Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Why so hard? ❯ the dream tells all ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Well here is another chapter. Hope you like it....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hiei was the first to wake up and he tried to get out of bed when he realised he was atached to something. He looked down to see Serenity with her arms wrapped around his waist. He just smiled.

Serenity woke up and she screamed. she had had a terrible nightmare.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~dream flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Serenity Was running through the forrest trying to get away from something. A demon to be exact. He was getting closer and closer no matter how hard she tried she just could not get away from him.

Serenity ran as fast as she could and she made it to a house. She soon realized it was her house. Well the house that she had just moved into. The green demon wizzed right passed her and went straight into the house. Serenity sighed in relief. She then realized her family was in there. Serenity heard screams no not regular screams but blood curtling screams coming from inside the house then all of the sudden everything stops and she hears the door unlock and the back door open. She rushes through the front door only to find bloody handprints on the door and walls. She soon found the bodies of her family members.

She screams.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Everyone rushes to her room to see Hiei trying to comfort the terrified girl.

Serenity wanted to sing but she could only sing of death....

Mouth out those words,
Sing the song my mother once sang,
Hold me tight....
Let me drop
The crow screeched,
And was said insane
The minutes, the hours, the days,Passed
I waited in silence,
Til he cried out my name,
He said I was next,Next on his list,
Tonight I'd cry,
Tomorow would soon be even more tearful,
So I sat on those steps,
Where my family once stood with me,
Linked by life,
Now I stood alone,
Torn by strife
What was let undone,
Came to pass,
The familiar wind
Blew in its hurtful past
The tune of farewell,
Played its last
Blackened by truth:
I went home
my family gone,
I cried and cried,

I could only hope for the best.

Hiei felt like crying. But thank the gods he knew a way around it. he tried to get her to smile but to no avail. He didnt want to see her cry. so he sang her a song that will be forever etched in her memory.

Do a dance
I'll sing a song
Wait for me
I won't be long
Take your time
Don't let me go
Stay with me
And take it slow
Show me sunshine
Warm and bright
Keep me close
And hold me tight
Watch me fall
So fast asleep
Swim with me
In oceans deep
If you can't
Do all this stuff
Just stay with me
And that's enough

He sang straight from his heart, she smiled at that. It made him happy to just see her smile. He soon realized that he had just started seeing her as more than friends. Way way more than friends he had realized he loved her. Something scared him to the core is what if she does not love him too. What would happen then after all she has been through with them will she just leave them be .....forever. Could she even be capable of being that cruel? She had heard all his questioning thoughts and told him in his head 'I do love you and no I am not capable of being that cruel.' She smiled at him a true and sincere smile. That is when they realized they had eyes watchin thier every move. So she just had to make a rude remark that would let them know that she is back to normal "what the fuck are stairing at get out of my room....let me correct that our room." She looked at Hiei and smiled again. he smiled back and that surprised everyone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

well thanks for reading my fanfiction....i do not no if i should continue or not.....well anyway thanks. please tell me if i should continue or not.....