Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Nights! ❯ Unwanted Attention ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning: Yaoi!! which means boy boy( or in this case boy boy boy) relationships. Don't like it, don't read it, don't review it! simple as that. It also contain language, some graphic scenes, and alot of action okay.

Wild Nights

Chapter 1: Unwanted Attention

The suns light was being forced back to the other side of the world as the nights dark shadows consumed Japan. Shadows grew, friendly alleys that children would use for short cuts to arrive home on time, had become dark and ominus. Mothers had tucked their children in their warm safe beds, spouses went to their rooms to sleep... or other things.

It was at this time, when everyone was sleeping, when stores had closed, when the sun was gone... that night came alive. Light flashed down the now barron road, a screech of tires burning rubber against the concret paved path could be heard within the sleeping children dreams.

That one screech was soon followed by others as more vehicles of all colours raced down the street, attempting to gain on the black vehicle that had first began the incrediable speed down the road.
A red Ferrari Enzo had gained ahead of the others, creeping up slowly, but definatly up on the slick black Maserati Spyder. It's newly installed wheels speeding up causing the powerful machine to attempt to pass the black vehicle.
The driver of the red ferrari looked a head with a smirk, his crooked smile would cause anyone staring at him to flinch and make a hasty escape. His blood shot dark eyes danced with mirth, as he knew that on the next corner he could slip in and take the first racers position.
His smile soon faded though, and turned into an angry growl when he saw a hand pop out from the Maserati spyder's open window, then stick up the middle finger, waving it at him happily.'That fucking bastard. I'll ram your own car up your ass!' Thought the furious driver.
Crushing his foot down on the gas with an incrediable force, the driver of the Red Ferrari Enzo accelerated to a suicidal speed.
"Heh, idiot." Glancing at his review mirror he laughed out loud somehow keeping his lit cigarette still in his mouth. He could practically see the fury waves rolling off the moron in the Red car behind him, after his little joke with his finger waving.
Knowing that the idiot behind him 'was' indeed going to pass him on the next corner, the chocolate eyed man gave off a loud hoot of laughter. Knowing that if he manovired just right, the long stretch before the spray painted finish line was all his.
The turn came and went, with screeching tires, a few curse words, all drivers trying to keep control of their racing cars, and the red ferrari enzo now in the lead. The black Meserati Spyder just inches behind him.
"Take that BITCH!!" Came the cackiling voice of the idiot in the front. Smirking, and narrowing his eyes, the chocolate eyed man brought his powerful machine into full throttal.
Using some exprect moves, the black mechanical beast swerved heavily to the right, and as the red ferrari came to block him, He swerved once again to the left, pulling up right beside the angry driver. Glancing over, both made eye contact, chocolate and cold furious characal black met, and then the head on battle began.
Whenever the red ferrari began to accelerate and take the lead ocne again, it was cut crudly off by the Black Meserati doing the same thing, so both racers stayed even.
Glancing ahead, The furious driver could see the many people standing to the side of the road, and the bright neon orange painted finish and start line. Takeing another glance of the driver beside him, he smiked waved, and pressed the NoS button on his steering wheel.
Tires screeched, Red Ferrari taking the lead, and a smile broke upon the lips of the driver of the black Meserati.
"Time to strut your stuff Yusuke." Yusuke, accelerated to his top speed slowly gaining on the speeding car before him, and his hand came down upon his own NoS button.
At first the driver of the red Ferrari Enzo had no idea what happened. He had seen the finsih line, first place within his grasp, and then the next second the bastard in black came speeding past him and screeched across the finish line. In show if smoke, and flashy sounds.
Not beleiving that he had actually lost, the driver had not payed attention to the road, and went flying over and open man-hole cover causing the mechanical beast to swerve and run head long into another set of cars.
"ANIKI!" Was the yell from the crowd, and a bunch of men in leather jackets ran up to the trashed candy apple red car.
The rest of the crowd though, stayed clear of the other finishing cars, and once everyone had passed the finsh line they swarmed in on the winner of the street race.
"Hey Urameshi my man! I had faith in you the whole time." Said a tall and rather ugly looking orange haired teen, the age of 18.
"Em-hm, yay that's right Kuwabara. That's why you betted against him." Responded a bubbly blue haird girl named Botan. A smile spread across her lucious glossy lips.
"And I Paid for that sin in full. 300$ full." Kuwabara let out a sigh, and helped his raven haired friend from the the wining car. Yusuke had laughed at his friends lack of money, and smacked Kuwabara on the back.
"Idiot! I told you I would win. I tinkered this beast up myself!" Another unwavering grin, and soon a crowd had formed around the three. Ted, the gambler and holder of all bets, broke his way through the crowd and came up to Yusuke.
"Here ya go Buddy! Another race won, and another bundle of money in your pockets." He smacked the rolled up bills into Yusuke open palms, and Yusuke gave him a few hundred dollar bills.
"Thanks Ted. Hook me up when the next race comes around." Smiling once again, and prying himself away from the beautiful women who where grabbing ahold of him, hoping to get some action or some of his newly made money. Yusuke made his way back to his car, when the undying feeling of someone watching him intensly came over him.
Straightening up, his back rigid, chocolate eyes scanned the very loud crowd untill he saw what he was looking for. It was a pair of deep crimson, and sparkling emerald orbs. Staring right at him.
Growling and ready to go over a demand what the fuck those two were doing, Yusuke was cut from that thought when a loud voice broke over the crowd.
"Cops! COPS! They're coming. Break away, everyone get the hell out of here!!!" Glancing back into the fumbling, and now panic riden crowd. Yusuke could not find the people those enchanting eyes had belonged to. Frusturated, Yusuke jumped into his car, and squealed off away from the bustling street area, knowing that Kuwabara would have gotten Botan out of there, so that he didn't have to worry about those two.
Sirens could be heard, and flashing of red lights came into view. Yusuke smirked and raced away from the crime scene, his mind still on the mysterious owners of those eyes.


"That was impressive." A husky voice spoke, his Gravity defying straight black hair a little ruffiled from the hasty retreat they had to make when the cops had decided to arrive and crash the party.A calmer voice spoke, emerald green eyes flashing with absolute joy.

"And not just his driving." Both nodded in agreement, of their approval for the raven haired teen that had beat one of their best racers in that intense street race.

"He doesn't belong to anyone, he just races. Won alot of them too." Crimson eyes turned his blazing gaze to the red head with the calm emerald gaze. A knowing thought crossed between the two.

"He'll belong to us soon enough."

At this, both males jumped onto their black motercycles, and drove off to where more pressing matters where awaiting them.


Yusuke rubbed his brow, stopping his sweat from leaking into his eyes, as all of his attention was focused on the engine before him. It was around one in the afternoon, and the summers heat was taking its toll on the teen. He ignored the jingle of bells from the show room and shop, knowing that his boss would be out there to help any customers.

Voices could be heard, and then the sharp sound of his boss calling out his name snapped Yusuke out of his Engine, and greasy paradise.

"Urameshi! Get your ass out here! There's a customer that needs your advice." Sighing, He pushed himself away from the beauty called McLaren Mercedes SLR. He could only dream of such a car.

In an attempt to rub some grease off his face, Yusuke only succeeded in smudging it even more as he walked out in to the store area of the Business building.

"Yeah, yeah old geezer. I'm coming." Standing before him was a large man with shaded sunglasses. He wore a green trench coat, and beige long legged pants. Even though he couldn't see the mans eyes, Yusuke knew they were pericing into his soul.

"What can I do for ya?" The teen was expecting the deep rumble come from the overly muscled man.

"I need your expertise on an engine of mine. It's a---" The man went on about his car, and so forth. But Yusuke was only giving him half of his attention. The Tinkle of bells could be heard once again, and Chocolate orbs sneaked a glance at the customers entering the shop.

Deep emerald eyes gazed at him for a second, soon followed by a blazing crimson. The teen could feel his breath catching in his chest, and he watched as the two turned their backs to him and browsed the shop.

"--and so it is imerpative that I have YOU work personally on this specific car." Looking back at muscle man once again, Yusuke let out a defeated sigh.

"I'm a little backed up at the moment," taking in the sharp gaze his boss gave him, Yusuke continued with haste. " but I can take a look for you if you want me to. I know you said you also wanted some specific motification's done to it, but we'll have to talk about that once I see the condisiton she's in." Ready to move on to the next topic, Yusuke was cut off by a a smile gracing the lips of muscle man.

Then a large bang could be sounded, blowing out all the windows at the front of the shop.

Yusuke was thrown back against the counter he was standing infront of, and then toppled right over it falling painfully on his arm. Glass shards scattered everywhere, and few had now embedded themselves into his arm.

"Hiei, Kurama. What a pleasent surprise to find that the leaders of the Dragons Flame gang to be here." It was the same deep rumbling that came from the customer from before. Yusuke scowled, and then stilled when he heard a husky voice not far from his postion.

"Fuck it Toguro! We know you were planning on coming here, in an attempt to finally get a hold of us." The rumbling came again, this time in a form of a laugh.

"Ahhh, yes indeed, I should of remembered that you also have brains and not just beauty." Yusuke let out a pained gasp when he was hauled up onto the counter by the back of his white t-shirt.

"I, along with Sensui, know that you are after this boy." Toguro had now twisted Yusuke arms in an unaturaly postion, in an attempt to make the teen yell in pain. No succes. He only got an angry, and furious verbal pounding.

"Fuck! Let me the hell go you over grown Muscled freak!" Yusuke moved, but stopped as soon as the pain registered in his mind.

A click could be heard behind the larger man, and Toguro stood still, a scowl replacing the smile on his lips. He slowly tuned his head to look down the barreal of a gun held by a rather angry looking crimson eyed guy.

"Let him go." Another click coud be heard, and on the other side of the store a red head was holding a gun. Aimed right at Toguro's chest.

"Fuck it!" The older man flung Yusuke to the wall, glass embedding deep within his back. A resounding crack could be heard when the teen smashed his head against the floor.

Before Yusuke lost conciousness, he heard two shots ring out, scrambling feet, some grunts. A pair of green and crimson eyes staring down at him, then soft warm, and protective arms wrapped around him. Holding him up against a warm, and solid chest.

Yusuke may not have noticed then, but that was when he got caught up in the dangerous life of the dragons flame gang, and their two desirable leaders. Hiei, and Kurama.


A/N: SOOOOOOO what did you all think???? It may have started a little funny, but i've got everything planned out!! (SMILES) I've been rolling this idea in my head forever, until tonight when i sat down and just began writing.

I can hear all the groans right now. Asking why the hell i started ANOTHER story when i have others to finish? It's because i haven't seen any gang related fics involving my fav threesome.Yusukexhieixkurama

Hope you all liked it and i'm excited to hear your feed back. Questions, comments and suggestions are totally accepted!!! ^__^... no flames please and thank-you!