Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ It begins ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: why can't we be friends?
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Prologue: It begins
Author: Agent rookie grl
Rating: R for reasons…aw you'll find out.
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, I don't know if I even own my own characters.
The four enchanting beauties stood at their spot in the spirit realm. Of course King Yama and Koemna had no idea of their existence. For centuries they lay wait watching over the mortals. Today was the day they took the human realm for their own, after all their just humans.
Yusuke Urameshi was walking to the park next to his teammate Kazuma Kuwabara and his girl Kayko. Today was a Saturday and nothing was going to ruin it for him. Suddenly a car crash rushed through the gentle peacefulness of the group. They all stared in wonder at the two men getting out and yelling at each other. Various curse words were added causing a fistfight to break out until the police arrived to pull the two wailing men away.
“Okay that was a little odd.” Yusuke spoke up continuing on with his friends. As they made their way by the hospital several ambulances were speeding in with sickly people being rushed inside. Kayko began to worry about the events they were passing but Yusuke shrugged it off since it wasn't his problem.
“Yusuke I think I'm going to go home.” Kayko spoke uneasy.
“What one fist fight and passing a hospital filled with sick people got you scared?” Yusuke asked staring at her.
“No, well I have this edgy feeling about this.” She replied rubbing her arms to get rid of the Goosebumps. “You guys can go on without me. I'll call you later Yusuke bye!” She bid walking off at a fast pace.
“She's got a point Urameshi.” Kuwabara added. “It seems kind of weird you know.”
“You too?” Yusuke asked annoyed, clearly hinted in his voice. “Man if your going to wine then I'll just head off by myself!” He exclaimed stomping off. Kuwabara shook his head going in the opposite direction of his comrade.
“Urameshi is such a jerk sometimes.” Kuwabara sniped walking through the park sulking. Suddenly Hiei jumped in front of him with his sword drawn. “Shrimp? What do you want?” He asked irritated by his sudden appearance. Kuwabara gave Hiei a closer look to see his eyes were glazed over like he was under a spell. “Hiei?” He questioned before he could come close to the demon he strike. “Whoa!” He shouted jumping out of the way of his sword attack. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Hiei came at him again and again. Kuwabara was lucky to dodge each of his attacks. Something is up with Hiei. Kuwabara thought while evading blows.He would never attack me like this, well unless I really pissed him off which I haven't! He stammered backwards as Hiei cut into his gut sending droplets of blood onto the jade grass. “Hiei stop!”
“Your words fall of deaf ears boy.” A male voice rang in Kuwabara's head. Kuwabara looked around for the source. “Heh. Mortals are such fools, the sight of ruby liquid from your pores is such a beauty to me.”
“Who the hell are you and what did you do to Hiei?” Kuwabara bellowed into the sky. His dark laughter rang though faded in the winds as Hiei fell forward onto the grass. Forgetting his injury Kuwabara went to help his teammate. “Shrimp?” His crimson eyes fluttered open as he slowly rose. He groaned rubbing his head.
“Buffoon?” Hiei questioned still aching from his headache. “What? Where am I?” He looked around clearly confused.
He doesn't remember anything! Whoever this guy is, he's going to get it. Kuwabara thought angrily. “Are you okay?”
“Hn why is it any of your concern?” Hiei questioned coldly, he then noticed the gash on Kuwabara's gut. His eyes turned to the blood-coated sword in his hands. His eyes slightly widened in realization. He looked up to the smiling idiot. “Kuwabara,” He stated getting back on his feet, “what exactly happened?”
“What do you mean?” He asked playing dumb(A/N which isn't hard for him to do). Hiei glared at him.
“I'm no idiot like you. I see your wound and my sword which is covered in your blood.” He told looking back at his weapon and the human. “What happened between you and me since obviously my mind has been wiped clean of the memory.” Sweat ran down Kuwabara's face as he tried to think of a way to explain how Hiei tried to kill him and a strange man in his head being the one doing it all. He was about to open his mouth when screams filled the air. Kuwabara ran to the street to find it flooded with wild animals.
“What the hell is going on?” He questioned loudly. Hiei looked at the vicious beasts that chased the humans around the streets and sidewalks. Just then a pig with glasses ran by. “Yuu Katio?” He exclaimed stunned. Hiei was just as confused as Kuwabara. “We better get the group together! I knew this was bad!” He rambled running to Yusuke's house.
Meanwhile in Spirit World Ayame has just informed Koemna of Yusuke's city conditions.
“People fighting each other, animals running around like they escaped from the zoo, and sickness plaguing the innocent?” Koemna restated from what the messenger said.
“Yes, it is total chaos down there.” She added meekly. Koemna nodded pressing the button to get in contact with Yusuke and the others. The screen blinked on showing the whole group at Genkai's temple. “Ah I see your all together, good.”
“Just tell us what the hell is going on!” Yusuke yelled.
“To tell you the truth I have no idea.” He replied making everyone fall backwards.
“What?” Yusuke yelled looking like he was yelling in Koemna's face. “You have no idea what's happening to my city?”
“I can easily tell you what's happening.” A voice rang through Koemna's office. The doors opened letting in twins. One was male and the other female. They both had blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, white togas; the female having a sliver quiver, arrows, and bows, sandals, golden headbands, and the male carried a harp under his right arm.
“Who are you and how did you get passed security?” Koemna asked infuriated.
“We are such brutes!” The girl giggled. “Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Artemis.”
“I'm Apollo.” The male responded. Koemna was agape staring at the two.
“But their...” The blue ogre stuttered.
“Gods?” Apollo finished. Everyone at Genkai's temple watched as the screen went blank then popped up again with Apollo and Artemis in Koemna's throne. “Our apologizes, we had a little mess to take care of.”
“Just who the hell are you?” Yusuke asked rudely.
“Why such rudeness.” Artemis appalled. “But it's understandable considering what's going to happen to your human realm.”
“What? What's going to happen?” Yusuke asked clutching the screen.
“It's a new age for mortals!” Apollo cheered with bright eyes. “We gods shall rule supreme over all!” Everyone stared at them with blank faces.
“Gods?” Yusuke whispered completely perplexed.
“Yes young human. King Yama and Koemna have been ruling for so long and we gods have been on the top for a very long time.” Artemis spoke.
“After countless centuries of having our rule taken is over! From now on King Yama and Koemna shall bow before us!” Apollo finished pumping a fist in triumph.
“What does ruining my city have to do with it?” Yusuke posed angry.
“We're just making a point.” Artemis smirked. “Before we gods ruled on Olympus watching and taking part whenever we wanted, right now is kind of the same. After so many years of just watching is really boring. I think it's much more entertaining now.” Yusuke was fuming with anger right now along with Kuwabara.
“I see you mortals are angry with our interference with your peace. Now you know how we felt when King Yama interfered with ours. Chow.” Apollo waved turning the connection off.
“So the Greek gods are rebelling.” Kurama mused. “Quite odd to tell you the truth.”
“Yes I never knew that Koemna sealed them up.” Botan added.
“Well now their back and I bet that was the same guy who made Hiei attack me!” Kuwabara yelled. Everyone stared at him alarmed. “Oops.”
“Hiei attacked you?” Kurama queried aloud.
“He was put under a spell by one of the gods.” Genkai informed.
“Well how many of these gods are there?” Yusuke requested.
“About twelve.” Kurama told. A sweat drop went down Yusuke's head.
“Twelve!” He yelped. “How the hell am I supposed to beat twelve gods?”
“Actually gods are immortal, they can't be killed.” Kurama added sadly. This made Yusuke panic even more. His city was being turned upside down by gods who can't be killed or stopped.