Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ finally a fight! ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 7: riddle me this?
Author: agent rookie grl
Rating: R
Disclaimer: don't claim any rights to it (the anime I mean)
And please give me some feed back, reviews I mean, just to know what everyone thinks…
Being trapped within the stone structured maze was enough, but having the widely known drunken fighter Chu interrogate them was as if Hades himself smiled upon them. A vein began to bulge on Ocypete's head; all of this was just too much.
“I am not going to answer any questions from this alcoholic loser!” she screeched soaring towards him with her talons flexed out. Chu never made a move as the harpy closed in on his torso, “I'll just kill him instead!” she cackled about to rip his insides out when Chu vanished into thin air. This caused her to stop dead in her tracks, confusion bubbling in her mind.
“Ocypete!” Kurama called from behind, she turned to get a fist slammed into her face by Chu himself. Her head collided with the stone flooring making a huge dent in it.
Blood trickled from her mouth as Ocypete recovered getting back onto her feet once more.
“Hey there was no need for that!” Yusuke complained; he could feel the increase surge in Chu's spirit power when they first met up. With no spirit power to combat with Ocypete was just a flying punching bag. “We'll play your dumbass game, just don't hurt her again!”
“Ah comin' down with a bit of a fever?” Chu joked jerking his head towards the group.
“No!” Ocypete yelled getting back into the air, “I will not concede to this bastard!” again she flew at Chu only to get a punch to her face causing her to smash into the double white marble doors. A giant swollen bruise was beginning to form on her right cheek where she had taken so much punishment.
“That harpy sure is a sucker for punishment,” Aphrodite sighed lounging in her velvet throne.
“My goddess I have brought the girl Keiko you spoke of” the servant bowed going back to her rightful spot next to her lady.
“Botan!” Keiko cried running into the safety of her best friend's arms “wha…what's going on?”
“Well it's quite a long story but here it goes,” Botan began explaining all about the love mistress's plan of claiming Cherion as her new suitor while letting them both become new meat for her two feuding loves.
“What! Yusuke is risking his life…for me…” Keiko trailed off realizing the seriousness of this situation, although some of the deal did seem a bit strange but it still was quite dangerous nonetheless. Her chocolate brown eyes darted back down to the reflecting pool where the group was about to tackle their next obstacle in the maze.
“Sheila how many times are ya gonna go at me?” Chu questioned out loud as Ocypete pulled herself from the ground once more. She now sported a black left eye along with her battered face,
“With that booze I'm sure as hell am gonna win any fight!” he laughed wiping some spit from his face, “in fact I bet Urameshi couldn't even wave his little dukes at me” he let out a small hiccup rubbing his head before continuing “hmm I seem ta be sobering up, guess that'll help this little shindig that bloat wanted. So Sheila ya want to play it my way or your way?”
“Dammit all,” the harpy cursed her own weakness then realized the arrows “I could use these to take down that dammed drunk but that slut love goddess has probably made it so that won't work.” She contemplated within her mind; with a defeated sigh she nodded awaiting Chu's instructions.
“Okay, so Urameshi ya want to do this the easy way or the hard way? But my opinion says go the hard way, it's a hella of lot more fun!” Chu posed giving a loud laugh,
“Okay then we'll do it the hard way. Easy way just doesn't seem like my style” Yusuke smirked preparing himself mentally, suddenly the double doors opened revealing a circular room with torches forming a ring around the massive room. In fact it looked like the size of a football field plus a basketball court.
“Up there!” Kuwabara called pointing to the golden girdle that was on the top of a golden staircase on the opposite side of the extent.
“So you finally made it, what a pleasure” the Minotaur cackled, it was mammoth in size towering above the team. It snorted cracking its large knuckles for battle; it towered above the group. If the monster stepped on them it would be like squashing a bug.
“Man my spirit sword would be like a toothpick compared to this guy” Kuwabara awed forming the aura sword.
“We might as well fight,” Kurama induced pulling a rose out of his hair “rose whip!” he called summoning his spirit-crafted weapon of choice. Ocypete let out a shrill cry that sounded like the call of a bald eagle about to strike, as she dove after the Minotaur.
“You are a mere insect compared to my power!” The Greek beast shouted swatting at her.
“Rose whip lash!” Kurama yelled striking his whip into the calves of the creature. The Minotaur let out a cry of anguished pain as blood poured like a creek out of the hundreds of gashes in his dark fur coated hoofed legs. He lifted his right foot to stomp out the fox demon but he was too swift evading a near deadly blow.
Ocypete continued to distract him but flying around his head, jabbing her talons into the back of his skull giving Kuwabara time to dive into the creature's bicep with his spirit blade.
“Ha!” Kuwabara cried quickly retracting the sword from the beast's arm, unsuspectingly though the blood poured out in a ruby rich river, dousing the poor human teen in the sticky crimson tide. “This is so, disgusting!” He gagged from the golden steps where he was washed upon, “it's all over my clothes” he added trying to shake the foul liquid off.
“Well we can always bleed the guy to death” Yusuke smirked leaping into the air with a spirit charged fist. He slammed his fist into the Minotaur's abdomen, leaving a large and unsightly black bruise to form under the dark toffee fur. “This is way too easy”
“You dare mock me!” The Minotaur bellowed making the whole room tremble in his fury. “I am the Minotaur of the labyrinth! No mortal can ever defeat me!”
“I am not mortal!” Hiei screamed from above his jagan exposed “but I will use my double fist of the mortal flame!” He rammed both of his fists into the Minotaur's temple uprooting into the ceiling before he crashed back down to the earth. A crater took up the entire floor as the Greek monstrosity laid paralyzed with soreness.
Chu managed to back out of the room through the double doors before he was caught in the crossfire,
“But where is Urameshi and the rest of those bloats?” He questioned out loud looking around the dust filled barren room.
“Don't think this means I like you,” Ocypete growled as her talons gripped Kuwabara's shoulders as he had his hands interlocked with Yusuke's and Yusuke had Kurama gripping his left leg with his right hand. Their quick thinking ultimately saved their lives. “Zeus,” she groaned flapping her gingery shaded wings “lose some damn weight!”
“Oh thank goodness their safe!” Botan sobbed hugging Keiko as she was too hugging Botan,
“I, thought for sure they wouldn't make it” Keiko added releasing the breath she had held in.
“This is quite a fight,” Aphrodite swooned as her servant nymph waved a palm leaf to cool her down. “I used to hate blood lust but Ares sort of gave me a push for the sport.”
“You see why you shouldn't take these mortals for granted,” Cherion advised looking into the reflecting pool. “They have powers we couldn't image to believe normal humans could have.”
“Ah but they aren't normal humans per say,” the love goddess waved her finger at him. “Plus the one thing the Minotaur has is stamina and endurance, he can take the punishment until he finds the right time to strike. Hopefully those mortals can kill him before they run out of fuel.”
Aphrodite was indeed right about the Minotaur's endurance for agony. Team Urameshi has already pulled out all of their special moves and still the monster gets right back up for more. It has more lesions than before now; rich ruby fluid covered most of its mammoth body filling the crater of a floor with a small pond of blood. The team itself has taken some brunt of damage due to the falling debris and rubble plus the primal fighting tactics of the Minotaur. Small cuts and bruises adorned all of their bodies.
“Dammit,” Yusuke cursed brushing some blood from his mouth “This bastard refuses to stay down.”
“And it's too much of a hazard for Hiei to use his darkness technique,” Kurama noted knowing the structural integrity of the stone maze.
“He's just taking in all of our attacks plus he's bleeding like crazy and acts like it's nothing!” Kuwabara remarked outraged.
“Were also expanding too much of our energy on this fool,” Hiei replied gripping his katana in his hands “he knows we're becoming weaker.”
“You can't give up yet you damn mortals!” Ocypete shrieked from above diving into the Minotaur's chest ripping apart his skin and when he moved to attack she flew away at an incredible speed. She lapped the blood from her talons giving a small purr of delight. “I have no idea what this spirit energy is but you can't depend on it! You must use your own brute strength that's how a real fight is determined.” She went in again this time getting his left eye with all of her talons.
Clear muggy fluid dripped from his eye as he screamed in pain, the harpy digged deeper tearing out his eye like it was soft mud. The remains of the socket fell down to where the boys were as they watched the revolting spectacle.
“You filthy bitch!” the Minotaur roared grabbing Ocypete and tossing her to where the girdle was. He held the spot where his eye once was; all that remained was a oozing socket of fluid and blood. “You can never defeat me! I can last longer than you I have more power!”
“And one eye” Yusuke commented, “face it you lost there's no way you can beat us in the shape your in. You look like your nothing but a bloody scab.”
“Eww Urameshi,” Kuwabara retched trying to keep his stomach calm.
“A`right mates I think it's time to wrap this up” Chu smirked tossing his small empty bottle of ogre killer away. The demon began to power up, his aura creating an eerie orange and red glow inside the demolished area.
“What the hell do you think your doing?” the Minotaur roared turning his attention towards the strengthening Chu. “You made a deal! Now abide by it!”
“Deal?” Chu chuckled forming his famous spirit energy ball in his hands. The orange glow engulfed everyone's senses as he went on his drunken ramble “my memory's kinda fuzzy but I still owe Urameshi a beat down and I ain't giving it up to some bull!” He took a step back winding up for the pitch “later!” he chucked the spirit sphere at the Minotaur, the entity itself tearing right through his chest leaving a bloody trail behind as it crashed through the wall behind the beast.
“Bastard, humans” the Minotaur muttered falling over causing more damage to the already crumbling foundation that was the maze.
“Oh man this whole place is coming down!” Kuwabara yelled as larger rocks of rubble threatened to crush him whole. “How the heck do we get outta here?” Yusuke looked around hoping and praying for a way out but his hopes were dashed when a boulder came hurtling down before the marble double doors.
“Crap” the raven-haired teen, sighed sweating as time for their survival was quickly running out.