Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Shuichi? ❯ 27 ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I believe the sun should never set upon an argument I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
chorus:I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned I believe the grass is more greener on the other side I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality I believe that trust is more important than monogamy I believe that your most attractive features are your heart and soul I believe that family is worth more than money or gold I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires
I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists I believe in love surviving death into eternity

Savage Garden - Affirmation

A/N:- one more chapter to write and then there’s 3 letter chapters to do before the 3rd and final arc! Thanks so much for reviewing!


Hm, I don’t know about you but school’s been pretty hectic with all these entrance exams going on. I’m having trouble skipping class! I miss skiving.
Miss Hirugashi hasn’t changed a bit - the more she sees me, the more D.T slips seem to appear from thin air.

I guess burning the book paper with the magnifying glass wasn’t a good idea after all. Dammit!! Sui and all her little extensions of herself are still giving me jip - I think a personal trip to ‘fag-ash lake’ is in order #sniggers#

“Miss Asako!? Pay attention! I was asking you a question on Historic Literature.”
“Histo-Lit-wha? Oh! I gotcha um...what was the question?”
“#sighs# What was the first methods the ancients Romans used for letters”
“Um....those waxy, slate thingy that they wrote with a stylus?”

Another letter that’s gonna be sent to my mum - ‘failure to articulate in subjects’ it will say hmmm....maybe there will be some things I will be glad to see the back of; like the school canteen for instance #sniggers# aw crap!

“Miss Miss! Mina’s up to no-good again! Surely she should be expelled by now!”
“Aw shut up Sui! You wouldn’t know if I was slamming that pug-ugly mask of yours into a Kiln without consulting your clones...”

Luckily the last bell rang loud and clear as I nabbed my school bag. So far I’ve attended all my exams - only biology and Pe #shudders# Pe.....dam that horrible subject that degrades us individuals even further than maths has already accomplished!

“Mina? Are you talking to yourself again?”
“Ack! Jeeze Keiko, where did you come from??”
“Um, try the school doors”
She looked around cautiously. Wonder what she’s doing that for? I motioned her to start walking towards her house - I’m having dinner there #grins#. Mum asked Mr and Mrs Yukimaura if I could stay round till she picks me up later about seven pm.

“Is it true?” Keiko leaned in out of curiousity.
“#sweatdrops# what is? #face-faults# If it’s about me setting the fire alarm off this morning I swear I was only checking to see if it still works and - #blinks# uh....Keiko? What’s with the depressed look?”
“You really are leaving aren’t you? O-otherwise you wouldn’t stall like that....”
“You’ve got me all figured out huh?”

She went all quiet. Until she got all worked up and nearly made me jump out of my skin! (I’m gonna die early I just know it!)

“Your father is such a JERK!! You don’t see him for years on end but now he’s all ‘you’re my daughter and I’m taking you because of stupid court rulings!!’ ”

“Now think what my mother must be thinking right now because he’s showed up. Something just doesn’t add up. But no worries, I’ll learn to drive without crashing and return in two years. Cross my heart and hope to live!”

“Don’t you mean ‘and hope to die’ ?”
“Trust me, if I said that I’d get my wish”

We had only turned into the last street to go to her place when low and behold - Sui Matsuya, Hana Chiba and Jun Nakadan (y’know, the two pals she ‘hangs’ around with) all with curly black hair and a foul attitude to boot.

“Oh look Sui, it’s little miss perfect and that freak who thinks she’s special” Hana, who had pink highlights put in (more like cheap gum) shoved her manicured fist into her boney backside.

“Yeah, what’s the matter, ain’t got your body guards with you Yukimaura?”

Well, let’s just say that in a blink of an eye they were arse-over-tit in a waste bin (and the bin collectors were on the way round). Hey, I’m not gonna miss out of Mr Yukimaura’s Ramen noodles am I???

Walking into Yukimaura Diner we were greeted with a fresh bowl of ramen noodles! YAY! #chows down#
“Got into another scrap Miss Asako?” Keiko’s mum questioned. I think she’s starting to get used to me because that machete knife isn’t in her hand anymore. Which is a relief (in my opinion) considering the fact that I’m not exactly a ‘good’ influence.
But then again, if she and her husband can tolerate Yusuke then I should be a doddle to them!

“Uh, well #trying not to choke# we had a run with Sui and her friends. But no worries Mrs Yukimaura; it was a small confrontation that’s all”

Afterwards we went into the living room to do our own homework (more like she was doing her homework but meh, her world not mine); I would ask her about her and Yusuke; resulting her going red as....red as....

“Ack! Ah?? Wha???” Almost smacking my head on her coffee table.
“On the TV Mina” Casually pointing to a documentary “That’s what my report is about. Honestly Mina your mind is wondering off a lot just lately. What are you thinking about?”
“How I can prolong my lifespan”
“uh..ok....have you told Yusuke and the others about ...y’know...”

Ah...shit. Must of slipped my mind! Dam that Kurama with his ‘persuasive methods’. Uh-oh, Keiko’s looking at me as if I’ve plastered myself with tarmac.

#sweatdrops# “Ehheheheheh...heh I’m sure, that Kurama or my mum will tell them. No worries....”
“Don’t look at me like that! It’s evil! Worse than Miss Hirugashi’s surprised look when I caught her having it away with one of the upperclass boys in the library!”
She tried not to laugh out of shock.
“You are really sick do you know that?”
“So you would be for weeks on end if you were in my shoes!”

An urgent knock on the door stopped our light-hearted folly.

Keiko got up “Wonder who that could be?”
Shrugging, I tried to read her homework. I don’t know about you, but I can’t make heads or tails out of this gobbledygook. It’s like reading Mum’s road map!

“Mina, It’s your mum.”
“That’s odd, it’s only ten past five.” I pulled myself up towards the entrance.

She looks kinda pissed off. Although she’s being polite and thanking Kieko’s parents, her face seems contorted. Last time I saw that was when she had to go to -

“Mina, Sweetie” Mum hugged me when got into the car “We’re going to your grandfather’s. He insists that you go & see him.”

I’ve never seen my mother’s family. She rarely spoke about them unless it was her and Shiori were nattering.

“Why would he want to see us now?”
She went silent for a while.
“I......don’t really know Mina. I know Sachi has something to do with this....I just know it. Father still sounds arrogant as he did back then.”

Hmmm...mum’s talking to herself again. Not good. Especially when ‘suspicious minds’ by Elvis Presley is playing on the tape.
She pulled outside this massive temple # reads the sign# hmm....ko½ran no mórì.

“Forest of confusion....” I uttered under my breath slowly, trying to understand why the hell would grandpa name his temple that?
Mum’s eyebrows shifted upwards in a delinquent-like manner as we’re tottering up the #gasp# HOLY SHITE! How many steps?? Infinity!??

“Don’t you mean Chaos Forest? By the way honey - this isn’t your ordinary temple...”
“ #gasp# #wheeze# you’re telling me! 8 flights of steps! #hack# ”
“Cut the crap Mina, you came 4th in the 1500 metre race”
“Dammit! But uh...what do you mean by ‘it isn’t ordinary’?”

Last few steps, yes! Woah....ok here’s the deal, y’know those REALLY old feudal type temples you tend to see in tourist brochures - old fashioned, really Japanese? Well it’s about 40 acres or more I’d say. #looking around# aw cool! Tranquil water features around the back! Really old fashioned! There’s a lot of blossom and wisteria trees here.

And a few demons - ACK!?? WHAT THE FUCK???

“Like I said, It isn’t your average temple” Mum slung her bag on a nearby bench”
“Wh-wh-what the hell is it then?”
“It’s a sanctuary. Demons come here to rest/hide for a while and then they leave.”

Some of them gave the thumbs up. #sweatdrops#

“Ah....this is Sachi’s daughter is it not?” A solemn man no older than 70 stood 5ft tall. Long grey hair was held back in a pony tail by some string of some sort. He wore traditional yet extravagant clothing.

Mum saw him standing by the front porch. I could see she hated him just by the lack of acknowledgement she was giving him. I wonder why?

“Of it is” she stalked inside “Who’d do you think she belongs to??”
Grandpa plodded in my direction and tugged my arms.
“Woah there gramps, I haven’t got any drugs or knives on me - Not that kind, well maybe the knives BUT that’s only in self defence!”

“Just like your mother. You got Yoko markings all over you...walk”
“Uhh....ok....just don’t shoot”
“what are you on about?”
“Nothing, Nothing”

Sheesh, I thought the way he was glaring at me as we ambled towards the lush forest. At least it wasn’t creepy like Genkai’s - this actually had light shifting through the branches.

“Um, I have a question”
“What is it?”
“Uhhh....why is there so much hostility between you and mum? I mean, I hardly know you but I gather she’d rather gouge her own eyes out rather than see you.”

Y’know what this reminds me of? That film The Karate Kid. Any moment, he’s either going to go into a speech containing ancient proverbs or ‘wax-on, wax-off’. Man I need a drink....
And a sandwich.

“You see young firefly.....Your mother has different taste in men. She was never the sort to just do her job, believing that humans and demon alike can co-exist together in holy matrimony. I simply put an end to it not as a man of order; but as a father. Sakura was crazy about him that only a simple 15yr old could possess. A phase even.”

“Are you telling me she became besotted with a youkai? What’s wrong with that?”
Ah, not a good idea.
“Have you no morals?? If we as the Haku family were to give in to such a weakness - the fault in the barrier that exists would be in utter chaos! Thousands upon thousands of demons would pile into here, using this as a gateway into the human world!”

I became agitated. Who the hell does he think he is? That’s his problem that he took up the family job, not me, not my mother.

“Incase you haven’t noticed, but do you ever stop to wonder that she didn’t see it as that? Who was this ‘heretic’ as you would call it?”

Mother’s voice whispered as the sudden rush of bitter winds caused me to turn in her direction.
“Meh? Who the hell is he?”
“Sakura.....” Grandpa scowled. Warning her to know where her place is. She pulled me close.


“Oh Mina, it was 19 yrs ago and I hadn’t met your father yet. Although I worked here; looking after those who needed a place to hide, I just wanted to be myself. I couldn’t bring any friends or boyfriends back home - what if they could see them? I didn’t want to risk the safety of everyone so I had to live two lives.
That of a student and of a carer/nurse. At first he was ‘difficult’ to get along with although his constant staring made it kind of ‘obvious’.
Youko wasn’t any help because he kept stealing stuff from the temple but after a while; Kuroune and I got close. Perhaps too close even for someone like him. When my father found out about our little ‘affair’ he was furious! Chased him and his friend back to whence they came. Bastard”

Holy shit! She knew Youko?! And she was - and I - woah...........never seen mum act as if I broke her telly when she watching her soaps.
Grandpa smashed one of the trees down. That’s GOTTA hurt! #winces#

“That’s why when I saw that boy a few months back with his, ‘vows’ to be with Mina; I called Sachi. I’m not having one of my own flesh and blood cavorting with such monstrosity let alone being in the same room as him!”

“I knew you had something to do with this father!” she sobbed angrily “He wouldn’t of shown up like that unless you made some cock-and-ball up about me!”

“I’m doing what’s best for you and your daughter. Why can’t you see that???”

Next thing I knew I was being pulled back down the steps and into the car; with grandpa trying to catch us up. Such determination for a bitter old man.

“The only thing I see” she said, slamming the car door in his face “Is a man who won’t let his little girl grow up. Maki and the others left home.”

Go mum! Ack! Road rage! No need to drive like that!

Mum was straight on the phone to shiori as soon as we got into our new home (covering the demon subject up of course).

“God I hate that man. What right did he have to do this to my child? Well he thinks that your son isn’t good enough for her. Exactly. Yes I did tell him what I thought of him. No worries, I wasn’t rude towards him - just direct. Well he won’t win this that’s for sure. Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow after work k? Night”

I was in bedroom. Looking at all the homework stashed in the waste paper bin. Mainly maths. #sighs# the months seem to fly by and the exams just seem to be getting easier thanks to Kurama’s help. Only a week left here.

I know the others will wish me luck and make me put their numbers on speed dial (ok, Hiei hasn’t got a phone but I’m sure Tsuki’s with him).
I’m gonna miss getting into mischief, filling miss Hirugashi’s petrol tank with honey and bleach, being chased around the school by a mob of angry teachers, me and Yusuke getting a lecture from Keiko about skipping class.....

I’ll even miss the detentions! How’s that for you!?
Apparently dad’s sending me to an all girl’s school. Step-mum’s idea let alone his. Great, I’m gonna be spending the next two years in a perfumed-filled school where all they do is bitch about non-cloned (normal) people and wonder when they’ll get laid by the next bloke that walks by.

On the plus side, I’ll be able to write to Keiko and Kuwabara (as well as Internet access). If I told Kurama what I get up to, no doubt he’ll be dragging me back home with a ribbon wrapped around me for a lasso.

Night Mina, sweet dreams’
‘Night Kurama - Hey! Didn’t I tell you to get out of my head?’
‘As much as I tell you that dreaming about me with no clothes would be ideal if it was real’
‘not as much as you are’

next morning-

#BAM# #BAM# #BAM!!#

Huh?? Wha?? What the hell?? #get’s up# who could that be ramming the door like this at #looks at the broken clock# this time of the morning....?

I opened the door, to my amazement it was Sachi
“Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?” confused by what’s going on.
“Ready to go home, to Yokohama”

A/N: Cliffie!!! Read and review and hopefully I’ll have the last chapter and the letter chapters up by next week (they’ll be short). After that I’ll be writing the final Arc!

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