Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why so hard? ❯ everything ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Just A Lost Cause
By: Angela Meronu

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

One stormy day a girl named Serenity. Was running toher new school dripping wet. At first she was not happy about moving then things got better.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What!?!" screamed Serenity.
"Yes Serenity we are moving" said Serenity's mother.
"Look on the bright at least you get to start over fresh. This will be fun trust me. Plus we are moving to Tokyo! I am sure that there will be other demons there. Anyway we are moving in with your birth father and sister." Explained her mother.
"What...... I have a sister! We're moving to Tokyo! Okay we can go." said an excited Serenity.
Her mother smiled. "I suppose I can get you to pack, so we can leave later on tonight. Oh, I almost forgot you have school in the morning"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end flash back~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Serenity smiled at the flash back. Her sister was a year older than her, so she could drive. So of course yet again Serenity had to walk to school. Acouple of guys walked up to her and started harrassing her, one of the guys pinned her to a wall.
"hey little girl want to have some fun?" the guy asked.
"No not really" she replied trying to think of a way out of the situation. the only thing she could think of at the moment was to scream. so she screamed as loud as she could.

Kurama and Hiei heard the screamingand started running towards it. That is when they felt three demonic auras and one was of a forbidden. They started runnig faster when they realized that the screaming had stopped and two of the three auras had left the area.

When they made it to where the auras once were. They found a forbidden child that just so happened to be female and the girl was bleeding to death. Hiei picked the girl up and Kurama had given him a wierd look. Soon they found themselves running towards Genkai's.

When they got to Genkai's, Genkai looked at the boys and then at the girl. She frowned "Don't just stand there bring her in!"
"Hn." replied Hiei.
Genkai started running up the stairs and the boys fallowed with Serenity in Hiei's arms.

Yukina greated them at the door with a smile. Then her smile turned into a frown when her eyes layed upon Serenity and her condition. Yukina ushered them inside.

"Put the girl in the guest room we need to heal her and quik. Kurama can you make something to make her heal faster. I believe this is the girl that Koenma was looking for." said Genkai. "Oh and guys will you bandage her up for me."
"I believe we can."

When the girl was all situated in the guest room the guys walked in to help heal her.
" What is the matter Hiei?"
" Fox, I am at a loss of what to do. I could help heal her wounds. But what if she wakes up while i am healing her?"
" Well Hiei I think you should do it if that is really what you want to do. Ifyou want to help her them do it."

Hiei sat beside the bed.
" Kurama can I put the substance on her wounds?"

Kurama shook his head yes. Hiei put the substance on her wounds and then he bandanged them up.

Hiei sat there waiting for her to wake. Kurama and Yukina were going into check in on them when they heard a news reporter talking about a shooting. They turned around to listen they heard the news reported say there was a shooting and only one out of a family of four survived and the one that survived had just moved here from Kyoto and the survivor was a teenage girl named Serenity Mikashi and the girl was not home at the time and the shooting looked more like revenge than anything. Kurama and Yukina gasped when they saw Serenity's picture. It was the girl that was currently healing in the guest room.

"So she was the new girl that was coming to my school." said Kurama.
Yukina smiled at the couple that were in the room, Hiei was holding Serenity's hand and they both are asleep.
"I wonder why he overcame his shyness just for her? Why is he so kind to her when he hardly knows her? He wasn't like that with anyone. Why did he start now?" Asked Yukina.
" Well maybe she is like him in a way. plus she is a forbidden too. I bet he realised a female forbidden must find it even harder to live because she thought that no one was like her and that she would never find the right person that would take her in as thiers." Replied Kurama.
"Well I guess you are right Kurama."
Yukina smiled, when she realised that the girl heard everything that they were saying and is now smiling at Hiei.

Serenity looked at the hand that was holding hers and then looked at the person and kissed his forehead. That is when Hiei woke, he smiled at her.
'Why do I trust this girl? What is this feeling i feel' Hiei thought.
Serenity heard the quiet thought.
'I think I trust him too...I wonder why...well maybe if i get to know him...'
"Oh my god is your name Serenity?"
Serenity nodded.
"Well you need to see this." said Yukina sadly, she was kind of hoping that it was not her.
Serenity made a move to get up but Hiei stopped herand picked her up. They all walked into the main room of the temple. Hiei sat her down on the couch and gave her hand a squeeze he then made his leave.

When Serenity heard what the reporter had to say she started crying. When Hiei heard her crying he grabbed ahold of her and just held her and asked her "What is the reason that you cry? please stop crying. It...It hurts me."


Well thats it for the Chapter i hoped you liked it.... well review please i would like to get feed back.....thanks bye