or knocked out - I won't lose it willingly (or at all!). I do have a thing called `dignity'.
Tsuchi decided to cut me down, making me not only land on those leaves, but on my head - thank god for cushions!
It dawned on me….I'm losing blood here! The greedy little things are slashing at my legs and torso as they unwound themselves, making the urge to scream more inevitable.
“Oh dear, your rags! All covered and stained in that ghastly blood of yours!”
That's it, feel sorry for the clothes! Stuff the fact that I'm being bled dry!
The cloaked man lifted me up by the scruff of my neck and roughly looked at me properly before shunting me to the ground again. I'm too fed up to answer back and considering that my hands are tied up - punching him senseless was not available to me at this particular moment. He studied my weary yet frustrated eyes whilst I tried (and boy I gave it all I could) to break free.
“Such a sad and confused soul you have….wanted yet never felt wanted. #growls# Look at me Ningen! I'm trying to read you here”
“I don't want to be read like some dam book!!!”
He smoothly waved my threat off. To be honest, I'd rather have those leaves bury under my skin than being emotionally exposed.
“Ah ha… I see clearly who you are inside; your soul reminds me of blue embers that glow dimly in the darkness; alone, cold….thinking that if you bury your heart under the soil of logic - no one will notice. Good plan if it wasn't done so recently. Feisty, that's your emotional flaw…..attracts bad company if you get your limited intelligence around that.”
With that he arrogantly walked out, with Tsuchi following behind. Inside there was this…volcanic anger bubbling up inside. I so want to badly kill him!!! I felt as if he impaled me through my stomach with a hot poker - he's definitely on my shit list! If I was to die tomorrow my goal would be to hunt him down and mercilessly execute him!
“Hey, since when did the window grow ears?” someone blurted out, making me turn towards the place mentioned. I wonder if it's….
“Youko? Is that you?” I whispered, uncertain of who the ear's belonged to.
“Who else?” two amber eyes stared at me with a hint of lust - typical, just bloody typical; if it wasn't for the fact that my clothes were ragged I could of sworn he had just found an aphrodisiac lying about!
“Just get me out of here, I don't feel healthy, let along look alive.”
“Say please” a smirk curling from that teasing mouth of his.
What?? I don't have time for this!! They might come back or they'll catch him and do something I'll more or less regret for the rest of my life. I guess if it will get him to safety….
“Pleeease?” #batting her eyelids at him# Jeeze, I sound as if I was begging (with a hint of pining) but luckily - this does the trick. He's shot over, crushed some demon's head (what was that for??) and nabbed me to make a silent getaway (minus the screaming of that demon of course).
---Outside the Makai woodlands---
Owowowowowowowww!! It hurts!! Stupid alcohol! It may be good for disinfecting cuts and bruises but man it don't `alf sting!! I'll be glad when I can put the new clothes he stole on (I'm starting to wonder if he does more than just steal women's clothes….) my wrists feel bruised too after being set free.
“Keep still woman! You're making this difficult for yourself if you keep wriggling like that!”
“Maybe if weren't so rough then it wouldn't hurt so much!”
“I thought you liked it rough?”
#face faults# “Youko - I'm on about your first aid methods - what are YOU talking about??”
“No more than what you were on about obviously…”
#sighs# I give up….he's worse than a Rubik's cube …It's no good arguing with him because I'll either get beaten with words or he might still kill me….scary.
He turned away for a second as I quickly slipped into a blue tunic dress. Right, I'm dressed now. #smiles#
“Personally I think that lowlife's got you wrong when he `read' your soul” the rag that was used to clean me became softer and more detailed towards the abrasions.
“Wh-what? You heard him?”
“mmhmm….and I think he's way off by a long shot…”
“Oh, I suppose you know me any better right?”
“Of course, any Youkai with a brain knows everything about their potential mate…right-down-to-the-last-detail”
The last part was darkly purred out. #shudders# it's having that awareness of `whether or not I'm safe around him' again…y'know? It's like having a creepy sensation shivering through your entire nervous system when you walk into a cryptic room; only to discover that the walls are plastered with photos of you and stacks of files about you inhibit one third of the room.
Maybe I'm exaggerating here; maybe he's simply spoken to someone who knows me.
If it wasn't for the camp fire, I would've frozen even further.
“uh…Okkkay….Mr-know-it-all…what's your modest opinion of me then?”
“ hmmm…#in deep thought# aggressive/argumentative, nervous around certain company, stubborn, manipulative if it's in your favour….but….”
“Unpretentious, you are a family person and happy-go-lucky. You know what you want when you want it. That's what makes you stand out a little plus, you are intelligent - if you actually tried hard enough.”
I…I don't what to say…#blushing# …. He's good….
“Th-thanks…it's nice to know that it's not mushy, bias or critical. People have a tendency to judge you the moment you walk into the room. They either hate you, fear you…or they're simply indifferent.”
“I can relate to that. But I don't give a dam; I'll kill them off in the end”
#sweatdrops# “O-k……anger management for you!”
Y'know, he's quite alright for a `killing machine' - even his `yeah right!' laugh makes me kinda relaxed, and `possibly' warm towards him. #yawns# Jeeze, night already? Must be, there's a lot of bats flying about and the odd howl in the distance.
I think I can rough it tonight, I'm sure that somewhere around here….I can make a mud-mound to use as a pillow. Maybe the old rags would do for a make-shift quilt.
“We'll get moving towards the east, we'll need to get a few things from someone I know who's - Mina? Mina?”
It's useless Youko, I'm drifting off to the land of nod and there's not a bloody thing you can do about it…..
Apart from sleeping next to me with your leg possessively cocked over #sweat drops#.
A/N: #grins# read and review please?