Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why can't we be friends? ❯ the game ends ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The fight began as the captured prizes sat around the reflecting pool,
“Oh how can anyone be so dense?” Botan wailed out pulling on a violet silk pillow that was nearby. “Ocypete should have realized it was the girdle's doing by now!”
“Maybe she is that dense” Keiko implied with a look of innocence.
“Nymph how much longer until I win!” Aphrodite demanded with a snap of her slender fingers. The shy little nymph pulled out a small hourglass replying,
“One hour and fourty minutes my goddess.”
“You're not going to win!” Botan shouted pointing a finger at the love mistress, “our boys have pulled off some amazing miracles and today is no exception!”
“You keep thinking that or has that unnatural hair finally rooted into your meager brain?” The goddess mocked with a tiny smirk. Cherion placed a comforting hand on Botan's shoulder to keep her from beating Aphrodite right then and there.
“Miracles can happen Botan” the centaur whispered into the grim reaper's ear easing her down to the floor. He pointed over to the reflecting pool where the temperamental harpy was soaring through the air at top speed towards the temple. A grin graced Botan's lips as she beamed her hope shining past Aphrodite's lowbrow insults.
Ocypete flapped her wings autumn shaded feathers wafting down to the forest floor as the wind swept past her.
“I don't have time to baby-sit those royal fools,” she muttered irritated beyond any point of recognition “I'll just give that bloody goddess her wretched girdle and have those mortals owe me one…better than having them kissing me every passing moment…” she ranted but was interrupted by a familiar rough voice.
“Ocypete!” Hiei called from the top of one of the tallest trees in the wooded area; he used his demonic speed to get ahead of everyone else. The harpy sighed diving down to his level, knowing she would regret it later.
“Hiei get away from her!” Yusuke bellowed from the ground, his form three times smaller due to the suspended height.
“She is my woman!” Hiei called back angered at the raven-haired teen, the `woman' gave Hiei a blank yet annoyed stare. He was about to unleash his dragon upon the deranged detective when a vine wrapped around his right arm tugging it behind him along with his left. “Fox!” He screamed as the vines pulled Hiei into the canopy of foliage, leaving the object of their desires completely bewildered.
The fresh pure aroma of flowers batted her arched nose as the bouquet of ruby red roses was shoved right into her face by a tree branch.
“I used my own spirit energy to make them equal to your beauty” Kurama informed out of breath, apparently he had just climbed the treetops as Hiei was being pulled under them. Ocypete pushed the gift out of her way but gasped seeing Kurama in a very strange state between his demon hood and humanity. His emerald eyes were now rich amber as sliver strands of hair graced his rose red but the most noticeable feature was the two furry white fox ears that twitched on the top of his head.
She opened her mouth to make a comment when the flustered kitsune stammered,
“I, I didn't meant to mock your exquisiteness Ocypete…” she stopped him before he could start by slashing the bouquet to ribbons; Kurama looked down disappointment evident in his face. “I'm sorry,”
“Stop, before I have to hit you out of pity” the harpy interrupted with a look of annoyance mixed with fruitlessness.
“Shotgun!” A shout was heard from below as Yusuke's various spirit charges were fired right at the two. “Ocypete get out of the way now!” She didn't have time to shift her weight as Kurama manipulated some tree branches to wrap around her waist pulling her to safety as Kurama was struck full force.
“Kurama!” Botan wailed along with Keiko, “please don't die!” Tears ran down her face making droplets as they hit the white marble floor.
“I can't take much more of this!” Keiko shouted burying her face into a violet silk pillow.
“My goddess there appears to be more `raw emotion' in this throne room than outside of it” the servant nymph remarked gazing at the two raving girls on the opposite side of the reflecting pool; Aphrodite nodded too awestruck for words.
Ocypete's mouth twitched as if she was about to scream but she was too shocked to do so. Just before a wave of deadly energy bullets were about to crush her living body when Kurama saved her risking his life to do so. Did Yusuke just kill his teammate and friend in order to get closer to her?
“Ocypete,” Kurama whispered on a branch below her. His shoulders were slumped over as his eyes were drooping with every word he spoke. “I'm glad…your safe.” He breathed closing his eyes falling out of the tree,
“Son of a bitch,” Ocypete cursed tearing out of the branches pitching downwards after Kurama, catching him before he made a fatal crash to the ground. His appearance returned to his human form, the raging hormone driven demon within too exhausted to combat. “None of them are in a condition to fight with each other. Let alone for my sake,” she sighed landing gracefully on a branch lower to the forest floor,
“She's holding Kurama!” Kuwabara yelled almost about to faint, “but my sky angel what about the power of love?” The vein of rage once again reared its ugly face on Ocypete's temples once more.
“This is too much,” she grunted lifting her head up “you all are absolutely pathetic!” Her words struck a blow to each of them like a knife to the chest, especially Hiei who was now free of the entanglement and leaning on a branch. “If you truly with all your heart love me…”
“We do love you!” All three disrupted in unison causing more impatience with the harpy,
“If you do love me…” she began again adjusting Kurama's weight in her feathery arms “then why don't you do something rather than turning each other into chopped meat, that right is reserved for me alone” she added the last part darkly her amber eyes burning holes into each of them “so shut up, listen up, and follow me” she finished throwing Kurama into the air catching him with her feet before he fell due to gravity.
The lady of love's brows furrowed in worry she quietly called her servant over
“Nymph please tell me how much time is left?” she posed little above a whisper,
“One hour and fifteen minutes but do not fret my goddess they still have seven miles to endure along with reaching your floating temple. Ocypete is the only one who can fly and that is the only way to reach you.” The nymph smiled trying to give her master some encouragement.
“Yes but miracles can happen” Aphrodite murmured rubbing her chin in distress as she lounged back into her throne.
Speed, faster, they had to move faster. Quicker than Hermes making an urgent message to Zeus, only seven miles and they had until sunset to cross it. But sadly only Hiei was able to reach the standards that the half bird half human creature expected.
“Dammit those two are trailing,” Ocypete growled panting as Kurama's weight rocked in her talons.
“Hn, those two humans are weak compared to our and your…” Hiei began
“Don't you dare say it appetizer” the harpy sighed, the complements becoming too much to bear. Finally below them Yusuke and Kuwabara came into view, “their low on energy and stamina. The Minotaur was a stress but the battle royal between you four was just plain stupidity” she let out another impatient sigh “at this rate all of this sacrifice would be for nothing.”
“I can keep going my baby!” Kuwabara perked up at seeing Ocypete again, his energy giving a peak of life.
“Yea me too!” Yusuke added his stamina perking up a bit; it appears that the power of love does help in some situations.
Minutes went by sooner than the three prizes expected as the group sped across the forest front to reach the temple in time. The hour before hand seemed like a slight pebble in the road, as they were now only fifteen minutes left to get into the temple and hand over the golden girdle to Aphrodite.
“I'm on pins and needles,” Botan, muttered rocking from side to side as she sat on the silk pillows and blankets. “They managed to get past minor difficulties like running low on energy but still getting to a floating island in time is nearly impossible.”
“Yusuke can do it, they all can” Keiko assured placing a hand on her friend's shoulder,
“But still we must allow ourselves to indulge the fact that they might not return on time” Cherion implied making Botan agitated.
“You're the one who said miracles can happen!” she wailed her temper and calm thinning.
“Yes but that's when our victory was realistic, I look to logic not on false hope.” The centaur revealed leaving Botan in more of a mess.
“My goddess you're the champion of this bout” the servant nymph applauded with a wide smile on her face.
Thirteen minutes and time was wearing thin, they finally reached the edge of the forest where it meet sea and nearing a half a mile into the ocean was the love deity's temple. The white starting into a mix of golds, oranges, reds, and violets as the sun was beginning to set.
The group panted trying to catch their breath along with coming up with a solution to their newest problem, how to get across an ocean.
“If only we could fly like you,” Yusuke gestured to Ocypete who was still airborne as Kurama rested in her talons.
“You could carry us!” Kuwabara suggested as he went on a rant about his beloved's awesome strength.
“Shut it!” the `beloved' yelled quieting Kuwabara's mouth, “I'm too worn out to even consider that option.”
“I'll give you some of my energy!” Yusuke offered, “I'll give you enough so that you can get all of us over the ocean and to the temple.”
“Oh yes that would most defiantly work” Ocypete agreed with hints of sarcasm “but only one problem,” Yusuke looked at her awaiting the answer “I DON'T HAVE ANY SPIRIT ENERGY YOU DOLT!” she screamed at the top of her lungs sending Yusuke to the ground.
“But you can give energy to Kurama so he can create a bridge for us to cross” Hiei remarked with a much better plan. Just as he said it Kurama came hurdling at him knocking the fire demon to the ground.
“Well get on it genius” the harpy ordered happy to be relieved of the extra weight. The three spirit induced beings sat around the unconscious fox demon, Kuwabara the first to add some of his energy to Kurama. A warm white glow engulfed the red-haired demon as a thin string of power was strung across from Kuwabara to himself.
“Just give enough, we still need you conscious” Yusuke informed as Kuwabara freed the connection, sweat dripped from his brow as his breathing came shallow and ragged.
“I know that, Urameshi” Kuwabara breathed falling onto his back to rest. Next was Yusuke, his eerie blue glow exchanging to Kurama and the same process repeated with Hiei and his dark purple vigor.
All three laid scattered on the cliff side trying to regain what little energy they could before having to start up running again.
“I thought you said that transferring energy would help but that damn kitsune is still lying on his lazy ass” Ocypete growled at both the fact that the plan failed and that they wasted precious time.
“I didn't mean to be an inconvenience” Kurama spoke his emerald eyes fluttering open; he sat up slowly looking around to the changed scenery.
“You can admire the view later, now we need your assistance” Ocypete requested the words like bitter candy on her tongue. Then Hiei explained the idea of getting across to the temple. “Can you do this?”
“Yes it is possible but it will take a large amount of spirit energy and sadly the quantity given would only be enough to make it halfway” Kurama explained looking across the sea to where the temple resided, “I'm afraid you will have to help with the rest of the journey, dove” he implored to Ocypete.
“Fine but only if you never call me dove again” she agreed somewhat disgusted that she was now getting pet names. The demon turned human stretched out his hands focusing all of his energy outwards to his fingertips, on cue vines sprang out from the treetops and roots from underground. Kurama closed his eyes guiding the foliage to crisscross along with overlapping each other to shape out a structurally sound bridge that could carry all of their weight. Within minutes time the pass was created leaving the Kitsune physically and mentally drained as he dropped to his knees, his shoulders slumping forward.
“Kurama!” Yusuke called rushing over to his aid; he knelt down allowing the youth to rest his body upon his shoulder.
“It will…be able to…carry us,” Kurama breathed struggling to remain conscious just to speak that very sentence.
“Great just rest now, I'm sure you made Ocypete proud” Yusuke smirked as the emerald orbs twinkled its last bit of life before falling into a deep slumber. The detective then hoisted him onto his back returning to catch up with the rest of his team that started on without him.
“Do not fret my goddess there is no possible way that they will be able to reach this very room before sunset!” the servant nymph assured once more.
“I don't need your oath to know that defeating me is a fruitless effort” Aphrodite snuffed her hands folded upon her lap as she edged in watching the reflecting pool.
“You are most right my liege!” The nymph bowed apologetically “I am sorry for very doubting you, my back…”
“Please stop and just keep your eyes on the time servant” the love mistress interrupted waving her hand off at the nymph her eyes still glued to the image on the water's surface.
“Oh Botan do you think they will make it?” Keiko posed unsure of the outcome as she shifted in her seat “I mean practically all of them are barely standing as it is”
“They will make it Keiko” Botan snapped wiping the tears shimmering in her mauve eyes. “Their minds may be clouded by that spell but they will never forget us or forget what they came here for”
“They have less then ten minutes to prove it” Cherion added his old gray eyes leering down at the pool.
“Stop!” Kuwabara cried causing everyone to halt his or her pace at once. Lucky for all of them because they had just reached the end of the bridge,
“Let's get this over with” Ocypete sighed wishing she was anywhere else right about now “Hiei you grab the Kitsune and get onto my back” Yusuke handed Kurama gently over to Hiei as he followed his instructions climbing onto the harpy's back; his face burned red as he wrapped his arms around her neck for security. “Yusuke and Kuwabara each of you use one arm to latch onto my leg,” she informed hovering into the air so they could get a good hold onto her; she immediately grabbed onto their shoulders with her two talons.
“Alright now Yusuke and Kuwabara bend your knees as I bend mine,” Ocypete added on as she leaned downward the two teens following her lead. A cool breeze brushed past Hiei's head but then strangely came back around then back around again; no wait; the wind was spinning around them. The wind continued to pick up as the three crouched down further, “jump!” the Greek creature commanded as all three sets of legs bounded upwards amalgamated.
The current of air acted as a trampoline to torpedo the team into the air faster than by pure strength alone.
“That's a crafty way to use your abilities to their peak” the centaur complemented rubbing his chin in thought as a sly smirk played his lips.
“But where did that wind come from?” Keiko questioned completely puzzled by irrupt weather changes.
“Well all Harpies can control the weather per say” Cherion explained in his scholar tone “but each harpy has their own unique strength that the others do not which when combined make a formable force to be reckoned with.”
“So she made the wind circulate around her?” Keiko revaluated blinking her innocent toffee eyes and receiving a curt nod from the centaur.
“Wait there are more of these things!” Botan shirked assuming that was the only thing she heard out of the explanation.
“Of course” Aphrodite butted in like it was common sense “haven't you ever heard of the Harpy Sisters? Everyone immortal or mortal has heard or seen them once in their life”
“Excuse me but I never knew that you existed until two days ago!” Botan argued clutching her fists together in a fit.
“And I never knew that mortal women could be so mouthy until you appeared in my doorway” the goddess retorted getting an applause from her servant.
“Appeared? You kidnapped me!” Botan fumed a vein bulging on her forehead. Apparently the entire grim reaper's bottled up frustration was being released all at once.
“Yes and now I wish I did not” was the romance deity's reply finished with a furlong sigh.
“Then fine I demand that you let me go!” Botan ordered stomping her foot down on the ground at she stood to her feet.
“Can not. I made a deal with your mortal males and I am not the type to break any deal made no matter what I must suffer through” Aphrodite pouted leaning her head on her right hand as she reclined back into her throne.
“Are you saying that I'm bad company?” Botan remarked appalled now finding something else to work with.
“Well your certainly are not being a gent to get along with right now” Aphrodite sniped now feeling the bite of irritation. “You should be grateful that I don't toss your sorry ass into the dungeon.”
“The only reason I'm bad company to is because you kidnapped me and want to use me as a tool for your stupid affair!” Botan screamed but was silenced by a giant boom thundering the temple.
“My goddess the time has elapsed! The bet is complete!” the servant nymph announced stopping everyone's hearts.
Clouds puffed by their heads as they reached further up into the big blue. The sun was so close that it was almost like you could steal it away that was until reality set in as they raced back down to the earth at an alarming rate of velocity. The wind felt like a knife to your bare skin as it batted into their faces the ground becoming closer with every passing second. In fear for their lives eyes closed no wanting to see the ground close up and personal as they made the final impact. But it never came, with an elegant outstretch of her gingery wings they avoided hitting the earth, just merely sailing right over it.
Then came the doors. Boom! They hit with a collision that was unsuspected tumbling over the white marble tile floor and rolling right to Aphrodite's feet.
“My goddess the time has elapsed! The bet is complete!” the servant nymph announced but instead of a satisfied grin the love goddess wore a face of complete shock and horror.
“What fate is this?” The servant gasped at a near faint.
“They won!” Both Keiko and Botan cheered hugging each other happily tears now flowing down each other's faces.
“By Zeus they actually defied a god not once but twice” Cherion chuckled amazed himself at the rebellious demeanor of the four mortals.