Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Nights! ❯ Unexprected Twist ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wild Nights!

Chapter 2: An Unexpected Twist

Waking up to pain, is a tell-tale sign that the rest of your day is going to suck ass. So when Yusuke Urameshi opened his chocolate eyes to a bright light, and pain zapping through practically every part of his body, all he was able to do was groan. Wondering how the hell he even got in this state, he took a look around his surroundings.

His chocolate eyes widened at the disaster zone he was gazing upon, his recent mind laps came back full force. He remembered that big muscled man, an explosion which had blown out the stores front windows. He remembered voices, falling over, glass in his arm. (in which he now hissed out a breath as he leaned on the painful arm) Then someone picking him up....

"Now who the hell was that?"

"Who the hell was who?" Came the sharp voice of his boss. Turning over to glance at his surperior, More questions came bubbling into his mind.

"The two guys that saved our sorry asses?" Was his sharp retort, earning him a sharp slap upside the head. Growling at his boss, Yusuke was ready to hurl some insults when his boss spoke once again.

"The two bastards that pretty much started everything. I sent their asses on the way. Don't get involved with those kind of people Yusuke." He paused and looked deep in the teens chocolate orbs, his own dark once narrowing for effect. He then dug in his pocket and held out a note for his employee. "Serisouly Yusuke, getting involved with them is just begging for trouble. Think of that before you read this."

Glareing at his boss, Yusuke snatched the note from his bosses hand and slid off the counter that he was lying on. Hissing his displeasure as some of the many bandages that were wrapped around him, rubbed up against his wounds. Ignoreing his light headedness, Yusuke opened the folded paper and read.


We hope your injuries are not severe, for we were ushered out of the store rather quickly and didn't get a chance to see if you were okay.

Yusuke snorted and glanced up at his boss, shook his head and continued reading.

We wanted to speak to you today, but the time for that came and went. We request that you come tonight to the opening of a new club downtown called Mysterious.. We saw your exceptional racing skills the other night, and would like to meet you in person.

Another snort from Yusuke, and he smirked. 'Who hasn't seen the great Urameshi in action?' Was his sarcastic thought before continueing.

There is no need to wait in the line, walk up to the bouncer and he will let you in immediatly. We will be awaiting your arival around 11:30 tonight.

Kurama, and Hiei

Crumpling up the note and stuffing it into his now very battered jean pockets, Yusuke ran a hand through is dishevelled raven hair. Right after his boss warns him to stay away from these guys, do they go and invite him in for tea. Letting out a heavy sigh, the teen moves to the back of the shop so his boss can handle the police that he had just noticed were stumbling around the broken glass.

Moving swiftly he walked through the back door to the garage, only to bump into someone. Gasping at the pain that had just erupted from his right side, Yusuke was ready to punch the guys lights out.

"OH, how clumsy of me. Are you alright?" Chills ran down Yusuke's spine, and he didn't make eye contact. Something didn't feel right about this guy. Instead he looked just above the cops head, and answered the mans question.

"Fine. I'm fine." Walking away from the man with long greenish blue hair, and cold chilling eyes, Yusuke made his way to where he had left his shirt earlier that day. Something about that man was familar.

Those cold eyes followed the wounded teen all the way to where he began to pick up his shirt, until a smirk spread across his lips and he left swiftly. He walked past all the other officers not giving them a second look, and made his way to the alley two stores over.

Taking off his police hat, he pulled out a walkie talkie and flipped a switch brining it to life a bunch of static in its wake.

"Target reveived the note. We should be prepared for anything tonight." More static filled the air, until the perosn on the otherside of the conversation spoke the affirmative.

"Yes. Come back in, we need to prepare." Static filled the air once more and the man walked away, whistling to himself.


It was later that night that Yusuke's world was going to be turned upside down. That his morals, and his beleifs would be doing a 180 on him. Of course all nights and events such as these MUST begin with the sound that no one wants to hear.

beep beep beep beep beep beep beep be-SMASH

Yusuke grumble and glanced over at his clock from the many layers of blankets that were pilled over him. Grumbling as he saw that it was already 10:30 at night, Yusuke pulled himself up and out of his protective cocoon and stumbled his way to the bathroom to take a much needed shower.

After his boss had practically thrown him out of the shop, saying that he'll handle the cops, and giving him another warning not to get caught up in Gang problems. Yusuke had limped to his Day car, which happened to be a very well maintaned Silver BMW convertable.

Driving home was easy, it was dragging his throbbing ass up the stairs in his aprtment that was the difficult part. Once arriving at the top floor, he rumaged through the pockets of his now very frayed and damaged jeans, his efforts were rewarded when the teen pulled out a bronze key.

"Well, Well, Well Yusuke. I see you're finally home." Yusuke leaned his dark mop of hair against the door, as he began to put the key in the door with a little more force then neccesary.

"Hello Mrs.Kemar. How's your day going?"

"Well my boy, my day is going good. But I beleive your day is going to the crapper." Mrs.Kemar with her pink bath robe, and fluffy pink slippers began to walk over to where Yusuke was mentally forcing his door to open. "I saw what happened to the shop down there. Bloody had it coming. I told you not to be working down there, all the gangs get their parts for their street racing at that shop."

Finally getting the door open, Yusuke stepped in quickly. Uttering something that showed hid fake shock, he closed the door before Mrs.Kemar could make the final move and invite herself into his home.

"Old bat." Was all he said before throwing himself onto the bed in his room. Which bring us up to Yusuke rushing around, grabbing clothes from a pile on a chair in his very messy room.

Pulling a pair of black jeans over his well toned legs, and slender hips. Seeing a white muscle shirt that looked reasonibly clean, Yusuke shoved that over his head and grabbed a sweater from near by. Finally ready, Yusuke glanced at the time and his mouth dropped open. 'It's eleven already!'

Grabbing the keys to the BMW, Yusuke almost made it out the door before his phone began to ring. Looking at the door and then at the phone, Yusuke swore and ran over at the third ring.

"Shit!" Yanking the phone off the receiver Yusuke greeted the person a little short of breath from his sprint. "What?!"

"Is that anyway to greet your father Yusuke?" Chocolate eyes narrowed at the sharp tone of his father's voice. All the anger that he had been holding in since the explosion at the shop, Yusuke decided to let it loose.

"Hello Father-Bastard. How are you?" A cold laugh could be heard on the other end, and a scowl replaced the cruel smirk he had on before.

"At least I got a Father in that one. Last time I remember you just called me bastard." Frowning even more, Yusuke glanced at the clock willing his father to shut the hell up and get on with his life.

"I do so apologize for the little incident at the shop. It was not my intention to cause it any harm, or you either--" Cutting off his Father, Yusuke spat back at him in a venomous tone.

"Cut the crap Sensui. What the fuck do you want? I've got stuff I need to do."

Sensui Shinobi was the ruthless leader of the Snakes venom gang, and Father to Yusuke Urameshi. Of course no one knew of such a thing, and those who ever found out never lived to see another day. Yusuke hated his bastard of a father, and just to piss the older man off, kept his mothers maiden name, Urameshi.

The two never saw eye to eye, and Yusuke had no idea why the older man continued to keep in contact with him, and insist on giving him a weekly allowance. Sensui had wanted him to join his gang and become his heir. Yusuke had refused, but his father continued to bug him about it.

"Language my dear boy, language." Sensui scolded in a father like tone, angering Yusuke even more. "I Know you are going to the opening of a club down town, and I also know it is to meet the competitors." Sensui always refered to his opponents in the gang world as his 'competitors', it was probably the business man in him that caused him to do so.

"Uh-huh. Well now that we've got that figured out--"

"You will be doing a job for me. You will get and information on the two leades Hiei and Kurama of the Drangons flame gang. It is very important that you understand what I am telling you to do." Yusuke sighed, and smiled his most genuine smile.

"Of course father, I understand. My response to your request is Fuck You!" Cutting off any arguement his father had, the raven haired teen hung up the phone with a satisfactory grunt and practically skipped down to his car.

His father was going to be pissed.


Hanging up the phone after his son had pulled that smart ass trick, Sensui beckond his most loyal of gang members into the room.

"Yes Sensui?" Came the very familar rumbling, from a very familar overly muscled man.

"Toguro, My son is going to need some persuasion. When he arrives back at his apartment tonight I would like you to bring him to me, with as little force as neccesary. I do not wish him to be harmed." Toguro gave a grunt, bowed and then made his exit readying himself for detaining the Urameshi kid.

Sensui gave a sigh and looked over at a picture on his desk. A women with light brown hair smiled out at him, her chocolate eyes reminding him so much of Yusukes. She was giving the viewer a thumbs up, as waves crashed behind her on a beach.

"Atsuko, I miss you." Another sigh escaped from him, and Sensui turned back to the paper work on his desk. Their was a picture of a red haird man with green eyes, and another photo of a short man with dark hair and crimson like eyes. Scowling, he crumpled the pictures up and threw them in the garbage.

No one escaped the wrath of Sensui Shinobi, and his next tragets were going to be hit with all it's force. His son needed to learn his place, and so Sensui was going to be the one to teach him. Pressing a button on his phone, the older man spoke to his secretary.

"Get me Itsuki."


Yusuke made his way up to the bouncer, passing all the other people that had been waiting in line for the past hour. Their was a bounce in his step only dissin' his father could bring. Finally arriving at the big man, with a bad attitude only a bouncer could have. Yusuke smirked and spoke to him.

"Urameshi Yusuke." The bouncer looked him over from head to toe and gave him a sharp nod. Groans and complaints could be heard from the line of waiting people, Yusuke flipped them the finger and entered the club.

Mysterious was a happening place, you could tell from first glance. The dance floor was crowded with people rubbing themselves up against their partners or anyone they were near. The bar was packed, and the bartenders rushed around easily fufilling every order. Music blared from a DJ's room, and lights flashed in all kinds of colors over the club.

Yusuke let out a small whistle, and wondered how the hell he was supposed to find this Hiei and Kurama.

Unbeknowest to our raven haired hottie, the bouncer had taken care of that.


"Kurama, Hiei?" A girl with Purple spiked hair broke through a bunch of guys in leather. She made her way to the table in the Vip room, walkie takie in hand, and waving it around like it was on fire.The red head, Kurama, chuckled slightly and gave her his undivided attention.

"Yes, what is it Tomo?" Said person Tomo, sucked in a deep breath. Not only from racing around the club, but for the gorgeousness that the leaders of Dragons flame gang posessed.

Kurama was wearing tight black leather pants, and a white silk button down shirt. His green eyes popped out like jems, and he gave the ladies a teasing glance at his pale, but well muscled chest. He had a certain elegance that followed him where ever he went.

The other leader, Hiei, posessed an air of authority around him. He wore Black leather pants as well, and also doned a black muscle shirt that clung to his well fitted chest, and revelead his toned arms. He was a mystery, and it had all the females flocking to him. His crimson eyes were as dark as rubbies, and you didn't want to be on the receiving end of one of his glares.

"Sorry Kurama- Hiei-, That, guy..." Another deep breath, and Tomo straighted herself up. "I just got a call from the bouncer that Yusuke Urameshi has arrived." Both emerald and ruby eyes looked out of the large window that looked over the enire club.

"Where?" Hiei asked in his normal cold and emotionless voice.

"John said that he was walking over toward the bar." Both pairs of eyes shot over towards the bar, and soon enough they spotted a familar gelled back mop of raven hair. He seemed to be talking to another guy with orange hair.

Then suddenly, chocolate eyes looked up and made contact with the Kurama and Hiei's. That one look Yusuke gave them held defiance, independance, strength, and a sort of cockiness that seemed to follow the teen where ever he went.

The gaze was broken when the orange haired guy caught Yusukes attention once again, causing him to laugh.

"Thank-you Tomo. Hiei?" With a nod both leaders made their exit, and headed to their new destination. Yusuke Urameshi.


"What were ya lookin' at Urameshi?" Said Yusuke's long time friend Kuwabara. Yusuke gave a shrug, and laughed.

"Nothing, It was nothing. So why are you here Kuwabara?" Kuwabara gave a nervous laugh.

"Well you see, there's this girl." Yusuke laughed and elbowed his friend in the side.

"I should of known, you sly devil you! Who is she? Is she here?" Kuwbara blushed and began spluttering at the mouth, going on about how she was beautiful, and that she was so kind and careing. That was until someone placed a hand on Yusuke's shoulder, spinning him around.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Urameshi Yusuke." Standing before the teen was the two people he had been stareing at not to long ago. Yusuke put on his most charming grin, and shook the hands of who he beleived to be the leaders of the Dragons flame gang.

"Which is Hiei and which is Kurama?" The red head chuckled, when the shorter one just gave a grunt that sounded alot like 'Hn'. It was the red head that spoke.

"I'm Kurama, and the grump chibi-san over there is Hiei." Kurama was rewarded with a sharp slap upside his head, which tussled his long fiery locks. Kurama only chuckled further.

"See, I told you he was grumpy." Yusuke let out a bark of laughter when the raven haired leader just glared at his red headed friend. What Yusuke was expecting from the two leaders, it was certainly not two men that were poking fun at the other. They seemed, relaxed, and layed back, he liked that.

"So what is that I can do for you two?" Emerald and ruby flashed the same emotion, but Yusuke couldn't pin point what it was. Hiei was the one who spoke this time, in a chilling voice.

"A Business proposition."

"A Business propsition?" Hiei sighed, and unfolded his arms that he had crossed at his chest.

"Yes. We both witnessed your racing techniques the other night, and we would like to employ you." Yusuke eyes narrowed in thought, his bosses warnings finally starting to click in at the moment.

"We would pay you well Yusuke, and you would become a member of the dragons flame gang." Kurama looked dead in the teen racers dark orbs, as if peering into the mans soul. Yusuke shifted from foot to foot, showing his nervousness. It was then that Kuwabara had spoken up, and looked at his long time friend.

"Yusuke, what's going on dude?" Yusuke didn't answer him, but the carrot top was rewarded with a glare from Hiei. For a moment Yusuke thought he saw a familar green haired man, but when he looked again it had disappeared into the sea of dancing people.

"I race for myself, and for fun. Not for anyone else." Was his response. It was probably best to cut all ties with any gangs, Dragons flame and his fathers.

"Yusuke we request this because we saw your undeniable talent. You're a quick thinker, and have a great reaction time. Just think, we are giving you the opportunity to be employed and treated well." Kurama moved in closer, and for some reason Yusuke found his breath caught in his throat and heat flush his cheeks. "Other gangs may not be as tollerant. You'll be scouted by other gangs, and if you refuse them they'll force you into a deal you wont be able to refuse."

Kurama leaned in closer, his breath now ghosting over Yusuke right ear as he whispered. "A deal on your life maybe?" Yusuke's chocolate orbs widened, and Kurama pulled back to gaze at his reaction.

Swearing under his breath, Yusuke narrowed his eyes and was about to speak when a loud voice broke away from the crowd and silence insued.

"Hello Drangons flame gang. We are happy for your new club to be opened, and the Snakes Venom wanted to give you a little gift." All eyes were turned to the Green haired man that was standing ontop of a table at the moment.

"Now listen carefully." The man spoke faster now seeing as gang members were reaching for their guns. "Your gift has been hotwired to the building and you all have 5 minutes to escape it's deadly blast. Guess what, It's a bomb!" Shooting into the crowd of people, everyone began rushing around, girls screaming, guns now shooting at the empty spot in which the green haired man was.

Yusuke looked back at Kurama and Hiei, who were now yelling orders into walkie talkies. Yusuke gritted his teeth and spotted the man that everyone was looking for.

'I thought I recognized you Itsuki.' Ready to jump the bastard, Yusuke let out a loud 'meep' when he felt himself grabbed from behind and held against a firm chest.

"Yusuke we need to get the fuck outta here, follow us." Yusuke looked back at Kuwabara, who was no longer in his sights. He looked back to find Itsuki smiling at him, until the bastard dissapeared in the ocean of panicing people.

"Fuck! Where's Kuwabara?" Yusuke pulled against the hands that held a tight grip on him. "Kuwabara, KUWABARA!!" Struggling even more now, Yusuke gritted his teeth when he felt a sharp pain conect with the back of his head.

"Sorry Yusuke. But we need to get out." The worried voice of Kurama was the last thing he heard as the screams of people overwhelmed the raven haired teen, and he slipped into unconciousness.

Hiei hauled the slack form of their hopefully new racer into his arms, and raced out with Kurama trailing right behind him.

Once they broke free from the raging crowd, Kurama jumped into the drivers seat of a black BMW, Hiei had thrown himself and Yusuke into the back seat.

"Get a move on it Kurama." Kurama smirked and raced down the street.

"You got it Koi."


A/N: PHEW!! Now that was a trip and a half! My fingers hurt now. Sorry for the late update, but A Fiery Passion had me busy (or still has me busy seeing that the chapter isn't done yet).

....Am i updateing the right fic, cause i have never seen so many reviews for one chapter EVER!! the most i usually get is, maybe if i'm lucky 8 or 10 reviews for one of my chapters! I love you all so much!!

All flames will be used to roast weenies on the fire.