Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ love hurts, yells, complains, oh and has feathers ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 9: love hurts, yells, complains, oh and has feathers.
Author: agent rookie grl
Rating: R
Disclaimer: still don't own it.
“Yusuke! Don't just stand there!” Keiko screamed at the reflecting pool, his form becoming more difficult to see as dust began to cover the view.
“They can't go anywhere their path is blocked!” Cherion gasped his wisps of a tail swinging back and forth with anxiety.
“No they can't go like this!” Botan cried, fresh salty tears falling from her lavender eyes. “Aphrodite you must do something!”
“I am counting on them losing the bet so I can have my Cherion” she purred giving a seductive glance towards the centaur.
“Spirit gun double!” Yusuke screamed firing his trademark spirit bullets where the marble door was blocked; the group in the throne room gawked in aw as the boulder exploded in a fiery burst of energy and earth. As a path was cleared they ran as fast as they could, completely ignoring the abided laws of a maze blasting their way through the walls until they made an exit.
“My precious labyrinth!” Aphrodite cried as she watched her vault for her most prized possession crumble to nothing.
“Yah go Yusuke, knock out those walls!” Keiko cheered leaping from her seat; even Chu was lending a hand in smashing the structures that blocked their exit.
“There almost home free! Nothing can stop them now!” Botan beamed almost near tears. The goddess of beauty gave a sidelong glance over to the two designated cheerleaders of the human brigade; she gave a mischievous smirk knowing it wasn't over just yet.
At last after exhausting all of their spirit power to the last drop the team made it out of the dreaded cave of the Minotaur as it forever shut it's mouth with pieces of the earth.
“Damn,” Yusuke cursed dropping to one knee “if it wasn't one thing it was another.”
“But you helped out a lot Chu!” Kuwabara gave gratitude toward the sluggish demon but only realized that the ally was gone “hey where'd he go?”
“It doesn't matter, we have to get this blasted girdle to Aphrodite before time runs out,” Ocypete pointed out staring at the sun “by the looks of it we have less than two hours to go over ten miles and get to that wretched island of hers.” What she was most irritated by was the fact the harpy had to adorn herself with the item in order to keep from losing it.
The boys took some time to glance at the girdle they were after; it was incrusted with rubies and sapphires across the bust, and emeralds on the side. It gave a wondrous radiance as the sunlight bounced from its surface.
“A work of excellent craftsmanship” Kurama noted after giving it a look that's when it hit him like being struck like lighting. It was not the girdle he admired it what was in it he realized was most valuable.
They all saw it, Ocypete, her skin, even though battered and broken still had a smooth creamy tone; what would it be like to touch that radiant crust?
Her eyes were hypnotic, the gold matched perfectly to the girdle it was as if she gave the garment it's lust. And as the wind blew softly, it played with the harpy's hair. Silk, beautiful silk with red, pink, and ginger mingling supplely with her wings;
“Huh?” Ocypete cocked her head to the side as minutes passed without a word from her minions. All they did was gape at her like she was some sheep about to be slaughtered. “Say something you dolts!” she ordered baring her razor incisors,
“Angel” Kuwabara muttered stumbling closer to the harpy “Ocypete you are my sky princess!” He beamed happily skipping over to her.
Both Keiko and Botan sweat dropped gawking at the carrot top within the pool's ripples,
“Now that's the same goofy far off look Kuwabara would give Yukina” Botan noted rubbing her chin in confusion. Cherion sighed rubbing his temples in frustration, the one thing he hoped wouldn't happen happened.
“Mr. Cherion do you know anything about the girdle?” Keiko innocently asked the centaur but was still a little overtaken by the fact he was half horse.
“Yes, and I wished I had warned them before this ordeal began” he sighed once again giving a blank stare into the reflecting pool. Although the goddess of romance was slightly taken back that the mortals did not question her about her girdle, she still wanted to hear her dear centaur's rendition of it. “It has the power to cause any male, mortal or immortal, to instantly fall in love with whomever is wearing it.”
“Love?” both of the imprisoned girls squeaked sweat dropping again,
“By the time they arrive you will have lost all respect for them, love can make a person do very odd things.” Cherion added as they all turned to watch the magic unfold.
The wind blew softly shaking green leaves from the aged trees within the depths of the forest; the white puffs of clouds glided gently across the blue ocean of a sky adding more tranquility to the scene that nature painted,
“Squawk” Ocypete muttered unknowingly as Kuwabara continued on his heart wrenched speech.
“Don't deign the power of love that flows through us” he romantically spoke taking one of her talons in his hands, “your leadership is far surpassed by your beauty.”
Low growls were inaudibly heard from the three behind Kuwabara, their glares piercing through his back like a white-hot sword.
“You obviously need a break!” the harpy snapped retracting her talon from the teenager “the lack of this spirit energy is giving you a mental handicap” she looked past him to the others “five minutes, no more no less.” She barked swooping into the air high above the trees till she was no longer visible.
Kuwabara gave a love sick moan still staring at the empty sky that held Ocypete.
“What the hell was that?” Yusuke sniped pushing Kuwabara out of his trance, “there's no way in hell Ocypete would like you, she likes men who don't look like a donkey's ass.” He finished with a well-placed insult,
“The detective has a point,” Hiei agreed from his spot on the grass.
“Shut up shrimp! You don't stand a chance with that babe, you're too mean and cold hearted she probably thinks you'll bite her head off!” Kuwabara ranted infuriated at his friend's attempts to steal his heart's desire. Hiei only gave a cocky smirk while crossing his arms that was all the argument he needed to prove his point.
Meanwhile Ocypete herself was gazing over the area trying to find Aphrodite's temple.
“Ah ha!” she cheered with the devious smirk of her; she could see the small structure that was her temple floating in the sea. “We'll be cutting it short but we will make it in time.”
“Okay how about this!” Yusuke finally conduced after what seemed like an eternity of quarrelling about who will claim Ocypete as theirs “whoever can get Ocypete to kiss them gets her. Fair?” They all nodded, bitterness and competition rising within them.
Eyes were fixated at the reflecting pool within Aphrodite's temple as Cherion put in his two cents about the situation.
“They will fight to the astringent end, just to get Ocypete to say those three words.” He informed gravely as they watched on pins and needles at the reflecting pool.
Meanwhile Ocypete had just landed back onto the forest floor, finding that her small platoon was missing. All but one, Kurama, he approached the harpy carefully as if he was about to stumble upon a deer. He didn't want to upset her, after all this was his only chance to win the heart of the most seductive being to grace the Earth. Kurama had no idea why he felt this way, as if cupid himself struck him with an arrow.
Yes love can make a man do crazy things. The temperamental harpy had perched herself on the ground until the rest returned in five minutes, because she was counting the seconds.
“Fifty eight, fifty nine…” Kurama interrupted Ocypete's counting by placing a tender hand on her shoulder
“Ocypete you should let me take a look at those injuries.” He inquired, his ocean emerald eyes gazing into her wheat gold. Ocypete just tugged her shoulder from his grasp replying,
“I don't need any treatment Kitsune, though you should treat Kuwabara. What that raving idiot said made me want to vomit.” She snarled making Kurama's insides jump and a light pink flush to form on his cheeks.
“Yes Kuwabara was acting quite foolish” He agreed taking a seat next to her, “but please allow me to just help with your swollen cheek and black eye” he pleaded while on his knees, his look would make any girl swoon right about now. “I hate to see you in such an awful state.”
Ocypete could only question the strange look Kurama was giving her, his cheeks were red like he was having a fever along with his eyes, it looked like he was crying on the inside for the pain she endured in battle. What in the world was wrong with this demon?
All eyes bulged as a slap louder and harder than Keiko had ever come up with landed on a face with full force.
“Oh my goodness” Botan blushed hiding her face within her hands,
“And I thought I was hard with Yusuke” Keiko gasped staring at the hand that abused the detective's face so much
“I am only thankful that his life was not taken for such an act” Cherion sighed with relief
“This is most suspenseful,” the love deity cooed on the edge of her seat “I can't wait to see how this wonderful love web turns out!” The two mortal girls just gave the oblivious goddess dirty looks, wishing for a way to escape the horror of infatuation of the worst kind.
Five minutes earlier Kurama had just finished mixing some paste and was rubbing it on Ocypete's swollen cheek. Her skin was smooth and radiant; touching it gave his hand shivers.
“Ocypete,” Kurama whispered now stroking her injured cheek “When I was Yoko I saw fear in your eyes.”
“I was not afraid of you or your dammed plants” she huffed glaring at the redhead. His gaze burned into her making her flinch inwardly, she was scared then but it's not like she was going to admit it.
“I… I don't want you to be afraid of me,” Kurama muttered looking down; Ocypete was beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable “I want you to” Kurama leaned in close so their noses were touching “love me” His blush deepened as he planted a kiss on Ocypete, the harpy still in alarm threw Kurama off of her and smacked him in the face. Afterwards she leapt off taking flight away from the lovesick fox.
“The fox demon kissed her?” Aphrodite awed clasping her hands together her eyes sparkling “that girdle works wonders!”
Ocypete had no idea what to make of the scene that had just played before her. It ran through her mind thousands of times. Kurama had just kissed her! The thought of King Yama's demon becoming intimate with her made her insides churn. She needed to unwind; luckily a creek was nearby so she took a perch next to it staring at her reflection.
“That fool's concoction does work,” She indicated rubbing her cheek that was no longer as swollen and her black eye was nearly gone. “But that gave him no right to…to” She slammed her talons into the rushing temped waters, “ugh I can't even say it without wanting to vomit!”
The harpy was not alone; someone was watching her. Drinking in every movement she made like it was rich wine. That person was her comrade Yusuke Urameshi. Of course he had his disputes between the creatures; now he mentally punched himself for calling her a bitch so many times. He had to win her, no he needed to win her and losing to Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei was not an option.
“Hey” he waved casually walking over to her, taking a seat. She gave him a death glare so frightening that even Hiei would be scared… well not really. “Geez take it easy you act like someone just cut off your arm.”
“Having that kitsune, human…thing” she choked out not knowing what to call Kurama now “trying to rape me was not pleasant.”
“What!” Yusuke bolted up a bloodthirsty look in his chocolate eyes; Ocypete gave him a baffled look.
“Why do you care mortal dumbass?” she posed blankly, a light blush crossed his cheeks as he looked back at her There's that same flush again, She thought studying his features. Yusuke swallowed a huge lump in his throat, it feel like the more he's around her the stronger the urges and sentiments. He wanted to rip Kurama's face off for trying to even touch his Ocypete.
“Are you going to say something?” she barked standing up so that she was towering over him.
“Where's Kurama?” Yusuke barked the rage of what the fox demon did burning inside of him.
“I don't know I punched him in the face then flew off,” She replied “is there something going on with you mortals that I need to know?” Her face leaned into Yusuke; the opportunity was too great. Their lips met Yusuke deepening the kiss as he leaned in, Ocypete frozen in place. She was just kissed twice in a period of five minutes by two men she found more disgusting than salty garbage.
“Yea I think I'm in love with you” Yusuke finished her sentence breaking the seal between their lips “and I'm not going to let anyone take you away from me.”
“What about that mortal wench that we're trying to save?” Ocypete questioned, after all that's the whole point of that stupid deal.
“You're the only girl I care for,” He passionately told trying to give her another kiss but she moved out of the way making him fall flat on his face.
“Now I know there is trickery about, because not only are you acting more like a dumbass than usual but you forgot the whole point of this damn quest!” She bellowed about to blow a serious gasket. “Now gather the men so we can get to the temple before I disembowel every last one of you!”
“Go Ocypete!” Keiko cheered leaping from her seat “Yusuke is mine and no one else's!” All eyes fell on the young brunette as the last words escaped her lips. A huge sweat drop fell from Keiko's head as something she didn't want to say slipped out. “I mean Yusuke is my best friend and no one else's!” she corrected taking a quick seat her eyes fixated on the reflecting pool. Cherion and Botan rolled their eyes at Keiko's foolishness,
“Love is no man's fool” Aphrodite muttered under her breath with a slight smirk.
After some shrieking from the harpy along with some very detailed threats the team was once again reunited after the ten minutes apart. Ocypete could clearly tell the strong tension between the males. Each glared at one another, their hands twitched as if ready to strangle if even the chance, and all carried the same flush on their cheeks.
“Alright get your heads out of your asses and let's get a move on before anymore of you cretins kiss me” Ocypete ordered about to take flight when,
“Who kissed my girl?” Kuwabara yelled leaping out of the forced line up pointing an accusing finger at his teammates.
“I know fox-boy did!” Yusuke scowled grabbing Kurama by his collar,
“Hn, you're the one to talk detective” Hiei implied crossing his arms at the scene unfolding before him.
“Urameshi you kissed my sky angel!” Kuwabara blanched nearly about to faint at the thought of Yusuke's mouth on Ocypete's perfect lips.
“You were spying on me!” Ocypete shrieked but her calls fell on deaf ears.
“It doesn't matter because Kurama practically threw himself on Ocypete, pretty desperate for a renowned genius” Yusuke mocked his grip becoming tighter on Kurama's collar.
“My guess is that you violated Ocypete and caught her when she was in shock” Kurama sniped back pulling Yusuke's hand off of his shirt.
“What! You think I'm really that low I would do that to a woman?” Yusuke snarled his knuckles cracking as he squeezed his fists.
“Does Kurama have to answer a question so obvious?” Hiei remarked again his dark glare matching Yusuke's.
“At least I wasn't spying” Kurama retorted throwing an insult at his partner in crime. Hiei's hand moved to his sheath, his sword coming out with a quick thrust.
“None of you have any honor when it comes to a flower as precious as Ocypete! All of you should be ashamed!” Kuwabara ranted questioning their pride as well as their honor.
“I suggest you take that back fool before your nothing more than pieces” Hiei glowered advancing towards Kuwabara. How dare he compare him to the detective!
“Spirit sword!” Kuwabara shouted calling on his aura weapon once again, seems the power of love really does help with regaining lost energy. “I should have done this a long time ago shrimp!”
“Good with those two idiots out of the way I can get my babe all to myself” Yusuke spoke while crossing his arms a look of satisfaction spreading on his face.
“You will have to get past me to do so” Kurama growled his emerald eyes flashing amber as he removed a rose from his hair.
“All you have are some dumb flowers and I've got my trusty spirit gun” Yusuke shrugged off Kurama's challenge for a battle,
“I have a motive to win” Kurama added flicking his wrist “rose whip!” petals danced around him in a fresh wind as his ten foot thorny whip appeared.